If Dr. Melgen plays "Let's Make a Deal" with the IRS he just might bring Menendez dow


Nov 13, 2012
By Derrick Hollenbec
2/11/13 k

Bob Menendez is a Democrat and therefore usually has immunity from prosecution or even penalties for crimes that would put the average person in hot water and a Republican in prison for life without parole.

Nevertheless, New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez could (operative word COULD) end up having to resign “to spend more time with his family” as Democrats who have been caught red handed often do.

Menendez is the embodiment of what makes New Jersey the most corrupt state in America. He was taught the ways of corruption by the Hudson County crime machine. He learned the “pay for play”, contribution shakedown for promotions rackets as he worked his way up the ladder from soldier to captain to Capo. Follow his financial disclosure forms over the years, trace the “meteoric” rise of the civil servants who donated...

USDOJ: CRM: Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section


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If Dr. Melgen plays ?Let?s Make a Deal? with the IRS he just might bring Menendez down « Coach is Right

May I also add that Menendez is the embodiment of what is wrong with the Progressive Socialist Democratic Party.
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Uncle Ferd wishes dem reporters would leave Granny outta it...
Long-time escort confirms Senator Bob Menendez paid her for sex
2/24/2013 : A professional escort who travels the East Coast seeing clients in cities from Miami to Boston has identified a photo of Senator Bob Menendez as a man who paid her for sex. The woman, in her late 30s, told The Daily Caller prior to seeing Menendez’s photo that she had been paid to provide sexual favors to several U.S. senators, including a New Jersey Democrat and other politicians who are no longer living.
The escort, who earns money having sex with men in upscale hotel rooms, said during an in-person interview that many of her wealthy and powerful customers use pseudonyms when arranging for her services, and when meeting her in person. TheDC showed the woman a photo of Menendez, however, and she identified him as a former client. Most of the client base for elite escorts in Washington is among lobbyists, politicians and other attorneys, she said. About 90 percent are involved with government. “They’re all attorneys, lobbyists of some sort. They are all — within reason — are lobbyists or attorneys or senators.”

Menendez, she said, is “quite a hobbyist. He sees a lot of girls and doesn’t seem to have the skills to have a relationship.” “Hobbyists,” she explained, are men who “‘hobby’ in seeing many girls, as many as they can,” referring to escorts who offer companionship and sexual favors in exchange for what they euphemistically call financial “donations.” The woman granted multiple interviews to The Daily Caller after reading TheDC’s reporting on the fast-evolving Menendez saga. TheDC did not pay for her story, and is withholding her identity, referring to her only as “Beth” — which is not her real name. She has serviced “tons of customers that are politicians,” she said, adding that when she is in Washington, D.C., “the majority of my customers are lobbyists.”

Tricia Enright, a spokeswoman for Sen. Menendez, responded to a phone message Friday with a one-line email saying she was “curious what you’re writing.” But she did not respond to a request for a statement about whether Menendez has ever paid women for sex, either in the Dominican Republic or in the United States. TheDC offered on Friday to share the contents of this article with Enright on Sunday afternoon, provided that she would send a response from the senator on Sunday evening. She did not respond to that offer.

But Beth told TheDC that Menendez has been well-known among high-priced call girls since at least 2008. Referring to allegations that Menendez had sex with prostitutes in the Dominican Republic who were as young as 16, she said it was “uncomfortable to think that a hobbyist would take that road that he took, knowing he could have all the sex he wants” with women over the age of 18. “You know, it’s uncomfortable to think that one of our guys, that’s a hobbying guy, would lower himself to the level of what he did,” Beth said. “I really hurt that kids go through this stuff,” she wrote in an email.

Read more: Long-time escort confirms Senator Bob Menendez paid her for sex | The Daily Caller

See also:

Bedeviled Menendez confronts accusations with words of Martin Luther King
February 25, 2013 — Sen. Robert Menendez, bedeviled in recent weeks by questions over his conduct, told hundreds gathered for a Black History Month celebration today that he found strength in the words of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
"Dr. King said that ‘the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice,’" Menendez said, prompting calls of "alright" from some in the audience at the Shiloh Baptist Church in Trenton. "In the end, I believe that justice will overcome the forces of darkness. Scriptures — scriptures tell us that he who ‘puts his hand to the plough and looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.’ "I have my hand on the plough," he said, "and I am going to continue to look forward and to work to make that plough lead us to the fulfillment of educational, economic and health care opportunity in this country."

After slipping away from Washington for a week to meet with the leaders of Afghanistan and Pakistan, Menendez returned to New Jersey to find himself down sharply in the polls. But he did not hide from his troubles. Rather, the New Jersey Democrat addressed the accusations of impropriety as he lashed out: "Now we face anonymous, faceless, nameless individuals from right-wing sources seeking to destroy a lifetime of work. And their scares are false. I have worked too hard and too long in the vineyards to allow, at my hands, for the harvest to be soured."

Menendez, who was re-elected to a second full term in November, took over the prestigious position of chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. But almost simultaneously, he found himself accused of using his influence to further the business interests of Salomon Melgen, an eye doctor in West Palm Beach, Fla., who has contributed generously to his campaigns and who took the senator to an exclusive golf resort in the Dominican Republic.

In January, Menendez quietly reimbursed Melgen $58,500 after a New Jersey Republican asked the Senate ethics committee to look into the senator’s travels. But questions have continued to swirl over their relationship and the senator’s intervention on behalf of Melgen in a disputed Dominican port security contract worth up to $500 million.


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