If Ebola is so contagious why

Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?

I wonder why they dress in those suits. Has it been 21 days? You are a fucking moron.

You aren't making any sense here. Are the family wearing the suits? How come it didn't take 21 days for the two nurses to show symptoms?

Pred, you cannot make presumptions about this disease. It is that dangerous. It is continuously mutating, and this CDC (behind this political hack president) has made claims, most of which have been proven wrong.

I am shocked at you that you take on this disposition. I am really disappointed about the fact you are being thanked and patted on your back by the board morons.

Consider that. You really think all of those other countries are stupid? You really do not think erring on the side of caution is prudent with this?

Do you realize the danger of that? Do you know how a contagion works?

You cannot see that this American hating sack of socialist shit is playing politics and playing Russian roulette with the citizens?

Like I said pred, I am shocked at you. Again, consider who is agreeing with you. The board socialists.

The only thing the Obama has said that has been wrong us that stopping flights will make it worse. That is outrageously stupid and typical Obama. I don't know of anything else that he said that was wrong. Perhaps you can suggest something else.

I am making no assumptions. I am stating facts.

Well, tbh, I'm surprised that the board morons agree with me.

What other countries? You mean the ones that have banned travel? I agree with them. You seem to be under the impression that I'm against travel bans. This is not so. No where did I mention them. That isn't even the topic of this thread.

I would say the topic of this thread being about how contagious it is, and discussing the travel bans is pretty directly related.

Also, the fact that an ignorant moron like Jilian or Esmeralda would agree with you or thank you ought to give you pause.

Sit back, and think about that, just for five minutes....

Please, just think about that for a moment.

I repeat, travel bans are absolutely necessary and to not do so is stupid in the extreme.

As far as those people agreeing, well even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?

I wonder why they dress in those suits. Has it been 21 days? You are a fucking moron.

You aren't making any sense here. Are the family wearing the suits? How come it didn't take 21 days for the two nurses to show symptoms?

Pred, you cannot make presumptions about this disease. It is that dangerous. It is continuously mutating, and this CDC (behind this political hack president) has made claims, most of which have been proven wrong.

I am shocked at you that you take on this disposition. I am really disappointed about the fact you are being thanked and patted on your back by the board morons.

Consider that. You really think all of those other countries are stupid? You really do not think erring on the side of caution is prudent with this?

Do you realize the danger of that? Do you know how a contagion works?

You cannot see that this American hating sack of socialist shit is playing politics and playing Russian roulette with the citizens?

Like I said pred, I am shocked at you. Again, consider who is agreeing with you. The board socialists.

predator is dishonest...she denies what epidemiologists and virologists whose career is studying and treating ebola have said and cautions they have given about the disease...they are all wrong because she is in the "healthcare industry" and therefore knows WAY more about ebola than them.
Her agenda is propping up and defending obama.

As I have already proven to you, you are full of shit. Your study has been shown to be flawed, and no one in the field gives it any credence.
You apparently have no clue what it means when a virus MUTATES.

The death rates have raised from 50% to over 75%. That indicates mutation.

Our safety has been compromised and I am guessing you think the 37 countries that have banned travel to and from there are just morons. I am guessing the health ministers from England and France are just morons.

Of course they are. We are the smart ones.

We have an iron wall of thermometers protecting us, and little questionnaires.

Oh, I should also remind you, this guy that came in from Liberia with the disease, LIED on ths little questionnaire. Also, since this disease has never been here before, there is no way to know how bad it will be, Anything that is being presumed by you is a PRESUMPTION. Nothing more, nothing less.

You cannot just make those types of risks with deadly infectious diseases, especially non vector diseases.

Why am I even attempting to have a sane conversation with a liberal? Why?
You are hysterical.

You are not worth a bag of shit. On ignore you ignorant moron.

You did not even attempt to address anything I said. You just simply call all of those countries and health ministers along with this Doctor with her credentials hysterical.

The fucking disease stays dormant for 21 days, and I am still trying to figure out what good thermometers do to protect us, given that it stays dormant for 21 days.

A fucking bad joke, is what this is.

I should also point out that virtually everything this CDC puppet has said along with Obama about this has been totally wrong. From the unlikelihood of it getting here, to our hospitals are equipped to handle it. How can all of the hospitals be equipped for something that has never been here.

You go ahead and keep trusting the government that has been wrong, and has lied to us about everything. You go ahead with your pathetic little smirks like the arrogant liberal bitch you are.

You have no debate skills. You are nothing but pure ignorance and puppet for the democrats pushing their fucking socialist agenda, even at the expense of our safety.

Fuck you, you miserable, double talking, hypocritical, giggling hyena.

The disease CAN BE dormant for 21 days but it rarely is. How come the nurses who have it showed symptoms in only 3 days?

The CDC has made some mistakes for sure but not in everything. I notice that you accept the CDC's opinion that it stays dormant for 21 days.

Despite what you have heard, our hospitals ARE equipped to handle it. The reason we are equipped to handle a disease that never was here before is because it's a virus, and we are equipped to handle viruses.

Very few people are more conservative than I am and I do not trust the government at all. However, I am in medicine myself and have been for 32 years. I have protected my self from all manner of diseases. Many of them more virulent and contagious than Ebola. I know when I'm being bull shitted about medical things and when I'm not. 90% of the bull shit is coming from places other than the CDC.

There are only FOUR hospitals in this country that are adequately equipped. Even if this disease is moderately contagious (and it is more than that) we need to enact travel BANS from that region.

You are really just dismissing the notion that it could be airborne regardless of what the head of the World Health Organization has said?

You are really going to dismiss the fact that the CDC (the puppet of this president and you know the president is a committed socialist) has been UTTERLY WRONG about most of his claims?

You do not think erring on the side of caution is imperative here?

Do you realize how many infectious diseases that have been eradicated here, are here again as a result of the massive number of kids flooding across the border in organized busloads all for political expediency?

You are in the medical field, do you know that this "mystery virus" (the left wing media keeps calling it a mystery and you do not need to wonder why) Enterovirus D68 has long been matched to the Honduras flu and this disease coincides with the mass influx of busloads of unaccompanied children?

To say nothing of a potential outbreak here of Ebola which is mutating according to all of the health experts that are over there.

You shock me here.

Every single hospital in this country is equipped to handle Ebola if a patient enters it's hospital with it. Only 4 are capable of handling Ebola patients and treating them long term. There is a difference. If I was working the ER, which I do rotate through, and a patient came in who was known to have the Ebola virus, I could take care of him, get him ready for transport to one of those 4 hospitals, and NOT worry about contracting the disease. I do stuff like that every single day.

I'm not dismissing the notion that it COULD BE AIRBORNE at all. I'm jystmpountkng out that there are no indications that it is airborne at this time. In fact all evidence shows that it is not.

The CDC has been wrong about only one thing that I know of, what are the things you think they have wrong?

What does the border have to do with our conversation?

You claim that "experts" all over the world are disagreeing with the CDC, could you provide any links?

Pred I showed the link with the interview with Doctor Jane Orient.

Here is a simple question Pred. If ALL hospitals are really equipped, then why transfer these patients to one of these FOUR hospitals.

What is the reason for that?

Read this
America s 4 Ebola Hospitals Can Only Hold 9 Patients

Ebola airborne A nightmare that could happen - CNN.com

^^^Read that

I cannot tell what your point is. You say you want travel bans? Ok.
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?

I wonder why they dress in those suits. Has it been 21 days? You are a fucking moron.

You aren't making any sense here. Are the family wearing the suits? How come it didn't take 21 days for the two nurses to show symptoms?

Pred, you cannot make presumptions about this disease. It is that dangerous. It is continuously mutating, and this CDC (behind this political hack president) has made claims, most of which have been proven wrong.

I am shocked at you that you take on this disposition. I am really disappointed about the fact you are being thanked and patted on your back by the board morons.

Consider that. You really think all of those other countries are stupid? You really do not think erring on the side of caution is prudent with this?

Do you realize the danger of that? Do you know how a contagion works?

You cannot see that this American hating sack of socialist shit is playing politics and playing Russian roulette with the citizens?

Like I said pred, I am shocked at you. Again, consider who is agreeing with you. The board socialists.

predator is dishonest...she denies what epidemiologists and virologists whose career is studying and treating ebola have said and cautions they have given about the disease...they are all wrong because she is in the "healthcare industry" and therefore knows WAY more about ebola than them.
Her agenda is propping up and defending obama.

That is not what pred usually does though and that has me shocked. I cannot believe we are saying we should only act IF it gets loose here.

I just, cannot believe it.

No one has ever answered me when I have asked about the thermometers what they are suppose to do. I mean really.

What is the protocol if one of these people do detect a disease? What then? Quarantine the entire airport?

I tried to have an honest, adult discussion with her yesterday for about 4 or 5 pages...

I asked legitimate, honest questions and posted links to studies and research by...like I said...epidemiologists and virologists whose whole career has been ebola.

Unfortunately there were findings that she didn't like because at the time she was posting pompous lies about her superior knowledge of ebola..because she is in "healthcare", ya know :rolleyes:

....so she pretended to not understand..you know the drill..run the opponent in endless circles explaining and defining every term until you wear them out...

Soon I realized what her game was...and it wasn't honest discussion.
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?

I wonder why they dress in those suits. Has it been 21 days? You are a fucking moron.

You aren't making any sense here. Are the family wearing the suits? How come it didn't take 21 days for the two nurses to show symptoms?

Pred, you cannot make presumptions about this disease. It is that dangerous. It is continuously mutating, and this CDC (behind this political hack president) has made claims, most of which have been proven wrong.

I am shocked at you that you take on this disposition. I am really disappointed about the fact you are being thanked and patted on your back by the board morons.

Consider that. You really think all of those other countries are stupid? You really do not think erring on the side of caution is prudent with this?

Do you realize the danger of that? Do you know how a contagion works?

You cannot see that this American hating sack of socialist shit is playing politics and playing Russian roulette with the citizens?

Like I said pred, I am shocked at you. Again, consider who is agreeing with you. The board socialists.

predator is dishonest...she denies what epidemiologists and virologists whose career is studying and treating ebola have said and cautions they have given about the disease...they are all wrong because she is in the "healthcare industry" and therefore knows WAY more about ebola than them.
Her agenda is propping up and defending obama.

That is not what pred usually does though and that has me shocked. I cannot believe we are saying we should only act IF it gets loose here.

I just, cannot believe it.

No one has ever answered me when I have asked about the thermometers what they are suppose to do. I mean really.

What is the protocol if one of these people do detect a disease? What then? Quarantine the entire airport?

No one is saying that we should only act if it gets loose here.

The thermometers are supposed to detect a fever, nothing more.

What do you mean detect a disease? Do you mean that the thermometers detect a fever?
See what I mean?
She wants to run you in circles explaining and defining every term...weak
I wonder why they dress in those suits. Has it been 21 days? You are a fucking moron.

You aren't making any sense here. Are the family wearing the suits? How come it didn't take 21 days for the two nurses to show symptoms?

Pred, you cannot make presumptions about this disease. It is that dangerous. It is continuously mutating, and this CDC (behind this political hack president) has made claims, most of which have been proven wrong.

I am shocked at you that you take on this disposition. I am really disappointed about the fact you are being thanked and patted on your back by the board morons.

Consider that. You really think all of those other countries are stupid? You really do not think erring on the side of caution is prudent with this?

Do you realize the danger of that? Do you know how a contagion works?

You cannot see that this American hating sack of socialist shit is playing politics and playing Russian roulette with the citizens?

Like I said pred, I am shocked at you. Again, consider who is agreeing with you. The board socialists.

predator is dishonest...she denies what epidemiologists and virologists whose career is studying and treating ebola have said and cautions they have given about the disease...they are all wrong because she is in the "healthcare industry" and therefore knows WAY more about ebola than them.
Her agenda is propping up and defending obama.

That is not what pred usually does though and that has me shocked. I cannot believe we are saying we should only act IF it gets loose here.

I just, cannot believe it.

No one has ever answered me when I have asked about the thermometers what they are suppose to do. I mean really.

What is the protocol if one of these people do detect a disease? What then? Quarantine the entire airport?

No one is saying that we should only act if it gets loose here.

The thermometers are supposed to detect a fever, nothing more.

What do you mean detect a disease? Do you mean that the thermometers detect a fever?
I am trying to figure out why if ALL hospitals are equipped, then what is the purpose of transferring the patients?

I am done with this debate.

Ebola is here, and it will continue to flood into the country. There are IV shortages, and unlike what we are told, ALL hospitals are not adequately equipped, hence the reason the patients are transferred to hospitals that are. If they all are equipped, then naturally there would be no necessity for a transfer.

All of which are transferred in specially made vehicles with people covered with special suits from head to toe, and then those suits are taken off with strict protocol procedures.

I mean that is because this Ebola is really not as contagious as some of us are saying it might be.

Woooo weeee.
You are hysterical.

You are not worth a bag of shit. On ignore you ignorant moron.

You did not even attempt to address anything I said. You just simply call all of those countries and health ministers along with this Doctor with her credentials hysterical.

The fucking disease stays dormant for 21 days, and I am still trying to figure out what good thermometers do to protect us, given that it stays dormant for 21 days.

A fucking bad joke, is what this is.

I should also point out that virtually everything this CDC puppet has said along with Obama about this has been totally wrong. From the unlikelihood of it getting here, to our hospitals are equipped to handle it. How can all of the hospitals be equipped for something that has never been here.

You go ahead and keep trusting the government that has been wrong, and has lied to us about everything. You go ahead with your pathetic little smirks like the arrogant liberal bitch you are.

You have no debate skills. You are nothing but pure ignorance and puppet for the democrats pushing their fucking socialist agenda, even at the expense of our safety.

Fuck you, you miserable, double talking, hypocritical, giggling hyena.

The disease CAN BE dormant for 21 days but it rarely is. How come the nurses who have it showed symptoms in only 3 days?

The CDC has made some mistakes for sure but not in everything. I notice that you accept the CDC's opinion that it stays dormant for 21 days.

Despite what you have heard, our hospitals ARE equipped to handle it. The reason we are equipped to handle a disease that never was here before is because it's a virus, and we are equipped to handle viruses.

Very few people are more conservative than I am and I do not trust the government at all. However, I am in medicine myself and have been for 32 years. I have protected my self from all manner of diseases. Many of them more virulent and contagious than Ebola. I know when I'm being bull shitted about medical things and when I'm not. 90% of the bull shit is coming from places other than the CDC.

There are only FOUR hospitals in this country that are adequately equipped. Even if this disease is moderately contagious (and it is more than that) we need to enact travel BANS from that region.

You are really just dismissing the notion that it could be airborne regardless of what the head of the World Health Organization has said?

You are really going to dismiss the fact that the CDC (the puppet of this president and you know the president is a committed socialist) has been UTTERLY WRONG about most of his claims?

You do not think erring on the side of caution is imperative here?

Do you realize how many infectious diseases that have been eradicated here, are here again as a result of the massive number of kids flooding across the border in organized busloads all for political expediency?

You are in the medical field, do you know that this "mystery virus" (the left wing media keeps calling it a mystery and you do not need to wonder why) Enterovirus D68 has long been matched to the Honduras flu and this disease coincides with the mass influx of busloads of unaccompanied children?

To say nothing of a potential outbreak here of Ebola which is mutating according to all of the health experts that are over there.

You shock me here.

Every single hospital in this country is equipped to handle Ebola if a patient enters it's hospital with it. Only 4 are capable of handling Ebola patients and treating them long term. There is a difference. If I was working the ER, which I do rotate through, and a patient came in who was known to have the Ebola virus, I could take care of him, get him ready for transport to one of those 4 hospitals, and NOT worry about contracting the disease. I do stuff like that every single day.

I'm not dismissing the notion that it COULD BE AIRBORNE at all. I'm jystmpountkng out that there are no indications that it is airborne at this time. In fact all evidence shows that it is not.

The CDC has been wrong about only one thing that I know of, what are the things you think they have wrong?

What does the border have to do with our conversation?

You claim that "experts" all over the world are disagreeing with the CDC, could you provide any links?

Pred I showed the link with the interview with Doctor Jane Orient.

Here is a simple question Pred. If ALL hospitals are really equipped, then why transfer these patients to one of these FOUR hospitals.

What is the reason for that?

Read this
America s 4 Ebola Hospitals Can Only Hold 9 Patients

Ebola airborne A nightmare that could happen - CNN.com

^^^Read that

I cannot tell what your point is. You say you want travel bans? Ok.

I think that when you read my posts, instead of listening, you immediately try to think up a counter argument. You keep missing what I'm saying. I'm not the enemy, I'm trying to talk you off the ledge.

I explained why we take them to the other hospitals but let me try to be more clear:

There are two meanings to the word "equipped". All hospitals are equipped to handle an infected patient at least on a temporary basis. Ebola is not the only virus in the world. Those hospitals are the four that are equipped to hold and treat patients like that long term. There are long term and short term types. ALL hospitals are equipped for short term. This goes back to your original argument that no hospitals but the four can handle an Ebola patient that comes in sick, that is wrong.
I wonder why they dress in those suits. Has it been 21 days? You are a fucking moron.

You aren't making any sense here. Are the family wearing the suits? How come it didn't take 21 days for the two nurses to show symptoms?

Pred, you cannot make presumptions about this disease. It is that dangerous. It is continuously mutating, and this CDC (behind this political hack president) has made claims, most of which have been proven wrong.

I am shocked at you that you take on this disposition. I am really disappointed about the fact you are being thanked and patted on your back by the board morons.

Consider that. You really think all of those other countries are stupid? You really do not think erring on the side of caution is prudent with this?

Do you realize the danger of that? Do you know how a contagion works?

You cannot see that this American hating sack of socialist shit is playing politics and playing Russian roulette with the citizens?

Like I said pred, I am shocked at you. Again, consider who is agreeing with you. The board socialists.

predator is dishonest...she denies what epidemiologists and virologists whose career is studying and treating ebola have said and cautions they have given about the disease...they are all wrong because she is in the "healthcare industry" and therefore knows WAY more about ebola than them.
Her agenda is propping up and defending obama.

That is not what pred usually does though and that has me shocked. I cannot believe we are saying we should only act IF it gets loose here.

I just, cannot believe it.

No one has ever answered me when I have asked about the thermometers what they are suppose to do. I mean really.

What is the protocol if one of these people do detect a disease? What then? Quarantine the entire airport?

I tried to have an honest, adult discussion with her yesterday for about 4 or 5 pages...

I asked legitimate, honest questions and posted links to studies and research by...like I said...epidemiologists and virologists whose whole career has been ebola.

Unfortunately there were findings that she didn't like because at the time she was posting pompous lies about her superior knowledge of ebola..because she is in "healthcare", ya know :rolleyes:

....so she pretended to not understand..you know the drill..run the opponent in endless circles explaining and defining every term until you wear them out...

Soon I realized what her game was...and it wasn't honest discussion.

Except that you are a liar. I quit talking to you because your got abusive and lied. You are lying now. I tried to help you, stay ignorant if you want to.
You aren't making any sense here. Are the family wearing the suits? How come it didn't take 21 days for the two nurses to show symptoms?

Pred, you cannot make presumptions about this disease. It is that dangerous. It is continuously mutating, and this CDC (behind this political hack president) has made claims, most of which have been proven wrong.

I am shocked at you that you take on this disposition. I am really disappointed about the fact you are being thanked and patted on your back by the board morons.

Consider that. You really think all of those other countries are stupid? You really do not think erring on the side of caution is prudent with this?

Do you realize the danger of that? Do you know how a contagion works?

You cannot see that this American hating sack of socialist shit is playing politics and playing Russian roulette with the citizens?

Like I said pred, I am shocked at you. Again, consider who is agreeing with you. The board socialists.

predator is dishonest...she denies what epidemiologists and virologists whose career is studying and treating ebola have said and cautions they have given about the disease...they are all wrong because she is in the "healthcare industry" and therefore knows WAY more about ebola than them.
Her agenda is propping up and defending obama.

That is not what pred usually does though and that has me shocked. I cannot believe we are saying we should only act IF it gets loose here.

I just, cannot believe it.

No one has ever answered me when I have asked about the thermometers what they are suppose to do. I mean really.

What is the protocol if one of these people do detect a disease? What then? Quarantine the entire airport?

No one is saying that we should only act if it gets loose here.

The thermometers are supposed to detect a fever, nothing more.

What do you mean detect a disease? Do you mean that the thermometers detect a fever?

I am trying to figure out why if ALL hospitals are equipped, then what is the purpose of transferring the patients?

I am done with this debate.

Ebola is here, and it will continue to flood into the country. There are IV shortages, and unlike what we are told, ALL hospitals are not adequately equipped, hence the reason the patients are transferred to hospitals that are. If they all are equipped, then naturally there would be no necessity for a transfer.

All of which are transferred in specially made vehicles with people covered with special suits from head to toe, and then those suits are taken off with strict protocol procedures.

I mean that is because this Ebola is really not as contagious as some of us are saying it might be.

Woooo weeee.

..yet she admitted that she wouldn't ride in a car/plane/bus with someone who has it and she wouldn't invite them into her house.

...but for the rest of us, it's all ok..there is no problem...
You are not worth a bag of shit. On ignore you ignorant moron.

You did not even attempt to address anything I said. You just simply call all of those countries and health ministers along with this Doctor with her credentials hysterical.

The fucking disease stays dormant for 21 days, and I am still trying to figure out what good thermometers do to protect us, given that it stays dormant for 21 days.

A fucking bad joke, is what this is.

I should also point out that virtually everything this CDC puppet has said along with Obama about this has been totally wrong. From the unlikelihood of it getting here, to our hospitals are equipped to handle it. How can all of the hospitals be equipped for something that has never been here.

You go ahead and keep trusting the government that has been wrong, and has lied to us about everything. You go ahead with your pathetic little smirks like the arrogant liberal bitch you are.

You have no debate skills. You are nothing but pure ignorance and puppet for the democrats pushing their fucking socialist agenda, even at the expense of our safety.

Fuck you, you miserable, double talking, hypocritical, giggling hyena.

The disease CAN BE dormant for 21 days but it rarely is. How come the nurses who have it showed symptoms in only 3 days?

The CDC has made some mistakes for sure but not in everything. I notice that you accept the CDC's opinion that it stays dormant for 21 days.

Despite what you have heard, our hospitals ARE equipped to handle it. The reason we are equipped to handle a disease that never was here before is because it's a virus, and we are equipped to handle viruses.

Very few people are more conservative than I am and I do not trust the government at all. However, I am in medicine myself and have been for 32 years. I have protected my self from all manner of diseases. Many of them more virulent and contagious than Ebola. I know when I'm being bull shitted about medical things and when I'm not. 90% of the bull shit is coming from places other than the CDC.

There are only FOUR hospitals in this country that are adequately equipped. Even if this disease is moderately contagious (and it is more than that) we need to enact travel BANS from that region.

You are really just dismissing the notion that it could be airborne regardless of what the head of the World Health Organization has said?

You are really going to dismiss the fact that the CDC (the puppet of this president and you know the president is a committed socialist) has been UTTERLY WRONG about most of his claims?

You do not think erring on the side of caution is imperative here?

Do you realize how many infectious diseases that have been eradicated here, are here again as a result of the massive number of kids flooding across the border in organized busloads all for political expediency?

You are in the medical field, do you know that this "mystery virus" (the left wing media keeps calling it a mystery and you do not need to wonder why) Enterovirus D68 has long been matched to the Honduras flu and this disease coincides with the mass influx of busloads of unaccompanied children?

To say nothing of a potential outbreak here of Ebola which is mutating according to all of the health experts that are over there.

You shock me here.

Every single hospital in this country is equipped to handle Ebola if a patient enters it's hospital with it. Only 4 are capable of handling Ebola patients and treating them long term. There is a difference. If I was working the ER, which I do rotate through, and a patient came in who was known to have the Ebola virus, I could take care of him, get him ready for transport to one of those 4 hospitals, and NOT worry about contracting the disease. I do stuff like that every single day.

I'm not dismissing the notion that it COULD BE AIRBORNE at all. I'm jystmpountkng out that there are no indications that it is airborne at this time. In fact all evidence shows that it is not.

The CDC has been wrong about only one thing that I know of, what are the things you think they have wrong?

What does the border have to do with our conversation?

You claim that "experts" all over the world are disagreeing with the CDC, could you provide any links?

Pred I showed the link with the interview with Doctor Jane Orient.

Here is a simple question Pred. If ALL hospitals are really equipped, then why transfer these patients to one of these FOUR hospitals.

What is the reason for that?

Read this
America s 4 Ebola Hospitals Can Only Hold 9 Patients

Ebola airborne A nightmare that could happen - CNN.com

^^^Read that

I cannot tell what your point is. You say you want travel bans? Ok.

I think that when you read my posts, instead of listening, you immediately try to think up a counter argument. You keep missing what I'm saying. I'm not the enemy, I'm trying to talk you off the ledge.

I explained why we take them to the other hospitals but let me try to be more clear:

There are two meanings to the word "equipped". All hospitals are equipped to handle an infected patient at least on a temporary basis. Ebola is not the only virus in the world. Those hospitals are the four that are equipped to hold and treat patients like that long term. There are long term and short term types. ALL hospitals are equipped for short term. This goes back to your original argument that no hospitals but the four can handle an Ebola patient that comes in sick, that is wrong.

Pred, you are now saying the hospitals are only equipped for temporary. That does us no good Pred. So what if they are equipped for temporary?

The point is there are ONLY FOUR hospitals with a GRAND TOTAL OF ELEVEN BEDS that are equipped for long term care.

Do you know what that means IF there is an outbreak?

Stop it Pred. Erring on the side of caution is called for and our president is failing us, due to the fact he is trying to destroy the country he hates for a socialist/Marxist government.

We cannot afford to be reactionary with this disease given what we DO NOT KNOW and what WE DO KNOW.

None of your arguments really address the danger if there is an outbreak.
I am trying to figure out why if ALL hospitals are equipped, then what is the purpose of transferring the patients?

I am done with this debate.

Ebola is here, and it will continue to flood into the country. There are IV shortages, and unlike what we are told, ALL hospitals are not adequately equipped, hence the reason the patients are transferred to hospitals that are. If they all are equipped, then naturally there would be no necessity for a transfer.

All of which are transferred in specially made vehicles with people covered with special suits from head to toe, and then those suits are taken off with strict protocol procedures.

I mean that is because this Ebola is really not as contagious as some of us are saying it might be.

Woooo weeee.

You are trying to figure it out, but instead of listening to the answer, you're quitting? It seems as if you have made up your mind and don't want to hear anything that disagrees. You are kind if like a liberal that way.
You aren't making any sense here. Are the family wearing the suits? How come it didn't take 21 days for the two nurses to show symptoms?

Pred, you cannot make presumptions about this disease. It is that dangerous. It is continuously mutating, and this CDC (behind this political hack president) has made claims, most of which have been proven wrong.

I am shocked at you that you take on this disposition. I am really disappointed about the fact you are being thanked and patted on your back by the board morons.

Consider that. You really think all of those other countries are stupid? You really do not think erring on the side of caution is prudent with this?

Do you realize the danger of that? Do you know how a contagion works?

You cannot see that this American hating sack of socialist shit is playing politics and playing Russian roulette with the citizens?

Like I said pred, I am shocked at you. Again, consider who is agreeing with you. The board socialists.

predator is dishonest...she denies what epidemiologists and virologists whose career is studying and treating ebola have said and cautions they have given about the disease...they are all wrong because she is in the "healthcare industry" and therefore knows WAY more about ebola than them.
Her agenda is propping up and defending obama.

That is not what pred usually does though and that has me shocked. I cannot believe we are saying we should only act IF it gets loose here.

I just, cannot believe it.

No one has ever answered me when I have asked about the thermometers what they are suppose to do. I mean really.

What is the protocol if one of these people do detect a disease? What then? Quarantine the entire airport?

I tried to have an honest, adult discussion with her yesterday for about 4 or 5 pages...

I asked legitimate, honest questions and posted links to studies and research by...like I said...epidemiologists and virologists whose whole career has been ebola.

Unfortunately there were findings that she didn't like because at the time she was posting pompous lies about her superior knowledge of ebola..because she is in "healthcare", ya know :rolleyes:

....so she pretended to not understand..you know the drill..run the opponent in endless circles explaining and defining every term until you wear them out...

Soon I realized what her game was...and it wasn't honest discussion.

Except that you are a liar. I quit talking to you because your got abusive and lied. You are lying now. I tried to help you, stay ignorant if you want to.
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?

I wonder why they dress in those suits. Has it been 21 days? You are a fucking moron.

If Ebola is so contagious why
Have so few people in Dallas come down with it?

Sneezed Germs Travel HOW Far - weather.com

Sneezes emit a disgusting gas cloud full of germs that linger in the air and spread throughout a much greater area than previously realized, according to a study from MIT.

If you ignored the presence of the gas cloud, your first guess would be that larger drops go farther than the smaller ones, and travel at most a couple of meters,” said John Bush, a professor of applied mathematics at MIT, in a press release. “We have shown that there’s a circulation within the cloud — the smaller drops can be swept around and re-suspended … Basically, small drops can be carried a great distance by this gas cloud while the larger drops fall out.”

MIT sneeze study New research shows sneezes can travel up to 200 feet.
Researchers found that some of the smallest droplets — as small as 10 millionths of a meter in diameter — can travel 200 times farther than previously estimated.

Dude, cover your mouth! Based on new research from MIT, we know now that when you sneeze, it can travel as far as 200 feet–all thanks to a previously undetected gas bubble known as a "multiphase turbulent buoyant bubble." Gross.

Gross Coughs and sneezes form traveling disease clouds - CBS News

Your cough or sneeze infected with a cold or flu travels much farther than scientists previously thought -- potentially spreading disease-causing pathogens in a wide spray.

A new study from MIT scientists warns coughs and sneezes breed gas clouds that travel between five and 200 times beyond the individual droplets that were thought to fall in groups.

"When you cough or sneeze, you see the droplets, or feel them if someone sneezes on you," explained John Bush, a professor of applied mathematics at MIT, in statement. "But you don't see the cloud, the invisible gas phase."
i wonder now if these stupid liberidiots understand now how far a cough or sneeze can travel, spread and linger in and enclosed area/room ?

we need a cure for stupidliberism, it seems contagious in some of the low information folks..., this thread proves that point. :up:
It's really quite simple. Ebola is only contagious after symptoms show up, and even then it's not as contagious until the disease is well under way. That is why only the nurses who took care of the patient on his deathbed got sick and those who lives with him at home did not.

It makes sense if you step back and examine the facts.
He was sick enough that he was vomiting and had to be transported by ambulance.

And yet his family and the EMTs who transported him don't have it. The facts fit what we know about the virus and it's transmission.
Hoe so? Are you claiming his family wasn't exposed to vomit, feces, etc? I find that far fetched.

You misunderstand me. I'm saying that the reason his family wasn't infected is because in the early stages of the disease, Ebola is not that contagious. Just as the CDC says. The facts fit that.
He had full blown Ebola for a couple of days at home.
The disease CAN BE dormant for 21 days but it rarely is. How come the nurses who have it showed symptoms in only 3 days?

The CDC has made some mistakes for sure but not in everything. I notice that you accept the CDC's opinion that it stays dormant for 21 days.

Despite what you have heard, our hospitals ARE equipped to handle it. The reason we are equipped to handle a disease that never was here before is because it's a virus, and we are equipped to handle viruses.

Very few people are more conservative than I am and I do not trust the government at all. However, I am in medicine myself and have been for 32 years. I have protected my self from all manner of diseases. Many of them more virulent and contagious than Ebola. I know when I'm being bull shitted about medical things and when I'm not. 90% of the bull shit is coming from places other than the CDC.

There are only FOUR hospitals in this country that are adequately equipped. Even if this disease is moderately contagious (and it is more than that) we need to enact travel BANS from that region.

You are really just dismissing the notion that it could be airborne regardless of what the head of the World Health Organization has said?

You are really going to dismiss the fact that the CDC (the puppet of this president and you know the president is a committed socialist) has been UTTERLY WRONG about most of his claims?

You do not think erring on the side of caution is imperative here?

Do you realize how many infectious diseases that have been eradicated here, are here again as a result of the massive number of kids flooding across the border in organized busloads all for political expediency?

You are in the medical field, do you know that this "mystery virus" (the left wing media keeps calling it a mystery and you do not need to wonder why) Enterovirus D68 has long been matched to the Honduras flu and this disease coincides with the mass influx of busloads of unaccompanied children?

To say nothing of a potential outbreak here of Ebola which is mutating according to all of the health experts that are over there.

You shock me here.

Every single hospital in this country is equipped to handle Ebola if a patient enters it's hospital with it. Only 4 are capable of handling Ebola patients and treating them long term. There is a difference. If I was working the ER, which I do rotate through, and a patient came in who was known to have the Ebola virus, I could take care of him, get him ready for transport to one of those 4 hospitals, and NOT worry about contracting the disease. I do stuff like that every single day.

I'm not dismissing the notion that it COULD BE AIRBORNE at all. I'm jystmpountkng out that there are no indications that it is airborne at this time. In fact all evidence shows that it is not.

The CDC has been wrong about only one thing that I know of, what are the things you think they have wrong?

What does the border have to do with our conversation?

You claim that "experts" all over the world are disagreeing with the CDC, could you provide any links?

Pred I showed the link with the interview with Doctor Jane Orient.

Here is a simple question Pred. If ALL hospitals are really equipped, then why transfer these patients to one of these FOUR hospitals.

What is the reason for that?

Read this
America s 4 Ebola Hospitals Can Only Hold 9 Patients

Ebola airborne A nightmare that could happen - CNN.com

^^^Read that

I cannot tell what your point is. You say you want travel bans? Ok.

I think that when you read my posts, instead of listening, you immediately try to think up a counter argument. You keep missing what I'm saying. I'm not the enemy, I'm trying to talk you off the ledge.

I explained why we take them to the other hospitals but let me try to be more clear:

There are two meanings to the word "equipped". All hospitals are equipped to handle an infected patient at least on a temporary basis. Ebola is not the only virus in the world. Those hospitals are the four that are equipped to hold and treat patients like that long term. There are long term and short term types. ALL hospitals are equipped for short term. This goes back to your original argument that no hospitals but the four can handle an Ebola patient that comes in sick, that is wrong.

Pred, you are now saying the hospitals are only equipped for temporary. That does us no good Pred. So what if they are equipped for temporary?

The point is there are ONLY FOUR hospitals with a GRAND TOTAL OF ELEVEN BEDS that are equipped for long term care.

Do you know what that means IF there is an outbreak?

Stop it Pred. Erring on the side of caution is called for and our president is failing us, due to the fact he is trying to destroy the country he hates for a socialist/Marxist government.

We cannot afford to be reactionary with this disease given what we DO NOT KNOW and what WE DO KNOW.

None of your arguments really address the danger if there is an outbreak.

You never asked about what would happen if there was a major outbreak. You are moving the goalposts. But ok, I'll address that. If there is a major outbreak, patients will have to be treated at the local hospitals. FEMA or some other government agency will have to provide their isolation tents, the very same ones that are being used in Africa right now. It will damage this nation's healthcare system severely, it will also hurt or destroy some hospitals. That is IF there us a major outbreak,

Happy now?
I am trying to figure out why if ALL hospitals are equipped, then what is the purpose of transferring the patients?

I am done with this debate.

Ebola is here, and it will continue to flood into the country. There are IV shortages, and unlike what we are told, ALL hospitals are not adequately equipped, hence the reason the patients are transferred to hospitals that are. If they all are equipped, then naturally there would be no necessity for a transfer.

All of which are transferred in specially made vehicles with people covered with special suits from head to toe, and then those suits are taken off with strict protocol procedures.

I mean that is because this Ebola is really not as contagious as some of us are saying it might be.

Woooo weeee.
The transferred the nurses to save them from bad medical practices in Dallas.

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