If Elizabeth Warren is the best Democrats can come up with then...

...Democrats are in big trouble.

I see no reason at all why I, or anyone I know, would vote for Elizabeth Warren.
We get it...you have a problem with stand up women.

Right, Warren stood up this week and admitted she lied about being a native American. :auiqs.jpg:
She did not...because she never claimed to be 100% Native....but her family tradition was that she had some NA blood....and her DNA proved that out. You just have a problem with stand up women. Admit it.
I too like the fact that she has plans and talks details. I just don’t agree with all her plans and don’t think she has the personality to be POTUS. She’s a bit too wired and neurotic for my taste. More power to her though

I see, and what qualifications does she bring to the table? Hillary had plans and her plans were stupid.
Great argument... “her plans were stupid.” Haha, Ok.

Liz has fine qualifications, she knows the law and has been a legislator for almost 10 years. Again, I don’t think she’s cut out for prez so I’m not a supporter. I’m not the best person to ask to defend her

LMAO its an Obama flashback. Okay list Warren's successful accomplishments in the job, not her job title. 10 years she must have a long list of presidential qualifying actual accomplishments right. Let me guess, you just shit yourself. :auiqs.jpg:
what are Trump's qualifications to be president?


Do Dems have a candidate who's a multi billionaire with his own jet, helicopters, and golf courses? Come here snowflake :itsok:
So....that's your criteria, eh?
I see, and what qualifications does she bring to the table? Hillary had plans and her plans were stupid.
Great argument... “her plans were stupid.” Haha, Ok.

Liz has fine qualifications, she knows the law and has been a legislator for almost 10 years. Again, I don’t think she’s cut out for prez so I’m not a supporter. I’m not the best person to ask to defend her

LMAO its an Obama flashback. Okay list Warren's successful accomplishments in the job, not her job title. 10 years she must have a long list of presidential qualifying actual accomplishments right. Let me guess, you just shit yourself. :auiqs.jpg:
what are Trump's qualifications to be president?


Do Dems have a candidate who's a multi billionaire with his own jet, helicopters, and golf courses? Come here snowflake :itsok:
Seriously? You think owning a jet and helicopter is a Qualification to be President? :laugh2:
They love them some NYC millionaire, don't they?
Democrats are FCUKING TOAST.

She will not get the black or Spanish vote.

Moderate men will stay home that week lol

Ex military will laugh at her

Democrat party is not viable anymore
How do you know that Warren wouldn't get the black or hispanic vote? (Spanish citizens don't vote in our country)
If Sen Warren does unseat President Trump, we are going to have another procrustean populist sitting in the WH. One of the problems I have with our current President, is that he feeds into the country’s division. Warren demonstrated during the debates that she has little interest in compromise whether with the GOP or centrist Democrats.

Of course, no populist is truly for the people, generally speaking. They are for theirpeople. Therefore, no populist can be an effective populist without identifying and attacking the enemies of their people.

Opinion | Noah Rothman: Elizabeth Warren’s populism is just a progressive version of Trumpism
Of course after that stimulus sure. So did I.

Funny you guys didn’t give obama credit. You said presidents don’t have anything to do with the positive economy when he was potus but now thank you trump?

We’re you lying before? Willing to admit it now? Or ar3 you lying now.

I think you know presidents do have a lot of responsibility. Let’s see if things are this good in 2020. They say all signs are leading to a recession. The economy is slowing down quickly. Manufacturing, car sales.

Either you’re ignoring the signs or you don’t know.

You’re one of those dumb voters who only looks two feet in front of his face. You should enroll in trump university. Or are you a graduate?
Wtf you taking about lol trump
Was president last year this isn’t 2009 haha
Point is, you blue collar aren’t making more now than you did under obama. If you are happy with what wages are now for you then you have lowered the bar.

Do you really believe trump has fixed the economy for blue collar?

Don’t raise the bar when we win. Trump raised the bar on obama and lowered it for himself. Government spending, debt, growth, gdp, jobs numbers.

Hell were headed into a recession. Or is that fake news too? Trumps trade war isn’t hurting Americans?
It’s fact that trump did and it’s getting better with deregulation, I hope the epa gets cut big time! That mill help millions of Americans!

The plant in Mississippi that was raised had a job fair, 150 blacks showed up looking for work, goes to show you trump is helping the American people poor people.

Actually it was about 30 or 60 people and it was 33% white, 33% latino and 33% black.

If he doesn't do anything to the illegal employer they and their competitors are just going to continue business as usual. Has anything happened to Koch Foods? No? Then nothing has been accomplished really. Or, a drop in the bucket. If he would have hung Mr. Koch outside his food processing plant that might have sent a message to the other illegal employers in these red states.

Do you know how many illegal employers we have in the USA? Thousands of them. Unless they are scared to hire illegals this was nothing but theater.
You can’t arrest the owners because the illegals won’t tell them who hired them because they want to come back lol.. you can’t just arrest people because you think something.. you fascist

And many blacks showed up looming for work illegals took
You support the criminal owners who take advantage of the illegals by paying them less. You support criminals.
I see, and what qualifications does she bring to the table? Hillary had plans and her plans were stupid.
Great argument... “her plans were stupid.” Haha, Ok.

Liz has fine qualifications, she knows the law and has been a legislator for almost 10 years. Again, I don’t think she’s cut out for prez so I’m not a supporter. I’m not the best person to ask to defend her

LMAO its an Obama flashback. Okay list Warren's successful accomplishments in the job, not her job title. 10 years she must have a long list of presidential qualifying actual accomplishments right. Let me guess, you just shit yourself. :auiqs.jpg:
what are Trump's qualifications to be president?


Do Dems have a candidate who's a multi billionaire with his own jet, helicopters, and golf courses? Come here snowflake :itsok:
So....that's your criteria, eh?

No you just suck at reading comprehension.
Great argument... “her plans were stupid.” Haha, Ok.

Liz has fine qualifications, she knows the law and has been a legislator for almost 10 years. Again, I don’t think she’s cut out for prez so I’m not a supporter. I’m not the best person to ask to defend her

LMAO its an Obama flashback. Okay list Warren's successful accomplishments in the job, not her job title. 10 years she must have a long list of presidential qualifying actual accomplishments right. Let me guess, you just shit yourself. :auiqs.jpg:
what are Trump's qualifications to be president?


Do Dems have a candidate who's a multi billionaire with his own jet, helicopters, and golf courses? Come here snowflake :itsok:
So....that's your criteria, eh?

No you just suck at reading comprehension.
Then explain yourself... what was it supposed to mean when you said...

“Dems have a candidate who's a multi billionaire with his own jet, helicopters, and golf courses? Come here snowflake :itsok:
...Democrats are in big trouble. I see no reason at all why I, or anyone I know, would vote for Elizabeth Warren.
warren would:
try to end washington corruption.
rebuild middle class
strengthen democracy
The only thing Trump has is pocahontas slur.
Those aren't plans, they are empty campaign SLOGANS and all we really know is that she would dismantle the economic system that enables the greatest % of Americans to seek their dreams and live their lives as THEY - not WashDC - see fit.

In fact, the destruction of America seems to be the only agenda of the entire Democrat Socialist Party.

Yeah ... y'all have jumped the shark while screwing the pooch and in the process have made 2020 Trump's to lose. :D
Mexico will pay for the Wall. :71:
Indeed, that was a campaign slogan. The same brain-dead idiots who thought Mexico would cut us a check will vote for the Dem's socialist, big gov't plans to destroy our prosperity..

OTOH, once the wall is up and the toll booths built the Mexicans will contribute ... BIGLY. :lol:
Great argument... “her plans were stupid.” Haha, Ok.

Liz has fine qualifications, she knows the law and has been a legislator for almost 10 years. Again, I don’t think she’s cut out for prez so I’m not a supporter. I’m not the best person to ask to defend her

LMAO its an Obama flashback. Okay list Warren's successful accomplishments in the job, not her job title. 10 years she must have a long list of presidential qualifying actual accomplishments right. Let me guess, you just shit yourself. :auiqs.jpg:
what are Trump's qualifications to be president?


Do Dems have a candidate who's a multi billionaire with his own jet, helicopters, and golf courses? Come here snowflake :itsok:
So....that's your criteria, eh?

No you just suck at reading comprehension.
That's your criteria....you just said it.
LMAO its an Obama flashback. Okay list Warren's successful accomplishments in the job, not her job title. 10 years she must have a long list of presidential qualifying actual accomplishments right. Let me guess, you just shit yourself. :auiqs.jpg:
what are Trump's qualifications to be president?


Do Dems have a candidate who's a multi billionaire with his own jet, helicopters, and golf courses? Come here snowflake :itsok:
So....that's your criteria, eh?

No you just suck at reading comprehension.
Then explain yourself... what was it supposed to mean when you said...

“Dems have a candidate who's a multi billionaire with his own jet, helicopters, and golf courses? Come here snowflake :itsok:

LOL you libs are hopeless.
LMAO its an Obama flashback. Okay list Warren's successful accomplishments in the job, not her job title. 10 years she must have a long list of presidential qualifying actual accomplishments right. Let me guess, you just shit yourself. :auiqs.jpg:
what are Trump's qualifications to be president?


Do Dems have a candidate who's a multi billionaire with his own jet, helicopters, and golf courses? Come here snowflake :itsok:
So....that's your criteria, eh?

No you just suck at reading comprehension.
That's your criteria....you just said it.

As I stated the other day, the left are primitives with a limited mental capacity. ^^^
...Democrats are in big trouble.

I see no reason at all why I, or anyone I know, would vote for Elizabeth Warren.
warren would:
try to end washington corruption.
rebuild middle class
strengthen democracy
The only thing Trump has is pocahontas slur.
How would Warren end Washington corruption when she is corrupt herself?

She lied about her race to get a job at a university.

That's fraud.

That’s nothing.

How many times did Trumpy lies and lies and lies during his campaigns?

How many times did Trumpy lies and lies and lies while being a president?

Last week he just blamed billy Clinton the death of his friend pedo Epstein when he committed suicide...... just think what the fucking mentality of this moron.
...Democrats are in big trouble. I see no reason at all why I, or anyone I know, would vote for Elizabeth Warren.
warren would:
try to end washington corruption.
rebuild middle class
strengthen democracy
The only thing Trump has is pocahontas slur.
Those aren't plans, they are empty campaign SLOGANS and all we really know is that she would dismantle the economic system that enables the greatest % of Americans to seek their dreams and live their lives as THEY - not WashDC - see fit.

In fact, the destruction of America seems to be the only agenda of the entire Democrat Socialist Party.

Yeah ... y'all have jumped the shark while screwing the pooch and in the process have made 2020 Trump's to lose. :D
Mexico will pay for the Wall. :71:
Indeed, that was a campaign slogan. The same brain-dead idiots who thought Mexico would cut us a check will vote for the Dem's socialist, big gov't plans to destroy our prosperity..

OTOH, once the wall is up and the toll booths built the Mexicans will contribute ... BIGLY. :lol:
Lock Her Up!
what are Trump's qualifications to be president?


Do Dems have a candidate who's a multi billionaire with his own jet, helicopters, and golf courses? Come here snowflake :itsok:
So....that's your criteria, eh?

No you just suck at reading comprehension.
Then explain yourself... what was it supposed to mean when you said...

“Dems have a candidate who's a multi billionaire with his own jet, helicopters, and golf courses? Come here snowflake :itsok:

LOL you libs are hopeless.
I accept your surrender...again.
Do Dems have a candidate who's a multi billionaire with his own jet, helicopters, and golf courses? Come here snowflake :itsok:
So....that's your criteria, eh?

No you just suck at reading comprehension.
Then explain yourself... what was it supposed to mean when you said...

“Dems have a candidate who's a multi billionaire with his own jet, helicopters, and golf courses? Come here snowflake :itsok:

LOL you libs are hopeless.
I accept your surrender...again.

Return to your detention homework fool. :itsok:
I'm one of those weirdos that likes candidates that have fleshed-out plans and policies.
I too like the fact that she has plans and talks details. I just don’t agree with all her plans and don’t think she has the personality to be POTUS. She’s a bit too wired and neurotic for my taste. More power to her though

I see, and what qualifications does she bring to the table? Hillary had plans and her plans were stupid.

I’ll bet she’s a great rapper.

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...Democrats are in big trouble.

I see no reason at all why I, or anyone I know, would vote for Elizabeth Warren.

Warren will not win. DOA. No chance even her local newspaper told her not to run.
But it’s a signed that there’s a big move to dethrone that inept POTUS.
Look at the donations pouring to these candidates. Look at Buttigieg money. Hispanic is not even in the pictures yet.

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