If every gun owner votes against Hillary


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Why would you not get out and vote? If not FOR Trump then at least against Hillary

I'm a gun owner, and I'd rather shoot myself than vote for Donald Trump. I'm far from the only one.
Don't have to vote FOR Trump as I said and if you are a gun owner and a Hillary supporter it's like a sheep offering itself to the wolf. Hell its worse than that, gun owner that votes for Hillary is an ignoramous of epic proportions

I'm a gun owner, and I'd rather shoot myself than vote for Donald Trump. I'm far from the only one.
Don't have to vote FOR Trump as I said and if you are a gun owner and a Hillary supporter it's like a sheep offering itself to the wolf. Hell its worse than that, gun owner that votes for Hillary is an ignoramous of epic proportions

I'm not going to vote for Hillary, but only because I don't have to.

If I lived somewhere that mattered, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat, just to make sure Trump's loss is as embarrassing as possible.
Trump will not come remotely close to winning this election
Cool story bro

I'm a gun owner, and I'd rather shoot myself than vote for Donald Trump. I'm far from the only one.
Don't have to vote FOR Trump as I said and if you are a gun owner and a Hillary supporter it's like a sheep offering itself to the wolf. Hell its worse than that, gun owner that votes for Hillary is an ignoramous of epic proportions

I'm not going to vote for Hillary, but only because I don't have to.

If I lived somewhere that mattered, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat, just to make sure Trump's loss is as embarrassing as possible.

So just go ahead and turn your guns in then she wins they are gone anyways so ago ahead and show us what a good libtard subject you are. Amazing out of all the mods here 1 is a closet liberal and 1 is obsessed with repeating the same idiotic statement over and over like a broken record
Trump will not come remotely close to winning this election
Cool story bro

I'm a gun owner, and I'd rather shoot myself than vote for Donald Trump. I'm far from the only one.
Don't have to vote FOR Trump as I said and if you are a gun owner and a Hillary supporter it's like a sheep offering itself to the wolf. Hell its worse than that, gun owner that votes for Hillary is an ignoramous of epic proportions

I'm not going to vote for Hillary, but only because I don't have to.

If I lived somewhere that mattered, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat, just to make sure Trump's loss is as embarrassing as possible.

So just go ahead and turn your guns in then she wins they are gone anyways so ago ahead and show us what a good libtard subject you are. Amazing out of all the mods here 1 is a closet liberal and 1 is obsessed with repeating the same idiotic statement over and over like a broken record


The gun nut clowns have been screaming that the Democrats are "coming to take your guns" for 30 years now. I don't understand how you could possibly expect anyone to take you seriously any more.
Trump will not come remotely close to winning this election
Cool story bro

I'm a gun owner, and I'd rather shoot myself than vote for Donald Trump. I'm far from the only one.
Don't have to vote FOR Trump as I said and if you are a gun owner and a Hillary supporter it's like a sheep offering itself to the wolf. Hell its worse than that, gun owner that votes for Hillary is an ignoramous of epic proportions

I'm not going to vote for Hillary, but only because I don't have to.

If I lived somewhere that mattered, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat, just to make sure Trump's loss is as embarrassing as possible.

So just go ahead and turn your guns in then she wins they are gone anyways so ago ahead and show us what a good libtard subject you are. Amazing out of all the mods here 1 is a closet liberal and 1 is obsessed with repeating the same idiotic statement over and over like a broken record


The gun nut clowns have been screaming that the Democrats are "coming to take your guns" for 30 years now. I don't understand how you could possibly expect anyone to take you seriously any more.

They've been screaming a lot of stuff that is just ridiculous. Obama is a Muslim, for example, as if they get to decide what religion someone is.
Trump will not come remotely close to winning this election
Cool story bro

I'm a gun owner, and I'd rather shoot myself than vote for Donald Trump. I'm far from the only one.
Don't have to vote FOR Trump as I said and if you are a gun owner and a Hillary supporter it's like a sheep offering itself to the wolf. Hell its worse than that, gun owner that votes for Hillary is an ignoramous of epic proportions

I'm not going to vote for Hillary, but only because I don't have to.

If I lived somewhere that mattered, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat, just to make sure Trump's loss is as embarrassing as possible.

So just go ahead and turn your guns in then she wins they are gone anyways so ago ahead and show us what a good libtard subject you are. Amazing out of all the mods here 1 is a closet liberal and 1 is obsessed with repeating the same idiotic statement over and over like a broken record


The gun nut clowns have been screaming that the Democrats are "coming to take your guns" for 30 years now. I don't understand how you could possibly expect anyone to take you seriously any more.

They've been screaming a lot of stuff that is just ridiculous. Obama is a Muslim, for example, as if they get to decide what religion someone is.
  1. It is Obama who said at an Islamic dinner, “I am one of you.”
  2. It is Obama who said in an ABC News interview, “My Muslim faith.”
  3. It is Obama who described the Muslim call to prayer as “the prettiest sound on earth.”
  4. It is Obama who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.
  5. It is Obama who wrote that in the event of a conflict, “I will stand with the Muslims.”
  6. It is Obama who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that “I am a Muslim.”
  7. It is Obama who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.
  8. It is Obama who sat for 20 years in a Rev. Wright’s church in Chicago listening to Wright condemning Christianity and professing Marxism.
  9. It is Obama who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.
  10. It is Obama who purposefully omitted “endowed by our Creator” from his recitation of The Declaration Of Independence.
  11. It is Obama who who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ’s Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the “Holy Quran”.
  12. It is Obama who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America.
  13. It is Obama who instantly threw the support of his administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the crater of the World Trade Center.
  14. It is Obama who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the White House.
  15. It is Obama who ordered both Georgetown and Notre Dame Universities to cover the cross before agreeing to speak there, but who has NEVER requested that the mosques he visited adjust their decor.
  16. It is Obama who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to his corps of “czars”.
  17. It is Obama who appointed rabid Islamists to the Department of Homeland Security.
  18. It is Obama who said that NASA’s “foremost mission” is an outreach to Muslim communities to boost their self-esteem.
  19. It is Obama who, as an Illinois Senator, thrice voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in favor of infanticide.
  20. It is Obama who is the first President to not make a Christmas greeting from the White House, but instead decorated the White House’s Christmas tree with photos of Chairman Mao.
  21. It is Obama who curtailed the military tribunals of Islamic terrorists.
  22. It is Obama who refused to condemn the Muslim Fort Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.
  23. It is Obama who refuses to speak out against the horrific treatment and execution-by-stoning of women in Muslim countries, but instead submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of alleged human-rights abuses.
  24. It is Obama who, when queried in India, refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, but instead profusely praised Islam in a country [India] that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorist assaults.
  25. It is Obama who funneled $900 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas, and military contracts to the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
  26. It is Obama who ordered the United States Postal Service to honor the Muslim holiday with a new commemorative stamp.
  27. It is Obama who directed the U.S. embassy in the U. K. to conduct outreach to help “empower” the British Muslim community.
  28. It is Obama who embraced the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood in the “Arab Spring” that overthrew Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who was America’s strongest ally in North Africa.
  29. It is Obama who forces taxpayers to fund mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in grammar schools across our country.
  30. It is Obama who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.
  31. It is Obama who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid being criticized for not participating in seasonal White House religious events.
  32. It is Obama who, as president, has never ever gone to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
  33. It is Obama who who appointed as his chief adviser Valerie Jarrett, who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.
  34. It is Obama who appointed a Muslim convert as CIA director.
  35. It is Obama whose secretary of state John Kerry said Muslim interests drive US plan for war.
  36. It is Obama who has opened the legal immigration floodgates to Muslims.
  37. It is Obama who receives the highest approval ratings from Muslim Americans.
  38. It is Obama whom a Pakistan Minister asked to be leader of all the world’s Muslims.
Now that we have established a fact I could care less about you ever heard about the boiling frog theory? Here I'll post it
Trump will not come remotely close to winning this election
Cool story bro
Don't have to vote FOR Trump as I said and if you are a gun owner and a Hillary supporter it's like a sheep offering itself to the wolf. Hell its worse than that, gun owner that votes for Hillary is an ignoramous of epic proportions

I'm not going to vote for Hillary, but only because I don't have to.

If I lived somewhere that mattered, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat, just to make sure Trump's loss is as embarrassing as possible.

So just go ahead and turn your guns in then she wins they are gone anyways so ago ahead and show us what a good libtard subject you are. Amazing out of all the mods here 1 is a closet liberal and 1 is obsessed with repeating the same idiotic statement over and over like a broken record


The gun nut clowns have been screaming that the Democrats are "coming to take your guns" for 30 years now. I don't understand how you could possibly expect anyone to take you seriously any more.

They've been screaming a lot of stuff that is just ridiculous. Obama is a Muslim, for example, as if they get to decide what religion someone is.
  1. It is Obama who said at an Islamic dinner, “I am one of you.”
  2. It is Obama who said in an ABC News interview, “My Muslim faith.”
  3. It is Obama who described the Muslim call to prayer as “the prettiest sound on earth.”
  4. It is Obama who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.
  5. It is Obama who wrote that in the event of a conflict, “I will stand with the Muslims.”
  6. It is Obama who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that “I am a Muslim.”
  7. It is Obama who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.
  8. It is Obama who sat for 20 years in a Rev. Wright’s church in Chicago listening to Wright condemning Christianity and professing Marxism.
  9. It is Obama who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.
  10. It is Obama who purposefully omitted “endowed by our Creator” from his recitation of The Declaration Of Independence.
  11. It is Obama who who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ’s Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the “Holy Quran”.
  12. It is Obama who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America.
  13. It is Obama who instantly threw the support of his administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the crater of the World Trade Center.
  14. It is Obama who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the White House.
  15. It is Obama who ordered both Georgetown and Notre Dame Universities to cover the cross before agreeing to speak there, but who has NEVER requested that the mosques he visited adjust their decor.
  16. It is Obama who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to his corps of “czars”.
  17. It is Obama who appointed rabid Islamists to the Department of Homeland Security.
  18. It is Obama who said that NASA’s “foremost mission” is an outreach to Muslim communities to boost their self-esteem.
  19. It is Obama who, as an Illinois Senator, thrice voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in favor of infanticide.
  20. It is Obama who is the first President to not make a Christmas greeting from the White House, but instead decorated the White House’s Christmas tree with photos of Chairman Mao.
  21. It is Obama who curtailed the military tribunals of Islamic terrorists.
  22. It is Obama who refused to condemn the Muslim Fort Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.
  23. It is Obama who refuses to speak out against the horrific treatment and execution-by-stoning of women in Muslim countries, but instead submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of alleged human-rights abuses.
  24. It is Obama who, when queried in India, refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, but instead profusely praised Islam in a country [India] that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorist assaults.
  25. It is Obama who funneled $900 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas, and military contracts to the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
  26. It is Obama who ordered the United States Postal Service to honor the Muslim holiday with a new commemorative stamp.
  27. It is Obama who directed the U.S. embassy in the U. K. to conduct outreach to help “empower” the British Muslim community.
  28. It is Obama who embraced the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood in the “Arab Spring” that overthrew Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who was America’s strongest ally in North Africa.
  29. It is Obama who forces taxpayers to fund mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in grammar schools across our country.
  30. It is Obama who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.
  31. It is Obama who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid being criticized for not participating in seasonal White House religious events.
  32. It is Obama who, as president, has never ever gone to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
  33. It is Obama who who appointed as his chief adviser Valerie Jarrett, who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.
  34. It is Obama who appointed a Muslim convert as CIA director.
  35. It is Obama whose secretary of state John Kerry said Muslim interests drive US plan for war.
  36. It is Obama who has opened the legal immigration floodgates to Muslims.
  37. It is Obama who receives the highest approval ratings from Muslim Americans.
  38. It is Obama whom a Pakistan Minister asked to be leader of all the world’s Muslims.
Now that we have established a fact I could care less about you ever heard about the boiling frog theory? Here I'll post it


Nazi-boy, the master-race of Cut-and-Paste.

Why are you trying to troll your own thread?
Trump will not come remotely close to winning this election
Cool story bro
Don't have to vote FOR Trump as I said and if you are a gun owner and a Hillary supporter it's like a sheep offering itself to the wolf. Hell its worse than that, gun owner that votes for Hillary is an ignoramous of epic proportions

I'm not going to vote for Hillary, but only because I don't have to.

If I lived somewhere that mattered, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat, just to make sure Trump's loss is as embarrassing as possible.

So just go ahead and turn your guns in then she wins they are gone anyways so ago ahead and show us what a good libtard subject you are. Amazing out of all the mods here 1 is a closet liberal and 1 is obsessed with repeating the same idiotic statement over and over like a broken record


The gun nut clowns have been screaming that the Democrats are "coming to take your guns" for 30 years now. I don't understand how you could possibly expect anyone to take you seriously any more.

They've been screaming a lot of stuff that is just ridiculous. Obama is a Muslim, for example, as if they get to decide what religion someone is.
  1. It is Obama who said at an Islamic dinner, “I am one of you.”
  2. It is Obama who said in an ABC News interview, “My Muslim faith.”
  3. It is Obama who described the Muslim call to prayer as “the prettiest sound on earth.”
  4. It is Obama who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.
  5. It is Obama who wrote that in the event of a conflict, “I will stand with the Muslims.”
  6. It is Obama who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that “I am a Muslim.”
  7. It is Obama who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.
  8. It is Obama who sat for 20 years in a Rev. Wright’s church in Chicago listening to Wright condemning Christianity and professing Marxism.
  9. It is Obama who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.
  10. It is Obama who purposefully omitted “endowed by our Creator” from his recitation of The Declaration Of Independence.
  11. It is Obama who who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ’s Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the “Holy Quran”.
  12. It is Obama who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America.
  13. It is Obama who instantly threw the support of his administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the crater of the World Trade Center.
  14. It is Obama who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the White House.
  15. It is Obama who ordered both Georgetown and Notre Dame Universities to cover the cross before agreeing to speak there, but who has NEVER requested that the mosques he visited adjust their decor.
  16. It is Obama who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to his corps of “czars”.
  17. It is Obama who appointed rabid Islamists to the Department of Homeland Security.
  18. It is Obama who said that NASA’s “foremost mission” is an outreach to Muslim communities to boost their self-esteem.
  19. It is Obama who, as an Illinois Senator, thrice voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in favor of infanticide.
  20. It is Obama who is the first President to not make a Christmas greeting from the White House, but instead decorated the White House’s Christmas tree with photos of Chairman Mao.
  21. It is Obama who curtailed the military tribunals of Islamic terrorists.
  22. It is Obama who refused to condemn the Muslim Fort Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.
  23. It is Obama who refuses to speak out against the horrific treatment and execution-by-stoning of women in Muslim countries, but instead submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of alleged human-rights abuses.
  24. It is Obama who, when queried in India, refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, but instead profusely praised Islam in a country [India] that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorist assaults.
  25. It is Obama who funneled $900 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas, and military contracts to the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
  26. It is Obama who ordered the United States Postal Service to honor the Muslim holiday with a new commemorative stamp.
  27. It is Obama who directed the U.S. embassy in the U. K. to conduct outreach to help “empower” the British Muslim community.
  28. It is Obama who embraced the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood in the “Arab Spring” that overthrew Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who was America’s strongest ally in North Africa.
  29. It is Obama who forces taxpayers to fund mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in grammar schools across our country.
  30. It is Obama who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.
  31. It is Obama who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid being criticized for not participating in seasonal White House religious events.
  32. It is Obama who, as president, has never ever gone to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
  33. It is Obama who who appointed as his chief adviser Valerie Jarrett, who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.
  34. It is Obama who appointed a Muslim convert as CIA director.
  35. It is Obama whose secretary of state John Kerry said Muslim interests drive US plan for war.
  36. It is Obama who has opened the legal immigration floodgates to Muslims.
  37. It is Obama who receives the highest approval ratings from Muslim Americans.
  38. It is Obama whom a Pakistan Minister asked to be leader of all the world’s Muslims.
Now that we have established a fact I could care less about you ever heard about the boiling frog theory? Here I'll post it

1) Obama is a human, Muslims are humans.
2) It was a slip of the tongue.
3) Maybe you've not been anywhere where the sound coming from a Mosque over a valley or something. It is actually quite good.

I was at the castle when I heard it over this town, I've heard it in many other places, but here it was special.
4) Yes, he's sent money to rebuild historical mosques, and churches, and temples. Oh, and get this, the program was started by Bush in 2001. So... er... Bush is a Muslim too?
5) He didn't say that. It's been changed to suit your needs. It doesn't say Muslims, and not once in the passage that he wrote does it actually say Muslims. he started off with "Arab and Pakistani Americans". There are Arabs who aren't Muslims. There are Pakistanis who aren't Muslims.
6) There is no evidence of this every having happened. it's just hearsay.

Oh, we could go on all day. You take things that mention Muslim, put them together, and anyone with prejudice against Muslims will then just believe because they want to believe. Anyone with a brain will see this for what it is.

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