If evolution is not a theory why did:

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
I have serious questions on evolution...

1. Why did we shed our fur?

For what reason did humans evolve and shed our fur, Wouldn't it be cold with no fur? Sounds like devolution to me.

2.Why did we become weak?

Monkeys, Apes and chimps are strong as hell creatures, so if that's the case why did we devolve and become weak creatures? It don't make no sense when in the animal kingdom the strongest gets a mate.

On my question number one been reading this book that mentions a theory that was proposed by an Oxford professor Alistar years ago (first I heard of it) His theory goes our ancestors were stranded, probably in east Africa, during a rising of sea levels. One large colony became marooned and had to learn to live on the beach. They started using tools to pry open clams, break open crabs...Spending more time in the ocean they soon lost their furry coat. An aquatic lineage would explain our hairlessness; like dolphins, whales and other aquatic mammals..

That's kind of an interesting theory, I wonder if their are other different ones floating out there? My second question I still have not read any answers that make sense why we became weak?
Have you ever seen a guy that's about as hairy as an ape? I've seen them, hairy back an all. Did these individuals not cross over in the evolutionary process somehow? Your devolution theory is actually quite simple. The devil made them do it. Here's a brain twister for you. Let's say I park my old pickup out back on my property and leave it there for maybe 100,000 years. I can guarantee you my old pickup will never evolve into a BMW sports coup.
We probably became weaker than other primates due to our intellect. Higher functioning brains require more energy and the sacrifice is muscle mass.
Evolution CAN be proven FALSE.. I enclose the following..

"It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans."

Read more: Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results
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The skull the bones and even the hair has been found to show TWO human style beings walked the earth. That kind of blows the evolution idea all to hell.
Evolution CAN be proven FALSE.. I enclose the following..

"It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans."

Read more: Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results
Follow us: @ancientorigins on Twitter | ancientoriginsweb on Facebook

The skull the bones and even the hair has been found to show TWO human style beings walked the earth. That kind of blows the evolution idea all to hell.

Here's a thought Mr. 214 IQ. Maybe you shouldn't depend on a paranormal tour guide to give you the lowdown on science. Brien Foerster is a fraud.
I have serious questions on evolution...

1. Why did we shed our fur?

For what reason did humans evolve and shed our fur, Wouldn't it be cold with no fur? Sounds like devolution to me.

2.Why did we become weak?

Monkeys, Apes and chimps are strong as hell creatures, so if that's the case why did we devolve and become weak creatures? It don't make no sense when in the animal kingdom the strongest gets a mate.

On my question number one been reading this book that mentions a theory that was proposed by an Oxford professor Alistar years ago (first I heard of it) His theory goes our ancestors were stranded, probably in east Africa, during a rising of sea levels. One large colony became marooned and had to learn to live on the beach. They started using tools to pry open clams, break open crabs...Spending more time in the ocean they soon lost their furry coat. An aquatic lineage would explain our hairlessness; like dolphins, whales and other aquatic mammals..

That's kind of an interesting theory, I wonder if their are other different ones floating out there? My second question I still have not read any answers that make sense why we became weak?
A serious answer from creationists

Why did man shed his fur and why is he weak?

Because we are made in gods freak'n image and God is naked and weak
Evolution is a FACT

God is a THEORY

Sure it is, un huh.

Evolution is a FACT supported by reams of scientific evidence
God is a theory supported by no scientific evidence

Sorry to burst your bubble just because you say it is a fact don't make it so ...

Btw you would win a Nobel prize if you could prove it is a fact.

The idea that evolution occurs is a FACT, How and why is a theory
Evolution is supported by biological, fossil, geologic and most importantly, DNA evidence
There is no evidence that God exists making it an unsupportable theory
I have serious questions on evolution...

1. Why did we shed our fur?

For what reason did humans evolve and shed our fur, Wouldn't it be cold with no fur? Sounds like devolution to me.

2.Why did we become weak?

Monkeys, Apes and chimps are strong as hell creatures, so if that's the case why did we devolve and become weak creatures? It don't make no sense when in the animal kingdom the strongest gets a mate.

On my question number one been reading this book that mentions a theory that was proposed by an Oxford professor Alistar years ago (first I heard of it) His theory goes our ancestors were stranded, probably in east Africa, during a rising of sea levels. One large colony became marooned and had to learn to live on the beach. They started using tools to pry open clams, break open crabs...Spending more time in the ocean they soon lost their furry coat. An aquatic lineage would explain our hairlessness; like dolphins, whales and other aquatic mammals..

That's kind of an interesting theory, I wonder if their are other different ones floating out there? My second question I still have not read any answers that make sense why we became weak?
A serious answer from creationists

Why did man shed his fur and why is he weak?

Because we are made in gods freak'n image and God is naked and weak

WTF goofball those two questions are not in your talking point script from your employer???
Evolution CAN be proven FALSE.. I enclose the following..

"It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans."

Read more: Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results
Follow us: @ancientorigins on Twitter | ancientoriginsweb on Facebook

The skull the bones and even the hair has been found to show TWO human style beings walked the earth. That kind of blows the evolution idea all to hell.

Here's a thought Mr. 214 IQ. Maybe you shouldn't depend on a paranormal tour guide to give you the lowdown on science. Brien Foerster is a fraud.
If the DNA does not match then its not human as we know human.
Evolution is a FACT

God is a THEORY

Sure it is, un huh.

Evolution is a FACT supported by reams of scientific evidence
God is a theory supported by no scientific evidence

Sorry to burst your bubble just because you say it is a fact don't make it so ...

Btw you would win a Nobel prize if you could prove it is a fact.

The idea that evolution occurs is a FACT, How and why is a theory
Evolution is supported by biological, fossil, geologic and most importantly, DNA evidence
There is no evidence that God exists making it an unsupportable theory

Prove it is a fact and if you say look at NFL line men from the 70s till today I will slap you with a wet noodle, that's not evolution that's adaptation.
I have serious questions on evolution...

1. Why did we shed our fur?

For what reason did humans evolve and shed our fur, Wouldn't it be cold with no fur? Sounds like devolution to me.
We had no further need for it. Having mastered the use of weapons our early forebears were able to wear the skins of those creatures who once were our predators rather than our prey. See: African Genesis, by Robert Ardrey.

2.Why did we become weak?
Assuming you mean physically weaker than we once were, the answer is glaringly obvious. Physical strength is subordinate to inventive capability (conceptual reasoning).
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One species has never evolved into another and no one has ever been able to prove otherwise. It's ALL THEORY.
Evolution CAN be proven FALSE.. I enclose the following..

"It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans."

Read more: Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results
Follow us: @ancientorigins on Twitter | ancientoriginsweb on Facebook

The skull the bones and even the hair has been found to show TWO human style beings walked the earth. That kind of blows the evolution idea all to hell.

Here's a thought Mr. 214 IQ. Maybe you shouldn't depend on a paranormal tour guide to give you the lowdown on science. Brien Foerster is a fraud.
If the DNA does not match then its not human as we know human.

Find a reputable source then.

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