If evolution is not a theory why did:

Anyways getting back to topic being side track by the paid poster RW...

Was reading on line saying the reason we became weak is because the mind is a big sink hole and uses a lot of energy... Hmmmmm ok but it wasn't created over night and had to evolve...
So why didn't some big ancestor just kick his ass and steal his primitive tools along with the girl?
I have serious questions on evolution...

1. Why did we shed our fur?

For what reason did humans evolve and shed our fur, Wouldn't it be cold with no fur? Sounds like devolution to me.

2.Why did we become weak?

Monkeys, Apes and chimps are strong as hell creatures, so if that's the case why did we devolve and become weak creatures? It don't make no sense when in the animal kingdom the strongest gets a mate.

On my question number one been reading this book that mentions a theory that was proposed by an Oxford professor Alistar years ago (first I heard of it) His theory goes our ancestors were stranded, probably in east Africa, during a rising of sea levels. One large colony became marooned and had to learn to live on the beach. They started using tools to pry open clams, break open crabs...Spending more time in the ocean they soon lost their furry coat. An aquatic lineage would explain our hairlessness; like dolphins, whales and other aquatic mammals..

That's kind of an interesting theory, I wonder if their are other different ones floating out there? My second question I still have not read any answers that make sense why we became weak?
Why do humans of every corner of the earth create and like music?
Evolution is a FACT

God is a THEORY

Sure it is, un huh.

Evolution is a FACT supported by reams of scientific evidence
God is a theory supported by no scientific evidence

Sorry to burst your bubble just because you say it is a fact don't make it so ...

Btw you would win a Nobel prize if you could prove it is a fact.

The idea that evolution occurs is a FACT, How and why is a theory
Evolution is supported by biological, fossil, geologic and most importantly, DNA evidence
There is no evidence that God exists making it an unsupportable theory

Prove it is a fact and if you say look at NFL line men from the 70s till today I will slap you with a wet noodle, that's not evolution that's adaptation.
NFL linemen are bigger because of the drugs they take
Evolution CAN be proven FALSE.. I enclose the following..

"It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans."

Read more: Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results
Follow us: @ancientorigins on Twitter | ancientoriginsweb on Facebook

The skull the bones and even the hair has been found to show TWO human style beings walked the earth. That kind of blows the evolution idea all to hell.

Here's a thought Mr. 214 IQ. Maybe you shouldn't depend on a paranormal tour guide to give you the lowdown on science. Brien Foerster is a fraud.
If the DNA does not match then its not human as we know human.

Find a reputable source then.
NOT my job to prove your claim. Its yours.
Evolution CAN be proven FALSE.. I enclose the following..

"It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans."

Read more: Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results
Follow us: @ancientorigins on Twitter | ancientoriginsweb on Facebook

The skull the bones and even the hair has been found to show TWO human style beings walked the earth. That kind of blows the evolution idea all to hell.

Here's a thought Mr. 214 IQ. Maybe you shouldn't depend on a paranormal tour guide to give you the lowdown on science. Brien Foerster is a fraud.
If the DNA does not match then its not human as we know human.

Find a reputable source then.
NOT my job to prove your claim. Its yours.

Uh, no, it was your claim that there is a species of non-humans which disproves evolution.

Is it safe to say you have nothing else?
Evolution CAN be proven FALSE.. I enclose the following..

"It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans."

Read more: Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results
Follow us: @ancientorigins on Twitter | ancientoriginsweb on Facebook

The skull the bones and even the hair has been found to show TWO human style beings walked the earth. That kind of blows the evolution idea all to hell.

Here's a thought Mr. 214 IQ. Maybe you shouldn't depend on a paranormal tour guide to give you the lowdown on science. Brien Foerster is a fraud.
If the DNA does not match then its not human as we know human.

Find a reputable source then.
NOT my job to prove your claim. Its yours.

Uh, no, it was your claim that there is a species of non-humans which disproves evolution.

Is it safe to say you have nothing else?
You failed to disprove the link. You only ran your mouth. Now I gace a link so go get yours. Fetch, oh and the link needs to discredit the finding NOT the writer.
Here's a thought Mr. 214 IQ. Maybe you shouldn't depend on a paranormal tour guide to give you the lowdown on science. Brien Foerster is a fraud.
If the DNA does not match then its not human as we know human.

Find a reputable source then.
NOT my job to prove your claim. Its yours.

Uh, no, it was your claim that there is a species of non-humans which disproves evolution.

Is it safe to say you have nothing else?
You failed to disprove the link. You only ran your mouth. Now I gace a link so go get yours. Fetch, oh and the link needs to discredit the finding NOT the writer.

Your source, one Brien Foerster provides no evidence. No authentic scientific organization backs him up, not one. He's not even an archaeologist. He has no peer reviewed papers on this or any other subject.

Here is a tour he is giving about some past advanced civilization (wingnutty stuff, you'll like it):

Egypt: Techno-Spiritual Tour IV - April 2016 - Hidden Inca Tours

He is simply not credible and you pointing to him is no evidence at all that evolution has been disproven. For god sakes, he's a khemitologist, some sort of new age bullshit. I'm sure he's a great resource for all of our beginnings. Probably less reliable than the fucking bible.
Evolution is a FACT

God is a THEORY

Sure it is, un huh.

Evolution is a FACT supported by reams of scientific evidence
God is a theory supported by no scientific evidence
What evidence? Where are the "in between" fossils? There's a reason why the Link is Missing. It never existed
Why do there have to be in between fossils?

There are millions of links in the evolutionary chain, you can document them through DNA analysis
Evolution is a FACT

God is a THEORY

Sure it is, un huh.

Evolution is a FACT supported by reams of scientific evidence
God is a theory supported by no scientific evidence
What evidence? Where are the "in between" fossils? There's a reason why the Link is Missing. It never existed
Why do there have to be in between fossils?

There are millions of links in the evolutionary chain, you can document them through DNA analysis
If you're claiming everything gradually evolved from something else, over millions of years, there should be thousands of "in between" fossils for every species. Where are they? Or are you now changing your position and claiming they just went "poof" and changed into something else overnight? Which is it?
Evolution is a FACT

God is a THEORY

Sure it is, un huh.

Evolution is a FACT supported by reams of scientific evidence
God is a theory supported by no scientific evidence
What evidence? Where are the "in between" fossils? There's a reason why the Link is Missing. It never existed
Why do there have to be in between fossils?

There are millions of links in the evolutionary chain, you can document them through DNA analysis
If you're claiming everything gradually evolved from something else, over millions of years, there should be thousands of "in between" fossils for every species. Where are they? Or are you now changing your position and claiming they just went "poof" and changed into something else overnight? Which is it?
Who says branches happen gradually?

What we can do is track the DNA and show the changes
Sure it is, un huh.

Evolution is a FACT supported by reams of scientific evidence
God is a theory supported by no scientific evidence
What evidence? Where are the "in between" fossils? There's a reason why the Link is Missing. It never existed
Why do there have to be in between fossils?

There are millions of links in the evolutionary chain, you can document them through DNA analysis
If you're claiming everything gradually evolved from something else, over millions of years, there should be thousands of "in between" fossils for every species. Where are they? Or are you now changing your position and claiming they just went "poof" and changed into something else overnight? Which is it?
Who says branches happen gradually?

What we can do is track the DNA and show the changes
So it's just instantaneous? One day it's a dog, next day it's a cat (or some other creature)?
Evolution is a FACT

God is a THEORY

Sure it is, un huh.

Evolution is a FACT supported by reams of scientific evidence
God is a theory supported by no scientific evidence
What evidence? Where are the "in between" fossils? There's a reason why the Link is Missing. It never existed
Why do there have to be in between fossils?

There are millions of links in the evolutionary chain, you can document them through DNA analysis
If you're claiming everything gradually evolved from something else, over millions of years, there should be thousands of "in between" fossils for every species. Where are they? Or are you now changing your position and claiming they just went "poof" and changed into something else overnight? Which is it?
The chances of something becoming fossilized are very small.
Evolution is a FACT supported by reams of scientific evidence
God is a theory supported by no scientific evidence
What evidence? Where are the "in between" fossils? There's a reason why the Link is Missing. It never existed
Why do there have to be in between fossils?

There are millions of links in the evolutionary chain, you can document them through DNA analysis
If you're claiming everything gradually evolved from something else, over millions of years, there should be thousands of "in between" fossils for every species. Where are they? Or are you now changing your position and claiming they just went "poof" and changed into something else overnight? Which is it?
Who says branches happen gradually?

What we can do is track the DNA and show the changes
So it's just instantaneous? One day it's a dog, next day it's a cat (or some other creature)?
There are common ancestors which different branches evolve from

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If you're claiming everything gradually evolved from something else, over millions of years, there should be thousands of "in between" fossils for every species. Where are they? Or are you now changing your position and claiming they just went "poof" and changed into something else overnight? Which is it?


Basing these evolution theories on finding a handful of bones and fossils from extinct species of apes in no way constitutes empirical evidence of evolution. As for DNA, that is also not absolutely a fact, either. Evolution is merely a faith based fantasy itself. I have a book around here somewhere that calculates the probabilities that the long chains of 'events' required to make evolution happen according to 'rationalist' fantasies; the numbers are staggeringly high against even the most basic transitions ever occurring naturally. I'm not a Creationist or an Xian myself and have no problem at all with dismissing these evolution 'theories' as complete rubbish as empirical science; they are just anti-religious neurosis and pseudo-intellectual fashion. I also note how they 'just coincidentally' shadow the Creationist 'Adam and Eve' and 'Garden of Eden' theories with their 'out of Africa' speculations and the like, yet claim to be 'rational' while babbling how the 'religious fundies' are simplistic and ignorant', even as they more or less just ape the Genesis version using secular hype.

I sleep just fine not knowing either way. There is no difference to me between teaching the Creationist theory along with the 'evolution' theory, if one is going to be taught in schools, other than it's obvious the 'evolutionists' will be lying if they claim their theory is 'fact'.
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The evolution - creation is a false dichotomy. Even gadgets get a weaker stripped down version later for the market, to serve the cheap needs. A negative evolution, devolution, if you like. And we know to a good degree how those products are created.
Is America's reluctant acceptance of science part of its educational problems? When we see surveys that say one of four Americans believe the sun travels about the earth, do we conclude that is from religion or lack of education?

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