If evolution is not a theory why did:

Ok, now we're back to "millions of years". You'll say just about anything, won't you? :lol:
Oh..I forgot

It has been 2000 years since Jesus invented the world
You're ducking.

Jesus invented the world so we could all have Christmas
What's wrong, can't make your case so you try to be funny instead?
Why did Jesus give men nipples?

What was he thinking?
Ok, now we're back to "millions of years". You'll say just about anything, won't you? :lol:
Oh..I forgot

It has been 2000 years since Jesus invented the world
You're ducking.

Jesus invented the world so we could all have Christmas
What's wrong, can't make your case so you try to be funny instead?
Why did Jesus give men nipples?

What was he thinking?
Because men were really bad at metrosexualism those days.
But your friend said there weren't any.
No he didn't. But you don't really care do you.
And who here ever said that Satan buried the fossils to trick us?
There's as much evidence for that as there is for creationism.
Don't dodge the question.
Lots of people have said it. They're all nutjobs of course. I mean they believe in creationism for fucks sake. Just google "Satan buried dinosaur fossils" and see for yourself.

Here's an article from just 2 months ago by a total nutjob claiming Dinosaurs are a hoax:
The Atlantean Conspiracy: Dinosaur Hoax - Dinosaurs Never Existed!

Jeffrey Daumer was an atheist, so therefore all atheists are homosexual cannibals. Great 'logic' there ...
No he didn't. But you don't really care do you.
And who here ever said that Satan buried the fossils to trick us?
There's as much evidence for that as there is for creationism.
Don't dodge the question.
Lots of people have said it. They're all nutjobs of course. I mean they believe in creationism for fucks sake. Just google "Satan buried dinosaur fossils" and see for yourself.

Here's an article from just 2 months ago by a total nutjob claiming Dinosaurs are a hoax:
The Atlantean Conspiracy: Dinosaur Hoax - Dinosaurs Never Existed!

Jeffrey Daumer was an atheist, so therefore all atheists are homosexual cannibals. Great 'logic' there ...
WTF does that have to do with evolution?
The chances of something becoming fossilized are very small.
How convenient.
Where do we get all this fossil fuel from, then
You can teach yourself the difference between micro and macro, but not where we get fossil fuel?

Tell me, when a scientist discovers a dinosaur bone, do you think that can be turned into gasoline? :rofl:
I was told that it's rare that anything is fossilized. Who specified bones?
That's what he was talking about. It is very rare for bones to fossilize. For example, Dinosaurs ruled the world for 150 million years, but we only know of 300 or so different species. We have incomplete skeletons of about 30 T-Rex's. Do you think that only 30 T-Rex's existed?
Then how can the fossil record be used as evidence of evolution?
And who here ever said that Satan buried the fossils to trick us?
There's as much evidence for that as there is for creationism.
Don't dodge the question.
Lots of people have said it. They're all nutjobs of course. I mean they believe in creationism for fucks sake. Just google "Satan buried dinosaur fossils" and see for yourself.

Here's an article from just 2 months ago by a total nutjob claiming Dinosaurs are a hoax:
The Atlantean Conspiracy: Dinosaur Hoax - Dinosaurs Never Existed!

Jeffrey Daumer was an atheist, so therefore all atheists are homosexual cannibals. Great 'logic' there ...
WTF does that have to do with evolution?
Almost as little as yours and OS flaming bullshit does
If one out of four Americans believe the sun orbits the earth, I wonder how many still believe the earth is flat, or believe that man and dinosaurs were on the earth at the same time?
How convenient.
Where do we get all this fossil fuel from, then
You can teach yourself the difference between micro and macro, but not where we get fossil fuel?

Tell me, when a scientist discovers a dinosaur bone, do you think that can be turned into gasoline? :rofl:
I was told that it's rare that anything is fossilized. Who specified bones?
That's what he was talking about. It is very rare for bones to fossilize. For example, Dinosaurs ruled the world for 150 million years, but we only know of 300 or so different species. We have incomplete skeletons of about 30 T-Rex's. Do you think that only 30 T-Rex's existed?
Then how can the fossil record be used as evidence of evolution?
Because we've found a lot of fossils. T-Rex fossils had to survive over 65 million years so there aren't many. We have lots of fossils from the last few hundred thousand years. But it's still very rare for bones and tissue to fossilize.

Reddit has a site where people explain various topics to people simplifying it as if they were 5 year olds. There's a lot of interesting stuff. Here is evolution explained honestly and mostly respectfully to a creationist asking about it:
Where do we get all this fossil fuel from, then
You can teach yourself the difference between micro and macro, but not where we get fossil fuel?

Tell me, when a scientist discovers a dinosaur bone, do you think that can be turned into gasoline? :rofl:
I was told that it's rare that anything is fossilized. Who specified bones?
That's what he was talking about. It is very rare for bones to fossilize. For example, Dinosaurs ruled the world for 150 million years, but we only know of 300 or so different species. We have incomplete skeletons of about 30 T-Rex's. Do you think that only 30 T-Rex's existed?
Then how can the fossil record be used as evidence of evolution?
Because we've found a lot of fossils. T-Rex fossils had to survive over 65 million years so there aren't many. We have lots of fossils from the last few hundred thousand years. But it's still very rare for bones and tissue to fossilize.

I'll leave it to the experts, honestly
It really doesn't make my pillow any cooler at night, one way or the other.

I just don't understand how anything would be able to survive any evolutionary change.
The 'in between' stages would leave them vulnerable.
For instance; birds evolving from reptiles.....It would seem that an animal with poorly developed wings, unable of flight, would be just ground-chum for predators.

And I know how readily I'm dismissed for my "complexity of design" belief as evidence of creation.
But it's because of that complexity that makes the random coincidences of evolution so hard to follow
Look at the dinosaur ---- no one can say that it was inferior and not just as complex as any organism found today ---perhaps even more so. Darwin believed that single celled organism were simple. Biology has proven that not to be the case. They are very complex. So the question that evolution cannot answer is what is simple and why are well defined creatures that are supposedly 100's of millions of years considered transitional, and what did they transition from and why? And if there is no why, then why transition at all?
You can teach yourself the difference between micro and macro, but not where we get fossil fuel?

Tell me, when a scientist discovers a dinosaur bone, do you think that can be turned into gasoline? :rofl:
I was told that it's rare that anything is fossilized. Who specified bones?
That's what he was talking about. It is very rare for bones to fossilize. For example, Dinosaurs ruled the world for 150 million years, but we only know of 300 or so different species. We have incomplete skeletons of about 30 T-Rex's. Do you think that only 30 T-Rex's existed?
Then how can the fossil record be used as evidence of evolution?
Because we've found a lot of fossils. T-Rex fossils had to survive over 65 million years so there aren't many. We have lots of fossils from the last few hundred thousand years. But it's still very rare for bones and tissue to fossilize.

I'll leave it to the experts, honestly
It really doesn't make my pillow any cooler at night, one way or the other.

I just don't understand how anything would be able to survive any evolutionary change.
The 'in between' stages would leave them vulnerable.
For instance; birds evolving from reptiles.....It would seem that an animal with poorly developed wings, unable of flight, would be just ground-chum for predators.

And I know how readily I'm dismissed for my "complexity of design" belief as evidence of creation.
But it's because of that complexity that makes the random coincidences of evolution so hard to follow
You're thinking about it wrong. Your wing example for instance; the animals with primitive wings are not little birds running around helpless. They are reptiles or what have you with arms that are the tiniest bit different from their parents. Some of those may have died, but a population of them survived and passed down their genes. And their kids had some limbs the same as their parents, some more wing-like, and some more leg-like like their grandparents. Possibly the ones with legs like their grandparents survived just fine and their offspring's legs became more leg like again. But those offspring with more winglike limbs, for whatever reason, may have also survived. And their offspring over the generations had more wing-like limbs as time passed. Maybe it help them jump further, or lunge at prey more accurately... who knows. And eventually we got to modern birds with hollow bones and feathers. Birds similar to modern ones may have even existed during the time of the dinosaurs. Birds weren't the first things to fly you know.
I was told that it's rare that anything is fossilized. Who specified bones?
That's what he was talking about. It is very rare for bones to fossilize. For example, Dinosaurs ruled the world for 150 million years, but we only know of 300 or so different species. We have incomplete skeletons of about 30 T-Rex's. Do you think that only 30 T-Rex's existed?
Then how can the fossil record be used as evidence of evolution?
Because we've found a lot of fossils. T-Rex fossils had to survive over 65 million years so there aren't many. We have lots of fossils from the last few hundred thousand years. But it's still very rare for bones and tissue to fossilize.

I'll leave it to the experts, honestly
It really doesn't make my pillow any cooler at night, one way or the other.

I just don't understand how anything would be able to survive any evolutionary change.
The 'in between' stages would leave them vulnerable.
For instance; birds evolving from reptiles.....It would seem that an animal with poorly developed wings, unable of flight, would be just ground-chum for predators.

And I know how readily I'm dismissed for my "complexity of design" belief as evidence of creation.
But it's because of that complexity that makes the random coincidences of evolution so hard to follow
You're thinking about it wrong. Your wing example for instance; the animals with primitive wings are not little birds running around helpless. They are reptiles or what have you with arms that are the tiniest bit different from their parents. Some of those may have died, but a population of them survived and passed down their genes. And their kids had some limbs the same as their parents, some more wing-like, and some more leg-like like their grandparents. Possibly the ones with legs like their grandparents survived just fine and their offspring's legs became more leg like again. But those offspring with more winglike limbs, for whatever reason, may have also survived. And their offspring over the generations had more wing-like limbs as time passed. Maybe it help them jump further, or lunge at prey more accurately... who knows. And eventually we got to modern birds with hollow bones and feathers. Birds similar to modern ones may have even existed during the time of the dinosaurs. Birds weren't the first things to fly you know.
I'll thank you for the time and effort.
Most of it is logical, but it still kinda sounds like a Santa Claus story
I have serious questions on evolution...

1. Why did we shed our fur?

For what reason did humans evolve and shed our fur, Wouldn't it be cold with no fur? Sounds like devolution to me.

2.Why did we become weak?

Monkeys, Apes and chimps are strong as hell creatures, so if that's the case why did we devolve and become weak creatures? It don't make no sense when in the animal kingdom the strongest gets a mate.

On my question number one been reading this book that mentions a theory that was proposed by an Oxford professor Alistar years ago (first I heard of it) His theory goes our ancestors were stranded, probably in east Africa, during a rising of sea levels. One large colony became marooned and had to learn to live on the beach. They started using tools to pry open clams, break open crabs...Spending more time in the ocean they soon lost their furry coat. An aquatic lineage would explain our hairlessness; like dolphins, whales and other aquatic mammals..

That's kind of an interesting theory, I wonder if their are other different ones floating out there? My second question I still have not read any answers that make sense why we became weak?

One thing for certain....anybody who doesn't understand evolution doesn't have any business out in traffic.
Have you ever seen a guy that's about as hairy as an ape? I've seen them, hairy back an all. Did these individuals not cross over in the evolutionary process somehow? Your devolution theory is actually quite simple. The devil made them do it. Here's a brain twister for you. Let's say I park my old pickup out back on my property and leave it there for maybe 100,000 years. I can guarantee you my old pickup will never evolve into a BMW sports coup.
I would suppose it's possible we lost our hair due to becoming more aquatic.....?

There really is no evolutionary reason that I can think of for us to lose our hair/fur, only to then have to make animal skin clothing to wear in order to keep warm...

And if it was intelligence, as some have mentioned.... how did we evolve to be so much more intelligent in such a short evolutionary time period....?

If you've read Genesis in the Bible, and look beyond the words themselves but what it is REALLY trying to tell us about our History or our 'evolution',

we,(ancestral Adam and Eve) eat from the tree of knowledge.... - this rapidly expands our brain size...

I don't know what eating from the tree of knowledge really means, but SOMETHING happened that rapidly in evolutionary terms, made us more knowledgeable...and our brains much larger....

Then it also mentions that after this increase in knowledge, Adam and Eve had to cover up, put clothing on....

Well, this could be a shortened story about us losing our fur/hair and having to wear clothes to keep warm....(and not necessarily about being naked and shame)?

ok, i'll shut up with my speculating now! :lol:

Disclaimer.... It is 2:45 in the morning!
Hello Christians???

Even God believes in Evolution!!! (it wasn't a twinkling of His nose and POOF, everything was set...).Genesis was an evolution...the, oceans/ earth, fish, birds, animals, humans....the genesis was a progression, an evolving....

And, we evolved from Adam(man) and Eve(woman) from when first created in to the larger brained human, after the tree of knowledge incident........



Evolution!!! :D
A fact is a fact.

A theory is a theory.

Evolution is a theory, not a fact.

End of story.

Evolution is a fact...it occurs
The only theories involve the mechanism of evolution

God is a theory......a theory unsupported by scientific evidence

Both God and Macroevolution are theories not supported by science. You continue to mistake adaptation for evolution. Microevolution (adaptation) happens all the time. I don't know of anyone in this day and age who doesn't believe microevolution happens. But that is not "Evolution" as espoused by Darwinists.

We have exactly zero evidence of any genus ever becoming a new genus. No example of any species in the middle of two genera. (genus comes above species and below family.) We've never found a fossil of any living thing in transition between two genera. If the theory of macroevolution were valid, we would see this evidence everywhere in the fossil record and we would have examples of it still happening today. We do not have any such evidence.

Now, you can BELIEVE that is what happened. However, what we have learned just in the past 20-30 years through discovery of DNA and the study of the genome, it's a completely dead theory. Throughout the history of Science, this has been an ongoing problem because it seems some people simply adopt a faith-based belief in Science and refuse to budge in spite of new revelations. In other words, by clinging to a debunked idea, you're being a mouth-breathing knuckle-dragger.

We didn't all evolve from the same single-cell organism. To believe THAT, is less credible than belief in any Creator God.
...we evolved from Adam(man) and Eve(woman) from when first created in to the larger brained human

Aside from the fact that Adam and Eve were not the first humans (if you believe in the Bible), it is impossible for any living organism to mutate into a higher form. Mutation follows the laws of entropy... from order to chaos... from better to worse... This is why our species has less hair now than in prehistoric times. With each generation we make a copy of a copy and information is lost.

If our DNA is so amazing that it can predict the future and change itself in order to make the organism gain attributes it will need in the future to become a better creature... this is more miraculous than any God humans have ever invented. Any change in a species is limited to the scope of what the DNA molecule contains. Something simply cannot become what it is not.
I have serious questions on evolution...

1. Why did we shed our fur?

For what reason did humans evolve and shed our fur, Wouldn't it be cold with no fur? Sounds like devolution to me.

2.Why did we become weak?

Monkeys, Apes and chimps are strong as hell creatures, so if that's the case why did we devolve and become weak creatures? It don't make no sense when in the animal kingdom the strongest gets a mate.

On my question number one been reading this book that mentions a theory that was proposed by an Oxford professor Alistar years ago (first I heard of it) His theory goes our ancestors were stranded, probably in east Africa, during a rising of sea levels. One large colony became marooned and had to learn to live on the beach. They started using tools to pry open clams, break open crabs...Spending more time in the ocean they soon lost their furry coat. An aquatic lineage would explain our hairlessness; like dolphins, whales and other aquatic mammals..

That's kind of an interesting theory, I wonder if their are other different ones floating out there? My second question I still have not read any answers that make sense why we became weak?

Walk around on your knuckles all day and see what it does for your arm strength. :)
...we evolved from Adam(man) and Eve(woman) from when first created in to the larger brained human

Aside from the fact that Adam and Eve were not the first humans (if you believe in the Bible), it is impossible for any living organism to mutate into a higher form. Mutation follows the laws of entropy... from order to chaos... from better to worse... This is why our species has less hair now than in prehistoric times. With each generation we make a copy of a copy and information is lost.

If our DNA is so amazing that it can predict the future and change itself in order to make the organism gain attributes it will need in the future to become a better creature... this is more miraculous than any God humans have ever invented. Any change in a species is limited to the scope of what the DNA molecule contains. Something simply cannot become what it is not.
All species evolved from single cell organisms.

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