If evolution is not a theory why did:

A fact is a fact.

A theory is a theory.

Evolution is a theory, not a fact.

End of story.

Evolution is a fact...it occurs
The only theories involve the mechanism of evolution

God is a theory......a theory unsupported by scientific evidence
I could claim that the universe is evidence of God. You may not accept it......

I could claim it is evidence of magical elves and I would have as much scientific validity
That's pretty much what you're claiming about species turning into other species, isn't it? Magic?

We have to be careful here. Species DO turn into other species. They are confined to their genus. We have no evidence of one genus ever becoming a new genus. The discovery of the DNA molecule pretty much seals the deal... this is an impossible theory. So now, we have this theory that Science has all but completely debunked, but people like rightwinger are so invested in the theory they can't abandon it... would be like you abandoning your faith.

We have to pray that people like him will one day accept modern science and stop believing in their fairy tales. It holds mankind back when we have to contend with mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers who refuse to accept Science.
...we evolved from Adam(man) and Eve(woman) from when first created in to the larger brained human

Aside from the fact that Adam and Eve were not the first humans (if you believe in the Bible), it is impossible for any living organism to mutate into a higher form. Mutation follows the laws of entropy... from order to chaos... from better to worse... This is why our species has less hair now than in prehistoric times. With each generation we make a copy of a copy and information is lost.

If our DNA is so amazing that it can predict the future and change itself in order to make the organism gain attributes it will need in the future to become a better creature... this is more miraculous than any God humans have ever invented. Any change in a species is limited to the scope of what the DNA molecule contains. Something simply cannot become what it is not.
All species evolved from single cell organisms.

Prove it, and win a Nobel Prize!
...we evolved from Adam(man) and Eve(woman) from when first created in to the larger brained human

Aside from the fact that Adam and Eve were not the first humans (if you believe in the Bible), it is impossible for any living organism to mutate into a higher form. Mutation follows the laws of entropy... from order to chaos... from better to worse... This is why our species has less hair now than in prehistoric times. With each generation we make a copy of a copy and information is lost.

If our DNA is so amazing that it can predict the future and change itself in order to make the organism gain attributes it will need in the future to become a better creature... this is more miraculous than any God humans have ever invented. Any change in a species is limited to the scope of what the DNA molecule contains. Something simply cannot become what it is not.
All species evolved from single cell organisms.

Prove it, and win a Nobel Prize!
So if they didn't evolve from single organisms, where did humans come from? :popcorn:
...we evolved from Adam(man) and Eve(woman) from when first created in to the larger brained human

Aside from the fact that Adam and Eve were not the first humans (if you believe in the Bible), it is impossible for any living organism to mutate into a higher form. Mutation follows the laws of entropy... from order to chaos... from better to worse... This is why our species has less hair now than in prehistoric times. With each generation we make a copy of a copy and information is lost.

If our DNA is so amazing that it can predict the future and change itself in order to make the organism gain attributes it will need in the future to become a better creature... this is more miraculous than any God humans have ever invented. Any change in a species is limited to the scope of what the DNA molecule contains. Something simply cannot become what it is not.
All species evolved from single cell organisms.

Prove it, and win a Nobel Prize!
So if they didn't evolve from single organisms, where did humans come from?

Not a single cell organism. Unless you believe in a fairy tale. :popcorn:
...we evolved from Adam(man) and Eve(woman) from when first created in to the larger brained human

Aside from the fact that Adam and Eve were not the first humans (if you believe in the Bible), it is impossible for any living organism to mutate into a higher form. Mutation follows the laws of entropy... from order to chaos... from better to worse... This is why our species has less hair now than in prehistoric times. With each generation we make a copy of a copy and information is lost.

If our DNA is so amazing that it can predict the future and change itself in order to make the organism gain attributes it will need in the future to become a better creature... this is more miraculous than any God humans have ever invented. Any change in a species is limited to the scope of what the DNA molecule contains. Something simply cannot become what it is not.
All species evolved from single cell organisms.

Prove it, and win a Nobel Prize!
So if they didn't evolve from single organisms, where did humans come from?

Not a single cell organism. Unless you believe in a fairy tale.
So where did humans come from? :popcorn:

And keep your grubby mitts off of my popcorn!
We have to pray that people like him will one day accept modern science and stop believing in their fairy tales.
Praying is part of a fairy tale. EPIC FAIL.

No... YOU are part of a fairy tale. Praying is part of human spirituality. It predates your fairy tale.
So who were they praying to? The grass?

Humans have been praying to god since the beginning. They may have called "praying" and "god" other things but it's essentially human spirituality exemplified.
Aside from the fact that Adam and Eve were not the first humans (if you believe in the Bible), it is impossible for any living organism to mutate into a higher form. Mutation follows the laws of entropy... from order to chaos... from better to worse... This is why our species has less hair now than in prehistoric times. With each generation we make a copy of a copy and information is lost.

If our DNA is so amazing that it can predict the future and change itself in order to make the organism gain attributes it will need in the future to become a better creature... this is more miraculous than any God humans have ever invented. Any change in a species is limited to the scope of what the DNA molecule contains. Something simply cannot become what it is not.
All species evolved from single cell organisms.

Prove it, and win a Nobel Prize!
So if they didn't evolve from single organisms, where did humans come from?

Not a single cell organism. Unless you believe in a fairy tale.
So where did humans come from?

And keep your grubby mitts off of my popcorn!
:popcorn: Sorry, I don't see your name on the popcorn.

Where did humans come from? Where did the universe come from? Where did a precisely fine-tuned collection of cosmological constants come from? Where did electromagnetism and gravity come from? Where did time and light come from?

I can invent some fairy tale to explain it and then castigate anyone who doesn't believe my fairy tale... or I can accept that we don't know the answers to some questions and never will. I have an OPINION... is that what you want? My opinion is, humans came from earlier hominids who share our same DNA. Not a "common ancestor" but the same genus hominid.
We have to pray that people like him will one day accept modern science and stop believing in their fairy tales.
Praying is part of a fairy tale. EPIC FAIL.

No... YOU are part of a fairy tale. Praying is part of human spirituality. It predates your fairy tale.
So who were they praying to? The grass?

Humans have been praying to god since the beginning. They may have called "praying" and "god" other things but it's essentially human spirituality exemplified.
Since the beginning of what? When?
All species evolved from single cell organisms.

Prove it, and win a Nobel Prize!
So if they didn't evolve from single organisms, where did humans come from?

Not a single cell organism. Unless you believe in a fairy tale.
So where did humans come from?

And keep your grubby mitts off of my popcorn!
:popcorn: Sorry, I don't see your name on the popcorn.

Where did humans come from? Where did the universe come from? Where did a precisely fine-tuned collection of cosmological constants come from? Where did electromagnetism and gravity come from? Where did time and light come from?

I can invent some fairy tale to explain it and then castigate anyone who doesn't believe my fairy tale... or I can accept that we don't know the answers to some questions and never will. I have an OPINION... is that what you want? My opinion is, humans came from earlier hominids who share our same DNA. Not a "common ancestor" but the same genus hominid.
And where did those earlier hominids come from?
I have serious questions on evolution...

1. Why did we shed our fur?

For what reason did humans evolve and shed our fur, Wouldn't it be cold with no fur? Sounds like devolution to me.

2.Why did we become weak?

Monkeys, Apes and chimps are strong as hell creatures, so if that's the case why did we devolve and become weak creatures? It don't make no sense when in the animal kingdom the strongest gets a mate.

On my question number one been reading this book that mentions a theory that was proposed by an Oxford professor Alistar years ago (first I heard of it) His theory goes our ancestors were stranded, probably in east Africa, during a rising of sea levels. One large colony became marooned and had to learn to live on the beach. They started using tools to pry open clams, break open crabs...Spending more time in the ocean they soon lost their furry coat. An aquatic lineage would explain our hairlessness; like dolphins, whales and other aquatic mammals..

That's kind of an interesting theory, I wonder if their are other different ones floating out there? My second question I still have not read any answers that make sense why we became weak?
1 we didn't need it.

2. We didn't need to be stronger. Don't use it lose it.

Why did we crawl out of the water?

Here is my question to you. Let's assume we don't know the answers to your questions. If that's true we don't know then that's the answer we don't know. But what you guys do is put must be God into every hole that you can't fill with a fact. And then ultimately science answers your question and we fill in that gap but then there's always going to be more gaps that we can't fill in all the gaps this is called god of the gaps. And for the record your God gets smaller and smaller every time we answer one of those questions. God use to make thunder. We know no that's not God, right?
Prove it, and win a Nobel Prize!
So if they didn't evolve from single organisms, where did humans come from?

Not a single cell organism. Unless you believe in a fairy tale.
So where did humans come from?

And keep your grubby mitts off of my popcorn!
:popcorn: Sorry, I don't see your name on the popcorn.

Where did humans come from? Where did the universe come from? Where did a precisely fine-tuned collection of cosmological constants come from? Where did electromagnetism and gravity come from? Where did time and light come from?

I can invent some fairy tale to explain it and then castigate anyone who doesn't believe my fairy tale... or I can accept that we don't know the answers to some questions and never will. I have an OPINION... is that what you want? My opinion is, humans came from earlier hominids who share our same DNA. Not a "common ancestor" but the same genus hominid.
And where did those earlier hominids come from?

Again, a question we can't answer. I have faith that God created the universe and all the life in it over the course of many millions of years. I can't prove it or I could answer the question. Still, my theory is as "scientifically valid" as your theory of a universe that popped into existence with all the ingredients for life from nothingness and some single-cell life (which you also cannot explain the origin of) spawned every living thing.

In fact, the fossil records do not support your theory whatsoever. We see species appear suddenly, sometimes many species appeared within a relatively short time. And we see 95% of the species which have appeared have also disappeared just as suddenly. Looking at DNA, it's not plausible that all living things spawned from a single cell living organism. This also defies biology. Origin of life in general is a problem for biology because the law of biogenesis says life only comes from life. Life has never been produced from inorganic material. We can't make it happen in a lab and we have never observed it in nature. Yet... in order for your theory to fly, this HAS to happen. It' CAN'T happen, that's the problem.

Furthermore... Your theory defies the Laws of Thermodynamics. Systems do not "evolve" upward they "devolve" downward. Mendel's Laws... another obstacle your theory has to overcome and it can't. Over and over again, we see our laws of nature do not endorse your theory. It's not possible that it happened the way you theorize.
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So if they didn't evolve from single organisms, where did humans come from?

Not a single cell organism. Unless you believe in a fairy tale.
So where did humans come from?

And keep your grubby mitts off of my popcorn!
:popcorn: Sorry, I don't see your name on the popcorn.

Where did humans come from? Where did the universe come from? Where did a precisely fine-tuned collection of cosmological constants come from? Where did electromagnetism and gravity come from? Where did time and light come from?

I can invent some fairy tale to explain it and then castigate anyone who doesn't believe my fairy tale... or I can accept that we don't know the answers to some questions and never will. I have an OPINION... is that what you want? My opinion is, humans came from earlier hominids who share our same DNA. Not a "common ancestor" but the same genus hominid.
And where did those earlier hominids come from?

Again, a question we can't answer. I have faith that God created the universe and all the life in it over the course of many millions of years. I can't prove it or I could answer the question. Still, my theory is as "scientifically valid" as your theory of a universe that popped into existence with all the ingredients for life from nothingness and some single-cell life (which you also cannot explain the origin of) spawned every living thing.

In fact, the fossil records do not support your theory whatsoever. We see species appear suddenly, sometimes many species appeared within a relatively short time. And we see 95% of the species which have appeared have also disappeared just as suddenly. Looking at DNA, it's not plausible that all living things spawned from a single cell living organism. This also defies biology. Origin of life in general is a problem for biology because the law of biogenesis says life only comes from life. Life has never been produced from inorganic material. We can't make it happen in a lab and we have never observed it in nature. Yet... in order for your theory to fly, this HAS to happen. It' CAN'T happen, that's the problem.
Nice of you to admit once again that your posts are based on "I don't know". Got it. Now please refrain from blowing more smoke out your ass, you've stunk up the place already.
Since the beginning of what? When?

Since humans became civilized. Estimates vary between 70~100k years. However, we really don't know, that is just as far back as we've found evidence of human civilization.
Good to hear you finally admit that you don't know.

Well, I've said all along that none of us know. :dunno:

YOU are the one making statements as if they are fact.
We have exactly zero evidence of any genus ever becoming a new genus. No example of any species in the middle of two genera. (genus comes above species and below family.) We've never found a fossil of any living thing in transition between two genera. If the theory of macroevolution were valid, we would see this evidence everywhere in the fossil record and we would have examples of it still happening today. We do not have any such evidence. .

You see it every time you look in the mirror. Around 8 mya humans and chimpanzees diverged, with chimps ultimately becoming genus Pan and humans ultimately becoming genus Homo. You can see the divergence right in our DNA, with our chromosome #2 being a fusion of chimpanzee chromosomes #2 and #13.

If you don't want to believe in evolution (and you might as well not believe in cell theory or gravity) then don't, but don't pretend that the evidence isn't out there.

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