If gay marriage is legal...let's get rid of ALL legal marriage....

Fuck the lawyers, that's what.
You'd replace it with "domestic partnerships" which would be offshoots of business law. Any people could register as domestic partners but there wouldnt be many benefits. Remove all benefits of marriage as well as marriage.
Fuck the gays.

No, no, fuck lawyers.

That is the main reason this will never work, lawyers are the task masters. They make the laws, interpret the laws, and defend/prosecute people regarding the laws. Why on earth would the do something like get out of the marriage business when there is all that money to be made?
If you can propose a society with no laws I'd be happy to listen.

Am I proposing a society without laws? No. I'm proposing taking laws away regarding marriage.

So you answer the question, why should we have the state involved in marriage?

I'm still awaiting an answer, any answer really.
Because marriage is the bedrock of society and the state has an interest in promoting stability.
So you support encouraging couples, gay and straight, to marry.
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:
Take away the benefits also...that would leave all the gays regardless of gender with their imagined and real dicks in their hand.

Go ahead, take away the benefits...gays and straights will still want to civilly marry...but you won't ever pry the benefits away from the straights.

It is funny to see the far left post their propaganda on "benefits".. They really believe that they do not have any because of the far left propaganda..

Oh, we do have then now...thanks to the SCOTUS striking down part of DOMA.

Marriage Rights and Benefits
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:
Really? Why not? The Government may reject any support for "legal families". moreover social programs for these families are senseless. I am interested What would you say about Christian wedding ceremony as a religious tradition??
Government should license civil unions to any combination of consenting adults asking for them.

Marriage should be a religious ceremony performed by churches for those who want a marriage under the terms the church agrees to.

Gays would be fine with that.
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:
Take away the benefits also...that would leave all the gays regardless of gender with their imagined and real dicks in their hand.

Go ahead, take away the benefits...gays and straights will still want to civilly marry...but you won't ever pry the benefits away from the straights.

It is funny to see the far left post their propaganda on "benefits".. They really believe that they do not have any because of the far left propaganda..

Oh, we do have then now...thanks to the SCOTUS striking down part of DOMA.

Marriage Rights and Benefits

Yes I know the far left propaganda on "rights" that they make up to create fear so they can enslave people like you.

All of which have been shown to be bunk as you can do many of the things without being "Married". Yes I know the propaganda well and it has been debunked..
Yeah let's unleash chaos on society! Fuck yeah!
No that isnt happening.

Mark this on your calendars everyone...

..................... I agree.

You probably dont.
I am ridiculing your suggestions. Leaving women with no source of income on which to raise kids, especialy after perhaps they sacrificed and struggled to put their husbands through medical school etc, just isnt going to happen and isnt right anyway.
Getting government out of marriage is a bumper sticker slogan for the narco-libertarian crowd. Nothing more.

As long as government is involved with marriage then you will have to accept gay "Marriage". Can you accept that?
I dont have to accept anything.
I sure dont have to play pretend and play act that men are really women and women are really men.
The fags are going to lose at the Supreme Court and they will kick it back to the states, each state deciding on its own what marriage is. The way it's supposed to be.
You think so, eh?
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:
Really? Why not? The Government may reject any support for "legal families". moreover social programs for these families are senseless. I am interested What would you say about Christian wedding ceremony as a religious tradition??
Government should license civil unions to any combination of consenting adults asking for them.

Marriage should be a religious ceremony performed by churches for those who want a marriage under the terms the church agrees to.

Gays would be fine with that.

Then why not push for that instead of the term "Marriage"?
Mark this on your calendars everyone...

..................... I agree.

You probably dont.
I am ridiculing your suggestions. Leaving women with no source of income on which to raise kids, especialy after perhaps they sacrificed and struggled to put their husbands through medical school etc, just isnt going to happen and isnt right anyway.
Getting government out of marriage is a bumper sticker slogan for the narco-libertarian crowd. Nothing more.

As long as government is involved with marriage then you will have to accept gay "Marriage". Can you accept that?
I dont have to accept anything.
I sure dont have to play pretend and play act that men are really women and women are really men.
The fags are going to lose at the Supreme Court and they will kick it back to the states, each state deciding on its own what marriage is. The way it's supposed to be.

While agree with you on states rights, as long as the government is involved with "Marriage" then you will have to deal with gay "Marriage". That is the far left plan when they hijacked the cause, although the far left did this to get into the churches and their money..
I dont have to deal with it at all. I live in a state that passed a constitutional amendment defining marriage as one man one woman by over 80%. It is one of the few states that has never registered a gay marriage. Remind me why some judge somewhere in Ohio can overturn the decision of 80% of the voters? And dont play the Civil Rights card. That's already maxxed out.
When your state had stricter divorce laws...did they still have to recognize the divorces of those who went to Nevada for quickie divorces? Answer: Yes they did.
I dont have to deal with it at all. I live in a state that passed a constitutional amendment defining marriage as one man one woman by over 80%. It is one of the few states that has never registered a gay marriage. Remind me why some judge somewhere in Ohio can overturn the decision of 80% of the voters? And dont play the Civil Rights card. That's already maxxed out.

Yes we know the far left loves to legislate form the bench. Although it is not a true civil rights issue, it will always be an issue that the far left can use. So they can play all the other cards.

So either you have to get the government out of the business of "Marriage" or you have to get the far left out of politics..
Just terrible, the day someone ask for equality in the USA.....

Equality does not exist in nature, so why ask for something that truly does not exist except in a political religious cult talking point?
Man has created his own nature, outside of the law of nature....

Thus proving that it is against nature..

Way to go and shoot down another far left talking point!

Congrats as you go for top posting drone of the month..
Just like the whole idea of marriage is against nature too. It's just as much a societal construct is the idea of equality.
Yes we know the far left loves to legislate form the bench. Although it is not a true civil rights issue, it will always be an issue that the far left can use. So they can play all the other cards.

So either you have to get the government out of the business of "Marriage" or you have to get the far left out of politics..
Just terrible, the day someone ask for equality in the USA.....

Equality does not exist in nature, so why ask for something that truly does not exist except in a political religious cult talking point?
Man has created his own nature, outside of the law of nature....

Thus proving that it is against nature..

Way to go and shoot down another far left talking point!

Congrats as you go for top posting drone of the month..
Just like the whole idea of marriage is against nature too. It's just as much a societal construct is the idea of equality.

Once again the far left uses words they do not understand nor exist in nature..
Getting government out of marriage is a bumper sticker slogan for the narco-libertarian crowd.

And some rabid anti gay bigots...the "fill the pool so the black kids can't swim" faction.
I would think that all those here who declare that we should be getting government out of marriage are supporting this guy...in some way.
Getting government out of marriage is a bumper sticker slogan for the narco-libertarian crowd.

And some rabid anti gay bigots...the "fill the pool so the black kids can't swim" faction.
I would think that all those here who declare that we should be getting government out of marriage are supporting this guy...in some way.

And the far left believes all far left propaganda put before them without question or hesitation..
Getting government out of marriage is a bumper sticker slogan for the narco-libertarian crowd.

And some rabid anti gay bigots...the "fill the pool so the black kids can't swim" faction.

Oh look the racist/bigoted far left drones are checking in.

They believe that being "gay" is a race..
Who, besides you, is saying that gay is a race?

Whole threads on the subject, including ones you posted on equating gay as a race, including the very far left drone you agreed with..
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:
the author of the article did not do justice to the truth. It spun it so far to the left, and I find it ironic that you did not see right through it. And to be frank, I am surprised you would not support the idea. From my understanding, he wants to rid marriage as a "law"....he wants to take government out of marriage. He wants marriage to remain a rite that can exist between any two people who want to marry, but not one that is governed by the state.
Reading left wing and right wing articles skews the reality of motivations of our politicians and it does not allow for honest debate.
So you support his premise of getting government out of marriage....completely.
You'd replace it with "domestic partnerships" which would be offshoots of business law. Any people could register as domestic partners but there wouldnt be many benefits. Remove all benefits of marriage as well as marriage.
Fuck the gays.

No, no, fuck lawyers.

That is the main reason this will never work, lawyers are the task masters. They make the laws, interpret the laws, and defend/prosecute people regarding the laws. Why on earth would the do something like get out of the marriage business when there is all that money to be made?
If you can propose a society with no laws I'd be happy to listen.

Am I proposing a society without laws? No. I'm proposing taking laws away regarding marriage.

So you answer the question, why should we have the state involved in marriage?

I'm still awaiting an answer, any answer really.
I appreciate your desire to get government out of marriage. What have you actively done to make that happen?
If you admire his desire to get government out of marriage, then why did you start this thread criticizing a politician who wants to do exactly that?
I know the answer...because the author of the article injected his own theory as to what the representatives motives are.
I don't care either way.....as long as it's equal. However, what do you think the MAJORITY of married people would think of his idea?
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:
Really? Why not? The Government may reject any support for "legal families". moreover social programs for these families are senseless. I am interested What would you say about Christian wedding ceremony as a religious tradition??
Government should license civil unions to any combination of consenting adults asking for them.

Marriage should be a religious ceremony performed by churches for those who want a marriage under the terms the church agrees to.

Gays would be fine with that.

Then why not push for that instead of the term "Marriage"?
We did...in several states. It was the RW that refused to accept it.....saying it was too close to marriage. Oh well now.
Getting government out of marriage is a bumper sticker slogan for the narco-libertarian crowd.

And some rabid anti gay bigots...the "fill the pool so the black kids can't swim" faction.

Oh look the racist/bigoted far left drones are checking in.

They believe that being "gay" is a race..
Who, besides you, is saying that gay is a race?

Whole threads on the subject, including ones you posted on equating gay as a race, including the very far left drone you agreed with..
Give us a few examples of someone saying gay is a race.
No, no, fuck lawyers.

That is the main reason this will never work, lawyers are the task masters. They make the laws, interpret the laws, and defend/prosecute people regarding the laws. Why on earth would the do something like get out of the marriage business when there is all that money to be made?
If you can propose a society with no laws I'd be happy to listen.

Am I proposing a society without laws? No. I'm proposing taking laws away regarding marriage.

So you answer the question, why should we have the state involved in marriage?

I'm still awaiting an answer, any answer really.
I appreciate your desire to get government out of marriage. What have you actively done to make that happen?
If you admire his desire to get government out of marriage, then why did you start this thread criticizing a politician who wants to do exactly that?
I know the answer...because the author of the article injected his own theory as to what the representatives motives are.
I don't care either way.....as long as it's equal. However, what do you think the MAJORITY of married people would think of his idea?

No such thing as equality in nature. Just a far left talking point to rally the weak minded..
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:
Really? Why not? The Government may reject any support for "legal families". moreover social programs for these families are senseless. I am interested What would you say about Christian wedding ceremony as a religious tradition??
Government should license civil unions to any combination of consenting adults asking for them.

Marriage should be a religious ceremony performed by churches for those who want a marriage under the terms the church agrees to.

Gays would be fine with that.

Then why not push for that instead of the term "Marriage"?
We did...in several states. It was the RW that refused to accept it.....saying it was too close to marriage. Oh well now.

Wrong! More far left propaganda!

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