If gay marriage is legal...let's get rid of ALL legal marriage....

If you can propose a society with no laws I'd be happy to listen.

Am I proposing a society without laws? No. I'm proposing taking laws away regarding marriage.

So you answer the question, why should we have the state involved in marriage?

I'm still awaiting an answer, any answer really.
I appreciate your desire to get government out of marriage. What have you actively done to make that happen?
If you admire his desire to get government out of marriage, then why did you start this thread criticizing a politician who wants to do exactly that?
I know the answer...because the author of the article injected his own theory as to what the representatives motives are.
I don't care either way.....as long as it's equal. However, what do you think the MAJORITY of married people would think of his idea?

No such thing as equality in nature. Just a far left talking point to rally the weak minded..
No such thing as marriage in nature either.
Really? Why not? The Government may reject any support for "legal families". moreover social programs for these families are senseless. I am interested What would you say about Christian wedding ceremony as a religious tradition??
Government should license civil unions to any combination of consenting adults asking for them.

Marriage should be a religious ceremony performed by churches for those who want a marriage under the terms the church agrees to.

Gays would be fine with that.

Then why not push for that instead of the term "Marriage"?
We did...in several states. It was the RW that refused to accept it.....saying it was too close to marriage. Oh well now.

Wrong! More far left propaganda!
Incorrect. You need to pay attention to what has happened in the last 10 years.
Getting government out of marriage is a bumper sticker slogan for the narco-libertarian crowd.

And some rabid anti gay bigots...the "fill the pool so the black kids can't swim" faction.

Oh look the racist/bigoted far left drones are checking in.

They believe that being "gay" is a race..
Who, besides you, is saying that gay is a race?

Whole threads on the subject, including ones you posted on equating gay as a race, including the very far left drone you agreed with..
Give us a few examples of someone saying gay is a race.

"And some rabid anti gay bigots...the "fill the pool so the black kids can't swim" faction"

Or did you just skip over that!
Government should license civil unions to any combination of consenting adults asking for them.

Marriage should be a religious ceremony performed by churches for those who want a marriage under the terms the church agrees to.

Gays would be fine with that.

Then why not push for that instead of the term "Marriage"?
We did...in several states. It was the RW that refused to accept it.....saying it was too close to marriage. Oh well now.

Wrong! More far left propaganda!
Incorrect. You need to pay attention to what has happened in the last 10 years.

I have, but since all you read is far left propaganda sites you would not know what really happened..
Why do we buy a license to get married? What test did I pass to get it?

Maybe if we forced people to take a test, the divorce rate would not be over 50%.

Really, why should the government care if a polygamist gets married or some guy wants to marry his car? Further, why should they be given government perks for it?

Marriage Is just a further extension of the entitlement crowd. Why should a single person be treated any differently?

in case you are not being sarcastic.

the reason is to encourage marriage because marriage and families make society stronger. Humans realized that thousands of years ago.
As long as government is involved with marriage then you will have to accept gay "Marriage". Can you accept that?

I'm 100% against the government telling someone they have to marry anyone - whether they be straight or gay.


Oh so you want to change the tax code as well and make it fair for everyone right?
It is fair for everyone. Want benefits? Marry someone of the opposite sex. Anyone can do that. Just like anyone can qualify for farm benefits by being a farmer. Or qualify for tax credits by installing some solar shit or other in their homes.
If you object to the tax code being used for social engineering, fine. But that's how things are.

Well actually the tax code allows for two people living together to get the same benefits.

Two non married people (even one man and one woman) can adopt children for the tax benefits.

In your will you can specify who gets your social security money.

Why have government involved in "Marriage" when all those things that so many believe are automatic, no longer exist?
Not really.
Spouses can pass property to each other via inheritance tax free. Spouses cannot be compelled to testify against each other. Spousal property gets favorable treatment in bankruptcy. The list is long.
And in case someone thinks incest is off the table, why? Once you make the argument that anyone can marry anyone then incest becomes natural. And it's not all one eyed retards in KY either.
Consider an older couple with one child. The husband is a multi millionaire. He dies and his wife inherits his estate tax free. Now she's got a problem. When she dies the estate will gte hit with large taxes. So what to do? Aha! She'll marry her son and get the spousal exemption for him. Problem solved.

Eliminate spousal exemption. Problem solved.
And some rabid anti gay bigots...the "fill the pool so the black kids can't swim" faction.

Oh look the racist/bigoted far left drones are checking in.

They believe that being "gay" is a race..
Who, besides you, is saying that gay is a race?

Whole threads on the subject, including ones you posted on equating gay as a race, including the very far left drone you agreed with..
Give us a few examples of someone saying gay is a race.

"And some rabid anti gay bigots...the "fill the pool so the black kids can't swim" faction"

Or did you just skip over that!

Did you ditch school on the day they talked about analogies?
As long as government is involved with marriage then you will have to accept gay "Marriage". Can you accept that?

I'm 100% against the government telling someone they have to marry anyone - whether they be straight or gay.


Oh so you want to change the tax code as well and make it fair for everyone right?
It is fair for everyone. Want benefits? Marry someone of the opposite sex. Anyone can do that. Just like anyone can qualify for farm benefits by being a farmer. Or qualify for tax credits by installing some solar shit or other in their homes.
If you object to the tax code being used for social engineering, fine. But that's how things are.

But gays aren't attracted to and do not wish to marry someone of the same sex...luckily for them they can marry the consenting adult partner of their choice in 36 out of 50 states. :lol:
Werent you the one making the point that being attracted was not a requirement for marriage?
I have no desire to be a farmer, therefore I forego the benefits of agricultural subsidies. Does that make the system unequal?
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:
Really? Why not? The Government may reject any support for "legal families". moreover social programs for these families are senseless. I am interested What would you say about Christian wedding ceremony as a religious tradition??
Government should license civil unions to any combination of consenting adults asking for them.

Marriage should be a religious ceremony performed by churches for those who want a marriage under the terms the church agrees to.

Gays would be fine with that.

Then why not push for that instead of the term "Marriage"?

Civil Marriage is what we have in the United States and gays want equal access to it. We don't care what it is called, you do so the onus is on you to change it for everyone. What is not acceptable is marriage for you, civil unions for gays. (not to mention downright unconstitutional)

Are you married?
I'm 100% against the government telling someone they have to marry anyone - whether they be straight or gay.


Oh so you want to change the tax code as well and make it fair for everyone right?
It is fair for everyone. Want benefits? Marry someone of the opposite sex. Anyone can do that. Just like anyone can qualify for farm benefits by being a farmer. Or qualify for tax credits by installing some solar shit or other in their homes.
If you object to the tax code being used for social engineering, fine. But that's how things are.

Well actually the tax code allows for two people living together to get the same benefits.

Two non married people (even one man and one woman) can adopt children for the tax benefits.

In your will you can specify who gets your social security money.

Why have government involved in "Marriage" when all those things that so many believe are automatic, no longer exist?
Not really.
Spouses can pass property to each other via inheritance tax free. Spouses cannot be compelled to testify against each other. Spousal property gets favorable treatment in bankruptcy. The list is long.
And in case someone thinks incest is off the table, why? Once you make the argument that anyone can marry anyone then incest becomes natural. And it's not all one eyed retards in KY either.
Consider an older couple with one child. The husband is a multi millionaire. He dies and his wife inherits his estate tax free. Now she's got a problem. When she dies the estate will gte hit with large taxes. So what to do? Aha! She'll marry her son and get the spousal exemption for him. Problem solved.

Eliminate spousal exemption. Problem solved.

so how is society helped if two single people pay the same as if those two were married?

our tax laws are structured to encourage marriage and families because the founders, and most others, believed that the society was better off if people married. Thats why we have a deduction for home interest, to encourage buying a house.

Has our society degraded to a point where nothing matters except what feels good at the moment?
You'd replace it with "domestic partnerships" which would be offshoots of business law. Any people could register as domestic partners but there wouldnt be many benefits. Remove all benefits of marriage as well as marriage.
Fuck the gays.

No, no, fuck lawyers.

That is the main reason this will never work, lawyers are the task masters. They make the laws, interpret the laws, and defend/prosecute people regarding the laws. Why on earth would the do something like get out of the marriage business when there is all that money to be made?
If you can propose a society with no laws I'd be happy to listen.

Am I proposing a society without laws? No. I'm proposing taking laws away regarding marriage.

So you answer the question, why should we have the state involved in marriage?

I'm still awaiting an answer, any answer really.
Because marriage is the bedrock of society and the state has an interest in promoting stability.
So you support encouraging couples, gay and straight, to marry.
Yes, every one of the hundred or so posts I've made on this topic indicates that. Right?
As long as government is involved with marriage then you will have to accept gay "Marriage". Can you accept that?

I'm 100% against the government telling someone they have to marry anyone - whether they be straight or gay.


Oh so you want to change the tax code as well and make it fair for everyone right?
It is fair for everyone. Want benefits? Marry someone of the opposite sex. Anyone can do that. Just like anyone can qualify for farm benefits by being a farmer. Or qualify for tax credits by installing some solar shit or other in their homes.
If you object to the tax code being used for social engineering, fine. But that's how things are.

But gays aren't attracted to and do not wish to marry someone of the same sex...luckily for them they can marry the consenting adult partner of their choice in 36 out of 50 states. :lol:
Werent you the one making the point that being attracted was not a requirement for marriage?
I have no desire to be a farmer, therefore I forego the benefits of agricultural subsidies. Does that make the system unequal?

It's not...that doesn't mean we want to marry someone to whom we are not attracted. We want to marry our life partners just like ya'll straight folk do.

Mildred Loving could marry a man...she just had to marry a black man.
Getting government out of marriage is a bumper sticker slogan for the narco-libertarian crowd.

And some rabid anti gay bigots...the "fill the pool so the black kids can't swim" faction.

Oh look the racist/bigoted far left drones are checking in.

They believe that being "gay" is a race..
Who, besides you, is saying that gay is a race?

Whole threads on the subject, including ones you posted on equating gay as a race, including the very far left drone you agreed with..
Give us a few examples of someone saying gay is a race.
Without reference to the Civil Rights Movement the whole premise falls apart.
There is nothing preventing gay men from marrying women,nothing to prevent gay women from marrying men. There is your equality right there.
I'm 100% against the government telling someone they have to marry anyone - whether they be straight or gay.


Oh so you want to change the tax code as well and make it fair for everyone right?
It is fair for everyone. Want benefits? Marry someone of the opposite sex. Anyone can do that. Just like anyone can qualify for farm benefits by being a farmer. Or qualify for tax credits by installing some solar shit or other in their homes.
If you object to the tax code being used for social engineering, fine. But that's how things are.

But gays aren't attracted to and do not wish to marry someone of the same sex...luckily for them they can marry the consenting adult partner of their choice in 36 out of 50 states. :lol:
Werent you the one making the point that being attracted was not a requirement for marriage?
I have no desire to be a farmer, therefore I forego the benefits of agricultural subsidies. Does that make the system unequal?

It's not...that doesn't mean we want to marry someone to whom we are not attracted. We want to marry our life partners just like ya'll straight folk do.

Mildred Loving could marry a man...she just had to marry a black man.
You are free to marry whomever you want.
Just dont ask for state sanctionfor it.
ANd bingo if you didnt just prove my last point.
Am I proposing a society without laws? No. I'm proposing taking laws away regarding marriage.

So you answer the question, why should we have the state involved in marriage?

I'm still awaiting an answer, any answer really.
I appreciate your desire to get government out of marriage. What have you actively done to make that happen?
If you admire his desire to get government out of marriage, then why did you start this thread criticizing a politician who wants to do exactly that?
I know the answer...because the author of the article injected his own theory as to what the representatives motives are.
I don't care either way.....as long as it's equal. However, what do you think the MAJORITY of married people would think of his idea?

No such thing as equality in nature. Just a far left talking point to rally the weak minded..
No such thing as marriage in nature either.

males and females of many species make a lifetime committment to each other. No, storks do not have a marriage ceremony or a license. Marks on a paper do not make a marriage. Mutual committment makes a marriage.

what you will never see in nature is two members of the same sex making a lifetime committment to each other. Homosexuality does occur in natue, as wytchy continues to tell us, but it is a deviant behavior, just as it is in humans.
Gay Marriage Scares Oklahoma Rep So Much He Proposes Banning All Marriages

If this isn't the most petulant thing I've read from the Right wing today........:lol:
Really? Why not? The Government may reject any support for "legal families". moreover social programs for these families are senseless. I am interested What would you say about Christian wedding ceremony as a religious tradition??
No problem. We got married in a Christian wedding ceremony a decade before we could marry legally. It's funny that anyone would think that getting rid of legalized marriage and going to religious weddings only would stop gay marriage.

Answer the question, why should the state be involved in marriage? Why do you want Big Brother in the bedroom?
Marriage is so much more than what happens in the bedroom
It is a binding contract
Oh so you want to change the tax code as well and make it fair for everyone right?
It is fair for everyone. Want benefits? Marry someone of the opposite sex. Anyone can do that. Just like anyone can qualify for farm benefits by being a farmer. Or qualify for tax credits by installing some solar shit or other in their homes.
If you object to the tax code being used for social engineering, fine. But that's how things are.

But gays aren't attracted to and do not wish to marry someone of the same sex...luckily for them they can marry the consenting adult partner of their choice in 36 out of 50 states. :lol:
Werent you the one making the point that being attracted was not a requirement for marriage?
I have no desire to be a farmer, therefore I forego the benefits of agricultural subsidies. Does that make the system unequal?

It's not...that doesn't mean we want to marry someone to whom we are not attracted. We want to marry our life partners just like ya'll straight folk do.

Mildred Loving could marry a man...she just had to marry a black man.
You are free to marry whomever you want.
Just dont ask for state sanctionfor it.
ANd bingo if you didnt just prove my last point.

Too late...already state and Federal sanctioned...soon to be in all 50 states. :lol:
It is fair for everyone. Want benefits? Marry someone of the opposite sex. Anyone can do that. Just like anyone can qualify for farm benefits by being a farmer. Or qualify for tax credits by installing some solar shit or other in their homes.
If you object to the tax code being used for social engineering, fine. But that's how things are.

But gays aren't attracted to and do not wish to marry someone of the same sex...luckily for them they can marry the consenting adult partner of their choice in 36 out of 50 states. :lol:
Werent you the one making the point that being attracted was not a requirement for marriage?
I have no desire to be a farmer, therefore I forego the benefits of agricultural subsidies. Does that make the system unequal?

It's not...that doesn't mean we want to marry someone to whom we are not attracted. We want to marry our life partners just like ya'll straight folk do.

Mildred Loving could marry a man...she just had to marry a black man.
You are free to marry whomever you want.
Just dont ask for state sanctionfor it.
ANd bingo if you didnt just prove my last point.

Too late...already state and Federal sanctioned...soon to be in all 50 states. :lol:
There's your other argument: We managed to persuade a small number of judges so we must be right.
That's a fail. My state has never registered a gay marriage. ANd I'll bet they never will.
No, no, fuck lawyers.

That is the main reason this will never work, lawyers are the task masters. They make the laws, interpret the laws, and defend/prosecute people regarding the laws. Why on earth would the do something like get out of the marriage business when there is all that money to be made?
If you can propose a society with no laws I'd be happy to listen.

Am I proposing a society without laws? No. I'm proposing taking laws away regarding marriage.

So you answer the question, why should we have the state involved in marriage?

I'm still awaiting an answer, any answer really.
Because marriage is the bedrock of society and the state has an interest in promoting stability.
So you support encouraging couples, gay and straight, to marry.
Yes, every one of the hundred or so posts I've made on this topic indicates that. Right?
Well...people DO change their minds over time. :D

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