If global warming is real, and since 2000 when it was first identified that the Earth is warming up, after 20 years why does it still get cold.

I’ll tell you what is not normal. A 20+ degree difference in one day. Its been happening more and more often the last few years.

That's perfectly normal in a continental climate ... common in fact ... anytime the Arctic Oscillation is positively biased ...
These idiot Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

The earth is in a glacial era.

That is not normal for earth. During most of earth's existence the earth has been warmer. For many eons much warmer.

In this cool glacial era we are now in a post glacial warming cycle. We have been for the last 10K years since the end of the last ice age. It should continue for about another 20-30K years and then we should have have another ice age.

In the meantime we will have periodic ups and downs in the cycle. It looks like we may be moving into a mini ice age now with the effects of a solar minimum cycle. It may be be pretty damn cool for the next 20 years or so.

Man made CO2 emissions have little impact on the climate. In fact it has not been proven that CO2, either natural or man made, is a greenhouse gas. There have been times when the CO2 levels on earth have been ten times higher than it is now and the earth has been cooler. There have been times when the CO2 levels have been lower and the the climate warmer.

In fact the historical data indicates that CO2 levels in the atmosphere lags temperature changes. In other words the temperature rises and then the CO2 levels increase. Not the other way around.

This lack of clear evidence that man made CO2 levels have affected the climate of the earth is the reason that these environmental wackos have fabricated and distorted data. When the real evidence was not there they just made it up or cherry picked data. They admitted it big time in the Climategate memos. Under the Obama administration NASA and NOAA were caught fabricating data. The same with the UN Commission on Climate.

The fraud has been exposed many times. The stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats just ignore it because AGW is their religion.

This AGW bullshit is all a scam. It has no scientific basis.

Anybody that believes is a gullible idiot.

Here's an example of someone NOT being willfully ignorant ... and as such has gotten much of what he posted correct ... more important, he explains why he thinks the way he does ... not that I agree with him, but I do condone his thoughtfulness in the matter ...

I am an Environmental Engineer. PE. Worked in the field for 30 years. I am not an expert on climate science but I am better read than most people and being an Engineer I can spot science bullshit when I see it.

After retiring I did some part time teaching of Environmental Science at an University. In my class we discussed climate change.

I did a lot of research on the topic before presenting it in class because I wanted to get it right. I have no bias either way. If humans are changing the climate I am ready to accept that. Heaven knows humans are polluting the hell out of the planet in other ways.

However, I saw no real data that indicated human CO2 emissions were altering the natural climate of the earth. I saw meaningless correlations and I saw data fabrication and I saw worthless computer generated models that had shit in and shit out. I saw real data being ignored and out right lies and dishonesty from scientists and researchers that damn well know better.

In order to have a real discussion on the effect that humans have on the biosphere we need honesty in the scientific community and that is sorely lacking now.

This AGW horse crap has become a political issue. The Left wants to use it as a tool for globalization, wealth distribution, socialism and other nefarious reasons. The science has been distorted. It is despicable.

That is why I ridicule those that believe the scam.
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Does December 1st. Vermont. 55 degrees sound normal?

I looked it up ... anything between 68ºF and -23ºF is normal for Vermont during December ... Burlington, VT ...
I’ll tell you what is not normal. A 20+ degree difference in one day. Its been happening more and more often the last few years.

Ha ha ha.....

It changes around 35-40 degrees in the summer in my city every day in the summer.

It changes around 15-25 degrees in the Winter in my city under clear or partly cloudy skies every day.
Now we all know that in a house(this is an analogy for the progs) lets say you have a 3 floor house. The basement which is cooler than the main floor and upper floor could be 2 to 3 degrees lower than the main, and possibly 5 to 6 degrees cooler than the upper floor, as cold air goes lower and hot air rises. But if you change the temperature of the whole house by 3 degrees, all three floors get hotter. Now with progressive "Science" in some places of the Earth, where they put thermometers on top of asphalt roofs and beside exhaust fans, we have been told that the ice is melting in the polar regions. That would mean the temperature up there is above 32 degrees F. because ice doesnt melt below that temperature. So how can this be explained when Marietta Ga, is so far from the North Pole yet well below freezing.


Marietta Ga.

Mostly sunny
Expect partly sunny skies. The high will be 43°.

Come on man, you can drop a turd and tell me it is a rose, but i know better, when your shit stinks...

View attachment 423864
I suggest that you contact the science community and they will explain global warming to you, rather than you making some sort of silly analogy.
These idiot Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

The earth is in a glacial era.

That is not normal for earth. During most of earth's existence the earth has been warmer. For many eons much warmer.

In this cool glacial era we are now in a post glacial warming cycle. We have been for the last 10K years since the end of the last ice age. It should continue for about another 20-30K years and then we should have have another ice age.

In the meantime we will have periodic ups and downs in the cycle. It looks like we may be moving into a mini ice age now with the effects of a solar minimum cycle. It may be be pretty damn cool for the next 20 years or so.

Man made CO2 emissions have little impact on the climate. In fact it has not been proven that CO2, either natural or man made, is a greenhouse gas. There have been times when the CO2 levels on earth have been ten times higher than it is now and the earth has been cooler. There have been times when the CO2 levels have been lower and the the climate warmer.

In fact the historical data indicates that CO2 levels in the atmosphere lags temperature changes. In other words the temperature rises and then the CO2 levels increase. Not the other way around.

This lack of clear evidence that man made CO2 levels have affected the climate of the earth is the reason that these environmental wackos have fabricated and distorted data. When the real evidence was not there they just made it up or cherry picked data. They admitted it big time in the Climategate memos. Under the Obama administration NASA and NOAA were caught fabricating data. The same with the UN Commission on Climate.

The fraud has been exposed many times. The stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats just ignore it because AGW is their religion.

This AGW bullshit is all a scam. It has no scientific basis.

Anybody that believes is a gullible idiot.

Here's an example of someone NOT being willfully ignorant ... and as such has gotten much of what he posted correct ... more important, he explains why he thinks the way he does ... not that I agree with him, but I do condone his thoughtfulness in the matter ...

I am an Environmental Engineer. PE. Worked in the field for 30 years. I am not an expert on climate science but I am better read than most people and being an Engineer I can spot science bullshit when I see it.

After retiring I did some part time teaching of Environmental Science at an University. In my class we discussed climate change.

I did a lot of research on the topic before presenting it in class because I wanted to get it right. I have no bias either way. If humans are changing the climate I am ready to accept that. Heaven knows humans are polluting the hell out of the planet in other ways.

However, I saw no real data that indicated human CO2 emissions were altering the natural climate of the earth. I saw meaningless correlations and I saw data fabrication and I saw worthless computer generated models that had shit in and shit out. I saw real data being ignored and out right lies and dishonesty from scientists and researchers that damn well know better.

In order to have a real discussion on the effect that humans have on the biosphere we need honesty in the scientific community and that is sorely lacking now.

This AGW horse crap has become a political issue. The Left wants to use it as a tool for globalization, wealth distribution, socialism and other nefarious reasons. The science has been distorted. It is despicable.

That is why I ridicule those that believe the scam.
Are you the same guy who teaches your children to hate people of color because that is what your daddy taught you? Do you salute the confederate flag? I think that you have no credibility.
These idiot Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

The earth is in a glacial era.

That is not normal for earth. During most of earth's existence the earth has been warmer. For many eons much warmer.

In this cool glacial era we are now in a post glacial warming cycle. We have been for the last 10K years since the end of the last ice age. It should continue for about another 20-30K years and then we should have have another ice age.

In the meantime we will have periodic ups and downs in the cycle. It looks like we may be moving into a mini ice age now with the effects of a solar minimum cycle. It may be be pretty damn cool for the next 20 years or so.

Man made CO2 emissions have little impact on the climate. In fact it has not been proven that CO2, either natural or man made, is a greenhouse gas. There have been times when the CO2 levels on earth have been ten times higher than it is now and the earth has been cooler. There have been times when the CO2 levels have been lower and the the climate warmer.

In fact the historical data indicates that CO2 levels in the atmosphere lags temperature changes. In other words the temperature rises and then the CO2 levels increase. Not the other way around.

This lack of clear evidence that man made CO2 levels have affected the climate of the earth is the reason that these environmental wackos have fabricated and distorted data. When the real evidence was not there they just made it up or cherry picked data. They admitted it big time in the Climategate memos. Under the Obama administration NASA and NOAA were caught fabricating data. The same with the UN Commission on Climate.

The fraud has been exposed many times. The stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats just ignore it because AGW is their religion.

This AGW bullshit is all a scam. It has no scientific basis.

Anybody that believes is a gullible idiot.

Here's an example of someone NOT being willfully ignorant ... and as such has gotten much of what he posted correct ... more important, he explains why he thinks the way he does ... not that I agree with him, but I do condone his thoughtfulness in the matter ...

I am an Environmental Engineer. PE. Worked in the field for 30 years. I am not an expert on climate science but I am better read than most people and being an Engineer I can spot science bullshit when I see it.

After retiring I did some part time teaching of Environmental Science at an University. In my class we discussed climate change.

I did a lot of research on the topic before presenting it in class because I wanted to get it right. I have no bias either way. If humans are changing the climate I am ready to accept that. Heaven knows humans are polluting the hell out of the planet in other ways.

However, I saw no real data that indicated human CO2 emissions were altering the natural climate of the earth. I saw meaningless correlations and I saw data fabrication and I saw worthless computer generated models that had shit in and shit out. I saw real data being ignored and out right lies and dishonesty from scientists and researchers that damn well know better.

In order to have a real discussion on the effect that humans have on the biosphere we need honesty in the scientific community and that is sorely lacking now.

This AGW horse crap has become a political issue. The Left wants to use it as a tool for globalization, wealth distribution, socialism and other nefarious reasons. The science has been distorted. It is despicable.

That is why I ridicule those that believe the scam.
Are you the same guy who teaches your children to hate people of color because that is what your daddy taught you? Do you salute the confederate flag? I think that you have no credibility.

Are you the same shithead that thinks Obama was a good President and voted for this worthless piece of shit Biden?

Because that pretty well established that you have no credibility.

Like I said, people that believe in this AGW bullshit are gullible idiots.

Looks like you fit the bill to a T.
I am an Environmental Engineer. PE. Worked in the field for 30 years. I am not an expert on climate science but I am better read than most people and being an Engineer I can spot science bullshit when I see it.

After retiring I did some part time teaching of Environmental Science at an University. In my class we discussed climate change.

I did a lot of research on the topic before presenting it in class because I wanted to get it right. I have no bias either way. If humans are changing the climate I am ready to accept that. Heaven knows humans are polluting the hell out of the planet in other ways.

However, I saw no real data that indicated human CO2 emissions were altering the natural climate of the earth. I saw meaningless correlations and I saw data fabrication and I saw worthless computer generated models that had shit in and shit out. I saw real data being ignored and out right lies and dishonesty from scientists and researchers that damn well know better.

In order to have a real discussion on the effect that humans have on the biosphere we need honesty in the scientific community and that is sorely lacking now.

This AGW horse crap has become a political issue. The Left wants to use it as a tool for globalization, wealth distribution, socialism and other nefarious reasons. The science has been distorted. It is despicable.

That is why I ridicule those that believe the scam.

I took a class in meteorology is all ...

I think you cast your net too wide ... only a few scientists are advocating CCC ... ones photogenic and have voices that carry well over microphones ... ones willing to read a script into the TV cameras for $20,000 ... most climatologists will say we don't know yet, research continues ...

AGW Theory has become a social movement ... and has greatly departed what can honestly be said scientifically ... there's better reasons to curtail our reliance on fossil fuels ...
I am an Environmental Engineer. PE. Worked in the field for 30 years. I am not an expert on climate science but I am better read than most people and being an Engineer I can spot science bullshit when I see it.

After retiring I did some part time teaching of Environmental Science at an University. In my class we discussed climate change.

I did a lot of research on the topic before presenting it in class because I wanted to get it right. I have no bias either way. If humans are changing the climate I am ready to accept that. Heaven knows humans are polluting the hell out of the planet in other ways.

However, I saw no real data that indicated human CO2 emissions were altering the natural climate of the earth. I saw meaningless correlations and I saw data fabrication and I saw worthless computer generated models that had shit in and shit out. I saw real data being ignored and out right lies and dishonesty from scientists and researchers that damn well know better.

In order to have a real discussion on the effect that humans have on the biosphere we need honesty in the scientific community and that is sorely lacking now.

This AGW horse crap has become a political issue. The Left wants to use it as a tool for globalization, wealth distribution, socialism and other nefarious reasons. The science has been distorted. It is despicable.

That is why I ridicule those that believe the scam.

I took a class in meteorology is all ...

I think you cast your net too wide ... only a few scientists are advocating CCC ... ones photogenic and have voices that carry well over microphones ... ones willing to read a script into the TV cameras for $20,000 ... most climatologists will say we don't know yet, research continues ...

AGW Theory has become a social movement ... and has greatly departed what can honestly be said scientifically ... there's better reasons to curtail our reliance on fossil fuels ...

You are correct. There are many climatologists that don't accept the AGW premise but they don't get the exposure.

The big disappointment is that something as important as this has been corrupted by politics.

We need to de-politicize the science.

We live in the golden age of humanity. Tremendous population growth and improvements in the standard of living due to cheap energy. Yes fossil fuels will run out one of these days. However, we are not there yet.

I suspect that when we do run out of cheap fossil fuel energy it will have a tremendous impact on the population. We cannot sustain soon to be ten billion people without enormous amount of energy and we aren't going to get it from wind or solar.

We are already getting almost all of the hydroelectric power we can. Even if we go to fission we will run out of fuel not long after we run out of fossil fuels. Wind and solar may be a Moon Bat's wet dream but will never hack it. Geothermal may help a little but won't be the savior of mankind.

Our only hope may be fusion. However there is a strong environmental wacko lobby that is anti nuclear on every level. For instance, the idiots in Washington State managed to get the FFTF at Hanford closed down and that was the best test bed in the world for fusion.
I have 100ºF in Atlanta on Aug 13th ... obviously you're looking at the wrong data ...

ETA: Your analysis on the house also wrong ... the basement is warmest due to adiobatic cooling in the upper floors ... that's a real thing in the atmosphere ... have a care with the basic laws of physics ...

So you are telling me my attic is warmer than my basement.

Can you put me and Meth Hunter Biden in touch with your dealer?
So you are telling me my attic is warmer than my basement.

Can you put me and Meth Hunter Biden in touch with your dealer?

No ... your basement is warmer than your attic under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions ... PV=nRT ...

Cougar Cannabis ... just off The I-5 ... no magic mushrooms yet, I'm told next fall ...
So you are telling me my attic is warmer than my basement.

Can you put me and Meth Hunter Biden in touch with your dealer?

No ... your basement is warmer than your attic under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions ... PV=nRT ...

Cougar Cannabis ... just off The I-5 ... no magic mushrooms yet, I'm told next fall ...

I surrender but am interested in understanding and learning.

Why does my basement always feel cooler than the upper floors?

So you are telling me my attic is warmer than my basement.

Can you put me and Meth Hunter Biden in touch with your dealer?

No ... your basement is warmer than your attic under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions ... PV=nRT ...

Cougar Cannabis ... just off The I-5 ... no magic mushrooms yet, I'm told next fall ...

I surrender but am interested in understanding and learning.

Why does my basement always feel cooler than the upper floors?


Because warm air being lighter rises upward, while cooler more dense air sinks downward.

I have been in many basements, lived in two different ones, they were around 5-10 degrees cooler than the upper floors.
I surrender but am interested in understanding and learning.
Why does my basement always feel cooler than the upper floors?

Your home is a closed system ... mostly ... what you have are air leaks in your upper floors ... so heat energy is escaping out with the hot air and being replaced by cold air coming into your basement ... a non-equilibrium state if you're running your heating system ... if we could magically seal all the holes, insulate to R-gazillion and tie up your kids so they quit leaving the front door wide open ... then eventually your entire home will be evenly heated throughout and your heating system will turn off ...

I didn't say temperature would be the same throughout, I said that heat energy would be even throughout ... thermodynamic equilibrium ... the difference is air pressure is a bit lower in your upper floor than down in the basement ... using the Ideal Gas Law then we see that for equal mass and volume, if pressure goes down, so must temperature, for the case where energy is equally distributed ...

This difference in your home is only 50 feet elevation, the temperature difference is trivial ... but the atmosphere extends up 10's of thousands of feet ... at roughly 18,000 feet we have half the air pressure ... temperature drops dramatically even with equal energy ... around 50ºC colder ... the fancy-panty egg-head sciency term for this is "adiobatic cooling" ... where adiobatic means "without the transfer of energy" ... we have a set amount of joules in our air parcel which gives us 25ºC at 1000 mb, this same air parcel, same number of joules, will be -25ºC at 500 mb ...

For dry air ... if we consider water vapor in the air parcel, all kinds of crazy things start happening ... like clouds, hurricanes, rain and snow ... it gets real complicated real fast ...

Why does my basement always feel cooler than the upper floors?

Because your house is full of air leaks ... spend the $20 for chauking and start plugging the holes ... and nail your children's bedroom windows shut ...
These idiot Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

In order to pull off the condescending act, you can't be a moron. That's why I can do it, and you can't.

In this cool glacial era we are now in a post glacial warming cycle.

Totally wrong. The warm cycle peaked 8000 years ago. It's been slow cooling ever since. Well, it was until it suddenly switched to fast warming very recently.

In fact it has not been proven that CO2, either natural or man made, is a greenhouse gas.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

There have been times when the CO2 levels on earth have been ten times higher than it is now and the earth has been cooler.

Because the sun was much cooler. Earth should have been frozen then. It wasn't. The only thing that explains why earth wasn't frozen was the CO2. Paleohistory is just one thing that proves CO2 is a greenhouse gas.

There have been times when the CO2 levels have been lower and the the climate warmer.

And if anyone said CO2 was the only thing affecting climate, that would matter. But nobody ever said that, so you're attacking a strawman.

In fact the historical data indicates that CO2 levels in the atmosphere lags temperature changes.

Which is what AGW theory predicts. Come on, learn the basics. CO2 is both a forcing and a feedback.

You're a seriously brainwashed cult imbecile. Your "research" was just you regurgitating what your masters trickled down your eager cult throat. You're much too stupid to ever understand how stupid you are. The people around you should have informed you of how deluded you are, but since they haven't, I'm the one who has to stage the intervention.
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This AGW horse crap has become a political issue. The Left wants to use it as a tool for globalization, wealth distribution, socialism and other nefarious reasons. The science has been distorted. It is despicable.

A fine illustration of the point I keep making, about how the two sides are total opposites.

Denialism is based entirely on politics. All deniers are right-wing extremist nutbars. That's why they're always going off on weird bitter authoritarian political rants, like the one I quoted there. If right-wing politics vanished, denialism would instantly vanish too.

The real science crosses all poltical boundaries all over the world, because it's real science. None of the realists go off on political rants. If left-wing politics vanished, the science wouldn't change at all.
This AGW horse crap has become a political issue. The Left wants to use it as a tool for globalization, wealth distribution, socialism and other nefarious reasons. The science has been distorted. It is despicable.

A fine illustration of the point I keep making, about how the two sides are total opposites.

Denialism is based entirely on politics. All deniers are right-wing extremist nutbars. That's why they're always going off on weird bitter authoritarian political rants, like the one I quoted there. If right-wing politics vanished, denialism would instantly vanish too.

The real science crosses all poltical boundaries all over the world, because it's real science. None of the realists go off on political rants. If left-wing politics vanished, the science wouldn't change at all.

You mean that if we got rid of the Left Wing assholes denial about Biden stealing the election would go away?

Or if we got rid of the stupid uneducated Moon Bats denial about gender would go away?

How about the uneducated denial of Economics and History the idiotic Liberals have?

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