If God did not exist

Let me paraphrase THAT for you:

Koshergrl spanked me and the other anti-Christian nitwits today and it gives me a sad. :(
I didn't say you said truth was meaningless.

What you said to me was "Yes, truth does mean something, and it is a real thing", which certainly does imply that I claimed otherwise.

You maintain that truth is a construct of man, and you are wrong.

Does your dog have discussions with you about truth? No? What about your guppies? No? Well, there you go. Or else it could be that you are so unpleasant a person that they just don't want to have anything to do with you.

Neither you and Joe have the slightest idea even of the meaning of the words you're bantering around. You're the most laughable sort of buffoons that exist on the internet. Basement drones who get their education from cereal boxes and the History Channel, lol. Before you get into lofty (lololol) discussions about things like "truth" and "wisdom" I suggest you look the words up. Idiots. And please, before you launch into future discussions about ethics and integrity and such, do us all a favor and just check to see if what you think those words mean, and what they actually mean, are the same before you make laughingstocks of yourselves. Again.

Take an advil, darlin, your period is starting to get to you.
koshergrl you are one of the most abusive obnoxious juvenile individuals I have ever come to know on a message board. Your trolling and abusiveness and name-calling toward others is relentless and without consequence.

So it's *abusive* to point out the actual meanings of the words you are abusing and mis-using.

Got it.

Unfortunately, it goes against my nature to watch internet loons twist the language to suit their ignorance. Next time, hopefully you'll double check your definitions before you get all arrogant and such.
I don't need to. I'm right. That's all that matters here. And you guys are just dweebs who think they're a LOT smarter than they actually are, as I demonstrated. In spades.
Seems like the first question was a yes/no.

Why would any omniscient/omnipresent being make understanding his words so difficult, contradictory and ambiguous?
You have to realize the letter was translated from Italian but you are right…the answer to the first question does not seem to address the subject of forgiveness. I interpret it to mean God is all merciful and therefore as long as one follows ones own good conscience, whether one is a believer or non-believer, it is not necessary to believe in God. To listen and to follow your own conscience means you have to have a conscience (haha) and understand the difference between good and evil.

Bolding mine.
I recall (in your quest for opinions) reminding you to consider the source.
You chose a human to quote, from a church not even addressed by Christ in the end times, and then turned around and interpreted his interpretation to arrive at the wrong conclusion. :eek:

I noticed that Christ is conveniently absent from your conclusion and self was substituted.
Just because you know the difference between good and evil, does that prevent you from choosing evil? What happens when you chose evil and regret it? Does your conscience forgive you, and wipe the slate clean or are you screwed? What's the Pope say?
And if you choose good, almost all the time, is that not your work's?
Can work's save you?

Here is someone else's statement. No need for interpertation:

John 14:6. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

He created the human you got your conclusion from.
Ponder that. :eusa_angel:
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P.S. Koshergrl, you are also a notorious plagiarist.

Oh. Ok.


I will take a chance here and say you probably don't know what "notorious" means, either.

And most likely you have a limited understanding of "plagarism" as well.


I'm beginning to think you're just a sock of AvgJoe's. He has a hard time with AP style too...can't seem to wrap his brain around the most basic tenets of the language.
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Knowing the meaning of words makes me a narcissist?

koshergrl you are one of the most abusive obnoxious juvenile individuals I have ever come to know on a message board. Your trolling and abusiveness and name-calling toward others is relentless and without consequence.

Considering you arrived here this month and don't know Kosher from Adam, your judgement of her seems a little misguided and callous.
Did your "conscience" dictate your post? Was it meant for good or evil?

Here's another opinion you may want to consider:

Matthew 7:1-3 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

If you don't like that opinion, there is always this:
John 13:34-35 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
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koshergrl you are one of the most abusive obnoxious juvenile individuals I have ever come to know on a message board. Your trolling and abusiveness and name-calling toward others is relentless and without consequence.

Considering you arrived here this month and don't know Kosher from Adam, your judgement of her seems a little misguided and callous.
Did your "conscience" dictate your post? Was it meant for good or evil?

Here's another opinion you may want to consider:

Matthew 7:1-3 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

If you don't like that opinion, there is always this:
John 13:34-35 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

The date one joins a forum is not an indication of one's ability to spot a narcissistic arsehole when one sees one. It isn't as if that was his 'born-on' date. Assume he is old enough to figure it out for himself.
Again, how does being right make me a narcissist? Are you sure you know what narcissism is? Hint: It doesn't mean "has a large vocabulary and uses it effectively".
Knowing the meaning of words makes me a narcissist?

No, dumbass. Thinking that you've won something that isn't about winning. It's all about YOU! That makes you a narcissist. :cuckoo:

Oh I see, you can't hold your own using words, so you're going to attack me based on what you think I'm thinking ...got it.

When you can't dazzle people with your mastery of the language, distract them with your ability to read minds!

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Isn't that actually a symptom of narcissism?

I do believe it is. Did you get a recent diagnosis or something? That would explain your insertion of the word into every other sentence, I suppose.
I don't need to. I'm right. That's all that matters here. And you guys are just dweebs who think they're a LOT smarter than they actually are, as I demonstrated. In spades.

Jesus fucking Christ, lighten up! It's a conversation for cryin' out loud!

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