If God did not exist


Truth like wisdom is unchangeable.

Only the interpretations change. The interpretations are incomplete portions of wisdom, then.

Who's truth? Who's wisdom? Who decides what is true and wise and what is not?


If it becomes a person's truth, then it becomes interpretation of the truth. The same with wisdom.

Truth and wisdom just are and have no ownership. There's more to them than interpretations.

Some people want to own the interpretation as though they have found the wisdom. But since the interpretations of man can change, it is a failed ownership of something that has no owner.

Saying that truth and wisdom "just are" is a meaningless claim. I could just as easily say that the tooth fairy "just is", and the claim would be just as nonsensical.

Truth and wisdom, like the concept of morality are human constructs. Aside from the laws of physics, IMHO, there are no universal truths, none who are universally wise. Context is everything. Otherwise, we wouldn't need judges. Law would be redundant.
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Nobody is being denied the opportunity to do work with Intelligent Design, provided it goes through the same scientific process as everything else. The problem is it isn't going through those processes and the IDers complain when science doesn't take them seriously. How can science take ID seriously when ID doesn't take the scientific steps? The work that has been done by ID has repeatedly been disproven by science in the professional level (e.g. Behe and his Irreducible Complexity argument), but the overwhelming ID arguments don't take place in a lab, but in the court of public opinion, a place where laymen who have no idea of what the science means somehow are qualified to judge the science.

Of course, your post is untrue.....you seem to make a habit of that mode.

Note post #247....and even peer reviewed.

Repeatedly quoting people out of context after it has been shown repeatedly that they are taken out of context is the epitome of dishonesty. And PC, post #247 is not peer reviewed. It's a post on a message board, not a peer reviewed paper published in a professional publication. By the way, Berlinsk is a retard. By his own admission, he treats the truth like he treats his ex-wives. You didn't know this? Huh.

You're a proven liar.

Get lost.
Truth is not a human construct, don't be ridiculous. Truth is fact, and fact is reality. You can say the sky is made of dirt, but that is not the truth, and regardless of whether or not you believe it, it's still not truth. I get so tired of bullshit relativism..which really IS a human construct, completely meaningless, and simply a way to make it *okay* to act on whatever stupid impulse you have.
Of course, your post is untrue.....you seem to make a habit of that mode.

Note post #247....and even peer reviewed.

Repeatedly quoting people out of context after it has been shown repeatedly that they are taken out of context is the epitome of dishonesty. And PC, post #247 is not peer reviewed. It's a post on a message board, not a peer reviewed paper published in a professional publication. By the way, Berlinsk is a retard. By his own admission, he treats the truth like he treats his ex-wives. You didn't know this? Huh.

You're a proven liar.

Get lost.

Not so fast, Miss Brooklyn bootlicker. Show where I've lied or admit that you made it up (i.e., lied).
Truth is not a human construct, don't be ridiculous. Truth is fact, and fact is reality. You can say the sky is made of dirt, but that is not the truth, and regardless of whether or not you believe it, it's still not truth. I get so tired of bullshit relativism..which really IS a human construct, completely meaningless, and simply a way to make it *okay* to act on whatever stupid impulse you have.

Truth is a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true; judged and accepted by fallable human beings. We decide what is and is not true. Some of us are better at it than others, but we all make a judgement on what that truth is. Hence, it is a human construct. Get tired of relativism all you want - it isn't going to go away simply because you don't accept it.
Who's truth? Who's wisdom? Who decides what is true and wise and what is not?


If it becomes a person's truth, then it becomes interpretation of the truth. The same with wisdom.

Truth and wisdom just are and have no ownership. There's more to them than interpretations.

Some people want to own the interpretation as though they have found the wisdom. But since the interpretations of man can change, it is a failed ownership of something that has no owner.

Saying that truth and wisdom "just are" is a meaningless claim. I could just as easily say that the tooth fairy "just is", and the claim would be just as nonsensical.

Truth and wisdom, like the concept of morality are human constructs. Aside from the laws of physics, IMHO, there are no universal truths, none who are universally wise. Context is everything. Otherwise, we wouldn't need judges. Law would be redundant.

And the interpretation of what you could easily say would be shown out by wisdom and truth. Then man enters the arena and interprets.

Better judges should have a better interpretation of the truth. Sometimes this is not the case since pride and arrogance are failings that can easily trump the truth in mundane matters. Which is everything we really know

They own no truth, and again this is an opinion.

Go ahead and discount it.


If it becomes a person's truth, then it becomes interpretation of the truth. The same with wisdom.

Truth and wisdom just are and have no ownership. There's more to them than interpretations.

Some people want to own the interpretation as though they have found the wisdom. But since the interpretations of man can change, it is a failed ownership of something that has no owner.

Saying that truth and wisdom "just are" is a meaningless claim. I could just as easily say that the tooth fairy "just is", and the claim would be just as nonsensical.

Truth and wisdom, like the concept of morality are human constructs. Aside from the laws of physics, IMHO, there are no universal truths, none who are universally wise. Context is everything. Otherwise, we wouldn't need judges. Law would be redundant.

And the interpretation of what you could easily say would be shown out by wisdom and truth. Then man enters the arena and interprets.

Better judges should have a better interpretation of the truth. Sometimes this is not the case since pride and arrogance are failings that can easily trump the truth in mundane matters. Which is everything we really know

They own no truth, and again this is an opinion.

Go ahead and discount it.


That does not refute my point that the claim "truth and wisdom just are" is meaningless. My analogy stands.
Saying that truth and wisdom "just are" is a meaningless claim. I could just as easily say that the tooth fairy "just is", and the claim would be just as nonsensical.

Truth and wisdom, like the concept of morality are human constructs. Aside from the laws of physics, IMHO, there are no universal truths, none who are universally wise. Context is everything. Otherwise, we wouldn't need judges. Law would be redundant.

And the interpretation of what you could easily say would be shown out by wisdom and truth. Then man enters the arena and interprets.

Better judges should have a better interpretation of the truth. Sometimes this is not the case since pride and arrogance are failings that can easily trump the truth in mundane matters. Which is everything we really know

They own no truth, and again this is an opinion.

Go ahead and discount it.


That does not refute my point that the claim "truth and wisdom just are" is meaningless. My analogy stands.

They all are opinion and so they stand because I don't care to refute you.

I have what I believe already. I put it out there.

You're looking to be refuted while discussing absolutes vs interpretations of the absolutes.

By saying that one can not prove an absolute?

Analogies are interpretations too and so if you don't have much wisdom to interact with the truth, then yeah, your point can stand, if you say so.


And the interpretation of what you could easily say would be shown out by wisdom and truth. Then man enters the arena and interprets.

Better judges should have a better interpretation of the truth. Sometimes this is not the case since pride and arrogance are failings that can easily trump the truth in mundane matters. Which is everything we really know

They own no truth, and again this is an opinion.

Go ahead and discount it.


That does not refute my point that the claim "truth and wisdom just are" is meaningless. My analogy stands.

They all are opinion and so they stand because I don't care to refute you.

I have what I believe already. I put it out there.

You're looking to be refuted while discussing absolutes vs interpretations of the absolutes.

By saying that one can not prove an absolute?

Analogies are interpretations too and so if you don't have much wisdom to interact with the truth, then yeah, your point can stand, if you say so.



What absolutes, where? Unless you are talking about physical constants or the absolute value of numbers...
Truth is not a human construct, don't be ridiculous. Truth is fact, and fact is reality. You can say the sky is made of dirt, but that is not the truth, and regardless of whether or not you believe it, it's still not truth. I get so tired of bullshit relativism..which really IS a human construct, completely meaningless, and simply a way to make it *okay* to act on whatever stupid impulse you have.

Truth is a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true; judged and accepted by fallable human beings. We decide what is and is not true. Some of us are better at it than others, but we all make a judgement on what that truth is. Hence, it is a human construct. Get tired of relativism all you want - it isn't going to go away simply because you don't accept it.

Shut up, you moron.

Yes, truth does mean something, and it is a real thing:


noun \ˈtrüth\ the truth : the real facts about something : the things that are true"

When in doubt, use a dictionary. Those are real, too.

And that's the truth.

Truth - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Truth is not a human construct, don't be ridiculous. Truth is fact, and fact is reality. You can say the sky is made of dirt, but that is not the truth, and regardless of whether or not you believe it, it's still not truth. I get so tired of bullshit relativism..which really IS a human construct, completely meaningless, and simply a way to make it *okay* to act on whatever stupid impulse you have.

Truth is a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true; judged and accepted by fallable human beings. We decide what is and is not true. Some of us are better at it than others, but we all make a judgement on what that truth is. Hence, it is a human construct. Get tired of relativism all you want - it isn't going to go away simply because you don't accept it.

Shut up, you moron.

Yes, truth does mean something, and it is a real thing:


noun \ˈtrüth\ the truth : the real facts about something : the things that are true"

When in doubt, use a dictionary. Those are real, too.

And that's the truth.

Truth - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I didn't say that truth was meaningless. I said that the claim that "truth and wisdom just are" is a meaningless statement. Perhaps you were just too lazy to read what I said. Perhaps you don't understand the language. Perhaps you should let us adults have our discussion while you play in the sand box.
Truth is a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true; judged and accepted by fallable human beings. We decide what is and is not true. Some of us are better at it than others, but we all make a judgement on what that truth is. Hence, it is a human construct. Get tired of relativism all you want - it isn't going to go away simply because you don't accept it.

Shut up, you moron.

Yes, truth does mean something, and it is a real thing:


noun \ˈtrüth\ the truth : the real facts about something : the things that are true"

When in doubt, use a dictionary. Those are real, too.

And that's the truth.

Truth - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I didn't say that truth was meaningless. I said that the claim that "truth and wisdom just are" is a meaningless statement. Perhaps you were just too lazy to read what I said. Perhaps you don't understand the language. Perhaps you should let us adults have our discussion while you play in the sand box.

Oh I'm sorry, you must have forgotten what you said:

"Truth is a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true; judged and accepted by fallable human beings. We decide what is and is not true."

I know how embarassed you must be, but don't let that stop you from droning on..and on..and on. The meaningless drivel of internet loons whose anonymity allows them to pretend they're REALLY SMART! always makes me smile.

Thank you for being you. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I tend to disagree although one can extend the understanding of wisdom. One can summarize it and clarify it but the kernel of wisdom is unchanged. Why? It's beyond humanity. It's more than life.

Wisdom is without qualification. Anything less devalues it's inherent immortality.

The problem with the notion of wisdom being without qualification or inherently immortal is that it ignores the notion that wisdom can change as more knowledge and experience is obtained. For instance, in the face of everything that has been achieved in the past 100 years, how wise would it be to cling to the belief that man cannot fly?


Truth like wisdom is unchangeable.

Only the interpretations change. The interpretations are incomplete portions of wisdom, then.

Wisdom is what you DO with knowledge. Wisdom is a verb. Wisdom requires action! Wisdom is knowledge that is used for something.
Shut up, you moron.

Yes, truth does mean something, and it is a real thing:


noun \ˈtrüth\ the truth : the real facts about something : the things that are true"

When in doubt, use a dictionary. Those are real, too.

And that's the truth.

Truth - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I didn't say that truth was meaningless. I said that the claim that "truth and wisdom just are" is a meaningless statement. Perhaps you were just too lazy to read what I said. Perhaps you don't understand the language. Perhaps you should let us adults have our discussion while you play in the sand box.

Oh I'm sorry, you must have forgotten what you said:

"Truth is a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true; judged and accepted by fallable human beings. We decide what is and is not true."

I know how embarassed you must be, but don't let that stop you from droning on..and on..and on. The meaningless drivel of internet loons whose anonymity allows them to pretend they're REALLY SMART! always makes me smile.

Thank you for being you. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nowhere in my statement above, did I say that truth was meaningless. And by the way, my definition, above - came from Merriam-Webster. You really should get your dog out of your crotch and start paying better attention to what is being said here it you want to participate in the discussion.
I didn't say you said truth was meaningless. You maintain that truth is a construct of man, and you are wrong. Neither you and Joe have the slightest idea even of the meaning of the words you're bantering around. You're the most laughable sort of buffoons that exist on the internet. Basement drones who get their education from cereal boxes and the History Channel, lol. Before you get into lofty (lololol) discussions about things like "truth" and "wisdom" I suggest you look the words up. Idiots. And please, before you launch into future discussions about ethics and integrity and such, do us all a favor and just check to see if what you think those words mean, and what they actually mean, are the same before you make laughingstocks of yourselves. Again.
And PS...the definition, above, is not YOUR definition, it's MY definition that I pulled from Merriam Webster, you moron. You paraphrased Merriam Webster (without crediting or linking) and used definition 2-b which is: ""a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true..."

I didn't see "by fallable (sic) human beings" because of course, it isn't there. Which is why you didn't link it.

There are truths that are accepted without *proof*...but that doesn't change the nature of truth. What is true is true is true. If you reject a universally accepted truth (say the existence of God) that doesn't mean there is no God, and truth is subjective. It just means that you reject God. In the end, "God exists" will either be true..or not. Completely independent of what you *feel* about it.
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And PS...the definition, above, is not YOUR definition, it's MY definition that I pulled from Merriam Webster, you moron. You plagarized Merriam Webster (without crediting or linking) and used definition 2-b or something...not the primary definition.

That's a great summation of how wisdom can be garnered from purported and interpreted truth.
koshergrl you are one of the most abusive obnoxious juvenile individuals I have ever come to know on a message board. Your trolling and abusiveness and name-calling toward others is relentless and without consequence.

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