If God did not exist

God needs to do a better job of showing up like that and proving his existence. Once every century or so should do it

God shows up all the time to people who care. Those who don't give a darn ---- get exactly what they seek --- nothing.

Please consider the following: Does God Exist - Six Reasons to Believe that God is Really There - Is There a God

Bullshit. People pray for the lives of their loved ones, and God doesn't answer their prayers. God doesn't cure cancer, does he?
God needs to do a better job of showing up like that and proving his existence. Once every century or so should do it

God showed up and there was a whole generation of Jewish people who didn't enter the promised land.. It only reveals that man is incapable of governing himself even if God shows up. Showing up isn't always the answer to man's condition.
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God needs to do a better job of showing up like that and proving his existence. Once every century or so should do it

God showed up and there was a whole generation of Jewish people who didn't enter the promised land.. It only reveals that man is incapable of governing himself even if God shows up. Showing up isn't always the answer to man's condition.
The question of why God permitted the Holocaust and whether the victims entered the promised land is a highly sensitive one and requires a sensitive answer. Here is what one Christian source has to say:

Why did God permit the Holocaust? We believe that one reason God permitted the Holocaust was in order to gain world sympathy for the Jews and facilitate the legal process needed to establish their statehood. It is important to remember that God is in control. He allowed the Holocaust for a purpose. The good news is that He has a wonderful divine plan for Israel and the world. All who were exterminated in the Holocaust will soon be awakened from the sleep of death and receive new bodies free from pain and starvation. Our job is to trust in God and his promises knowing that he cannot lie and that in his time all that he has promised will come to pass.

The Scriptural background can be found at this link:

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God needs to do a better job of showing up like that and proving his existence. Once every century or so should do it

God showed up and there was a whole generation of Jewish people who didn't enter the promised land.. It only reveals that man is incapable of governing himself even if God shows up. Showing up isn't always the answer to man's condition.
Can you elaborate on how God showed up? What were the signs?
God needs to do a better job of showing up like that and proving his existence. Once every century or so should do it

God showed up and there was a whole generation of Jewish people who didn't enter the promised land.. It only reveals that man is incapable of governing himself even if God shows up. Showing up isn't always the answer to man's condition.
Can you elaborate on how God showed up? What were the signs?

You haven't read the Bible then.
God needs to do a better job of showing up like that and proving his existence. Once every century or so should do it

God shows up all the time to people who care. Those who don't give a darn ---- get exactly what they seek --- nothing.

Please consider the following: Does God Exist - Six Reasons to Believe that God is Really There - Is There a God

Bullshit. People pray for the lives of their loved ones, and God doesn't answer their prayers. God doesn't cure cancer, does he?

God answers prayer all the time, to people that believe. He's also cured all kinds of illnesses, to people who really believe. Our prayers are not always answered as we think they should be or how we want them to be. But the answers we get are always the best answer. People that are not believers would never understand this.
God showed up and there was a whole generation of Jewish people who didn't enter the promised land.. It only reveals that man is incapable of governing himself even if God shows up. Showing up isn't always the answer to man's condition.
Can you elaborate on how God showed up? What were the signs?

You haven't read the Bible then.
No, I haven't. I am asking you.
God needs to do a better job of showing up like that and proving his existence. Once every century or so should do it

God showed up and there was a whole generation of Jewish people who didn't enter the promised land.. It only reveals that man is incapable of governing himself even if God shows up. Showing up isn't always the answer to man's condition.
The question of why God permitted the Holocaust and whether the victims entered the promised land is a highly sensitive one and requires a sensitive answer. Here is what one Christian source has to say:

Why did God permit the Holocaust? We believe that one reason God permitted the Holocaust was in order to gain world sympathy for the Jews and facilitate the legal process needed to establish their statehood. It is important to remember that God is in control. He allowed the Holocaust for a purpose. The good news is that He has a wonderful divine plan for Israel and the world. All who were exterminated in the Holocaust will soon be awakened from the sleep of death and receive new bodies free from pain and starvation. Our job is to trust in God and his promises knowing that he cannot lie and that in his time all that he has promised will come to pass.

The Scriptural background can be found at this link:


It doesn't mean He approves.

Adan gave headship of the earth away to Satan.

Satan is the god of this world for now:

New Living Translation
Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

2 Corinthians 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Why did God allow the Holocaust?
Why did God allow the Holocaust?
God needs to do a better job of showing up like that and proving his existence. Once every century or so should do it

God showed up and there was a whole generation of Jewish people who didn't enter the promised land.. It only reveals that man is incapable of governing himself even if God shows up. Showing up isn't always the answer to man's condition.
The question of why God permitted the Holocaust and whether the victims entered the promised land is a highly sensitive one and requires a sensitive answer. Here is what one Christian source has to say:

Why did God permit the Holocaust? We believe that one reason God permitted the Holocaust was in order to gain world sympathy for the Jews and facilitate the legal process needed to establish their statehood. It is important to remember that God is in control. He allowed the Holocaust for a purpose. The good news is that He has a wonderful divine plan for Israel and the world. All who were exterminated in the Holocaust will soon be awakened from the sleep of death and receive new bodies free from pain and starvation. Our job is to trust in God and his promises knowing that he cannot lie and that in his time all that he has promised will come to pass.

The Scriptural background can be found at this link:

For the Scriptural background, you have to cut and paste the link into your browser.

God showed up and there was a whole generation of Jewish people who didn't enter the promised land.. It only reveals that man is incapable of governing himself even if God shows up. Showing up isn't always the answer to man's condition.
The question of why God permitted the Holocaust and whether the victims entered the promised land is a highly sensitive one and requires a sensitive answer. Here is what one Christian source has to say:

Why did God permit the Holocaust? We believe that one reason God permitted the Holocaust was in order to gain world sympathy for the Jews and facilitate the legal process needed to establish their statehood. It is important to remember that God is in control. He allowed the Holocaust for a purpose. The good news is that He has a wonderful divine plan for Israel and the world. All who were exterminated in the Holocaust will soon be awakened from the sleep of death and receive new bodies free from pain and starvation. Our job is to trust in God and his promises knowing that he cannot lie and that in his time all that he has promised will come to pass.

The Scriptural background can be found at this link:

For the Scriptural background, you have to cut and paste the link into your browser.


You are quoting them and they don't even have a statement of faith posted. In other words, why should we trust them if we don't know who they are or what they believe?
The question of why God permitted the Holocaust and whether the victims entered the promised land is a highly sensitive one and requires a sensitive answer. Here is what one Christian source has to say:

Why did God permit the Holocaust? We believe that one reason God permitted the Holocaust was in order to gain world sympathy for the Jews and facilitate the legal process needed to establish their statehood. It is important to remember that God is in control. He allowed the Holocaust for a purpose. The good news is that He has a wonderful divine plan for Israel and the world. All who were exterminated in the Holocaust will soon be awakened from the sleep of death and receive new bodies free from pain and starvation. Our job is to trust in God and his promises knowing that he cannot lie and that in his time all that he has promised will come to pass.

The Scriptural background can be found at this link:

For the Scriptural background, you have to cut and paste the link into your browser.


You are quoting them and they don't even have a statement of faith posted. In other words, why should we trust them if we don't know who they are or what they believe?
Whether one chooses to trust them is irrelevant? It is one of many Christian hypotheses with regard to the Holocaust.
For the Scriptural background, you have to cut and paste the link into your browser.


You are quoting them and they don't even have a statement of faith posted. In other words, why should we trust them if we don't know who they are or what they believe?
Whether one chooses to trust them is irrelevant? It is one of many Christian hypotheses with regard to the Holocaust.

Doesn't mean it is vetted or reliable and how would you know if you haven't read the whole Bible? Could you pass a pastor's test?
You are quoting them and they don't even have a statement of faith posted. In other words, why should we trust them if we don't know who they are or what they believe?
Whether one chooses to trust them is irrelevant? It is one of many Christian hypotheses with regard to the Holocaust.

Doesn't mean it is vetted or reliable and how would you know if you haven't read the whole Bible? Could you pass a pastor's test?
Please, enlighten us.
Whether one chooses to trust them is irrelevant? It is one of many Christian hypotheses with regard to the Holocaust.

Doesn't mean it is vetted or reliable and how would you know if you haven't read the whole Bible? Could you pass a pastor's test?
Please, enlighten us.

Even if you were licensed, Pacer, our church wouldn't have to accept your license.

Some churches even require a Psychological evaluation before you're ever allowed to enter the ministry.

Some Bible colleges won't even accept you unless you can prove that you've gone to a church for a number of years.

It is not enough for you to quote someone else's articles on the internet.

I've been studying for years and even pastors and people who go to Bible college stick up their nose at me.

A pastor's search comittee takes weeks or months to find a candidate. They don't want someone posting stuff on the internet from their underwear.

Most churches want someone who has been trained by someone who has been trained by someone who has been trained. They want the real deal.
Whether one chooses to trust them is irrelevant? It is one of many Christian hypotheses with regard to the Holocaust.

Doesn't mean it is vetted or reliable and how would you know if you haven't read the whole Bible? Could you pass a pastor's test?
Please, enlighten us.

The other thing is when you start promoting another religion and then defend it, we can as Christians, we can mark you for causing division by posting this post:


Romans 16:17 ¶ Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

So it might pass the test of USMessageboard but not for us because you don't meet the qualifications of elder, pastor or teacher for us.
Doesn't mean it is vetted or reliable and how would you know if you haven't read the whole Bible? Could you pass a pastor's test?
Please, enlighten us.

Even if you were licensed, Pacer, our church wouldn't have to accept your license.

Some churches even require a Psychological evaluation before you're ever allowed to enter the ministry.

Some Bible colleges won't even accept you unless you can prove that you've gone to a church for a number of years.

It is not enough for you to quote someone else's articles on the internet.

I've been studying for years and even pastors and people who go to Bible college stick up their nose at me.

A pastor's search comittee takes weeks or months to find a candidate. They don't want someone posting stuff on the internet from their underwear.

Most churches want someone who has been trained by someone who has been trained by someone who has been trained. They want the real deal.
You did not address my comment. The hypothesis I posted from the other website regarding the Holocaust is no more authoritative than the hypotheses offered here.
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God needs to do a better job of showing up like that and proving his existence. Once every century or so should do it

God shows up all the time to people who care. Those who don't give a darn ---- get exactly what they seek --- nothing.

Please consider the following: Does God Exist - Six Reasons to Believe that God is Really There - Is There a God

Bullshit. People pray for the lives of their loved ones, and God doesn't answer their prayers. God doesn't cure cancer, does he?

Actually he does. Just not all the time.

I was present when we prayed for a woman who had cancer. It was gone within weeks.
Please, enlighten us.

Even if you were licensed, Pacer, our church wouldn't have to accept your license.

Some churches even require a Psychological evaluation before you're ever allowed to enter the ministry.

Some Bible colleges won't even accept you unless you can prove that you've gone to a church for a number of years.

It is not enough for you to quote someone else's articles on the internet.

I've been studying for years and even pastors and people who go to Bible college stick up their nose at me.

A pastor's search comittee takes weeks or months to find a candidate. They don't want someone posting stuff on the internet from their underwear.

Most churches want someone who has been trained by someone who has been trained by someone who has been trained. They want the real deal.
You did not address my comment. The hypothesis I posted from the other website regarding the Holocaust is no more authoritative than the hypotheses offered here.

It is missing the reason and the verses that could give reason.

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