“If God does not exist, then all things are permitted.”

So according to the Bible, the words of God,,somewhere it's noon...drink up!

Damn right....Proverbs 31:6-7: "Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more."
Assuming there is no morality without the fear of God is ridiculous

I don't see atheists running wild in the streets

In fact Non believers are better educated and have a very small population in the prison population compared to their numbers in society
So according to the Bible, the words of God,,somewhere it's noon...drink up!

Damn right....Proverbs 31:6-7: "Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more."

Quoting from a book of fiction isn't an argument , damn christers are so ignorant
Actually, our society is more moral than the society advocated in the Bible

So much for needing God

Pfft...I think you dramatically overestimate the morality in society today. I don't think we have evolved morally very much at all in the last several thousand years.
We the People have recognized all men are created equal
We have abolished slavery, the Bible never did
We recognize homosexuals as our fellow man
We recognize the equal rights of women
We recognize the need to protect the environment
We have moved away from capital punishment

All without a God telling us us to do it

Slavery was not originally part of God's plan for us. Man did that.
Homosexuals are recognized as fellow man and loved by God and true Christian's. It's the acting on those homosexual feelings that is the sin.
Men and women have Godly roles specified in the Bible. There is a purpose for it.
This Earth is going to Die. It's prophesied.

Move away from capital punishment, but approve of abortions... please explain.

God killed the first born children of Egypt but you are appalled by abortion.....please explain

That's diverting. The question was not explained or answered....

But I WILL explain and answer the one give to me.
God is perfect and unable to sin. If God does or commands someone to do something, he's God, and, it's perfect and sinless.

When men begins to say and determine who lives or dies, that is not of God.

So, please explain why a life on Death Row matter more than an unborn life. Can you?
The reason I can criticize God is because if he is indeed perfect and unable to sin, he is not the God described in the Bible
The God in the Bible is vengeful, egotistical and petty. These are characteristics of man, not a perfect God
This shows what happens when the Bible is written by men envisioning what they think God will be like

Jesus Rightwinger....get it right. God was vengeful, egotistical, and petty in the books written prior to the Babylonian conquest. After the Babylonian exile of the Jews, Satan was invented and those negative characteristics were applied to him instead. At that point there was a separation with all negative characteristics going to Satan and all positive characteristics remaining with God. Thus, God ceased to be vengeful, egotistical and petty. Get it right before you speak, man.
God does not exist but the Law of the Land will hold you accountable for committing crimes.

So no, all things are not permitted even though god does not exist.

Well put.

The belief in a god has never stopped crime or people hurting other people.

If it did, there would be no Josh Duggar and others like him.

For that matter, according to believers, "god" has always done much more harm than man has.
We the People have recognized all men are created equal
We have abolished slavery, the Bible never did
We recognize homosexuals as our fellow man
We recognize the equal rights of women
We recognize the need to protect the environment
We have moved away from capital punishment

All without a God telling us us to do it

Slavery was not originally part of God's plan for us. Man did that.
Homosexuals are recognized as fellow man and loved by God and true Christian's. It's the acting on those homosexual feelings that is the sin.
Men and women have Godly roles specified in the Bible. There is a purpose for it.
This Earth is going to Die. It's prophesied.

Move away from capital punishment, but approve of abortions... please explain.

God killed the first born children of Egypt but you are appalled by abortion.....please explain

That's diverting. The question was not explained or answered....

But I WILL explain and answer the one give to me.
God is perfect and unable to sin. If God does or commands someone to do something, he's God, and, it's perfect and sinless.

When men begins to say and determine who lives or dies, that is not of God.

So, please explain why a life on Death Row matter more than an unborn life. Can you?
The reason I can criticize God is because if he is indeed perfect and unable to sin, he is not the God described in the Bible
The God in the Bible is vengeful, egotistical and petty. These are characteristics of man, not a perfect God
This shows what happens when the Bible is written by men envisioning what they think God will be like


God was created in man's image.

Edited to change the wording: Man created god in his image.

Not the other way around.
I don't want to split hairs, If or if not Gods exists, that is one thing. One the other hand, I don't think you have to be a deist to have morals. No siree Bob. After like the Spanish inquisition, to what standards do we hold those innocent victims? They tortured innocent folks in the name of god. Do we condemn all religion for that?
I don't want to split hairs, If or if not Gods exists, that is one thing. One the other hand, I don't think you have to be a deist to have morals. No siree Bob. After like the Spanish inquisition, to what standards do we hold those innocent victims? They tortured innocent folks in the name of god. Do we condemn all religion for that?

Well the death tolls are just ammo one side uses against the other. Atheists point to all the slaughter that has been done by the religious (Spanish Inquisition, Crusades, Islamic Fundamentalism, etc) in order to show how immoral religion is and how atheist is somehow more moral, but of course they conveniently forget about the mass slaughter done by atheists (Pol Pot, Stalin, Chairman Mao, etc). The truth is neither theists nor atheists have cornered the market on mass slaughter and immoral behavior. When it comes to killing, neither has much to brag about.
We the People have recognized all men are created equal
We have abolished slavery, the Bible never did
We recognize homosexuals as our fellow man
We recognize the equal rights of women
We recognize the need to protect the environment
We have moved away from capital punishment

All without a God telling us us to do it

Slavery was not originally part of God's plan for us. Man did that.
Homosexuals are recognized as fellow man and loved by God and true Christian's. It's the acting on those homosexual feelings that is the sin.
Men and women have Godly roles specified in the Bible. There is a purpose for it.
This Earth is going to Die. It's prophesied.

Move away from capital punishment, but approve of abortions... please explain.

God killed the first born children of Egypt but you are appalled by abortion.....please explain

That's diverting. The question was not explained or answered....

But I WILL explain and answer the one give to me.
God is perfect and unable to sin. If God does or commands someone to do something, he's God, and, it's perfect and sinless.

When men begins to say and determine who lives or dies, that is not of God.

So, please explain why a life on Death Row matter more than an unborn life. Can you?
The reason I can criticize God is because if he is indeed perfect and unable to sin, he is not the God described in the Bible
The God in the Bible is vengeful, egotistical and petty. These are characteristics of man, not a perfect God
This shows what happens when the Bible is written by men envisioning what they think God will be like


God was created in man's image.

Edited to change the wording: Man created god in his image.

Not the other way around.

That's why believers and non believers can not have a productive discussion.

For a Christian, the Bible is the source for all truth.
For a non-believer, anything BUT the Bible is the source for perceived truth.
... agree or disagree? .... and why?
Permitted by whom?

Logical Fallacy: Begging the Question

That the point exactly. No one.
If there is no God, we have to answer to no one....
You can say "Yes we do, there are laws!" - even there, you still get to do what you want, but, you will be punished. And to be honest, there are even ways out of that situation, but, any law or moral code is established by people - and who's to say they are right?
... agree or disagree? .... and why?

Why would the absence of a 'god' permit anything? Human civilizations are governed by laws made by men.

I'm not knowledgeable of the history of law.
Are laws based on the basic Biblical rules (for example, the 10 Commandments?)
If there was never a Bible, would we have self-imposed these laws to keep order?
Maybe, but there are other Biblical mandates that are ignored and I think will ultimately be detrimental to society.
Things that our legal system is "permitting" that God finds offensive (e.g. homosexuality)
Defying God is not something new, but, there are Christian's that will stand behind Biblical and Godly principles to the end.....

Perhaps the question is really only applicable to Christians, since any one else doesn't believe in God anyway, so, they are already living life like there is no God.

But the fact remains -- there IS God.
God does not exist but the Law of the Land will hold you accountable for committing crimes.

So no, all things are not permitted even though god does not exist.

You can't prove Go does not exist.
Law of the Land is different all over the world and in different states. It's not absolute.
All things are permitted still - if I want to commit a crime and am willing to pay the price, I am permitted to do it at my own choice.

The Law of God is different all over the world and in different states as well.

But I believe in 1 God, 1 Law (God's Law)

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