“If God does not exist, then all things are permitted.”

There is no need for salvation if you are loved unconditionally... That is a construct of Christians...You also use the name of God to represent Jesus, yet Jesus never claimed to be his Father in Heaven, that is a creation by the Roman Catholics to conform to a mono-theist religion existence...What the philosophy of Christ did was to break the barrier between earlier religions and the clergy or priest that were the middle men between worshipers and their God of Judaism...
There is no concrete proof, only a faith that the words are true and actually from your God. The religion of Christianity does not make people any better than an non-believer which leads a wholesome life of someone that has never heard or read of your religion..Christianity has no more proof of attaining Heaven than did the religion of Ancient Egypt..or reincarnation of Hinduism..

We need salvation because we rejected God - in order to be acceptable to God and to be able to be in His presence, he came to Earth in bodily form and died for us because he loves us. All we have to do is accept the free gift. Is that so hard?

I already quoted a scripture indicating that Jesus is part of God. He is God the Son.

Christian's are not better people. You can live by Godly principles and not believe in God.
Christian's should be Christ-like and it should be their goal in life to become more and more Christ-like by allow the Holy Spirit to work through them.

So was the Devil born before Abraham....So does that make Satan godly in origin?

No. The phrase "I Am" does .....
With OR without God everything is permitted.

Faulty thread premise.

If you're willing to face the consequences of your actions.....then there it is.

It's a question out there ... for discussion ... thanks for your input.
There is no need for salvation if you are loved unconditionally... That is a construct of Christians...You also use the name of God to represent Jesus, yet Jesus never claimed to be his Father in Heaven, that is a creation by the Roman Catholics to conform to a mono-theist religion existence...What the philosophy of Christ did was to break the barrier between earlier religions and the clergy or priest that were the middle men between worshipers and their God of Judaism...
There is no concrete proof, only a faith that the words are true and actually from your God. The religion of Christianity does not make people any better than an non-believer which leads a wholesome life of someone that has never heard or read of your religion..Christianity has no more proof of attaining Heaven than did the religion of Ancient Egypt..or reincarnation of Hinduism..

We need salvation because we rejected God - in order to be acceptable to God and to be able to be in His presence, he came to Earth in bodily form and died for us because he loves us. All we have to do is accept the free gift. Is that so hard?

I already quoted a scripture indicating that Jesus is part of God. He is God the Son.

Christian's are not better people. You can live by Godly principles and not believe in God.
Christian's should be Christ-like and it should be their goal in life to become more and more Christ-like by allow the Holy Spirit to work through them.

So was the Devil born before Abraham....So does that make Satan godly in origin?

No. The phrase "I Am" does .....
So God created Christ in the same manner he created Satan...?
With OR without God everything is permitted.

Faulty thread premise.

If you're willing to face the consequences of your actions.....then there it is.

It's a question out there ... for discussion ... thanks for your input.
Well someone pointed out to you that humans have laws.

Earlier in the thread.

Your response was to say that as long as youre willing to face the consequences, then the laws dont make these things inpermissable.

That same logic follows for if theres a god.

So with that post alone you debunked your own thoughts which created this thread.

Logic and consistent thought patterns are important when youre trying to unravel the philosophies of life itself.
Actually, our society is more moral than the society advocated in the Bible

So much for needing God

Pfft...I think you dramatically overestimate the morality in society today. I don't think we have evolved morally very much at all in the last several thousand years.

The Bible permits slavery, approves of capital punishment and the persecution of homosexuals

Sounds alot like ISIS
And why is it they only use parts of the Bible to expound and not all of it?
And the whole Judian eschatology of revelations has come to pass, yet they try to apply it to today's existence...

By the standards of today, the society of the Bible is not very moral

Eye for an eye justice, capital punishment, persecution of homosexuals, subjugation of women, slavery

Most societies would be apalled
God does not exist but the Law of the Land will hold you accountable for committing crimes.

So no, all things are not permitted even though god does not exist.

No the left tries to do social engineering ...they make up New laws as they go/can get away with

And God help us What their real goal is...
There is no need for salvation if you are loved unconditionally... That is a construct of Christians...You also use the name of God to represent Jesus, yet Jesus never claimed to be his Father in Heaven, that is a creation by the Roman Catholics to conform to a mono-theist religion existence...What the philosophy of Christ did was to break the barrier between earlier religions and the clergy or priest that were the middle men between worshipers and their God of Judaism...
There is no concrete proof, only a faith that the words are true and actually from your God. The religion of Christianity does not make people any better than an non-believer which leads a wholesome life of someone that has never heard or read of your religion..Christianity has no more proof of attaining Heaven than did the religion of Ancient Egypt..or reincarnation of Hinduism..

We need salvation because we rejected God - in order to be acceptable to God and to be able to be in His presence, he came to Earth in bodily form and died for us because he loves us. All we have to do is accept the free gift. Is that so hard?

I already quoted a scripture indicating that Jesus is part of God. He is God the Son.

Christian's are not better people. You can live by Godly principles and not believe in God.
Christian's should be Christ-like and it should be their goal in life to become more and more Christ-like by allow the Holy Spirit to work through them.

So was the Devil born before Abraham....So does that make Satan godly in origin?

No. The phrase "I Am" does .....
I just love Hellenistic literature taken literally....by the Jews, and the Romans...Yet most of the Christian religion was not created by Jesus or his disciples...
It's interesting how hard people fight to try and tear down Christianity.
Not surprising, as it has been prophesied - only adds to the validity of God's word.....
It's interesting how hard people fight to try and tear down Christianity.
Not surprising, as it has been prophesied - only adds to the validity of God's word.....
Nothing has been torn down since it is impossible to disprove something that has not been proven..You so called Christians spend a lot of time trying to discredit the Catholics, yet that is the basis of your argument is their established doctrine....
If we are to believe Christians then why do you not act like Christ? Why allow yourself the ability to act immoral or in a drunken state when obviously Christ did not, only to fall back upon the belief that you will get forgiveness of the sin by prayer, why not abstain from such actions before they are committed if you are religious? Surely Christ was not a person which allowed his emotive cognition to over ride his reasoning....

Becoming Christ-like is a process. It is impossible to be perfect in our current bodies/condition (sinful state).
There are many times I choose my way instead of God's way. There is no excuse, because it's a willful sin. Many would even say it's a sign you are not saved at all.....
It's interesting how hard people fight to try and tear down Christianity.
Not surprising, as it has been prophesied - only adds to the validity of God's word.....
Nothing has been torn down since it is impossible to disprove something that has not been proven..You so called Christians spend a lot of time trying to discredit the Catholics, yet that is the basis of your argument is their established doctrine....

Christianity is very real, regardless of your statement to the contrary.
Catholic doctrine is flawed. Did you see on the news where they said the Pope gave "permission" for Priests to "forgive" women of their past abortions? Totally unbiblical. Only GOD forgives. We have a direct line to God, there is no need for intermediaries.
It's interesting how hard people fight to try and tear down Christianity.
Not surprising, as it has been prophesied - only adds to the validity of God's word.....

Who said anything about Christianity?

You made a thread about God. Most of the world does not worship a Christian God
It's interesting how hard people fight to try and tear down Christianity.
Not surprising, as it has been prophesied - only adds to the validity of God's word.....
Nothing has been torn down since it is impossible to disprove something that has not been proven..You so called Christians spend a lot of time trying to discredit the Catholics, yet that is the basis of your argument is their established doctrine....

Christianity is very real, regardless of your statement to the contrary.
Catholic doctrine is flawed. Did you see on the news where they said the Pope gave "permission" for Priests to "forgive" women of their past abortions? Totally unbiblical. Only GOD forgives. We have a direct line to God, there is no need for intermediaries.

Catholics are the only true Christian religion

The rest are Johnny come latelies watering down the doctrine
God exists. Without Him anything goes, which is why the Left dupes many into believing He is fiction, while ridiculing anyone who believes.
This fails as an appeal to consequences fallacy.

Certain theists are ridiculed because of their inability to engage in reasoned, critical thinking, such as you've demonstrated, not because they believe.

This is not a court of law or the debate club.
God is not a topic for debate, that frustrates you which I understand.

Your god is not a topic for debate because he doesn't exist.

The laws, as Clayton so succinctly explained, are all inventions of mankind as are the religions and the thousands of gods to go along with them.

You have a right to believe that and speak your mind.
There is ZERO chance I will agree with it, because it's just not true.

Acts 5:29 - "we must obey God rather than man"

I don't expect you to agree with me.

And I have already stated that I support your right to your beliefs, irrespective of how delusional they are.

But let's stop beating around the bush and get down to the motivation behind the OP.

Why do you persist in starting these kinds of threads?

Can you admit to your own motivation? Are you honest enough to come clean and say that you are only doing them because you are trying to allay your doubts about your own beliefs?

In essence all you are looking for is reinforcement that what you are so desperately trying to believe is "real" instead of just some story made up in the stone age, written down in the bronze age, and edited to suit whatever purposes those in charge of religion felt was necessary over the subsequent centuries.

No, I am not going to help you to delude yourself because for me that would be unethical and a violation of my own principles and morality. I refuse to lie to myself so why would I want to help you lie to yourself?

I will stick with my own honesty and integrity because that works for me. What you want to do is entirely up to you but what you are posting here is something you need to think about and review in the light of your own motivation.

Do you even know what that motivation actually is and are you being honest with yourself with respect to your own motivation?
It's interesting how hard people fight to try and tear down Christianity.
Not surprising, as it has been prophesied - only adds to the validity of God's word.....

Who said anything about Christianity?

You made a thread about God. Most of the world does not worship a Christian God

Because that's what I believe.
And the belittling is directed at me in this thread.
And later there was.......


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Slavery was not originally part of God's plan for us. Man did that.
Homosexuals are recognized as fellow man and loved by God and true Christian's. It's the acting on those homosexual feelings that is the sin.
Men and women have Godly roles specified in the Bible. There is a purpose for it.
This Earth is going to Die. It's prophesied.

Move away from capital punishment, but approve of abortions... please explain.

God killed the first born children of Egypt but you are appalled by abortion.....please explain

That's diverting. The question was not explained or answered....

But I WILL explain and answer the one give to me.
God is perfect and unable to sin. If God does or commands someone to do something, he's God, and, it's perfect and sinless.

When men begins to say and determine who lives or dies, that is not of God.

So, please explain why a life on Death Row matter more than an unborn life. Can you?
The reason I can criticize God is because if he is indeed perfect and unable to sin, he is not the God described in the Bible
The God in the Bible is vengeful, egotistical and petty. These are characteristics of man, not a perfect God
This shows what happens when the Bible is written by men envisioning what they think God will be like


God was created in man's image.

Edited to change the wording: Man created god in his image.

Not the other way around.

That's why believers and non believers can not have a productive discussion.

For a Christian, the Bible is the source for all truth.
For a non-believer, anything BUT the Bible is the source for perceived truth.

I disagree with that. I have very productive discussions with DT and Sealy all the time. It just takes mutual a willingness to consider an alternate viewpoint and respect the opinion of the other whether or not you agree with their conclusions.
You also use the name of God to represent Jesus, yet Jesus never claimed to be his Father in Heaven,

Oh yes He did. :lol: John 10:30 "I and the Father are one" seems pretty clear to me. He states it as well in several other places. I have heard this argument so many times on these boards and I just don't get it. Where do you guys come up with this stuff?

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