If God doesn't exist...

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If God doesn't exist...

... then maybe Gods do
... or maybe not.

Maybe we will never know because we don't even know what it means to be a "god".

You must be a government school grad, huh?

Bet they never told you that our memorializing documents are based on the Bible.

Or this:
“52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Maybe they said it like this:
Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.”

Or, maybe they told you the truth and you're simply as dumb as asphalt.
Could be?
They also believed in slavery and the inferior status of women

Wadda dope.

The anti-Americanism didn't work for Bill's wife, but you'll keep riding that horse, huh?

I kinda like this quote:
"There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his."
Helen Keller

Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution?

"Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution"

Of course they did.

You really are a dunce.....one would have thought you'd read the Constitution before you stat what is or isn't in it.

Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

Oh......and Merry Christmas

Article VII
The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same.

Where is the reference to Jesus?
So where was your omnipotent and benevolent God, during the times of human crisis?

And if he just lets us do our own thing without intervention, and roots for those that believe in him, then that means he doesn't care.

Or he doesn't have the power to care.

Or maybe, He likes seeing the evil and destruction he can cause in his video game of our universe, before he has to go to dinner.

Or... maybe... he just doesn't exist?

Scripture clearly teaches that if people disregard the law and contaminate and defile their minds God will become hidden....

Is it possible to see anything clearly through a filthy lens?

Deuteronomy 28: 15-68
You must be a government school grad, huh?

Bet they never told you that our memorializing documents are based on the Bible.

Or this:
“52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Maybe they said it like this:
Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.”

Or, maybe they told you the truth and you're simply as dumb as asphalt.
Could be?
They also believed in slavery and the inferior status of women

Wadda dope.

The anti-Americanism didn't work for Bill's wife, but you'll keep riding that horse, huh?

I kinda like this quote:
"There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his."
Helen Keller

Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution?

"Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution"

Of course they did.

You really are a dunce.....one would have thought you'd read the Constitution before you stat what is or isn't in it.

Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

Oh......and Merry Christmas

Article VII
The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same.

Where is the reference to Jesus?

Are you this stupid, or a congenital liar?
Oh...you answered that already with you avi.

This was the request:
Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

Second paragraph.

Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.
And yet the 2nd law of thermodynamics still precludes an infinite universe with usable energy.

Do you believe 100% in thermodynamic science? Why is it you doubt all other sciences but you put all your eggs in the thermodynamic basket?

"The state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time." Who says? Who says it won't slow down or stop eventually? Is that a fact or scientific consensus?
I'm pretty sure I have forgotten more science then you will ever know. So your I don't believe in science argument rings a little hollow. I've been a practicing engineer for over 30 years. What exactly have you done which makes you an expert on science?

Are you serious? If you're a practicing engineer, basing your measurements on stuff you hope is true based on what your parents told you upon birth, then I do not want to ride in your car... :)
The lady who survived the black church shooting said if dillan roof doesn't get the death penalty then he will be visited every night by 9 angels talking about Jesus. Oh brother. And she looked so sure if herself. I suppose that lie provides her comfort.

Whatever gives her peace is good. I never question a person's faith. In the case that you mention, I personally hope there is a Hell, with eternal damnation, and that he forever rots there! Squeeking out silently into blackness is not a proper penalty for him. I can just hope he suffers so bad in his final days, that people like him learn something. But we all know that they won't...

Because racism such as his, is as much a religion as the others. It is fueled by people seeking money, and promoting lies and hatred of others. And innocently passed along by parents to their children.
I know a guy like Dillon. He's not a racist but he has other crazy conspiracy theories about other things similar to how Dillon believed that blacks are killing and raping all our white women. I kept trying to find a way to get him to stop calling and coming over but he kept coming and calling. One day he did something, can't even remember what it was now, but I told him to lose my number and didn't pick up the phone. I figure if that pissed him off there's nothing I can do about that but had I told him I think he's a loser whos crazy I think that would have put me on his dillan roof list. Lol..

Who are dillan roofs friends and parents? Do they believe dillan is going to burn in hell for all eternity? I don't. Even he doesn't deserve that. Maybe I would torture him for 100 days and not let his soul into heaven. But youd have to be evil yourself to torture something for eternity.

I would love to know if this guy believes in God. I bet he does. The crazy guy I knew believes in God in fact he got very uncomfortable when I suggested it's not. He was real anti Muslim and Jewish. The Jews own everything and Muslims want to take over America. I guess he is racist just not against blacks.
Per Wiki, there are approximately 4,200 religions in the world.

Now, using that as a number going forward, and based on the meaning of being devoted to a religion, and that each one believes that their's is infallibly correct, that means that 4,199 of them are flat-out wrong!!!


And given enough prodding, they're willing to kill the other 4,199 religions, and all the people that believe in them, just to prove they're right!
Political chick doesn't have a problem with Mormons but doesn't like Muslims. And eventually when she realizes the Mormon story is offensive to Christians shell want to ban that too. If any religion gets too popular shell shut it down.

I hope humans are waking up to the truth. No religion is real.
They also believed in slavery and the inferior status of women

Wadda dope.

The anti-Americanism didn't work for Bill's wife, but you'll keep riding that horse, huh?

I kinda like this quote:
"There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his."
Helen Keller

Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution?

"Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution"

Of course they did.

You really are a dunce.....one would have thought you'd read the Constitution before you stat what is or isn't in it.

Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

Oh......and Merry Christmas

Article VII
The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same.

Where is the reference to Jesus?

Are you this stupid, or a congenital liar?
Oh...you answered that already with you avi.

This was the request:
Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

Second paragraph.

Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

Article VII
The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same.

Still no mention of Jesus
You must be a government school grad, huh?

Bet they never told you that our memorializing documents are based on the Bible.

Or this:
“52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Maybe they said it like this:
Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, “an extremist Fundementalist hate group.”

Or, maybe they told you the truth and you're simply as dumb as asphalt.
Could be?
They also believed in slavery and the inferior status of women

Wadda dope.

The anti-Americanism didn't work for Bill's wife, but you'll keep riding that horse, huh?

I kinda like this quote:
"There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his."
Helen Keller

Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution?

"Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution"

Of course they did.

You really are a dunce.....one would have thought you'd read the Constitution before you stat what is or isn't in it.

Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

Oh......and Merry Christmas

Article VII
The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same.

Where is the reference to Jesus?

This was the request:
Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

I'll take your refusal to post the second paragraph a proof that you know that....as usual....I'm correct again.

You're dismissed.
So He doesn't exist, doesn't care, is unaware, likes the savagery, or is just a really bad Player in the Universal God Game.

We should be travelling to other star systems by now. Except that religion keeps erasing our knowledge for the benefit of the ruler.

We have to start over every 1000 years or so.... Why?
That is an idiotic statement. The external locus of control is strong in this one.

You support the omnipotent benevolent God, do you not?

And being an engineer, you know the mass reboots we have undertaken as a species based on religious genocide and wiping out of prior knowledge, right?

And where we could possibly be at this point in terms of medicine and science, if those religious reboots never happened?

So where was your omnipotent and benevolent God, during the times of human crisis?

And if he just lets us do our own thing without intervention, and roots for those that believe in him, then that means he doesn't care.

Or he doesn't have the power to care.

Or maybe, He likes seeing the evil and destruction he can cause in his video game of our universe, before he has to go to dinner.

Or... maybe... he just doesn't exist? And we made Him up to explain stuff we haven't yet explained?

Why is the idea of "God" being real, important to you?

Im trying to think religiously. They would say we have free will or that everything happens for a reason or that we can't have all the answers or its gods will.

Fact is your questions debunk the God that supposedly visits cares and occasionally interveens. Unless you believe one of the thousands of religions and in that case pick any one of them they have all the answers.
They also believed in slavery and the inferior status of women

Wadda dope.

The anti-Americanism didn't work for Bill's wife, but you'll keep riding that horse, huh?

I kinda like this quote:
"There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his."
Helen Keller

Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution?

"Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution"

Of course they did.

You really are a dunce.....one would have thought you'd read the Constitution before you stat what is or isn't in it.

Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

Oh......and Merry Christmas

Article VII
The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same.

Where is the reference to Jesus?

This was the request:
Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

I'll take your refusal to post the second paragraph a proof that you know that....as usual....I'm correct again.

You're dismissed.
Still no mention of Jesus

Article VII
The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same.

That's all that is in Article VII
Wadda dope.

The anti-Americanism didn't work for Bill's wife, but you'll keep riding that horse, huh?

I kinda like this quote:
"There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his."
Helen Keller

Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution?

"Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution"

Of course they did.

You really are a dunce.....one would have thought you'd read the Constitution before you stat what is or isn't in it.

Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

Oh......and Merry Christmas

Article VII
The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same.

Where is the reference to Jesus?

This was the request:
Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

I'll take your refusal to post the second paragraph a proof that you know that....as usual....I'm correct again.

You're dismissed.
Still no mention of Jesus

Article VII
The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same.

Still no second paragraph
And yet the 2nd law of thermodynamics still precludes an infinite universe with usable energy.

Do you believe 100% in thermodynamic science? Why is it you doubt all other sciences but you put all your eggs in the thermodynamic basket?

"The state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time." Who says? Who says it won't slow down or stop eventually? Is that a fact or scientific consensus?
I'm pretty sure I have forgotten more science then you will ever know. So your I don't believe in science argument rings a little hollow. I've been a practicing engineer for over 30 years. What exactly have you done which makes you an expert on science?

Are you serious? If you're a practicing engineer, basing your measurements on stuff you hope is true based on what your parents told you upon birth, then I do not want to ride in your car... :)
That's good because I don't build cars.

happinessbeyondthought: How "consciousness" creates matter...the God particle?

Are you still serious? You know the "God particle" has nothing to do with "god", right? It was just an unfortunate term in a book?

The Higgs Boson and the Nobel: Why We Call It the 'God Particle'

It took off because religious people thought that there could actually be a particle that proved "god"!

But it has nothing to do with "god" or anything else supernatural!!! It has to do with the way a particle interacts with space-time to create mass!

It's good that you're not engineering cars, or any other moving thing (i hope). What exactly are you engineering?
Im noticing a lot of usmb Republicans claim to be engineers. I'm calling bullshit here and now
Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution?

"Notice how the founders never mention Christ in the Constitution"

Of course they did.

You really are a dunce.....one would have thought you'd read the Constitution before you stat what is or isn't in it.

Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

Oh......and Merry Christmas

Article VII
The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same.

Where is the reference to Jesus?

This was the request:
Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again.

I'll take your refusal to post the second paragraph a proof that you know that....as usual....I'm correct again.

You're dismissed.
Still no mention of Jesus

Article VII
The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same.

Still no second paragraph

There is only one paragraph no matter how badly you want there to be a second
Odd...show where northern Democrats supported the Confederacy

In defense of our founders....they were crippled by the slave rapers in the south who insisted on protecting their "peculiar institution"
They supported slavery. That is what we are talking about, right? Even in the 60's the northern Democrats were in cahoots with the southern Democrats. If you don't believe me, listen to Malcolm X with your own ears.

Complete nonsense

Show where southern Republicans opposed civil rights and we can start to talk

Republicans didn't oppose civil rights. Republicans championed civil rights.

In 1957, and then again in 1960, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower made bold civil rights proposals to increase black voting rights and protections. [133] Since Congress was solidly in the hands of the Democrats, they cut the heart out of his bills before passing weak, watered-down versions of his proposals. [134]Nevertheless, to focus national attention upon the plight of blacks, Eisenhower started a civil rights commission and was the first President to appoint a black to an executive position in the White House. [135]

[133] The Civil Rights Act of 1964: The Passage of the Low that Ended Racial Segregation, Robert D. Loevy, editor (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997), pp. 26, 27, 33; see also Civil Rights — 1957: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate Eighty-Fifth Congress First Session (Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1960), pp. 125-131; Civil Rights Act of 1960: Hearings Before the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate Eighty Sixth Congress Second Session on H.R. 8601 (Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1960), pp. 2-7.

[134] The Civil Rights Act of 1964, pp. 26, 27, 28, 30, 31.

[135] The White House Historical Association online, “African Americans and the White House: the 1950s”

Republican Senator Everett Dirksen – The Key To Modern-era Civil Rights Legislation
It was Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, who pushed through the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act.
In fact, Dirksen was instrumental in the passage of civil rights legislation in 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965 and 1968. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. hailed Senator Dirksen’s “able and courageous Leadership”, and "The Chicago Defender”, the largest black-owned daily at that time, praised Senator Dirksen “for the grand manner of his generalship behind the passage of the best civil rights measures that have ever been enacted into law since Reconstruction”.

The chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act were Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd, a former official in the Ku Klux Klan. None of these racist Democrats became Republicans.


I asked you to show where SOUTHERN Republicans supported Civil rights

Try again

Your logic eludes me. The 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it. You do realize that at this time only northern Democrats were in the House and Senate, right?

38th United States Congress - Wikipedia

Then why do blacks today, even the successful ones, think the GOP is racist?

Republicans now have a chance to win blacks over. Remember "what have you got to lose"? This goes for the poorly educated blue collar whites. Time for Republicans to show us what they got.

Please don't fuck us like bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert did
They supported slavery. That is what we are talking about, right? Even in the 60's the northern Democrats were in cahoots with the southern Democrats. If you don't believe me, listen to Malcolm X with your own ears.

Complete nonsense

Show where southern Republicans opposed civil rights and we can start to talk

Republicans didn't oppose civil rights. Republicans championed civil rights.

In 1957, and then again in 1960, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower made bold civil rights proposals to increase black voting rights and protections. [133] Since Congress was solidly in the hands of the Democrats, they cut the heart out of his bills before passing weak, watered-down versions of his proposals. [134]Nevertheless, to focus national attention upon the plight of blacks, Eisenhower started a civil rights commission and was the first President to appoint a black to an executive position in the White House. [135]

[133] The Civil Rights Act of 1964: The Passage of the Low that Ended Racial Segregation, Robert D. Loevy, editor (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997), pp. 26, 27, 33; see also Civil Rights — 1957: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate Eighty-Fifth Congress First Session (Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1960), pp. 125-131; Civil Rights Act of 1960: Hearings Before the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate Eighty Sixth Congress Second Session on H.R. 8601 (Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1960), pp. 2-7.

[134] The Civil Rights Act of 1964, pp. 26, 27, 28, 30, 31.

[135] The White House Historical Association online, “African Americans and the White House: the 1950s”

Republican Senator Everett Dirksen – The Key To Modern-era Civil Rights Legislation
It was Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, who pushed through the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act.
In fact, Dirksen was instrumental in the passage of civil rights legislation in 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965 and 1968. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. hailed Senator Dirksen’s “able and courageous Leadership”, and "The Chicago Defender”, the largest black-owned daily at that time, praised Senator Dirksen “for the grand manner of his generalship behind the passage of the best civil rights measures that have ever been enacted into law since Reconstruction”.

The chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act were Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd, a former official in the Ku Klux Klan. None of these racist Democrats became Republicans.


I asked you to show where SOUTHERN Republicans supported Civil rights

Try again

Your logic eludes me. The 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it. You do realize that at this time only northern Democrats were in the House and Senate, right?

38th United States Congress - Wikipedia

Then why do blacks today, even the successful ones, think the GOP is racist?

Republicans now have a chance to win blacks over. Remember "what have you got to lose"? This goes for the poorly educated blue collar whites. Time for Republicans to show us what they got.

Please don't fuck us like bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert did

Who says they do?
Complete nonsense

Show where southern Republicans opposed civil rights and we can start to talk
Republicans didn't oppose civil rights. Republicans championed civil rights.

In 1957, and then again in 1960, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower made bold civil rights proposals to increase black voting rights and protections. [133] Since Congress was solidly in the hands of the Democrats, they cut the heart out of his bills before passing weak, watered-down versions of his proposals. [134]Nevertheless, to focus national attention upon the plight of blacks, Eisenhower started a civil rights commission and was the first President to appoint a black to an executive position in the White House. [135]

[133] The Civil Rights Act of 1964: The Passage of the Low that Ended Racial Segregation, Robert D. Loevy, editor (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997), pp. 26, 27, 33; see also Civil Rights — 1957: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate Eighty-Fifth Congress First Session (Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1960), pp. 125-131; Civil Rights Act of 1960: Hearings Before the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate Eighty Sixth Congress Second Session on H.R. 8601 (Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1960), pp. 2-7.

[134] The Civil Rights Act of 1964, pp. 26, 27, 28, 30, 31.

[135] The White House Historical Association online, “African Americans and the White House: the 1950s”

Republican Senator Everett Dirksen – The Key To Modern-era Civil Rights Legislation
It was Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, who pushed through the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act.
In fact, Dirksen was instrumental in the passage of civil rights legislation in 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965 and 1968. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. hailed Senator Dirksen’s “able and courageous Leadership”, and "The Chicago Defender”, the largest black-owned daily at that time, praised Senator Dirksen “for the grand manner of his generalship behind the passage of the best civil rights measures that have ever been enacted into law since Reconstruction”.

The chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act were Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd, a former official in the Ku Klux Klan. None of these racist Democrats became Republicans.

I asked you to show where SOUTHERN Republicans supported Civil rights

Try again
Your logic eludes me. The 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it. You do realize that at this time only northern Democrats were in the House and Senate, right?

38th United States Congress - Wikipedia
Then why do blacks today, even the successful ones, think the GOP is racist?

Republicans now have a chance to win blacks over. Remember "what have you got to lose"? This goes for the poorly educated blue collar whites. Time for Republicans to show us what they got.

Please don't fuck us like bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert did
Who says they do?
You ever watch blackish? But you make a good point. Us libs can't have it both ways. We say southern Democrats were racist but now southern Republicans are. So it's possible for parties to change. You claim the GOP is not racist and it's the best party for working class people. Moving forward let's see.

I will forgive all past sins. Let's forget the past. I have an open mind. God if you're out there give me a sign
So He doesn't exist, doesn't care, is unaware, likes the savagery, or is just a really bad Player in the Universal God Game.

We should be travelling to other star systems by now. Except that religion keeps erasing our knowledge for the benefit of the ruler.

We have to start over every 1000 years or so.... Why?
That is an idiotic statement. The external locus of control is strong in this one.

You support the omnipotent benevolent God, do you not?

And being an engineer, you know the mass reboots we have undertaken as a species based on religious genocide and wiping out of prior knowledge, right?

And where we could possibly be at this point in terms of medicine and science, if those religious reboots never happened?

So where was your omnipotent and benevolent God, during the times of human crisis?

And if he just lets us do our own thing without intervention, and roots for those that believe in him, then that means he doesn't care.

Or he doesn't have the power to care.

Or maybe, He likes seeing the evil and destruction he can cause in his video game of our universe, before he has to go to dinner.

Or... maybe... he just doesn't exist? And we made Him up to explain stuff we haven't yet explained?

Why is the idea of "God" being real, important to you?
No. I am more of a deist. I believe the laws of nature or such that people like yourself will eventually suffer the predictable surprises of normalizing their deviance.

As an engineer I see the natural cycles that have occurred throughout man's history and the role that violating the moral law plays in it. As an engineer I see how you use critical theory to criticize everything that you don't believe to justify what you do believe and convince yourself that you are using critical thinking. You're not. Critical thinking is challenging what you do believe to test its validity. You don't have a positive argument for your beliefs. You have negative arguments for what you don't believe such as your path not taken argument you are making now.

No, that doesn't mean He doesn't care. It means that it is not virtuous if we are made to be virtuous. Don't worry, the laws of compensation are such that virtue is increasing. It just isn't in a straight line. It is cyclical. It is Darwinian.

The reality is that there is plenty of evidence for His existence. You just don't accept any of it, but regardless, you are being pruned by Him through the natural laws of right and wrong, even if you don't recognize it or accept it.
Republicans didn't oppose civil rights. Republicans championed civil rights.

In 1957, and then again in 1960, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower made bold civil rights proposals to increase black voting rights and protections. [133] Since Congress was solidly in the hands of the Democrats, they cut the heart out of his bills before passing weak, watered-down versions of his proposals. [134]Nevertheless, to focus national attention upon the plight of blacks, Eisenhower started a civil rights commission and was the first President to appoint a black to an executive position in the White House. [135]

[133] The Civil Rights Act of 1964: The Passage of the Low that Ended Racial Segregation, Robert D. Loevy, editor (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997), pp. 26, 27, 33; see also Civil Rights — 1957: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate Eighty-Fifth Congress First Session (Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1960), pp. 125-131; Civil Rights Act of 1960: Hearings Before the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate Eighty Sixth Congress Second Session on H.R. 8601 (Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1960), pp. 2-7.

[134] The Civil Rights Act of 1964, pp. 26, 27, 28, 30, 31.

[135] The White House Historical Association online, “African Americans and the White House: the 1950s”

Republican Senator Everett Dirksen – The Key To Modern-era Civil Rights Legislation
It was Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, who pushed through the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act.
In fact, Dirksen was instrumental in the passage of civil rights legislation in 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965 and 1968. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. hailed Senator Dirksen’s “able and courageous Leadership”, and "The Chicago Defender”, the largest black-owned daily at that time, praised Senator Dirksen “for the grand manner of his generalship behind the passage of the best civil rights measures that have ever been enacted into law since Reconstruction”.

The chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act were Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd, a former official in the Ku Klux Klan. None of these racist Democrats became Republicans.

I asked you to show where SOUTHERN Republicans supported Civil rights

Try again
Your logic eludes me. The 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it. You do realize that at this time only northern Democrats were in the House and Senate, right?

38th United States Congress - Wikipedia
Then why do blacks today, even the successful ones, think the GOP is racist?

Republicans now have a chance to win blacks over. Remember "what have you got to lose"? This goes for the poorly educated blue collar whites. Time for Republicans to show us what they got.

Please don't fuck us like bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert did
Who says they do?
You ever watch blackish? But you make a good point. Us libs can't have it both ways. We say southern Democrats were racist but now southern Republicans are. So it's possible for parties to change. You claim the GOP is not racist and it's the best party for working class people. Moving forward let's see.

I will forgive all past sins. Let's forget the past. I have an open mind. God if you're out there give me a sign
The more Republican the south became the less racist it became. All of the bad things that happened in the south happened when Democrats were in charge of the south. There is your sign. Do you need another one? What good has voting for Democrats as a block done for blacks?
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Per Wiki, there are approximately 4,200 religions in the world.

Now, using that as a number going forward, and based on the meaning of being devoted to a religion, and that each one believes that their's is infallibly correct, that means that 4,199 of them are flat-out wrong!!!


And given enough prodding, they're willing to kill the other 4,199 religions, and all the people that believe in them, just to prove they're right!
They all have common elements because there are natural laws. You seem more than ready to blame religion for the bad but very reluctant to give religion any credit for the good.

Despite the fact that you are making a fringe argument, your argument has two major flaws which are common to all critical theory arguments; 1. your analysis was made in a vacuum; 2. what you did analyze lacked objectivity.

Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. Religion is responsible for the creation of wonderful charities and organizations which serve the betterment of man. Religious persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions. Religious persons and institutions have been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing. Religion gave us the concept of subsidiarity and has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility Religion teaches accountability and responsibility. Religion teaches that we have a choice in how we behave and that actions have consequences. Religion inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe and helps us feel connected to one another and to nature through regular community gatherings. Religion helps us feel less alone in the world by binding the community together. Religion serves to ennoble the human spirit and inspires love, peace and happiness. Religion brings order to our lives by promoting the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness and humility. Religion brings comfort to the terminally ill and can act as a source of hope for the oppressed. Religion teaches that we can transform ourselves. That it is possible to change for the better. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources. Religion gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. Religion gave us America. Religion gave us incredible artwork, music and architecture. Christianity has spread democracy throughout the world. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression and rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Christians put a man on the moon and ended the cold war.

So getting back to my point that your argument has two major flaws; your argument that God and religion have done little good is not objective and you have yet to tell us what good the alternative to religion has done. Exactly what has atheism done? Because as near as I can tell, atheism's claim to fame is murdering 200 million people in the 20th century.
So He doesn't exist, doesn't care, is unaware, likes the savagery, or is just a really bad Player in the Universal God Game.

We should be travelling to other star systems by now. Except that religion keeps erasing our knowledge for the benefit of the ruler.

We have to start over every 1000 years or so.... Why?
That is an idiotic statement. The external locus of control is strong in this one.

You support the omnipotent benevolent God, do you not?

And being an engineer, you know the mass reboots we have undertaken as a species based on religious genocide and wiping out of prior knowledge, right?

And where we could possibly be at this point in terms of medicine and science, if those religious reboots never happened?

So where was your omnipotent and benevolent God, during the times of human crisis?

And if he just lets us do our own thing without intervention, and roots for those that believe in him, then that means he doesn't care.

Or he doesn't have the power to care.

Or maybe, He likes seeing the evil and destruction he can cause in his video game of our universe, before he has to go to dinner.

Or... maybe... he just doesn't exist? And we made Him up to explain stuff we haven't yet explained?

Why is the idea of "God" being real, important to you?
No. I am more of a deist. I believe the laws of nature or such that people like yourself will eventually suffer the predictable surprises of normalizing their deviance.

As an engineer I see the natural cycles that have occurred throughout man's history and the role that violating the moral law plays in it. As an engineer I see how you use critical theory to criticize everything that you don't believe to justify what you do believe and convince yourself that you are using critical thinking. You're not. Critical thinking is challenging what you do believe to test its validity. You don't have a positive argument for your beliefs. You have negative arguments for what you don't believe such as your path not taken argument you are making now.

No, that doesn't mean He doesn't care. It means that it is not virtuous if we are made to be virtuous. Don't worry, the laws of compensation are such that virtue is increasing. It just isn't in a straight line. It is cyclical. It is Darwinian.

The reality is that there is plenty of evidence for His existence. You just don't accept any of it, but regardless, you are being pruned by Him through the natural laws of right and wrong, even if you don't recognize it or accept it.
Give us the 3-5 pieces of evidence you have for God's existence.

For example I could give you a list of 1000 pieces of scientific evidence that evolution is real. Give me your top 3-5. Short list

Nothing you present is going to prove there must be a creator. We've seen all the arguments.

And I'll even give you there could be a creator. That is one possibility. What evidence do you have?

I asked you to show where SOUTHERN Republicans supported Civil rights

Try again
Your logic eludes me. The 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it. You do realize that at this time only northern Democrats were in the House and Senate, right?

38th United States Congress - Wikipedia
Then why do blacks today, even the successful ones, think the GOP is racist?

Republicans now have a chance to win blacks over. Remember "what have you got to lose"? This goes for the poorly educated blue collar whites. Time for Republicans to show us what they got.

Please don't fuck us like bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert did
Who says they do?
You ever watch blackish? But you make a good point. Us libs can't have it both ways. We say southern Democrats were racist but now southern Republicans are. So it's possible for parties to change. You claim the GOP is not racist and it's the best party for working class people. Moving forward let's see.

I will forgive all past sins. Let's forget the past. I have an open mind. God if you're out there give me a sign
The more Republican the south became the less racist it became. All of the bad things that happened in the south happened when Democrats were in charge of the south.
Well I think the KKK in the 80s, 90's, 2000 and 2010s vote GOP, no?
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