If God Doesn’t Exist

no bond, moses lied, there never were tablets etched by the Almighty and given to him they made up the tail to enhance their own standing and was never able to produce the documents to prove otherwise.

the same forgeries and fallacies can be found on nearly every page of your 4th century christian bible - you worship nothing more than a madeup religion dedicated to the roman empire.

You are delusional and getting all worked up because we are all going to die and face final judgement. One can read the Ten Commandments as a child and understand the words. Then later, come to understand the depth and meaning of each commandment as they grow into adulthood. The story of the tablets being handed to Moses is just the beginning.

What's happened to you is you have been misled and now have become overwrougth and mentally ill when confronted with the truth and evidence. You keep repeating the same thing over and over in your end paragraph.
One can read the Ten Commandments as a child and understand the words.
the prescribed religion of the Almighty is spoken not read - the triumph of good vs evil - it is you and the desert religions that travel down the forbidden path in abandonment of the true cause and the path that leads to the admission to the Everlasting.

there is no messiah, your santa clause isn't coming down the chimney for you - time for you to wake up.
As sentient beings we know what's right and wrong, and it can differ based on religion, culture, etc. No God is required to acknowledge that hurting another human being is wrong.

Atheists are usually wrong and this is totally so wrong.

Being a sentient human being means you don't know what is right and wrong. God through the Bible is required for humans to repent and be sorry for their wrongful actions and thoughts, i.e. sin.
christians are always wrong they rely on a book of forgeries and fallacies, learning not to be sinners would first require correcting the wrongs they wrote in their 4th century - bible.

beginning with all beings are sentient and are reflective of the same metaphysical image they have evolved from and will continue to evolve by means of the prescribed religion of antiquity or eventually will become extinct by the same means so abandoned as christianity, the desert religions.
THE HEBREW OLD TESTAMENT IS FAR OLDER THAN THE 4th CENTURY BC. The New Testament is but the fulfillment of the OLD TESTAMENT.


THE HEBREW OLD TESTAMENT IS FAR OLDER THAN THE 4th CENTURY BC. The New Testament is but the fulfillment of the OLD TESTAMENT.
moses was a murderer.
no bond, moses lied, there never were tablets etched by the Almighty and given to him they made up the tail to enhance their own standing and was never able to produce the documents to prove otherwise.

the same forgeries and fallacies can be found on nearly every page of your 4th century christian bible - you worship nothing more than a madeup (sic) religion dedicated to the roman empire.

You are delusional and getting all worked up because we are all going to die and face final judgement. One can read the Ten Commandments as a child and understand the words. Then later, come to understand the depth and meaning of each commandment as they grow into adulthood. The story of the tablets being handed to Moses is just the beginning.

What's happened to you is you have been misled and now have become overwrought and mentally ill when confronted with the truth and evidence. You keep repeating the same thing over and over in your end paragraph.

Forgive BreezeWood his ignorance.

It is noteworthy that the ONLY word capitalized in his commentary is "Almighty." Kudos to you sir for capitalizing Almighty. Although I'm afraid that will not be enough either to earn you any marks at all when you meet Nature's God, nor, for that matter, here on earth, where faith confers multiple benefits, psychologically and socially.

While claiming to be intellectually superior, atheist BreezeWood notably failed to:

1. Capitalize Moses
2. Capitalize Christian
3. Capitalize Bible
4. Capitalize Roman Empire
5. Use the proper homonym, tale instead of tail
6. Spell made-up correctly.
7. Capitalize the first word in his sentences.

This is indeed an impressive list of ignorance.

These are neither the words nor the reasoning of even a moderately intelligent person, much less a vastly superior one, as atheists are so eager to brag about how smart they are, implying in the process that BECAUSE they are smart, therefore they are right, whatever they have to say.

Moreover, the universal pretension of superior intellect by atheists everywhere constitutes The Fallacy of the Argument From Authority. While they PRETEND to be authorities on any particular subject, this is only their pretension. It is an assumption they fail to demonstrate, much less prove.
BUT IF IT WERE TRUE, that would not make them right. The list of gross errors by authorities in their OWN FIELDS OF EXPERTISE is an extremely long and growing one, and atheists utterly fail to demonstrate their expertise anywhere.

"Your mathematics is correct but your physics is atrocious." - Albert Einstein to Father Georges Lemaitre, who first correctly predicted the Big Bang, which Lemaitre called the primordial atom
Einstein did not WANT there to be a big bang. He believed in the steady state theory, viz., that the universe was eternal and unchanging. That's the way scientists WANTED things to be.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Try to get around that first sentence in the Holy Bible, anyone.

Now since Carl Sagan is revered by atheists everywhere, I will offer BreezeWood and his atheist pals words of wisdom from Carl:
"Valid criticism does you a favor."

I offered Carl some sorely needed valid criticism of several of his books, and the best he could do was ask me to buy his newest one. Poor Carl. I never bought any of them, but checked them out at the library and then sold his letter to an American in Hong Kong for $125 through eBay.
I got another $75 for Isaac Asimov's hateful postcard reply to me on the same subject, authors' errors. Asimov made numerous errors in Counting the Eons. The poor fool was afraid to fly, neglected his wife and son, and converted to atheism after his prayer to pass a chemistry test didn't seem to be answered. His son is a convicted pedophile in California. Life is tough. Tougher if you're an atheist.
The bible is not the word of any gods. The bible is the words of many, mostly unknown men.

Why would you think that religious people are any more or less violent than non-religious people?

The Bible is the word of God and science backs up God's word with natural selection, Cambrian explosion, global flood evidence, Tower of Babel evidence, 7,000 different languages, only life begets life, creation scientists' accomplishments, laws, theories, and more. OTOH, the Antibible of Evolution is the word of Satan and not backed up by science. The science behind it are lies. Why do you believe in lies such as big bang, abiogenesis, aliens, dinosaurs going extinct before humans, long time universe and Earth and long timelines, plants and animals evolving, Earth's geology taking a long time, and more evolution weirdness?

Christians have the objective morality of the Ten Commandments and the Bible which states what happens after death and that all would experience final judgement. Other religions have something similar based on how one lived their life. Atheists have nothing basically but trusting what humans will do when they are alive knowing what is right and wrong. It cannot be trusted because it is based on secularism.
There is nothing to suggest that any of the bibles are the words of any gods. None of the gods had any hand in writing any of the bibles.

As we know, science does not "back up'' the bibles. I find it obvious that your statement is lacking corroboration as you fail to provide any relevant examples.
no bond, moses lied, there never were tablets etched by the Almighty and given to him they made up the tail to enhance their own standing and was never able to produce the documents to prove otherwise.

the same forgeries and fallacies can be found on nearly every page of your 4th century christian bible - you worship nothing more than a madeup religion dedicated to the roman empire.

You are delusional and getting all worked up because we are all going to die and face final judgement. One can read the Ten Commandments as a child and understand the words. Then later, come to understand the depth and meaning of each commandment as they grow into adulthood. The story of the tablets being handed to Moses is just the beginning.

What's happened to you is you have been misled and now have become overwrougth and mentally ill when confronted with the truth and evidence. You keep repeating the same thing over and over in your end paragraph.
We read Moby Dick in grade school and understood the words. Much better reading as no threats and judgements of eternal torture.
no bond, moses lied, there never were tablets etched by the Almighty and given to him they made up the tail to enhance their own standing and was never able to produce the documents to prove otherwise.

the same forgeries and fallacies can be found on nearly every page of your 4th century christian bible - you worship nothing more than a madeup (sic) religion dedicated to the roman empire.

You are delusional and getting all worked up because we are all going to die and face final judgement. One can read the Ten Commandments as a child and understand the words. Then later, come to understand the depth and meaning of each commandment as they grow into adulthood. The story of the tablets being handed to Moses is just the beginning.

What's happened to you is you have been misled and now have become overwrought and mentally ill when confronted with the truth and evidence. You keep repeating the same thing over and over in your end paragraph.

Forgive BreezeWood his ignorance.

It is noteworthy that the ONLY word capitalized in his commentary is "Almighty." Kudos to you sir for capitalizing Almighty. Although I'm afraid that will not be enough either to earn you any marks at all when you meet Nature's God, nor, for that matter, here on earth, where faith confers multiple benefits, psychologically and socially.

While claiming to be intellectually superior, atheist BreezeWood notably failed to:

1. Capitalize Moses
2. Capitalize Christian
3. Capitalize Bible
4. Capitalize Roman Empire
5. Use the proper homonym, tale instead of tail
6. Spell made-up correctly.
7. Capitalize the first word in his sentences.

This is indeed an impressive list of ignorance.

These are neither the words nor the reasoning of even a moderately intelligent person, much less a vastly superior one, as atheists are so eager to brag about how smart they are, implying in the process that BECAUSE they are smart, therefore they are right, whatever they have to say.

Moreover, the universal pretension of superior intellect by atheists everywhere constitutes The Fallacy of the Argument From Authority. While they PRETEND to be authorities on any particular subject, this is only their pretension. It is an assumption they fail to demonstrate, much less prove.
BUT IF IT WERE TRUE, that would not make them right. The list of gross errors by authorities in their OWN FIELDS OF EXPERTISE is an extremely long and growing one, and atheists utterly fail to demonstrate their expertise anywhere.

"Your mathematics is correct but your physics is atrocious." - Albert Einstein to Father Georges Lemaitre, who first correctly predicted the Big Bang, which Lemaitre called the primordial atom
Einstein did not WANT there to be a big bang. He believed in the steady state theory, viz., that the universe was eternal and unchanging. That's the way scientists WANTED things to be.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Try to get around that first sentence in the Holy Bible, anyone.

Now since Carl Sagan is revered by atheists everywhere, I will offer BreezeWood and his atheist pals words of wisdom from Carl:
"Valid criticism does you a favor."

I offered Carl some sorely needed valid criticism of several of his books, and the best he could do was ask me to buy his newest one. Poor Carl. I never bought any of them, but checked them out at the library and then sold his letter to an American in Hong Kong for $125 through eBay.
I got another $75 for Isaac Asimov's hateful postcard reply to me on the same subject, authors' errors. Asimov made numerous errors in Counting the Eons. The poor fool was afraid to fly, neglected his wife and son, and converted to atheism after his prayer to pass a chemistry test didn't seem to be answered. His son is a convicted pedophile in California. Life is tough. Tougher if you're an atheist.
Life isn't that tough if you're an atheist.

Tougher perhaps if you're a creepy pedophile in the employ of the catholic church running its child abuse syndicate. The world caught on to that scam.

Is it possible that anything you wrote about Sagan is true or just the ranting of the hyper-religious?
As sentient beings we know what's right and wrong, and it can differ based on religion, culture, etc. No God is required to acknowledge that hurting another human being is wrong.

Atheists are usually wrong and this is totally so wrong.

Being a sentient human being means you don't know what is right and wrong. God through the Bible is required for humans to repent and be sorry for their wrongful actions and thoughts, i.e. sin.
christians are always wrong they rely on a book of forgeries and fallacies, learning not to be sinners would first require correcting the wrongs they wrote in their 4th century - bible.

beginning with all beings are sentient and are reflective of the same metaphysical image they have evolved from and will continue to evolve by means of the prescribed religion of antiquity or eventually will become extinct by the same means so abandoned as christianity, the desert religions.
THE HEBREW OLD TESTAMENT IS FAR OLDER THAN THE 4th CENTURY BC. The New Testament is but the fulfillment of the OLD TESTAMENT.
THE HEBREW OLD TESTAMENT IS FAR OLDER THAN THE 4th CENTURY BC. The New Testament is but the fulfillment of the OLD TESTAMENT.
moses was a murderer.
Anyone who ever wished someone dead is a murderer in the eyes of GOD. Are you any better?
The bible is not the word of any gods. The bible is the words of many, mostly unknown men.

Why would you think that religious people are any more or less violent than non-religious people?

The Bible is the word of God and science backs up God's word with natural selection, Cambrian explosion, global flood evidence, Tower of Babel evidence, 7,000 different languages, only life begets life, creation scientists' accomplishments, laws, theories, and more. OTOH, the Antibible of Evolution is the word of Satan and not backed up by science. The science behind it are lies. Why do you believe in lies such as big bang, abiogenesis, aliens, dinosaurs going extinct before humans, long time universe and Earth and long timelines, plants and animals evolving, Earth's geology taking a long time, and more evolution weirdness?

Christians have the objective morality of the Ten Commandments and the Bible which states what happens after death and that all would experience final judgement. Other religions have something similar based on how one lived their life. Atheists have nothing basically but trusting what humans will do when they are alive knowing what is right and wrong. It cannot be trusted because it is based on secularism.
There is nothing to suggest that any of the bibles are the words of any gods. None of the gods had any hand in writing any of the bibles.

As we know, science does not "back up'' the bibles. I find it obvious that your statement is lacking corroboration as you fail to provide any relevant examples.
The unfailing truth revealed in every page of the Bible proves that it is the very word of GOD. Simply saying that "science" doesn't back up the Bible doesn't make it so. Prove it ----- the science could be in error.
no bond, moses lied, there never were tablets etched by the Almighty and given to him they made up the tail to enhance their own standing and was never able to produce the documents to prove otherwise.

the same forgeries and fallacies can be found on nearly every page of your 4th century christian bible - you worship nothing more than a madeup (sic) religion dedicated to the roman empire.

You are delusional and getting all worked up because we are all going to die and face final judgement. One can read the Ten Commandments as a child and understand the words. Then later, come to understand the depth and meaning of each commandment as they grow into adulthood. The story of the tablets being handed to Moses is just the beginning.

What's happened to you is you have been misled and now have become overwrought and mentally ill when confronted with the truth and evidence. You keep repeating the same thing over and over in your end paragraph.

Forgive BreezeWood his ignorance.

It is noteworthy that the ONLY word capitalized in his commentary is "Almighty." Kudos to you sir for capitalizing Almighty. Although I'm afraid that will not be enough either to earn you any marks at all when you meet Nature's God, nor, for that matter, here on earth, where faith confers multiple benefits, psychologically and socially.

While claiming to be intellectually superior, atheist BreezeWood notably failed to:

1. Capitalize Moses
2. Capitalize Christian
3. Capitalize Bible
4. Capitalize Roman Empire
5. Use the proper homonym, tale instead of tail
6. Spell made-up correctly.
7. Capitalize the first word in his sentences.

This is indeed an impressive list of ignorance.

These are neither the words nor the reasoning of even a moderately intelligent person, much less a vastly superior one, as atheists are so eager to brag about how smart they are, implying in the process that BECAUSE they are smart, therefore they are right, whatever they have to say.

Moreover, the universal pretension of superior intellect by atheists everywhere constitutes The Fallacy of the Argument From Authority. While they PRETEND to be authorities on any particular subject, this is only their pretension. It is an assumption they fail to demonstrate, much less prove.
BUT IF IT WERE TRUE, that would not make them right. The list of gross errors by authorities in their OWN FIELDS OF EXPERTISE is an extremely long and growing one, and atheists utterly fail to demonstrate their expertise anywhere.

"Your mathematics is correct but your physics is atrocious." - Albert Einstein to Father Georges Lemaitre, who first correctly predicted the Big Bang, which Lemaitre called the primordial atom
Einstein did not WANT there to be a big bang. He believed in the steady state theory, viz., that the universe was eternal and unchanging. That's the way scientists WANTED things to be.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Try to get around that first sentence in the Holy Bible, anyone.

Now since Carl Sagan is revered by atheists everywhere, I will offer BreezeWood and his atheist pals words of wisdom from Carl:
"Valid criticism does you a favor."

I offered Carl some sorely needed valid criticism of several of his books, and the best he could do was ask me to buy his newest one. Poor Carl. I never bought any of them, but checked them out at the library and then sold his letter to an American in Hong Kong for $125 through eBay.
I got another $75 for Isaac Asimov's hateful postcard reply to me on the same subject, authors' errors. Asimov made numerous errors in Counting the Eons. The poor fool was afraid to fly, neglected his wife and son, and converted to atheism after his prayer to pass a chemistry test didn't seem to be answered. His son is a convicted pedophile in California. Life is tough. Tougher if you're an atheist.
- when you meet Nature's God, nor, for that matter, here on earth, where faith confers multiple benefits, psychologically and socially.

i will say for your post - Nature's God - is revealing of your own sentiment, for the metaphysical there is agreement.

sagan's emotions had a hard time getting past the brick wall.
The bible is not the word of any gods. The bible is the words of many, mostly unknown men.

Why would you think that religious people are any more or less violent than non-religious people?

The Bible is the word of God and science backs up God's word with natural selection, Cambrian explosion, global flood evidence, Tower of Babel evidence, 7,000 different languages, only life begets life, creation scientists' accomplishments, laws, theories, and more. OTOH, the Antibible of Evolution is the word of Satan and not backed up by science. The science behind it are lies. Why do you believe in lies such as big bang, abiogenesis, aliens, dinosaurs going extinct before humans, long time universe and Earth and long timelines, plants and animals evolving, Earth's geology taking a long time, and more evolution weirdness?

Christians have the objective morality of the Ten Commandments and the Bible which states what happens after death and that all would experience final judgement. Other religions have something similar based on how one lived their life. Atheists have nothing basically but trusting what humans will do when they are alive knowing what is right and wrong. It cannot be trusted because it is based on secularism.
There is nothing to suggest that any of the bibles are the words of any gods. None of the gods had any hand in writing any of the bibles.

As we know, science does not "back up'' the bibles. I find it obvious that your statement is lacking corroboration as you fail to provide any relevant examples.
The unfailing truth revealed in every page of the Bible proves that it is the very word of GOD. Simply saying that "science" doesn't back up the Bible doesn't make it so. Prove it ----- the science could be in error.
Unfailing truth in any of the Bible’s is a rather subjective statement. Not so subjective are the obvious errors and contradictions that tend to contradict some claims to unfailing truth.

A flat earth, a young earth, talking reptiles, men living to be 900 years old are not science facts, they are biblical errors and falsehoods.
As sentient beings we know what's right and wrong, and it can differ based on religion, culture, etc. No God is required to acknowledge that hurting another human being is wrong.

Atheists are usually wrong and this is totally so wrong.

Being a sentient human being means you don't know what is right and wrong. God through the Bible is required for humans to repent and be sorry for their wrongful actions and thoughts, i.e. sin.
christians are always wrong they rely on a book of forgeries and fallacies, learning not to be sinners would first require correcting the wrongs they wrote in their 4th century - bible.

beginning with all beings are sentient and are reflective of the same metaphysical image they have evolved from and will continue to evolve by means of the prescribed religion of antiquity or eventually will become extinct by the same means so abandoned as christianity, the desert religions.
THE HEBREW OLD TESTAMENT IS FAR OLDER THAN THE 4th CENTURY BC. The New Testament is but the fulfillment of the OLD TESTAMENT.
THE HEBREW OLD TESTAMENT IS FAR OLDER THAN THE 4th CENTURY BC. The New Testament is but the fulfillment of the OLD TESTAMENT.
moses was a murderer.
Anyone who ever wished someone dead is a murderer in the eyes of GOD. Are you any better?
Anyone who ever wished someone dead is a murderer in the eyes of GOD. Are you any better?
any better than actually murdering someone ... . :iyfyus.jpg:

why they made the wish and other extenuating considerations would play a role in any judgement, having actually taken a life is more in line with your post - I do not see it for moses the liar and murderer for them they would be the same as the crucifiers. christians. jews. islamist.
The bible is not the word of any gods. The bible is the words of many, mostly unknown men.

Why would you think that religious people are any more or less violent than non-religious people?

The Bible is the word of God and science backs up God's word with natural selection, Cambrian explosion, global flood evidence, Tower of Babel evidence, 7,000 different languages, only life begets life, creation scientists' accomplishments, laws, theories, and more. OTOH, the Antibible of Evolution is the word of Satan and not backed up by science. The science behind it are lies. Why do you believe in lies such as big bang, abiogenesis, aliens, dinosaurs going extinct before humans, long time universe and Earth and long timelines, plants and animals evolving, Earth's geology taking a long time, and more evolution weirdness?

Christians have the objective morality of the Ten Commandments and the Bible which states what happens after death and that all would experience final judgement. Other religions have something similar based on how one lived their life. Atheists have nothing basically but trusting what humans will do when they are alive knowing what is right and wrong. It cannot be trusted because it is based on secularism.
There is nothing to suggest that any of the bibles are the words of any gods. None of the gods had any hand in writing any of the bibles.

As we know, science does not "back up'' the bibles. I find it obvious that your statement is lacking corroboration as you fail to provide any relevant examples.
The unfailing truth revealed in every page of the Bible proves that it is the very word of GOD. Simply saying that "science" doesn't back up the Bible doesn't make it so. Prove it ----- the science could be in error.
Unfailing truth in any of the Bible’s is a rather subjective statement. Not so subjective are the obvious errors and contradictions that tend to contradict some claims to unfailing truth.

A flat earth, a young earth, talking reptiles, men living to be 900 years old are not science facts, they are biblical errors and falsehoods.

We know nothing has backed up today's science of atheism. Thus, it has gone to best theory by consensus and if a lie is repeated enough times, then people begin to believe in it. This is your so called "mountain of evidence." It's really a mountain of poo.

A young Earth and humans living over 900 years are Biblical or historical facts.

I've explained the Bible and creation science to you many times, but you still get flat Earth and talking reptiles wrong. You just can't shake the lies that you believe.

Long life span of Adam and Eve's early descendants are thought to be based on more perfect genetics and less defects. It didn't last for Noah's descendants as Moses descended from Noah's son Jacob. Moses lived for 120 years and this was what God had changed it to as he stated. Today, the lifespans are getting less and maybe 90 years as maximum. Further evidence that evolution is a lie.
no bond, moses lied, there never were tablets etched by the Almighty and given to him they made up the tail to enhance their own standing and was never able to produce the documents to prove otherwise.

the same forgeries and fallacies can be found on nearly every page of your 4th century christian bible - you worship nothing more than a madeup (sic) religion dedicated to the roman empire.

You are delusional and getting all worked up because we are all going to die and face final judgement. One can read the Ten Commandments as a child and understand the words. Then later, come to understand the depth and meaning of each commandment as they grow into adulthood. The story of the tablets being handed to Moses is just the beginning.

What's happened to you is you have been misled and now have become overwrought and mentally ill when confronted with the truth and evidence. You keep repeating the same thing over and over in your end paragraph.

Forgive BreezeWood his ignorance.

It is noteworthy that the ONLY word capitalized in his commentary is "Almighty." Kudos to you sir for capitalizing Almighty. Although I'm afraid that will not be enough either to earn you any marks at all when you meet Nature's God, nor, for that matter, here on earth, where faith confers multiple benefits, psychologically and socially.

While claiming to be intellectually superior, atheist BreezeWood notably failed to:

1. Capitalize Moses
2. Capitalize Christian
3. Capitalize Bible
4. Capitalize Roman Empire
5. Use the proper homonym, tale instead of tail
6. Spell made-up correctly.
7. Capitalize the first word in his sentences.

This is indeed an impressive list of ignorance.

These are neither the words nor the reasoning of even a moderately intelligent person, much less a vastly superior one, as atheists are so eager to brag about how smart they are, implying in the process that BECAUSE they are smart, therefore they are right, whatever they have to say.

Moreover, the universal pretension of superior intellect by atheists everywhere constitutes The Fallacy of the Argument From Authority. While they PRETEND to be authorities on any particular subject, this is only their pretension. It is an assumption they fail to demonstrate, much less prove.
BUT IF IT WERE TRUE, that would not make them right. The list of gross errors by authorities in their OWN FIELDS OF EXPERTISE is an extremely long and growing one, and atheists utterly fail to demonstrate their expertise anywhere.

"Your mathematics is correct but your physics is atrocious." - Albert Einstein to Father Georges Lemaitre, who first correctly predicted the Big Bang, which Lemaitre called the primordial atom
Einstein did not WANT there to be a big bang. He believed in the steady state theory, viz., that the universe was eternal and unchanging. That's the way scientists WANTED things to be.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Try to get around that first sentence in the Holy Bible, anyone.

Now since Carl Sagan is revered by atheists everywhere, I will offer BreezeWood and his atheist pals words of wisdom from Carl:
"Valid criticism does you a favor."

I offered Carl some sorely needed valid criticism of several of his books, and the best he could do was ask me to buy his newest one. Poor Carl. I never bought any of them, but checked them out at the library and then sold his letter to an American in Hong Kong for $125 through eBay.
I got another $75 for Isaac Asimov's hateful postcard reply to me on the same subject, authors' errors. Asimov made numerous errors in Counting the Eons. The poor fool was afraid to fly, neglected his wife and son, and converted to atheism after his prayer to pass a chemistry test didn't seem to be answered. His son is a convicted pedophile in California. Life is tough. Tougher if you're an atheist.
- when you meet Nature's God, nor, for that matter, here on earth, where faith confers multiple benefits, psychologically and socially.
View attachment 381658
i will say for your post - Nature's God - is revealing of your own sentiment, for the metaphysical there is agreement.

sagan's emotions had a hard time getting past the brick wall.
Imagine that since you and those like yourself seem intent on painting all Christians with the same brush, let's expose how the scientific at community once behaved and treated fellow humans.

updated 2/27/2011 6:14:20 PM ET

Shocking as it may seem, U.S. government doctors once thought it was fine to experiment on disabled people and prison inmates. Such experiments included giving hepatitis to mental patients in Connecticut, squirting a pandemic flu virus up the noses of prisoners in Maryland, and injecting cancer cells into chronically ill people at a New York hospital.
Much of this horrific history is 40 to 80 years old, but it is the backdrop for a meeting in Washington last week by a presidential bioethics commission. The meeting was triggered by the government's apology last fall for federal doctors infecting prisoners and mental patients in Guatemala with syphilis 65 years ago.
U.S. officials also acknowledged there had been dozens of similar experiments in the United States — studies that often involved making healthy people sick.

An exhaustive review by The Associated Press of medical journal reports and decades-old press clippings found more than 40 such studies. At best, these were a search for lifesaving treatments; at worst, some amounted to curiosity-satisfying experiments that hurt people but provided no useful results.
Inevitably, they will be compared to the well-known Tuskegee syphilis study. In that episode, U.S. health officials tracked 600 black men in Alabama who already had syphilis but didn't give them adequate treatment even after penicillin became available.
These studies were worse in at least one respect — they violated the concept of "first do no harm," a fundamental medical principle that stretches back centuries.
"When you give somebody a disease — even by the standards of their time — you really cross the key ethical norm of the profession," said Arthur Caplan, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics.

Attitude similar to Nazi experiments
Some of these studies, mostly from the 1940s to the '60s, apparently were never covered by news media. Others were reported at the time, but the focus was on the promise of enduring new cures, while glossing over how test subjects were treated.
Attitudes about medical research were different then. Infectious diseases killed many more people years ago, and doctors worked urgently to invent and test cures. Many prominent researchers felt it was legitimate to experiment on people who did not have full rights in society — people like prisoners, mental patients, poor blacks. It was an attitude in some ways similar to that of Nazi doctors experimenting on Jews.
"There was definitely a sense — that we don't have today — that sacrifice for the nation was important," said Laura Stark, a Wesleyan University assistant professor of science in society, who is writing a book about past federal medical experiments.
The AP review of past research found:
  • A federally funded study begun in 1942 injected experimental flu vaccine in male patients at a state insane asylum in Ypsilanti, Mich., then exposed them to flu several months later. It was co-authored by Dr. Jonas Salk, who a decade later would become famous as inventor of the polio vaccine.
Some of the men weren't able to describe their symptoms, raising serious questions about how well they understood what was being done to them. One newspaper account mentioned the test subjects were "senile and debilitated." Then it quickly moved on to the promising results.
  • In federally funded studies in the 1940s, noted researcher Dr. W. Paul Havens Jr. exposed men to hepatitis in a series of experiments, including one using patients from mental institutions in Middletown and Norwich, Conn. Havens, a World Health Organization expert on viral diseases, was one of the first scientists to differentiate types of hepatitis and their causes.
A search of various news archives found no mention of the mental patients study, which made eight healthy men ill but broke no new ground in understanding the disease.
  • Researchers in the mid-1940s studied the transmission of a deadly stomach bug by having young men swallow unfiltered stool suspension. The study was conducted at the New York State Vocational Institution, a reformatory prison in West Coxsackie. The point was to see how well the disease spread that way as compared to spraying the germs and having test subjects breathe it. Swallowing it was a more effective way to spread the disease, the researchers concluded. The study doesn't explain if the men were rewarded for this awful task.
  • A University of Minnesota study in the late 1940s injected 11 public service employee volunteers with malaria, then starved them for five days. Some were also subjected to hard labor, and those men lost an average of 14 pounds. They were treated for malarial fevers with quinine sulfate. One of the authors was Ancel Keys, a noted dietary scientist who developed K-rations for the military and the Mediterranean diet for the public. But a search of various news archives found no mention of the study.
  • For a study in 1957, when the Asian flu pandemic was spreading, federal researchers sprayed the virus in the noses of 23 inmates at Patuxent prison in Jessup, Md., to compare their reactions to those of 32 virus-exposed inmates who had been given a new vaccine.
  • Government researchers in the 1950s tried to infect about two dozen volunteering prison inmates with gonorrhea using two different methods in an experiment at a federal penitentiary in Atlanta. The bacteria was pumped directly into the urinary tract through the penis, according to their paper.
The men quickly developed the disease, but the researchers noted this method wasn't comparable to how men normally got infected — by having sex with an infected partner. The men were later treated with antibiotics. The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, but there was no mention of it in various news archives.
Though people in the studies were usually described as volunteers, historians and ethicists have questioned how well these people understood what was to be done to them and why, or whether they were coerced.
Victims for science
Prisoners have long been victimized for the sake of science. In 1915, the U.S. government's Dr. Joseph Goldberger — today remembered as a public health hero — recruited Mississippi inmates to go on special rations to prove his theory that the painful illness pellagra was caused by a dietary deficiency. (The men were offered pardons for their participation.)

But studies using prisoners were uncommon in the first few decades of the 20th century, and usually performed by researchers considered eccentric even by the standards of the day. One was Dr. L.L. Stanley, resident physician at San Quentin prison in California, who around 1920 attempted to treat older, "devitalized men" by implanting in them testicles from livestock and from recently executed convicts.
Newspapers wrote about Stanley's experiments, but the lack of outrage is striking.
"Enter San Quentin penitentiary in the role of the Fountain of Youth — an institution where the years are made to roll back for men of failing mentality and vitality and where the spring is restored to the step, wit to the brain, vigor to the muscles and ambition to the spirit. All this has been done, is being done ... by a surgeon with a scalpel," began one rosy report published in November 1919 in The Washington Post.

Around the time of World War II, prisoners were enlisted to help the war effort by taking part in studies that could help the troops. For example, a series of malaria studies at Stateville Penitentiary in Illinois and two other prisons was designed to test antimalarial drugs that could help soldiers fighting in the Pacific.
It was at about this time that prosecution of Nazi doctors in 1947 led to the "Nuremberg Code," a set of international rules to protect human test subjects. Many U.S. doctors essentially ignored them, arguing that they applied to Nazi atrocities — not to American medicine.
The late 1940s and 1950s saw huge growth in the U.S. pharmaceutical and health care industries, accompanied by a boom in prisoner experiments funded by state and federal government prisoners to be used as medical guinea pigs.
But two studies in the 1960s proved to be turning points in the public's attitude toward the way test subjects were treated.
The first came to light in 1963. Researchers injected cancer cells into 19 old and debilitated patients at a Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in the New York borough of Brooklyn to see if their bodies would reject them.
The hospital director said the patients were not told they were being injected with cancer cells because there was no need — the cells were deemed harmless. But the experiment upset a lawyer named William Hyman who sat on the hospital's board of directors. The state investigated, and the hospital ultimately said any such experiments would require the patient's written consent.
At nearby Staten Island, from 1963 to 1966, a controversial medical study was conducted at the Willowbrook State School for children with mental retardation. The children were intentionally given hepatitis orally and by injection to see if they could then be cured with gamma globulin.
Those two studies — along with the Tuskegee experiment revealed in 1972 — proved to be a "holy trinity" that sparked extensive and critical media coverage and public disgust, said Susan Reverby, the Wellesley College historian who first discovered records of the syphilis study in Guatemala.
'My back is on fire!'
By the early 1970s, even experiments involving prisoners were considered scandalous. In widely covered congressional hearings in 1973, pharmaceutical industry officials acknowledged they were using prisoners for testing because they were cheaper than chimpanzees.

Holmesburg Prison in Philadelphia made extensive use of inmates for medical experiments. Some of the victims are still around to talk about it. Edward "Yusef" Anthony, featured in a book about the studies, says he agreed to have a layer of skin peeled off his back, which was coated with searing chemicals to test a drug. He did that for money to buy cigarettes in prison.
"I said 'Oh my God, my back is on fire! Take this ... off me!'" Anthony said in an interview with The Associated Press, as he recalled the beginning of weeks of intense itching and agonizing pain.
The government responded with reforms. Among them: The U.S. Bureau of Prisons in the mid-1970s effectively excluded all research by drug companies and other outside agencies within federal prisons.
As the supply of prisoners and mental patients dried up, researchers looked to other countries.
It made sense. Clinical trials could be done more cheaply and with fewer rules. And it was easy to find patients who were taking no medication, a factor that can complicate tests of other drugs.

Additional sets of ethical guidelines have been enacted, and few believe that another Guatemala study could happen today. "It's not that we're out infecting anybody with things," Caplan said.
Still, in the last 15 years, two international studies sparked outrage.
One was likened to Tuskegee. U.S.-funded doctors failed to give the AIDS drug AZT to all the HIV-infected pregnant women in a study in Uganda even though it would have protected their newborns. U.S. health officials argued the study would answer questions about AZT's use in the developing world.
The other study, by Pfizer Inc., gave an antibiotic named Trovan to children with meningitis in Nigeria, although there were doubts about its effectiveness for that disease. Critics blamed the experiment for the deaths of 11 children and the disabling of scores of others. Pfizer settled a lawsuit with Nigerian officials for $75 million but admitted no wrongdoing.
Last year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' inspector general reported that between 40 and 65 percent of clinical studies of federally regulated medical products were done in other countries in 2008, and that proportion probably has grown. The report also noted that U.S. regulators inspected fewer than 1 percent of foreign clinical trial sites.
Monitoring research is complicated, and rules that are too rigid could slow new drug development. But it's often hard to get information on international trials, sometimes because of missing records and a paucity of audits, said Dr. Kevin Schulman, a Duke University professor of medicine who has written on the ethics of international studies.
Syphilis study
These issues were still being debated when, last October, the Guatemala study came to light.

In the 1946-48 study, American scientists infected prisoners and patients in a mental hospital in Guatemala with syphilis, apparently to test whether penicillin could prevent some sexually transmitted disease. The study came up with no useful information and was hidden for decades.
Story: U.S. apologizes for Guatemala syphilis experiments
The Guatemala study nauseated ethicists on multiple levels. Beyond infecting patients with a terrible illness, it was clear that people in the study did not understand what was being done to them or were not able to give their consent. Indeed, though it happened at a time when scientists were quick to publish research that showed frank disinterest in the rights of study participants, this study was buried in file drawers.
"It was unusually unethical, even at the time," said Stark, the Wesleyan researcher.
"When the president was briefed on the details of the Guatemalan episode, one of his first questions was whether this sort of thing could still happen today," said Rick Weiss, a spokesman for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
That it occurred overseas was an opening for the Obama administration to have the bioethics panel seek a new evaluation of international medical studies. The president also asked the Institute of Medicine to further probe the Guatemala study, but the IOM relinquished the assignment in November, after reporting its own conflict of interest: In the 1940s, five members of one of the IOM's sister organizations played prominent roles in federal syphilis research and had links to the Guatemala study.
So the bioethics commission gets both tasks. To focus on federally funded international studies, the commission has formed an international panel of about a dozen experts in ethics, science and clinical research. Regarding the look at the Guatemala study, the commission has hired 15 staff investigators and is working with additional historians and other consulting experts.
The panel is to send a report to Obama by September. Any further steps would be up to the administration.
Some experts say that given such a tight deadline, it would be a surprise if the commission produced substantive new information about past studies. "They face a really tough challenge," Caplan said.
overnment and corporations. By the 1960s, at least half the states allowed
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Scientists are racist ---- or so it seems:
How science has been abused through the ages to promote racism
November 19, 2015 11.36pm EST
  1. Tim Crowe
    Emeritus Professor, University of Cape Town
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While he was an academic at the University of Cape Town, his and his students' research was supported by South Africa's National Science Foundation, in some instance in collaboration with other international agencies.
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Race in human taxonomy – the science of classifying organisms – has a long, disgraceful history.
Individuals have used race to divide and denigrate certain people while promoting their claims of superiority. Some of these individuals were, and are, respected in their time and their fields. They include philosopher and scientist Robert Boyle and sociologists like Hans Günther. Others who’ve been guilty include biologists like Ernst Haeckel and historians such as Henri de Boulainvilliers.
What is the history of racially based classifications of humans? And does it have any scientific validity?
Starting with Kant
The eminent philosopher Immanuel Kant was arguably the first “scientific racist”. He maintained that dark-skinned Africans were “vain and stupid”. He insisted that they were only capable of trifling feelings and were resistant to any form of education other than learning how to be enslaved.
By contrast, Kant maintained, light-skinned Caucasians were “active, acute, and adventurous”.
Renowned German anthropologist Johann Blumenbach used skull anatomy to divide humans into five races:
  • Caucasians (Europe and western Asia);
  • Mongoloids (eastern Asia);
  • Malays (south-eastern Asia);
  • Negros (sub-Saharan Africa); and
  • Americans (North and South America).
But he disagreed with the common view that humans from sub-Saharan Africa were inferior. Blumenbach’s “benign” racial categorisation persisted well into the 20th century.
Samuel Morton drew on refined, quantitative assessments of skull anatomy to provide further “scientific evidence”. He claimed that interracial intellectual variation is reflected by the interior volume of the skull, and that this justified the use of Blumenbach’s groupings to determine relative racial superiority.
He regarded the Caucasian as:
… distinguished by the facility with which it attains the highest intellectual endowments
and Africans as
… joyous, flexible, and indolent; while the many nations which compose this race present a singular diversity of intellectual character, of which the far extreme is the lowest grade of humanity.
“Scientific racism”“ was used to justify the ownership of slaves, as well as colonialism. It reached its pinnacle in eugenics, a "science” espoused by the British statistician and sociologist Francis Galton at the end of the 19th century.
Eugenicists advocate the “improvement” of humanity by promoting reproduction between people with desired traits and reducing reproduction between people with less-desired traits. Eugenics featured in race-related legislation like Nazi Germany’s Nuremberg Laws and apartheid-era South Africa’s edicts.
Genetic evidence
Genetic studies have examined “racial” variation from a molecular perspective. My early mentor Richard Lewontin, an evolutionary biologist from the University of Chicago, was a pioneer in this. His research suggested that 90% of modern human genetic diversity is found between individuals within populations. The tiny balance is due to variation between populations.
This view was confirmed by subsequent studies based on DNA by, among others, Lynn B. Jorde and Stephen P. Wooding. The DNA among all human populations is 99.5% similar. Populations of the geographically much more restricted chimpanzee exhibit more than four times the genetic variation that’s found between human populations. Chimpanzees are humans’ nearest living evolutionary “relative”.
Their research shows that when humans are studied from genetic or anatomical perspectives, the pattern that’s discovered is not diagnosable geographically discrete clusters. The norm is gradual, geographically uncorrelated variation in traits and genes. This is even true within peoples who are traditionally thought to be racially homogeneous. There is no evidence of evolutionarily significant racial variation in either genes or anatomy.
The exception is skin colour. Around 10% of the variance in skin colour occurs within groups and about 90% between groups. People living near the equator have darker, more melanin-rich skin than those who live at higher latitudes. Darker skin is strongly selected for because it is a natural sunscreen that limits harmful effects of high ultraviolet rays.
Recent genetic studies indicate that skin colour may change radically within 100 generations because of natural selection.
Genetic racism revived
This overwhelming scientific evidence has not prevented recent studies based on DNA allele frequencies from claiming that there are as many as eight races of humans.
British scientific journalist Nicholas Wade used these studies to claim that natural selection between “races” produced differences in IQ, the efficacy of political institutions and countries’ levels of economic development.
These genetic studies are fundamentally flawed for three reasons:
  • Taxonomic studies aimed at determining the validity of races should be based on characters. These are features that are invariant within populations. They should not be based on traits like eye colour and gene alleles, which vary within populations.
  • Samples used in the DNA-based studies mentioned above were “cherry picked” geographically to maximise differentiation between human populations, and
  • The DNA-based evolutionary racial “trees” were generated by a statistical technique that is designed to produce tree-like patterns which reflect average, not absolute, differences between sampled items. This technique formed the basis of an approach to the construction of evolutionary trees called “phenetics”. It has been decisively discredited and generally abandoned.
Evolutionary origins
DNA and anatomy-based findings support the “Out of Africa” theory. This holds that modern humans originated in Africa. Archaic African Homo erectus immigrated into Eurasia between 1.4 million to 1.6 million years ago.
About 90,000 to 92,000 years ago, a second form of humanity, modern H. sapiens, also emigrated out of Africa. This species replaced populations of Homo erectus already in the north.
Attempts to justify the scientific reality of human races warrant no further discussion. They cannot be used to assess racial “superiority”. “White” and other non-African people are in fact evolutionary refugees from Africa. After settling in Eurasia, it took only an evolutionary heartbeat for them to lose much of their epidermal melanin.
Dark-skinned humans outside of Africa are descended from migrants who “regained” their “blackness” in equatorial regions elsewhere.
Of course scientists developed new terms with which to classify everything...

History of Stigmatizing Names for Intellectual Disabilities
As introduced by S.G. Howe (1846), simpleton was intended to mean people with mild intellectual disability. However, it never fully entered the worldwide medical community's terminology. The term was later replaced by "moron."

Moron was an invented word. A psychologist named Henry Goddard developed the term. It was used to classify people with mild intellectual disabilities. Goddard created the novel word by combining parts of words like sophomore and oxymoron. The term was used to replace feeble-minded. Feebleminded was misused by society to refer to people with any severity of ID.
Feeble-minded came from the Latin word flebilis. It means, "to be lamented." It referred to people who were not profoundly disabled, but still required intervention and care.
Retarded comes from the Latin retardare. This means, "to make slow, delay, keep back, or hinder." The first record of the word "retarded" in relation to developmental delay was in 1895. The term retarded was used to replace terms like idiot, moron, and imbecile. This was because it was not a derogatory term at that time. However, by the 1960s, the term became a word used to insult someone.
It is interesting to note, that in each case, the original term was neutral in meaning. As the term entered public use, it become pejorative. This fact illuminates social cruelty born of ignorance and fear. There are always competing elements of society. Some of people seek respectful, neutral medical terms. Others misuse these same terms as weapons to insult people.
For health care professionals, diagnostic labels serve as a form of shorthand communication. Diagnostic labels rapidly communicate a set of symptoms associated with a particular condition. It may simultaneously suggest an appropriate treatment. However, when these conditions carry a social stigma, the diagnostic labels themselves become stigmatizing. The original, medical term loses its intended neutral meaning.
In October 2010, President Barrack Obama signed into law a bill known as Rosa's Law. This law required the terms "mental retardation" and" mentally retarded" be stricken from federal records. Instead, these terms were replaced with "intellectual disability" and "individual with an intellectual disability." The most recent version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5, APA, 2013) adopted the term intellectual disability. It replaced the older term mental retardation. This change was due in part to these changes in the law.
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In fairness to racist evolutionists and philosophers, BLM rioters, looters, arsonists, drug dealers, rapists, murderers and irresponsible fathers by the millions are confirming their claims of black savagery.
In fairness to racist evolutionists and philosophers, BLM rioters, looters, arsonists, drug dealers, rapists, murderers and irresponsible fathers by the millions are confirming their claims of black savagery.
Imagine that since you and those like yourself seem intent on painting all Christians with the same brush, let's expose how the scientific at community once behaved and treated fellow humans.
really nipper when no doubt those gov't scientific community employees were undoubtedly desert religion adherents - and used those religions as the reasoning behind their studies just as the bible was used to justify slavery.

the bible belt, christianity has throughout history been the foremost terrorist organization on planet Earth - this country was founded by the very people fleeing the persecution and victimization of the innocent perpetuated in christian europe at that time.

this coming election will be chemical's, nippers and bonds, bing etc. most ardent support to bring back into power their beloved - kkk.
In fairness to racist evolutionists and philosophers, BLM rioters, looters, arsonists, drug dealers, rapists, murderers and irresponsible fathers by the millions are confirming their claims of black savagery.
Imagine that since you and those like yourself seem intent on painting all Christians with the same brush, let's expose how the scientific at community once behaved and treated fellow humans.
really nipper when no doubt those gov't scientific community employees were undoubtedly desert religion adherents - and used those religions as the reasoning behind their studies just as the bible was used to justify slavery.
View attachment 382164
the bible belt, christianity has throughout history been the foremost terrorist organization on planet Earth - this country was founded by the very people fleeing the persecution and victimization of the innocent perpetuated in christian europe at that time.

this coming election will be chemical's, nippers and bonds, bing etc. most ardent support to bring back into power their beloved - kkk.
You are an idiot.
this coming election will be chemical's, nippers and bonds, bing etc. most ardent support to bring back into power their beloved - kkk.

You're revealing yourself BreezeWood. Now, we know you wear your bed sheets and pillow cases. Anyway, Kool Kolored Kids as God wants us to love our brothers and sisters.

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