If God Doesn’t Exist

The bible is not the word of any gods. The bible is the words of many, mostly unknown men.

Why would you think that religious people are any more or less violent than non-religious people?

The Bible is the word of God and science backs up God's word with natural selection, Cambrian explosion, global flood evidence, Tower of Babel evidence, 7,000 different languages, only life begets life, creation scientists' accomplishments, laws, theories, and more. OTOH, the Antibible of Evolution is the word of Satan and not backed up by science. The science behind it are lies. Why do you believe in lies such as big bang, abiogenesis, aliens, dinosaurs going extinct before humans, long time universe and Earth and long timelines, plants and animals evolving, Earth's geology taking a long time, and more evolution weirdness?

Christians have the objective morality of the Ten Commandments and the Bible which states what happens after death and that all would experience final judgement. Other religions have something similar based on how one lived their life. Atheists have nothing basically but trusting what humans will do when they are alive knowing what is right and wrong. It cannot be trusted because it is based on secularism.
There is nothing to suggest that any of the bibles are the words of any gods. None of the gods had any hand in writing any of the bibles.

As we know, science does not "back up'' the bibles. I find it obvious that your statement is lacking corroboration as you fail to provide any relevant examples.
The unfailing truth revealed in every page of the Bible proves that it is the very word of GOD. Simply saying that "science" doesn't back up the Bible doesn't make it so. Prove it ----- the science could be in error.
Unfailing truth in any of the Bible’s is a rather subjective statement. Not so subjective are the obvious errors and contradictions that tend to contradict some claims to unfailing truth.

A flat earth, a young earth, talking reptiles, men living to be 900 years old are not science facts, they are biblical errors and falsehoods.

We know nothing has backed up today's science of atheism. Thus, it has gone to best theory by consensus and if a lie is repeated enough times, then people begin to believe in it. This is your so called "mountain of evidence." It's really a mountain of poo.

A young Earth and humans living over 900 years are Biblical or historical facts.

I've explained the Bible and creation science to you many times, but you still get flat Earth and talking reptiles wrong. You just can't shake the lies that you believe.

Long life span of Adam and Eve's early descendants are thought to be based on more perfect genetics and less defects. It didn't last for Noah's descendants as Moses descended from Noah's son Jacob. Moses lived for 120 years and this was what God had changed it to as he stated. Today, the lifespans are getting less and maybe 90 years as maximum. Further evidence that evolution is a lie.
To suggest that “nothing has backed up today’s science” is just another of the loopy conspiracy theories you are wedded to.
this coming election will be chemical's, nippers and bonds, bing etc. most ardent support to bring back into power their beloved - kkk.

You're revealing yourself BreezeWood. Now, we know you wear your bed sheets and pillow cases. Anyway, Kool Kolored Kids as God wants us to love our brothers and sisters.
You're revealing yourself @BreezeWood. Now, we know you wear your bed sheets and pillow cases. Anyway, Kool Kolored Kids as God wants us to love our brothers and sisters.
really, kool kolored kids -
it is you who now reveals their true intent that makes no sense but to the other collaborators - the wizard, chemical and grand cyclops, bing ...
To suggest that “nothing has backed up today’s science” is just another of the loopy conspiracy theories you are wedded to.

So your big bang and cosmic inflation which violates the laws of physics can happen? Or we came from monkeys when they can't even walk bipedal? I'm still waiting for a transitional fossil; Where are they? I think the best you have is Miller-Urey and that doesn't even begin to explain how complete life forms first appeared as microorganisms.

In a recent issue of New Scientist, Michael Marshall, the author of The Genesis Quest, offered a new idea based on the old theory of irreducible complexity. For example, we have fire which has three components -- air, fuel, and heat. Take one away and it can't happen. That's irreducible complexity. Marshall's idea is the microorganism or the lowest common denominator of life is made up of membranes, metabolism, and reproduction. Somehow this microorganism had to appear first for more complex life to originate. The problem with that is it fits the God theory better than the evolution theory. Irreducible complexity is like finding a watch on the ground. Some intelligence had to design it and then make it.

So it seems like your side is coming over to the truth and giving up on those "loopy conspiracy theories" like Miller-Urey haha.

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I'm still waiting for a transitional fossil;
the transition is completed metaphysically first then transmitted physically from parent to offspring without there necessarily being a requirement of physical transitional proofs for the phenomenon. though test stages are found that prove the metaphysical mechanism as the means for evolutionary change.
Now there is evidence it all happened at once in a chemical big bang -

It turns out that all the key molecules of life can form from the same simple carbon-based chemistry. What’s more, they easily combine to make startlingly lifelike “protocells”. As well as explaining how life began, this “everything-first” idea of life’s origins also has implications for where it got started – and the most likely locations for extraterrestrial life, too.

how the simple carbon based chemistry joined itself with a spiritual content is all that remains to be solved for the initial life form on planet Earth to be understood.

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