If God's Flood was only a regional flood...

Not only ding, but we've all proved that you are a dummy. If I were you, I'd quit when I was behind. You probably changed the subject because that's what you did when I was explaining that evos and Christians have different GC tours. Moreover your answers or lack off prove that you are a dense brick. You are discussing the beginning of the universe when the thread is about floods.

As for this flood business, if I was a skeptic, then I'd question the people who survived and their descendants. Or look at the history of peoples who lived afterward. I'd stay within or close to the period. We find that every culture has a global flood story. It goes to show that there were stories handed down to them when they were in remote distances and there was no way for them to communicate. I'd listen to the skeptics, too, and they hypothesize that it was mythical flood stories. However, it still doesn't explain why there were so many of the same type of stories in far away locations. If there were one or two stories, then it probably was a myth.

What you did was choose something that no one was there to witness. You can't even find a group of people who first appeared after it happened. See how stupid your topics of discussion devolve into?

Furthermore, you ask questions, but it leads to no discussion. It just ends up you repeating yourself. This is boring, so I will bid you adieu. You'll end up getting your proof, but I doubt you will like it.
Geez, it's about you left, you have no proof for any kind of a flood that would have needed animals to be saved. So what if other cultures have flood stories, are you saying that the bible is just copied bullshit. Like you? :biggrin;
You keep saying this and maybe you will convince yourself! However, the Grand Canyon (as well as others), and aquatic fossils on mountains, petrified trees running through layer after layer of sediment, a whale fossil found standing on its head through layers of sediment are all proof that something out of the ordinary happened. You "believe" what you wish, but there iare more and more things found that point to a terrible cataclysm.
You don't like what real science says about the erosion of the GC, and all the other stuff, so you live in a fantasy world. How does denying reality get you closer to a god?
CORRECTION! I don't agree with what Uniformitarian scientists have theorized from the data that they have regarded. So you may call everything that ignores GOD as scientific, but I do not. How does believing only secular science can be reality get you closer to GOD?

You want everything to be literally as the Bible says it. A book largely written by nomadic tribes thousands of years ago, edited by a group of religious/political leaders, and without the benefit for centuries of scientific advancement. I do not understand why you think that gets you closer to God.

You want the beginning to be God waving his magic wand and everything appearing. But if God is as you say, he could have just as easily planted a seed and made the world grow as the scientists say it did. Would that be less miraculous?
The Bible was not written by "nomadic" tribes. Moses was an adopted son of the daughter of Pharaoh. Joshuah was a general. Daniel worked for King Nebuchadnezzar. These men and many others were not superstitious uneducated people that you try to downplay. In fact they were likely more educated than either you or I. The reality is they were far less the TV potatoes that we have all around us today.

God didn't use a wand by the way. GOD spoke!
Geez, it's about you left, you have no proof for any kind of a flood that would have needed animals to be saved. So what if other cultures have flood stories, are you saying that the bible is just copied bullshit. Like you? :biggrin;
You keep saying this and maybe you will convince yourself! However, the Grand Canyon (as well as others), and aquatic fossils on mountains, petrified trees running through layer after layer of sediment, a whale fossil found standing on its head through layers of sediment are all proof that something out of the ordinary happened. You "believe" what you wish, but there iare more and more things found that point to a terrible cataclysm.
You don't like what real science says about the erosion of the GC, and all the other stuff, so you live in a fantasy world. How does denying reality get you closer to a god?
CORRECTION! I don't agree with what Uniformitarian scientists have theorized from the data that they have regarded. So you may call everything that ignores GOD as scientific, but I do not. How does believing only secular science can be reality get you closer to GOD?

You want everything to be literally as the Bible says it. A book largely written by nomadic tribes thousands of years ago, edited by a group of religious/political leaders, and without the benefit for centuries of scientific advancement. I do not understand why you think that gets you closer to God.

You want the beginning to be God waving his magic wand and everything appearing. But if God is as you say, he could have just as easily planted a seed and made the world grow as the scientists say it did. Would that be less miraculous?
The Bible was not written by "nomadic" tribes. Moses was an adopted son of the daughter of Pharaoh. Joshuah was a general. Daniel worked for King Nebuchadnezzar. These men and many others were not superstitious uneducated people that you try to downplay. In fact they were likely more educated than either you or I. The reality is they were far less the TV potatoes that we have all around us today.

God didn't use a wand by the way. GOD spoke!

If you think people from 3,000 years ago were more educated than we are, you must not know much about what has been learned in the last 3k years. Mathematics was in its infancy. Biology was as well. They knew only what was around them locally or perhaps a relatively short distance away. And Moses, Joshua and Daniel did not write the Bible. They did not repeat the stories for generations until they were written down.
Prove it, cumstain.

Not only ding, but we've all proved that you are a dummy. If I were you, I'd quit when I was behind. You probably changed the subject because that's what you did when I was explaining that evos and Christians have different GC tours. Moreover your answers or lack off prove that you are a dense brick. You are discussing the beginning of the universe when the thread is about floods.

As for this flood business, if I was a skeptic, then I'd question the people who survived and their descendants. Or look at the history of peoples who lived afterward. I'd stay within or close to the period. We find that every culture has a global flood story. It goes to show that there were stories handed down to them when they were in remote distances and there was no way for them to communicate. I'd listen to the skeptics, too, and they hypothesize that it was mythical flood stories. However, it still doesn't explain why there were so many of the same type of stories in far away locations. If there were one or two stories, then it probably was a myth.

What you did was choose something that no one was there to witness. You can't even find a group of people who first appeared after it happened. See how stupid your topics of discussion devolve into?

Furthermore, you ask questions, but it leads to no discussion. It just ends up you repeating yourself. This is boring, so I will bid you adieu. You'll end up getting your proof, but I doubt you will like it.
Geez, it's about you left, you have no proof for any kind of a flood that would have needed animals to be saved. So what if other cultures have flood stories, are you saying that the bible is just copied bullshit. Like you? :biggrin;
You keep saying this and maybe you will convince yourself! However, the Grand Canyon (as well as others), and aquatic fossils on mountains, petrified trees running through layer after layer of sediment, a whale fossil found standing on its head through layers of sediment are all proof that something out of the ordinary happened. You "believe" what you wish, but there iare more and more things found that point to a terrible cataclysm.
You don't like what real science says about the erosion of the GC, and all the other stuff, so you live in a fantasy world. How does denying reality get you closer to a god?
CORRECTION! I don't agree with what Uniformitarian scientists have theorized from the data that they have regarded. So you may call everything that ignores GOD as scientific, but I do not. How does believing only secular science can be reality get you closer to GOD?
I’m not trying to get closer to god. You seem desperate so you make things up. If what science finds involves god, so be it, if it doesn’t, so be it. It goes where the facts lead them. You make up your own facts.
In fact they were likely more educated than either you or I.
Are you joking? No man at that time was more educated than the average 3rd grader today.
You keep saying this and maybe you will convince yourself! However, the Grand Canyon (as well as others), and aquatic fossils on mountains, petrified trees running through layer after layer of sediment, a whale fossil found standing on its head through layers of sediment are all proof that something out of the ordinary happened. You "believe" what you wish, but there iare more and more things found that point to a terrible cataclysm.
You don't like what real science says about the erosion of the GC, and all the other stuff, so you live in a fantasy world. How does denying reality get you closer to a god?
CORRECTION! I don't agree with what Uniformitarian scientists have theorized from the data that they have regarded. So you may call everything that ignores GOD as scientific, but I do not. How does believing only secular science can be reality get you closer to GOD?

You want everything to be literally as the Bible says it. A book largely written by nomadic tribes thousands of years ago, edited by a group of religious/political leaders, and without the benefit for centuries of scientific advancement. I do not understand why you think that gets you closer to God.

You want the beginning to be God waving his magic wand and everything appearing. But if God is as you say, he could have just as easily planted a seed and made the world grow as the scientists say it did. Would that be less miraculous?
The Bible was not written by "nomadic" tribes. Moses was an adopted son of the daughter of Pharaoh. Joshuah was a general. Daniel worked for King Nebuchadnezzar. These men and many others were not superstitious uneducated people that you try to downplay. In fact they were likely more educated than either you or I. The reality is they were far less the TV potatoes that we have all around us today.

God didn't use a wand by the way. GOD spoke!

If you think people from 3,000 years ago were more educated than we are, you must not know much about what has been learned in the last 3k years. Mathematics was in its infancy. Biology was as well. They knew only what was around them locally or perhaps a relatively short distance away. And Moses, Joshua and Daniel did not write the Bible. They did not repeat the stories for generations until they were written down.
They built the pyramids, the hanging gardens of Babylon, the Parthenon, the aqueducts. hydraulic pumps, steam engines, central heating and cooling, they apparently ate healthier --- just to name a few things.
Not only ding, but we've all proved that you are a dummy. If I were you, I'd quit when I was behind. You probably changed the subject because that's what you did when I was explaining that evos and Christians have different GC tours. Moreover your answers or lack off prove that you are a dense brick. You are discussing the beginning of the universe when the thread is about floods.

As for this flood business, if I was a skeptic, then I'd question the people who survived and their descendants. Or look at the history of peoples who lived afterward. I'd stay within or close to the period. We find that every culture has a global flood story. It goes to show that there were stories handed down to them when they were in remote distances and there was no way for them to communicate. I'd listen to the skeptics, too, and they hypothesize that it was mythical flood stories. However, it still doesn't explain why there were so many of the same type of stories in far away locations. If there were one or two stories, then it probably was a myth.

What you did was choose something that no one was there to witness. You can't even find a group of people who first appeared after it happened. See how stupid your topics of discussion devolve into?

Furthermore, you ask questions, but it leads to no discussion. It just ends up you repeating yourself. This is boring, so I will bid you adieu. You'll end up getting your proof, but I doubt you will like it.
Geez, it's about you left, you have no proof for any kind of a flood that would have needed animals to be saved. So what if other cultures have flood stories, are you saying that the bible is just copied bullshit. Like you? :biggrin;
You keep saying this and maybe you will convince yourself! However, the Grand Canyon (as well as others), and aquatic fossils on mountains, petrified trees running through layer after layer of sediment, a whale fossil found standing on its head through layers of sediment are all proof that something out of the ordinary happened. You "believe" what you wish, but there iare more and more things found that point to a terrible cataclysm.
You don't like what real science says about the erosion of the GC, and all the other stuff, so you live in a fantasy world. How does denying reality get you closer to a god?
CORRECTION! I don't agree with what Uniformitarian scientists have theorized from the data that they have regarded. So you may call everything that ignores GOD as scientific, but I do not. How does believing only secular science can be reality get you closer to GOD?
I’m not trying to get closer to god. You seem desperate so you make things up. If what science finds involves god, so be it, if it doesn’t, so be it. It goes where the facts lead them. You make up your own facts.
If not, why no?. Your life is already half over --- what else awaits your future without GOD? I've made up no facts. I'm not the one insistingly calling "educated guesses" factual.
God didn't use a wand by the way. GOD spoke!

was that in Hebrew, Latin or modern American English ... who was listening.
Perhaps he simply said, "BANG!"
Perhaps (they) simply said, "BANG!"

I fixed that for you, heretic ... at least you understand they have physicality as a metaphysical being and are an example of the possibilities for others that attain their state of purity.
The whole talk is about. You have to watch every second of it.

You do realize that even Hawking admits his imaginary time no boundary theory still means that there was still a beginning of the universe, right?
I never said that there wasn't a beginning. I said no scientists claim to know what is before the BB and no scientists claim that the universe has a clear boundary.
The boundary is the event horizon dummy.
Prove it, cumstain.

Not only ding, but we've all proved that you are a dummy. If I were you, I'd quit when I was behind. You probably changed the subject because that's what you did when I was explaining that evos and Christians have different GC tours. Moreover your answers or lack off prove that you are a dense brick. You are discussing the beginning of the universe when the thread is about floods.

As for this flood business, if I was a skeptic, then I'd question the people who survived and their descendants. Or look at the history of peoples who lived afterward. I'd stay within or close to the period. We find that every culture has a global flood story. It goes to show that there were stories handed down to them when they were in remote distances and there was no way for them to communicate. I'd listen to the skeptics, too, and they hypothesize that it was mythical flood stories. However, it still doesn't explain why there were so many of the same type of stories in far away locations. If there were one or two stories, then it probably was a myth.

What you did was choose something that no one was there to witness. You can't even find a group of people who first appeared after it happened. See how stupid your topics of discussion devolve into?

Furthermore, you ask questions, but it leads to no discussion. It just ends up you repeating yourself. This is boring, so I will bid you adieu. You'll end up getting your proof, but I doubt you will like it.
Geez, it's about you left, you have no proof for any kind of a flood that would have needed animals to be saved. So what if other cultures have flood stories, are you saying that the bible is just copied bullshit. Like you? :biggrin;

I can't believe you're still on this. It was a global flood. How else can one explain 200+ huge flood stories from around the world. It's forensic science. It's historical science. See, creation scientists use it, too. If it was a few stories, then I'd agree with you, but not 200+ from all around the world and from remote parts.

Not only that, I posted the vid of the large water flow experiment to simulate a river. What about those results?

Today, we have Ark Encounter which is further proof that many people believe in the global flood as part of history. I still get a kick that atheist Bill Nye was used by God to help complete it.

In turn, you keep stating that there is no proof. I just gave you the PROOF. This is why everyone thinks you're thick as a brick and does not take you seriously. Your thickness is quite entertaining.
How else can one explain 200+ huge flood stories from around the world.

How else can one explain -

simple, they can't, there were no survivors ...

that can not be the one referred to in your book of forgeries, there were no survivors to record the event other than who were on the particular ark and they left no recordings either.

the OP is correct, it was a regional flood and no on board animals and the pre - 4th century christians were all drowned, little good it did after their comeback in the 4th century. we're waiting for the encore. haha bond, good riddance. once and for all.
How else can one explain 200+ huge flood stories from around the world.

How else can one explain -

simple, they can't, there were no survivors ...

that can not be the one referred to in your book of forgeries, there were no survivors to record the event other than who were on the particular ark and they left no recordings either.

the OP is correct, it was a regional flood and no on board animals and the pre - 4th century christians were all drowned, little good it did after their comeback in the 4th century. we're waiting for the encore. haha bond, good riddance. once and for all.
Well there was Noah, his wife, his three sons and their 3 wive --- .making 8. Jesus said the Flood was global as everyone else was washed away.
Not only ding, but we've all proved that you are a dummy. If I were you, I'd quit when I was behind. You probably changed the subject because that's what you did when I was explaining that evos and Christians have different GC tours. Moreover your answers or lack off prove that you are a dense brick. You are discussing the beginning of the universe when the thread is about floods.

As for this flood business, if I was a skeptic, then I'd question the people who survived and their descendants. Or look at the history of peoples who lived afterward. I'd stay within or close to the period. We find that every culture has a global flood story. It goes to show that there were stories handed down to them when they were in remote distances and there was no way for them to communicate. I'd listen to the skeptics, too, and they hypothesize that it was mythical flood stories. However, it still doesn't explain why there were so many of the same type of stories in far away locations. If there were one or two stories, then it probably was a myth.

What you did was choose something that no one was there to witness. You can't even find a group of people who first appeared after it happened. See how stupid your topics of discussion devolve into?

Furthermore, you ask questions, but it leads to no discussion. It just ends up you repeating yourself. This is boring, so I will bid you adieu. You'll end up getting your proof, but I doubt you will like it.
Geez, it's about you left, you have no proof for any kind of a flood that would have needed animals to be saved. So what if other cultures have flood stories, are you saying that the bible is just copied bullshit. Like you? :biggrin;
You keep saying this and maybe you will convince yourself! However, the Grand Canyon (as well as others), and aquatic fossils on mountains, petrified trees running through layer after layer of sediment, a whale fossil found standing on its head through layers of sediment are all proof that something out of the ordinary happened. You "believe" what you wish, but there iare more and more things found that point to a terrible cataclysm.
You don't like what real science says about the erosion of the GC, and all the other stuff, so you live in a fantasy world. How does denying reality get you closer to a god?
CORRECTION! I don't agree with what Uniformitarian scientists have theorized from the data that they have regarded. So you may call everything that ignores GOD as scientific, but I do not. How does believing only secular science can be reality get you closer to GOD?

You want everything to be literally as the Bible says it. A book largely written by nomadic tribes thousands of years ago, edited by a group of religious/political leaders, and without the benefit for centuries of scientific advancement. I do not understand why you think that gets you closer to God.

You want the beginning to be God waving his magic wand and everything appearing. But if God is as you say, he could have just as easily planted a seed and made the world grow as the scientists say it did. Would that be less miraculous?


I would say that it's people like yourself, Taz , and Fort Fun Indiana , who take everything in the Bible literally. Yet there's been so many translations of the story that no one really knows what the original stated. It may very well have been that it was two of each domesticated animal determined by the authority who was considered a great man or even a god at that time. Therefore I find your logic faulty with your Appeal To Authority when you're not really quoting the original authority that created the story/legend.




Has no clue about what General Relativity says about the nature of the universe.



The you'll be able to quote a real scientist (and a link) who explains why the universe has a boundary. It's ok, I'll wait. :popcorn:


According to Einstein space-time is curved...

Gravity as Curved Space: Einstein's Theory of General Relativity

...Which means if you can go fast enough you'll meet your tail end as you go forward...



What does that have to do with a boundary for the universe?


It means the universe has limits which at this time reach out fifteen billion light years and no more. That means nothing exists, not even vacuum or space-time exist, outside that bubble that comprises the universe. The universe all curves in upon itself. So if you leave point A looking to get as far away from it as you can it's very possible that you'll end up back at point A.



Where does a scientist say that? Or did you make that up yourself?


What don't you understand about looking at infinite possibilities, how parallel lines might intersect, how a straight line might not be the shortest distance between two points, and other mathematical anomolies that might happen in a closed system?

In a closed system like that described it may very well be that the farthest star that we're observing with our telescopes may very well be our own.


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If you think people from 3,000 years ago were more educated than we are, you must not know much about what has been learned in the last 3k years.


Mathematics was in its infancy.

And today many can't even do simple math in their head without a calculator or cash register to tell them the answer for correct change. Wheras the foundations for geometry and other mathematical disciples were being laid 2k and 3k years ago.

Biology was as well. They knew only what was around them locally or perhaps a relatively short distance away.

The druids and... shaman knew cures that doctors today do not or are just learning about. All the way to were some were even trepanning the skull.

And Moses, Joshua and Daniel did not write the Bible. They did not repeat the stories for generations until they were written down.

If people did not repeat the stories for generations then how did the authors pen them down?

And if you're not using the original oral history set down by the creator of the story doesn't that make your argument a fallacy since it's an Appeal To Authority by the authors who weren't the authority that created the original oral story?



I would say that it's people like yourself, Taz , and Fort Fun Indiana , who take everything in the Bible literally.
then you either have reading or memory problems, as there a there are several Bible lliteralists in this thread and onthis board

funny how parts of the Bible become myths, once they are refuted by science, but not one second before...
I would say that it's people like yourself, Taz , and Fort Fun Indiana , who take everything in the Bible literally.
then you either have reading or memory problems, as there a there are several Bible lliteralists in this thread and onthis board

funny how parts of the Bible become myths, once they are refuted by science, but not one second before...


Most of the literalists I'm seeing on this board are posters like yourself, Taz, and a couple other atheists(?), as you demand that the literal "translation" is the truth of the behind the story.

Your Appeal To Authority is telling.



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