If God's Flood was only a regional flood...

Which testifies to its authenticity.
The Bible presents its facts

It is a book of forgeries circumventing the spoken religion of Antiquity, the Almighty ... Jesus in the 1st century did not proclaim everyone hopeless sinners, the exact opposite. the 4th century christian document is a work of evill as contested by recorded history from that time to the present.

the parable of Noah is not a domination by humanity over wildlife the unjustifiable evil conjecture made by the demented souls that corrupted the spoken religion to bend it to their personal satisfaction.
tyroneweaver is weaving above because I smashed his argument.

Joseph Smith rewrote the Holy Bible because it was errant, so he "corrected it.

Mormons believe the Holy Bible where it is correctly translated, meaning that the Holy Bible as it stood then had false translations.

Thus, it was errant.
Which testifies to its authenticity.
The Bible presents its facts

It is a book of forgeries circumventing the spoken religion of Antiquity, the Almighty ... Jesus in the 1st century did not proclaim everyone hopeless sinners, the exact opposite. the 4th century christian document is a work of evill as contested by recorded history from that time to the present.

the parable of Noah is not a domination by humanity over wildlife the unjustifiable evil conjecture made by the demented souls that corrupted the spoken religion to bend it to their personal satisfaction.
I can’t force you to believe
However, you are an extremist.
Nah, that's pure fantasy. In lieu of any good arguments to support your magical thinking, you retreat to this nonsense. Yet there you sit, still without a shred of logic or reason to support your nonsense.
I think some actually believe the fact that we believe in a world wide flood that it represents a threat
You can believe whatever you want. But if you don't want those beliefs discussed, then keep them to yourself and especially don't post them on a public forum. Whining about people's opinions of your beliefs (or simply whining that they have opinions about them at all) after you present them for public consumption is absurd.
I didn’t think it was possible for a poster to post the opposite of what they just said. But you sure did
You can't tell the difference between scrutinizing and criticizing ideas and people in this case, because you have internalized your magical nonsense. And this has occurred, because you have not a shred of evidential or logical support for any of it. That being the case, all you have is, "because I say so."

And THAT being the case, you view any criticism of the childish religious nonsense you peddle as a personal attack on yourself.

These are all "you" problems,my man. You want your magical nonsense placed above criticism and scrutiny, and your only tactic to do so is to whine that anyone who dare criticize these ideas is oppressing those who believe them. That's very childish.
The Ark was the size of the Titanic. Had to be with all that cargo and the food required for such a voyage. It had huge propellers like those on the Titanic and a huge boiler room. Noah had quite a problem with accommodations. All of the heavier animals must have evenly distributed, or the ship would have tipped over. After the flood subsided, Noah and his crew motored them all back to their original habitats.
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

G-d does have a sense of humor. Perhaps he was seeing just how far Noah would go.

He’s done it with other guys.

He almost got Abraham to slice up Isaac, then he said "Just Kidding!"

The Creator does have a sense of humor. Have you ever seen an aardvark?
The Ark was the size of the Titanic. Had to be with all that cargo and the food required for such a voyage. It had huge propellers like those on the Titanic and a huge boiler room. Noah had quite a problem with accommodations. All of the heavier animals must have evenly distributed, or the ship would have tipped over. After the flood subsided, Noah and his crew motored them all back to their original habitats.
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

G-d does have a sense of humor. Perhaps he was seeing just how far Noah would go.

He’s done it with other guys.

He almost got Abraham to slice up Isaac, then he said "Just Kidding!"

The Creator does have a sense of humor. Have you ever seen an aardvark?
Of course, all of that is ridiculous and far beyond the scope of some illiterate, bronze age shepherds.
The atheists' poofy comments strike the educated and logical individual as gigglesome.

The standards of measurement between atheism and theism are irreconcilably different.

The ultimate factual limitations remain that atheists possess neither the languge, the logic, nor the symbols to disprove the existence of God. The believer has no obligation to offer proof of his belief in deity becaue he is not trying to make an unbeliever believe.

The Constitution of our American republic protect the right of believer and atheist in his or her thinking about these matters.

The document also protects the values and ethics of believers and not to influence the public sector, particularly the laws.

However, the document does not allow the believer to force his belief in the public square, such as standardized prayers in public school. OTH, the atheist cannot stop a person from praying in public school if he is not intruding on the educational process or bothering his neighbors.

These are the rules of the road and not hard to follow for either side.
The atheists' poofy comments strike the educated and logical individual as gigglesome.

The standards of measurement between atheism and theism are irreconcilably different.

The ultimate factual limitations remain that atheists possess neither the languge, the logic, nor the symbols to disprove the existence of God. The believer has no obligation to offer proof of his belief in deity becaue he is not trying to make an unbeliever believe.

The Constitution of our American republic protect the right of believer and atheist in his or her thinking about these matters.

The document also protects the values and ethics of believers and not to influence the public sector, particularly the laws.

However, the document does not allow the believer to force his belief in the public square, such as standardized prayers in public school. OTH, the atheist cannot stop a person from praying in public school if he is not intruding on the educational process or bothering his neighbors.

These are the rules of the road and not hard to follow for either side.

I have no argument with anyone of any belief as long as they behave in public, not make a public spectacle of themselves, not try to abuse our legislative/legal systems to impose their sectarian beliefs on others or to claim an exclusive right to a public space or proceeding, not try to create a captive audience, and obey our laws. There have been too many cases of some adherents of some variations of the Christian faith trying to do so. Any member of a city council can pray with his or her fellow adherents before a governmental meeting starts, students should not be led in the prayers of the teacher's faith or be required to attend school assemblies presented by sectarians, athletes can pray before a game according to their faiths, as long as it is free and voluntary prayer and not imposed by their coaches, and on and on.

We recently had to endure the national disgraces of a sectarian preacher who has insulted other religions being sent to Jerusalem ostensibly to represent We The People at the opening of the new embassy and an AG who dared to explain U.S. government policy by quoting the scripture of his faith. Enough is enough.
The Ark was the size of the Titanic. Had to be with all that cargo and the food required for such a voyage. It had huge propellers like those on the Titanic and a huge boiler room. Noah had quite a problem with accommodations. All of the heavier animals must have evenly distributed, or the ship would have tipped over. After the flood subsided, Noah and his crew motored them all back to their original habitats.
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

G-d does have a sense of humor. Perhaps he was seeing just how far Noah would go.

He’s done it with other guys.

He almost got Abraham to slice up Isaac, then he said "Just Kidding!"

The Creator does have a sense of humor. Have you ever seen an aardvark?

It's not the aardvark that God used to demonstrate His sense of humor, it was the duckbill platypus.

I think some actually believe the fact that we believe in a world wide flood that it represents a threat
You can believe whatever you want. But if you don't want those beliefs discussed, then keep them to yourself and especially don't post them on a public forum. Whining about people's opinions of your beliefs (or simply whining that they have opinions about them at all) after you present them for public consumption is absurd.
I didn’t think it was possible for a poster to post the opposite of what they just said. But you sure did
You can't tell the difference between scrutinizing and criticizing ideas and people in this case, because you have internalized your magical nonsense. And this has occurred, because you have not a shred of evidential or logical support for any of it. That being the case, all you have is, "because I say so."

And THAT being the case, you view any criticism of the childish religious nonsense you peddle as a personal attack on yourself.

These are all "you" problems,my man. You want your magical nonsense placed above criticism and scrutiny, and your only tactic to do so is to whine that anyone who dare criticize these ideas is oppressing those who believe them. That's very childish.
Why are you hopping your problem over onto me?
I think some actually believe the fact that we believe in a world wide flood that it represents a threat
You can believe whatever you want. But if you don't want those beliefs discussed, then keep them to yourself and especially don't post them on a public forum. Whining about people's opinions of your beliefs (or simply whining that they have opinions about them at all) after you present them for public consumption is absurd.
I didn’t think it was possible for a poster to post the opposite of what they just said. But you sure did
You can't tell the difference between scrutinizing and criticizing ideas and people in this case, because you have internalized your magical nonsense. And this has occurred, because you have not a shred of evidential or logical support for any of it. That being the case, all you have is, "because I say so."

And THAT being the case, you view any criticism of the childish religious nonsense you peddle as a personal attack on yourself.

These are all "you" problems,my man. You want your magical nonsense placed above criticism and scrutiny, and your only tactic to do so is to whine that anyone who dare criticize these ideas is oppressing those who believe them. That's very childish.
Why are you hopping your problem over onto me?
That makes no sense. I described you perfectly. I don't get personally offended if you criticize my beliefs, because I don't rely on my own credibity for the truth of those beliefs. I can simple step aside and let you bang your head against mountains of evidence, and watch and laugh as you do.
Which testifies to its authenticity.
The Bible presents its facts

It is a book of forgeries circumventing the spoken religion of Antiquity, the Almighty ... Jesus in the 1st century did not proclaim everyone hopeless sinners, the exact opposite. the 4th century christian document is a work of evill as contested by recorded history from that time to the present.

the parable of Noah is not a domination by humanity over wildlife the unjustifiable evil conjecture made by the demented souls that corrupted the spoken religion to bend it to their personal satisfaction.
I can’t force you to believe
I can’t force you to believe

you are a liar that's all there is for 4th century christianity to impose their false religion onto the innocents that will never fall prey to its deceitful duplicity - the christian version of Noah's parable is a perfect example.


there is not a time in history christianity, the desert religions have not been at the forefront of persecution and victimization.
Christianity has a rough history. The gnostics and what they have done to Christians is worse.
Who are you to decide what is stupid, and what is not?
Who are you to say I can't have an opinion?

I have never stated that you are not entitled to your opinion. However, you are an extremist. Extremists are problematic at best. Anyone who espouses the opinion that people who believe other than them are stupid, or denigrates them for that belief, is a person to be shunned.
Well said. Honest men can have honest differences of opinion without have to act like jerks just because they feel threatened by someone else's beliefs.
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?
Do you even allegory, bro?
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?
Do you even allegory, bro?
A lot of people here contend that the flood was only regional. So then if regional, why would god order Noah to "save" animals that wouldn't become extinct anyways? You're saying that there was no such guy as Noah. What about Jesus, was there a guy named Jesus who performed all those miracles?
Taz, no one has said there was no such guy as Noah, except for you. The writer was using the tale of the Flood as allegory to reveal spiritual truths.
Taz, no one has said there was no such guy as Noah, except for you. The writer was using the tale of the Flood as allegory to reveal spiritual truths.
So you think there was a guy named Noah who rounded up animals on a boat because he heard voices telling him to? I don't get it, it's either allegorical or it's a real event, it can't be both.

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