If God's Flood was only a regional flood...

There are villages spotted by Dr. Ballard along the Continental Shelf in the Black Sea. Those villages are hundreds of feet below the current water level
Again,not global. Again, a tiny percentage of the land area. So, by "wrong", you must have meant, "right".

Oh, and...in case you haven't checked in about, oh, a decade....scientists have explained that flood without any need for magic or a worldwide event.

Yes GLOBAL. The Chinese write about a great flood. The Code of Hammurabi, the Polynesians, the Hindu's, etc. etc. etc. They ALL mention a great flood. Try reading some history before you make an ass of yourself yet again.
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

There is ample evidence worldwide of a Great Flood long before mankind started to write things down. Geologically, and culturally mankind has always lived along rivers and coastlines. Fourteen thousand years ago the climate changed and the continental ice sheets began to melt. Sea levels rose by hundreds of meters as the fresh water entered into the oceans. The Mediterranean Sea was dry until that happened. All of those peoples, who were living on the coast at that time suddenly found themselves facing an unrelenting ocean that was gobbling up everything they knew. So, they fled.

That is why EVERY single human culture that has an ancient written history mentions the Great Flood. Every single one of them. Was it God? No, but it happened. The Bible is mainly a history, and secondarily it is a hygiene book. Why you people go batshit crazy over a book is beyond me. What is even more amazing is you, who think you are so smart, have so little education about ancient and pre history that you can't figure out what the Bible is.

Get a life.
Geez, you get butthurt after misunderstanding what and whom I'm asking, how mature of you. So I'll 'splain it to you more slowly. A lot of people here who believe in the bible say that the Flood was only regional, so my question to THEM (not asswipes like you) is why would god order that Noah get 2 of every animal since a regional flood won't make any of them extinct.

And what "ample evidence" is there of a worldwide flood?

I'll explain it to you even simpler. Who the hell are you to question what others believe? i dare you to go up to a Muslim and tell them that their belief in Allah is stupid. You arrogant twits attack Christians because you know you won't get killed by them. So, your supposed intellectual superiority is nothing more than a bully hiding behind the knowledge that you won't get the hell beat out of you when you attack them.

I'm agnostic. I believe that there is neither evidence for, or against the existence of a God. However, it is not up to me to dictate what others believe. You militant atheists are very selective in who you attack, which makes your arguments crap.
I'm asking a fucking question, who are you to question my question? Go take another Midol.
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

There is ample evidence worldwide of a Great Flood long before mankind started to write things down. Geologically, and culturally mankind has always lived along rivers and coastlines. Fourteen thousand years ago the climate changed and the continental ice sheets began to melt. Sea levels rose by hundreds of meters as the fresh water entered into the oceans. The Mediterranean Sea was dry until that happened. All of those peoples, who were living on the coast at that time suddenly found themselves facing an unrelenting ocean that was gobbling up everything they knew. So, they fled.

That is why EVERY single human culture that has an ancient written history mentions the Great Flood. Every single one of them. Was it God? No, but it happened. The Bible is mainly a history, and secondarily it is a hygiene book. Why you people go batshit crazy over a book is beyond me. What is even more amazing is you, who think you are so smart, have so little education about ancient and pre history that you can't figure out what the Bible is.

Get a life.
Geez, you get butthurt after misunderstanding what and whom I'm asking, how mature of you. So I'll 'splain it to you more slowly. A lot of people here who believe in the bible say that the Flood was only regional, so my question to THEM (not asswipes like you) is why would god order that Noah get 2 of every animal since a regional flood won't make any of them extinct.

And what "ample evidence" is there of a worldwide flood?

I'll explain it to you even simpler. Who the hell are you to question what others believe? i dare you to go up to a Muslim and tell them that their belief in Allah is stupid. You arrogant twits attack Christians because you know you won't get killed by them. So, your supposed intellectual superiority is nothing more than a bully hiding behind the knowledge that you won't get the hell beat out of you when you attack them.

I'm agnostic. I believe that there is neither evidence for, or against the existence of a God. However, it is not up to me to dictate what others believe. You militant atheists are very selective in who you attack, which makes your arguments crap.
Who the hell are you to question what others believe ... You arrogant twits attack Christians because you know you won't get killed by them.

... attack Christians because you know you won't get killed by them.


who are you trying to deceive - the innocent victims.

throughout history from the 4th century to the present time that's been the specialty of the desert religions repeating their evil from one generation to the next - they only change when their latest deception has worn it course.

what example from history have the desert religions not been the persecutors of innocent victims. how about in South America as one local region for an example. what good have they ever done.
How many species of animals did this all powerful God kill off during his temper tantrum against his human creations?

If that God could make it rain for 40 days and nights, couldn't this God just smote those evil humans directly and not kill off all the animals whom Noah couldn't save?
The flood is the baptism of the earth
When the earth is cleansed with fire at the last day, it will be the emblem of the reception of the Holy Ghost
So it wasn’t douche enough for god to drown nearly everyone in his flood, now he’s going to burn everyone? What a massive sack of wet farts.
It’s all about choices
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

There is ample evidence worldwide of a Great Flood long before mankind started to write things down. Geologically, and culturally mankind has always lived along rivers and coastlines. Fourteen thousand years ago the climate changed and the continental ice sheets began to melt. Sea levels rose by hundreds of meters as the fresh water entered into the oceans. The Mediterranean Sea was dry until that happened. All of those peoples, who were living on the coast at that time suddenly found themselves facing an unrelenting ocean that was gobbling up everything they knew. So, they fled.

That is why EVERY single human culture that has an ancient written history mentions the Great Flood. Every single one of them. Was it God? No, but it happened. The Bible is mainly a history, and secondarily it is a hygiene book. Why you people go batshit crazy over a book is beyond me. What is even more amazing is you, who think you are so smart, have so little education about ancient and pre history that you can't figure out what the Bible is.

Get a life.
Geez, you get butthurt after misunderstanding what and whom I'm asking, how mature of you. So I'll 'splain it to you more slowly. A lot of people here who believe in the bible say that the Flood was only regional, so my question to THEM (not asswipes like you) is why would god order that Noah get 2 of every animal since a regional flood won't make any of them extinct.

And what "ample evidence" is there of a worldwide flood?

I'll explain it to you even simpler. Who the hell are you to question what others believe? i dare you to go up to a Muslim and tell them that their belief in Allah is stupid. You arrogant twits attack Christians because you know you won't get killed by them. So, your supposed intellectual superiority is nothing more than a bully hiding behind the knowledge that you won't get the hell beat out of you when you attack them.

I'm agnostic. I believe that there is neither evidence for, or against the existence of a God. However, it is not up to me to dictate what others believe. You militant atheists are very selective in who you attack, which makes your arguments crap.
I'm asking a fucking question, who are you to question my question? Go take another Midol.

No, you're not. You are making an accusation wrapped up in a fake question. You may be too stupid to figure it out, but I'm not. It is obvious that the Noah Flood story is a myth. Anyone with a brain can figure that one out. But, as is true with most myths, it is based on fact. There was a worldwide flood. No, the mountains weren't under water, but the places where the people actually lived, the river mouths, the streams, and the oceans coastlines....you know, where 90% of the global population lives today, those areas did indeed get flooded.

The people had to move and that catastrophe was embedded in their psyche. That is why every major culture with an ancient history, WORLDWIDE, talks of a Great Flood.
. It is however based on factual history
Haha...no, not really. Yes, there have been floods. There are stories of floods, and then there are crazy, magical myths anout floods. To point at those and say, "Hey, there was once a flood there, therefore it is based on factual history!" is the height of stupid apologism.

By your dumb logic, flat Earth myths are based on factual history...because, hey, the Earth looked flat to people stuck on the ground. Give me a break....
No, not global. How ridiculous. There is exactly ZERO evidence of a worldwide flood. Unless you are just being a weasel and saying, "there is evidence of floods everywhere"...well duh, that is not evidence of a global flood.
But, as is true with most myths, it is based on fact.
No, it isn't. No, there was never a centuries old man. No, there was never an ark. No, there was never any attempt to save the earths animals. No, a sky dad never doled out instructions for this. Just stop, you don't have a leg to stand on, here.
How many species of animals did this all powerful God kill off during his temper tantrum against his human creations?

If that God could make it rain for 40 days and nights, couldn't this God just smote those evil humans directly and not kill off all the animals whom Noah couldn't save?
Are YOU having a temper tantrum when a video game "malfunctions" and you SHUT IT DOWN?

If your car is beyond repair and you get a better one, are YOU having a "temper tantrum"?

You are HIS creation. He is not yours.
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How many species of animals did this all powerful God kill off during his temper tantrum against his human creations?

If that God could make it rain for 40 days and nights, couldn't this God just smote those evil humans directly and not kill off all the animals whom Noah couldn't save?
Ate YOU having a temper tantrum when a video game "malfunctions" and you SHUT IT DOWN?

If your car is beyond repair and you get a better one, are YOU having a "temper tantrum"?

You are HIS creation. He is not yours.
What? Man created all the gods.
No, not global. How ridiculous. There is exactly ZERO evidence of a worldwide flood. Unless you are just being a weasel and saying, "there is evidence of floods everywhere"...well duh, that is not evidence of a global flood.

Like I said silly one.. Go read some real history, not your militant atheist BS.
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

There is ample evidence worldwide of a Great Flood long before mankind started to write things down. Geologically, and culturally mankind has always lived along rivers and coastlines. Fourteen thousand years ago the climate changed and the continental ice sheets began to melt. Sea levels rose by hundreds of meters as the fresh water entered into the oceans. The Mediterranean Sea was dry until that happened. All of those peoples, who were living on the coast at that time suddenly found themselves facing an unrelenting ocean that was gobbling up everything they knew. So, they fled.

That is why EVERY single human culture that has an ancient written history mentions the Great Flood. Every single one of them. Was it God? No, but it happened. The Bible is mainly a history, and secondarily it is a hygiene book. Why you people go batshit crazy over a book is beyond me. What is even more amazing is you, who think you are so smart, have so little education about ancient and pre history that you can't figure out what the Bible is.

Get a life.
Geez, you get butthurt after misunderstanding what and whom I'm asking, how mature of you. So I'll 'splain it to you more slowly. A lot of people here who believe in the bible say that the Flood was only regional, so my question to THEM (not asswipes like you) is why would god order that Noah get 2 of every animal since a regional flood won't make any of them extinct.

And what "ample evidence" is there of a worldwide flood?

I'll explain it to you even simpler. Who the hell are you to question what others believe? i dare you to go up to a Muslim and tell them that their belief in Allah is stupid. You arrogant twits attack Christians because you know you won't get killed by them. So, your supposed intellectual superiority is nothing more than a bully hiding behind the knowledge that you won't get the hell beat out of you when you attack them.

I'm agnostic. I believe that there is neither evidence for, or against the existence of a God. However, it is not up to me to dictate what others believe. You militant atheists are very selective in who you attack, which makes your arguments crap.
I'm asking a fucking question, who are you to question my question? Go take another Midol.

No, you're not. You are making an accusation wrapped up in a fake question. You may be too stupid to figure it out, but I'm not. It is obvious that the Noah Flood story is a myth. Anyone with a brain can figure that one out. But, as is true with most myths, it is based on fact. There was a worldwide flood. No, the mountains weren't under water, but the places where the people actually lived, the river mouths, the streams, and the oceans coastlines....you know, where 90% of the global population lives today, those areas did indeed get flooded.

The people had to move and that catastrophe was embedded in their psyche. That is why every major culture with an ancient history, WORLDWIDE, talks of a Great Flood.

Not global. The Black Sea basin flooded, forcing many to move. Some went up the Danube Valley, some went across what is now Turkey and into the Tigris/Euphrates valleys - home to several early civilizations - including the source of the old testament.
There is ample evidence worldwide of a Great Flood long before mankind started to write things down. Geologically, and culturally mankind has always lived along rivers and coastlines. Fourteen thousand years ago the climate changed and the continental ice sheets began to melt. Sea levels rose by hundreds of meters as the fresh water entered into the oceans. The Mediterranean Sea was dry until that happened. All of those peoples, who were living on the coast at that time suddenly found themselves facing an unrelenting ocean that was gobbling up everything they knew. So, they fled.

That is why EVERY single human culture that has an ancient written history mentions the Great Flood. Every single one of them. Was it God? No, but it happened. The Bible is mainly a history, and secondarily it is a hygiene book. Why you people go batshit crazy over a book is beyond me. What is even more amazing is you, who think you are so smart, have so little education about ancient and pre history that you can't figure out what the Bible is.

Get a life.
Geez, you get butthurt after misunderstanding what and whom I'm asking, how mature of you. So I'll 'splain it to you more slowly. A lot of people here who believe in the bible say that the Flood was only regional, so my question to THEM (not asswipes like you) is why would god order that Noah get 2 of every animal since a regional flood won't make any of them extinct.

And what "ample evidence" is there of a worldwide flood?

I'll explain it to you even simpler. Who the hell are you to question what others believe? i dare you to go up to a Muslim and tell them that their belief in Allah is stupid. You arrogant twits attack Christians because you know you won't get killed by them. So, your supposed intellectual superiority is nothing more than a bully hiding behind the knowledge that you won't get the hell beat out of you when you attack them.

I'm agnostic. I believe that there is neither evidence for, or against the existence of a God. However, it is not up to me to dictate what others believe. You militant atheists are very selective in who you attack, which makes your arguments crap.
I'm asking a fucking question, who are you to question my question? Go take another Midol.

No, you're not. You are making an accusation wrapped up in a fake question. You may be too stupid to figure it out, but I'm not. It is obvious that the Noah Flood story is a myth. Anyone with a brain can figure that one out. But, as is true with most myths, it is based on fact. There was a worldwide flood. No, the mountains weren't under water, but the places where the people actually lived, the river mouths, the streams, and the oceans coastlines....you know, where 90% of the global population lives today, those areas did indeed get flooded.

The people had to move and that catastrophe was embedded in their psyche. That is why every major culture with an ancient history, WORLDWIDE, talks of a Great Flood.

Not global. The Black Sea basin flooded, forcing many to move. Some went up the Danube Valley, some went across what is now Turkey and into the Tigris/Euphrates valleys - home to several early civilizations - including the source of the old testament.

The Chinese describe an ancient flood. The Polynesians describe an ancient flood, The Hindu's describe an ancient flood. Are you claiming that they all come from the Black Sea?
No, not global. How ridiculous. There is exactly ZERO evidence of a worldwide flood. Unless you are just being a weasel and saying, "there is evidence of floods everywhere"...well duh, that is not evidence of a global flood.

Like I said silly one.. Go read some real history, not your militant atheist BS.
I have. And there is zero factual basis for the story of a ceturies old man who built a colossal boat and saved the earths animals. None.

"Hey everyone...Harry Potter books have factual basis, since England is a real place!"

Come on.

By the way: you shouldn't use the word militant again, until you look it up. Only one of us is getting all worked up. That's you.
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The Chinese describe an ancient flood. The Polynesians describe an ancient flood, The Hindu's describe an ancient flood.
The Chinese describe magical spirits. The polynesians describe magical spirits. The hindus describe magical spirits.

Therefore, magical spirits have a factual basis.

Far out, man.
Geez, you get butthurt after misunderstanding what and whom I'm asking, how mature of you. So I'll 'splain it to you more slowly. A lot of people here who believe in the bible say that the Flood was only regional, so my question to THEM (not asswipes like you) is why would god order that Noah get 2 of every animal since a regional flood won't make any of them extinct.

And what "ample evidence" is there of a worldwide flood?

I'll explain it to you even simpler. Who the hell are you to question what others believe? i dare you to go up to a Muslim and tell them that their belief in Allah is stupid. You arrogant twits attack Christians because you know you won't get killed by them. So, your supposed intellectual superiority is nothing more than a bully hiding behind the knowledge that you won't get the hell beat out of you when you attack them.

I'm agnostic. I believe that there is neither evidence for, or against the existence of a God. However, it is not up to me to dictate what others believe. You militant atheists are very selective in who you attack, which makes your arguments crap.
I'm asking a fucking question, who are you to question my question? Go take another Midol.

No, you're not. You are making an accusation wrapped up in a fake question. You may be too stupid to figure it out, but I'm not. It is obvious that the Noah Flood story is a myth. Anyone with a brain can figure that one out. But, as is true with most myths, it is based on fact. There was a worldwide flood. No, the mountains weren't under water, but the places where the people actually lived, the river mouths, the streams, and the oceans coastlines....you know, where 90% of the global population lives today, those areas did indeed get flooded.

The people had to move and that catastrophe was embedded in their psyche. That is why every major culture with an ancient history, WORLDWIDE, talks of a Great Flood.

Not global. The Black Sea basin flooded, forcing many to move. Some went up the Danube Valley, some went across what is now Turkey and into the Tigris/Euphrates valleys - home to several early civilizations - including the source of the old testament.

The Chinese describe an ancient flood. The Polynesians describe an ancient flood, The Hindu's describe an ancient flood. Are you claiming that they all come from the Black Sea?

I'm not familiar with the Chinese or Polynesian flood myths. But I've read a very excellent book on the Black Sea origins theory written by a couple of geophysicists who did a lot of research into the theory. It is very credible.

Noah's Flood
No, not global. How ridiculous. There is exactly ZERO evidence of a worldwide flood. Unless you are just being a weasel and saying, "there is evidence of floods everywhere"...well duh, that is not evidence of a global flood.

Like I said silly one.. Go read some real history, not your militant atheist BS.
I have. And there is zero factual basis for the story of a ceturies old man who built a colossal boat and saved the earths animals. None.

"Hey everyone...Harry Potter books have factual basis, since England is a real place!"

Come on.

By the way: you shouldn't use the word militant again, until you look it up. Only one of us is getting all worked up. That's you.

I'm not the one calling people "stupid" for believing in religion. That would be you cup cake. So yes, you are indeed a militant atheist.
tyroneweaver is probably honestly deceived about the Holy Bible and Mormon stances on its inerrancy, which is a shame.

The Mormon belief about the Bible is stated in their Articles of Faith: “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly” (Articles of Faith 1:8). The Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price make up the LDS Standard works.

Mormons believe that after the apostles died, a great apostasy robbed many valuable and great things from the Bible. Parts of it were mistanslated, parts of it were lost, and the holy book itself was incomplete and in places corrupt. Books had been removed from the OT and from the NT.

Joseph Smith's tasks included a new, inspired version of the Holy Bible. He made thousands of changes to the Holy Bible.

You can read it here: The Inspired Version of the Bible.

Thus, Mormons do not believe the Holy Bible as it was in the 1830s or today is inerrant.
I believe Hebrews 11:7
You don’t
So you are telling me that you think it is translated correctly.

However, you don't believe the Bible is inerrant. You believe that is true only where it is translated correctly.

The story and message from God is that the world was condemned by God for man's wickedness. Noah is a metaphor (a symbol) for a savior, and the flood is a symbol for baptism.
There can be errors in transmission and still be the inerrant word of God

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