If God's Flood was only a regional flood...

How many species of animals did this all powerful God kill off during his temper tantrum against his human creations?

If that God could make it rain for 40 days and nights, couldn't this God just smote those evil humans directly and not kill off all the animals whom Noah couldn't save?

There was no temper tantrum and God grieved about what was to come in order to keep human DNA in tact.
As is the case with us, spirits are eternal. Even the bad ones. God could kill the demon hybrids, human and animal alike, but not the spirits that created the mess. They are eternal. That is why God created a special place for them, and will be dispatching them at the White Throne Judgment:

Tartarus comes from the Greek word Tartaroo which is used only once in the New Testament in 2 Peter 2:4. "For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell...
and continues:
if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment".

Damn, how many supernatural creatures do you believe in? Demons, spirits, hybrids, semi gods, demi-gods Big God, Big Devil.......

When I die and meet this God Almighty, I'm going to ask him why he created eye worms. Why?

You poor soul. When you meet God Almighty, I hope your only concern is eye worms...

God will say shush mortal I'm about to judge you

I thought Christians said that no mortal could possibly know the mind of God. How do you know what He would say?
How many species of animals did this all powerful God kill off during his temper tantrum against his human creations?

If that God could make it rain for 40 days and nights, couldn't this God just smote those evil humans directly and not kill off all the animals whom Noah couldn't save?

There was no temper tantrum and God grieved about what was to come in order to keep human DNA in tact.
As is the case with us, spirits are eternal. Even the bad ones. God could kill the demon hybrids, human and animal alike, but not the spirits that created the mess. They are eternal. That is why God created a special place for them, and will be dispatching them at the White Throne Judgment:

Tartarus comes from the Greek word Tartaroo which is used only once in the New Testament in 2 Peter 2:4. "For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell...
and continues:
if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment".

Damn, how many supernatural creatures do you believe in? Demons, spirits, hybrids, semi gods, demi-gods Big God, Big Devil.......

When I die and meet this God Almighty, I'm going to ask him why he created eye worms. Why?

You poor soul. When you meet God Almighty, I hope your only concern is eye worms...

God will say shush mortal I'm about to judge you

I thought Christians said that no mortal could possibly know the mind of God. How do you know what He would say?

It's Biblical, dumbass
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

If the Flood was only a regional flood- then the Bible is a book of fairy tales.

That answers your question.

And your book of fairy tales told you that every mountain top was drowned- that would include Mt. Everest.......

Now that is a tall tale.
There was no temper tantrum and God grieved about what was to come in order to keep human DNA in tact.
As is the case with us, spirits are eternal. Even the bad ones. God could kill the demon hybrids, human and animal alike, but not the spirits that created the mess. They are eternal. That is why God created a special place for them, and will be dispatching them at the White Throne Judgment:

Tartarus comes from the Greek word Tartaroo which is used only once in the New Testament in 2 Peter 2:4. "For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell...
and continues:
if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment".

Damn, how many supernatural creatures do you believe in? Demons, spirits, hybrids, semi gods, demi-gods Big God, Big Devil.......

When I die and meet this God Almighty, I'm going to ask him why he created eye worms. Why?

You poor soul. When you meet God Almighty, I hope your only concern is eye worms...

God will say shush mortal I'm about to judge you

I thought Christians said that no mortal could possibly know the mind of God. How do you know what He would say?

It's Biblical, dumbass

Really? You know what is going to be discussed between God and a person who isn't you?
Damn, how many supernatural creatures do you believe in? Demons, spirits, hybrids, semi gods, demi-gods Big God, Big Devil.......

When I die and meet this God Almighty, I'm going to ask him why he created eye worms. Why?

You poor soul. When you meet God Almighty, I hope your only concern is eye worms...

God will say shush mortal I'm about to judge you

I thought Christians said that no mortal could possibly know the mind of God. How do you know what He would say?

It's Biblical, dumbass

Really? You know what is going to be discussed between God and a person who isn't you?

Oh good grief grab a sense of humor and cease being an annoying ass
You poor soul. When you meet God Almighty, I hope your only concern is eye worms...

God will say shush mortal I'm about to judge you

I thought Christians said that no mortal could possibly know the mind of God. How do you know what He would say?

It's Biblical, dumbass

Really? You know what is going to be discussed between God and a person who isn't you?

Oh good grief grab a sense of humor and cease being an annoying ass

Maybe after you do the same.
God will say shush mortal I'm about to judge you

I thought Christians said that no mortal could possibly know the mind of God. How do you know what He would say?

It's Biblical, dumbass

Really? You know what is going to be discussed between God and a person who isn't you?

Oh good grief grab a sense of humor and cease being an annoying ass

Maybe after you do the same.

Go tell some tall tales.
Some people think it was a regional event, that when the people of Biblical times talked about "the world", it really referred more to "the world as they perceived it".
Ah yes, isn't that convenient.

Complete list of people who said that before being confronted with the geological record:


Now, you should try the same thing with evolution.
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no one in their right mind would believe any being but the condemned would perish by a divine judgement in the purpose for the salvation of humanity ... humanity was not regional but the regional humanity may have been the sole target allowing for the areas wildlife being warned as Noah to have found safe shelter.

proving again there is little to nothing meritorious to be found in the 4th century christian bible, desert religions. and answers the riddle.

Do you have any concept what level of hubris you display when you actually say, "God can't exist, because He doesn't conform to my personal view of what's moral"?
no one in their right mind would believe any being but the condemned would perish by a divine judgement in the purpose for the salvation of humanity ... humanity was not regional but the regional humanity may have been the sole target allowing for the areas wildlife being warned as Noah to have found safe shelter.

Do you have any concept what level of hubris you display when you actually say, "God can't exist, because He doesn't conform to my personal view of what's moral"?

- when you actually say, "God can't exist, ...

that's quite a leap, I'm just trying to read between the lines for the answer to your conclusion "god can't exist" from my post - what in fact is true is your 4th century book's attempted to qualify genesis to the parable of Noah -

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

and like your awful book the trade off is killing everything but the least amount to show their hubris {sic} in saving wildlife when humanity itself was the cause of the near extinction.

the truth is wildlife contrary to 4th century christianity has no bearing for its existence dependent on humanity other than artificially induced extinction A-Bomb caused by mankind at the level of complete moral depravity. which christianity, the desert religions are already the closest example of in Garden Earth.
The world of human life form was only around 1600 years old when the flood came.
tyroneweaver is probably honestly deceived about the Holy Bible and Mormon stances on its inerrancy, which is a shame.

The Mormon belief about the Bible is stated in their Articles of Faith: “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly” (Articles of Faith 1:8). The Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price make up the LDS Standard works.

Mormons believe that after the apostles died, a great apostasy robbed many valuable and great things from the Bible. Parts of it were mistanslated, parts of it were lost, and the holy book itself was incomplete and in places corrupt. Books had been removed from the OT and from the NT.

Joseph Smith's tasks included a new, inspired version of the Holy Bible. He made thousands of changes to the Holy Bible.

You can read it here: The Inspired Version of the Bible.

Thus, Mormons do not believe the Holy Bible as it was in the 1830s or today is inerrant.
I believe Hebrews 11:7
You don’t

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