If God's Flood was only a regional flood...

...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

Do you actually believe that Noah was able to load 2 of every single species of animal on to the boat?

We know there wasn't a worldwide flood because we can measure the volume of water on the planet. And there is not enough to completely flood the world.
How many species of animals did this all powerful God kill off during his temper tantrum against his human creations?

If that God could make it rain for 40 days and nights, couldn't this God just smote those evil humans directly and not kill off all the animals whom Noah couldn't save?
The flood is the baptism of the earth
When the earth is cleansed with fire at the last day, it will be the emblem of the reception of the Holy Ghost
How many species of animals did this all powerful God kill off during his temper tantrum against his human creations?

If that God could make it rain for 40 days and nights, couldn't this God just smote those evil humans directly and not kill off all the animals whom Noah couldn't save?
The flood is the baptism of the earth
When the earth is cleansed with fire at the last day, it will be the emblem of the reception of the Holy Ghost
So it wasn’t douche enough for god to drown nearly everyone in his flood, now he’s going to burn everyone? What a massive sack of wet farts.
tyroneweaver is probably honestly deceived about the Holy Bible and Mormon stances on its inerrancy, which is a shame.

The Mormon belief about the Bible is stated in their Articles of Faith: “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly” (Articles of Faith 1:8). The Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price make up the LDS Standard works.

Mormons believe that after the apostles died, a great apostasy robbed many valuable and great things from the Bible. Parts of it were mistanslated, parts of it were lost, and the holy book itself was incomplete and in places corrupt. Books had been removed from the OT and from the NT.

Joseph Smith's tasks included a new, inspired version of the Holy Bible. He made thousands of changes to the Holy Bible.

You can read it here: The Inspired Version of the Bible.

Thus, Mormons do not believe the Holy Bible as it was in the 1830s or today is inerrant.
I believe Hebrews 11:7
You don’t
So you are telling me that you think it is translated correctly.

However, you don't believe the Bible is inerrant. You believe that is true only where it is translated correctly.

The story and message from God is that the world was condemned by God for man's wickedness. Noah is a metaphor (a symbol) for a savior, and the flood is a symbol for baptism.
Some people think it was a regional event, that when the people of Biblical times talked about "the world", it really referred more to "the world as they perceived it".
Ah yes, isn't that convenient.

Complete list of people who said that before being confronted with the geological record:


Now, you should try the same thing with evolution.

Now YOU should try posting something coherent.

I promise, it doesn't hurt.
no one in their right mind would believe any being but the condemned would perish by a divine judgement in the purpose for the salvation of humanity ... humanity was not regional but the regional humanity may have been the sole target allowing for the areas wildlife being warned as Noah to have found safe shelter.

proving again there is little to nothing meritorious to be found in the 4th century christian bible, desert religions. and answers the riddle.

Do you have any concept what level of hubris you display when you actually say, "God can't exist, because He doesn't conform to my personal view of what's moral"?
no one in their right mind would believe any being but the condemned would perish by a divine judgement in the purpose for the salvation of humanity ... humanity was not regional but the regional humanity may have been the sole target allowing for the areas wildlife being warned as Noah to have found safe shelter.

Do you have any concept what level of hubris you display when you actually say, "God can't exist, because He doesn't conform to my personal view of what's moral"?

- when you actually say, "God can't exist, ...

that's quite a leap, I'm just trying to read between the lines for the answer to your conclusion "god can't exist" from my post - what in fact is true is your 4th century book's attempted to qualify genesis to the parable of Noah -

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

and like your awful book the trade off is killing everything but the least amount to show their hubris {sic} in saving wildlife when humanity itself was the cause of the near extinction.

the truth is wildlife contrary to 4th century christianity has no bearing for its existence dependent on humanity other than artificially induced extinction A-Bomb caused by mankind at the level of complete moral depravity. which christianity, the desert religions are already the closest example of in Garden Earth.

Oh, a leap, is it? I'm drawing wild assumptions in interpreting your posts as you saying, "There is no God, because He doesn't conform to my personal view of morality?"

From your posts:

"proving again there is little to nothing meritorious to be found in the 4th century christian bible,"

"no one in their right mind would believe any being but the condemned would perish by a divine judgement in the purpose for the salvation of humanity ..."

You can believe any damned thing you want, and be as hubristic and self-righteous as you like, but at least be honest about it.
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?
The Mediterranean sea level likely fluctuated during the last ice age and this legend could be born from that.
no one in their right mind would believe any being but the condemned would perish by a divine judgement in the purpose for the salvation of humanity ... humanity was not regional but the regional humanity may have been the sole target allowing for the areas wildlife being warned as Noah to have found safe shelter.

proving again there is little to nothing meritorious to be found in the 4th century christian bible, desert religions. and answers the riddle.

Do you have any concept what level of hubris you display when you actually say, "God can't exist, because He doesn't conform to my personal view of what's moral"?
no one in their right mind would believe any being but the condemned would perish by a divine judgement in the purpose for the salvation of humanity ... humanity was not regional but the regional humanity may have been the sole target allowing for the areas wildlife being warned as Noah to have found safe shelter.

Do you have any concept what level of hubris you display when you actually say, "God can't exist, because He doesn't conform to my personal view of what's moral"?

- when you actually say, "God can't exist, ...

that's quite a leap, I'm just trying to read between the lines for the answer to your conclusion "god can't exist" from my post - what in fact is true is your 4th century book's attempted to qualify genesis to the parable of Noah -

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

and like your awful book the trade off is killing everything but the least amount to show their hubris {sic} in saving wildlife when humanity itself was the cause of the near extinction.

the truth is wildlife contrary to 4th century christianity has no bearing for its existence dependent on humanity other than artificially induced extinction A-Bomb caused by mankind at the level of complete moral depravity. which christianity, the desert religions are already the closest example of in Garden Earth.

Oh, a leap, is it? I'm drawing wild assumptions in interpreting your posts as you saying, "There is no God, because He doesn't conform to my personal view of morality?"

From your posts:

"proving again there is little to nothing meritorious to be found in the 4th century christian bible,"

"no one in their right mind would believe any being but the condemned would perish by a divine judgement in the purpose for the salvation of humanity ..."

You can believe any damned thing you want, and be as hubristic and self-righteous as you like, but at least be honest about it.
Oh, a leap, is it? I'm drawing wild assumptions in interpreting your posts as you saying, "There is no God, because He doesn't conform to my personal view of morality?"

I'm drawing wild assumptions ...

that is exactly what you are doing, Noah's parable is the spoken religion of Antiquity - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - that is all there is, the Almighty gave humanity a second chance by saving the final few that were good where without they would then have returned and destroyed everyone leaving humanity extinct.

your 4th century book doesn't hold a candle to the true religion, your ending in your own writings is that of conflagration. your own obituary.

You can believe any damned thing you want, and be as hubristic and self-righteous as you like, but at least be honest about it.

dishonesty is espousing a book of forgeries disguised as a religion that recorded history proves a work of evil, not once through the centuries a champion for good whether recognized by you personally or not.
Some people think it was a regional event, that when the people of Biblical times talked about "the world", it really referred more to "the world as they perceived it".
Ah yes, isn't that convenient.

Complete list of people who said that before being confronted with the geological record:


Now, you should try the same thing with evolution.

Now YOU should try posting something coherent.

I promise, it doesn't hurt.
I did. And ,Iike a little sissy, you threw alittle fit instead of responding to it. As expected...what else can you do? You religious nutballs have not a shred of logic or evidence to support your childish, magical nonsense.
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

There is ample evidence worldwide of a Great Flood long before mankind started to write things down. Geologically, and culturally mankind has always lived along rivers and coastlines. Fourteen thousand years ago the climate changed and the continental ice sheets began to melt. Sea levels rose by hundreds of meters as the fresh water entered into the oceans. The Mediterranean Sea was dry until that happened. All of those peoples, who were living on the coast at that time suddenly found themselves facing an unrelenting ocean that was gobbling up everything they knew. So, they fled.

That is why EVERY single human culture that has an ancient written history mentions the Great Flood. Every single one of them. Was it God? No, but it happened. The Bible is mainly a history, and secondarily it is a hygiene book. Why you people go batshit crazy over a book is beyond me. What is even more amazing is you, who think you are so smart, have so little education about ancient and pre history that you can't figure out what the Bible is.

Get a life.
There is ample evidence worldwide of a Great Flood long before mankind started to write things down. Geologically, and culturally mankind has always lived along rivers and coastlines. Fourteen thousand years ago the climate changed and the continental ice sheets began to melt. Sea levels rose by hundreds of meters as the fresh water entered into the oceans. The Mediterranean Sea was dry until that happened. All of those peoples, who were living on the coast at that time suddenly found themselves facing an unrelenting ocean that was gobbling up everything they knew. So, they fled.
Um...that is not, "evidence worldwide". In fact, it's precisely the opposite, as you just referenced a very tiny portion of the land surface of the earth.

There is no evidence of any wordldwide flood, ever. Not ever. In fact, we know it to be impossible by mathematics alone.
There is ample evidence worldwide of a Great Flood long before mankind started to write things down. Geologically, and culturally mankind has always lived along rivers and coastlines. Fourteen thousand years ago the climate changed and the continental ice sheets began to melt. Sea levels rose by hundreds of meters as the fresh water entered into the oceans. The Mediterranean Sea was dry until that happened. All of those peoples, who were living on the coast at that time suddenly found themselves facing an unrelenting ocean that was gobbling up everything they knew. So, they fled.
Um...that is not, "evidence worldwide". In fact, it's precisely the opposite, as you just referenced a very tiny portion of the land surface of the earth.

There is no evidence of any wordldwide flood, ever. Not ever. In fact, we know it to be impossible by mathematics alone.

Wrong. There are villages spotted by Dr. Ballard along the Continental Shelf in the Black Sea. Those villages are hundreds of feet below the current water level. See, you have absolutely no clue about what you are speaking. Typical progressive moron.
Funny how one gets questioning the existence of God the closer they get to death
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

There is ample evidence worldwide of a Great Flood long before mankind started to write things down. Geologically, and culturally mankind has always lived along rivers and coastlines. Fourteen thousand years ago the climate changed and the continental ice sheets began to melt. Sea levels rose by hundreds of meters as the fresh water entered into the oceans. The Mediterranean Sea was dry until that happened. All of those peoples, who were living on the coast at that time suddenly found themselves facing an unrelenting ocean that was gobbling up everything they knew. So, they fled.

That is why EVERY single human culture that has an ancient written history mentions the Great Flood. Every single one of them. Was it God? No, but it happened. The Bible is mainly a history, and secondarily it is a hygiene book. Why you people go batshit crazy over a book is beyond me. What is even more amazing is you, who think you are so smart, have so little education about ancient and pre history that you can't figure out what the Bible is.

Get a life.
Geez, you get butthurt after misunderstanding what and whom I'm asking, how mature of you. So I'll 'splain it to you more slowly. A lot of people here who believe in the bible say that the Flood was only regional, so my question to THEM (not asswipes like you) is why would god order that Noah get 2 of every animal since a regional flood won't make any of them extinct.

And what "ample evidence" is there of a worldwide flood?
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There are villages spotted by Dr. Ballard along the Continental Shelf in the Black Sea. Those villages are hundreds of feet below the current water level
Again,not global. Again, a tiny percentage of the land area. So, by "wrong", you must have meant, "right".

Oh, and...in case you haven't checked in about, oh, a decade....scientists have explained that flood without any need for magic or a worldwide event.
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

There is ample evidence worldwide of a Great Flood long before mankind started to write things down. Geologically, and culturally mankind has always lived along rivers and coastlines. Fourteen thousand years ago the climate changed and the continental ice sheets began to melt. Sea levels rose by hundreds of meters as the fresh water entered into the oceans. The Mediterranean Sea was dry until that happened. All of those peoples, who were living on the coast at that time suddenly found themselves facing an unrelenting ocean that was gobbling up everything they knew. So, they fled.

That is why EVERY single human culture that has an ancient written history mentions the Great Flood. Every single one of them. Was it God? No, but it happened. The Bible is mainly a history, and secondarily it is a hygiene book. Why you people go batshit crazy over a book is beyond me. What is even more amazing is you, who think you are so smart, have so little education about ancient and pre history that you can't figure out what the Bible is.

Get a life.
Geez, you get butthurt after misunderstanding what and whom I'm asking, how mature of you. So I'll 'splain it to you more slowly. A lot of people here who believe in the bible say that the Flood was only regional, so my question to THEM (not asswipes like you) is why would god order that Noah get 2 odf every animal since a regional flood won't make any of them extinct.
There is a simple explanation:

The Noah flood story is a myth.

Gee, that was easy. No need to make this so hard, people.
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

There is ample evidence worldwide of a Great Flood long before mankind started to write things down. Geologically, and culturally mankind has always lived along rivers and coastlines. Fourteen thousand years ago the climate changed and the continental ice sheets began to melt. Sea levels rose by hundreds of meters as the fresh water entered into the oceans. The Mediterranean Sea was dry until that happened. All of those peoples, who were living on the coast at that time suddenly found themselves facing an unrelenting ocean that was gobbling up everything they knew. So, they fled.

That is why EVERY single human culture that has an ancient written history mentions the Great Flood. Every single one of them. Was it God? No, but it happened. The Bible is mainly a history, and secondarily it is a hygiene book. Why you people go batshit crazy over a book is beyond me. What is even more amazing is you, who think you are so smart, have so little education about ancient and pre history that you can't figure out what the Bible is.

Get a life.
Geez, you get butthurt after misunderstanding what and whom I'm asking, how mature of you. So I'll 'splain it to you more slowly. A lot of people here who believe in the bible say that the Flood was only regional, so my question to THEM (not asswipes like you) is why would god order that Noah get 2 of every animal since a regional flood won't make any of them extinct.

And what "ample evidence" is there of a worldwide flood?

I'll explain it to you even simpler. Who the hell are you to question what others believe? i dare you to go up to a Muslim and tell them that their belief in Allah is stupid. You arrogant twits attack Christians because you know you won't get killed by them. So, your supposed intellectual superiority is nothing more than a bully hiding behind the knowledge that you won't get the hell beat out of you when you attack them.

I'm agnostic. I believe that there is neither evidence for, or against the existence of a God. However, it is not up to me to dictate what others believe. You militant atheists are very selective in who you attack, which makes your arguments crap.
...Then why would god order Noah to take 2 of every animal, if all the animals weren't going to drown because the flood wasn't worldwide as many posters here contend?

There is ample evidence worldwide of a Great Flood long before mankind started to write things down. Geologically, and culturally mankind has always lived along rivers and coastlines. Fourteen thousand years ago the climate changed and the continental ice sheets began to melt. Sea levels rose by hundreds of meters as the fresh water entered into the oceans. The Mediterranean Sea was dry until that happened. All of those peoples, who were living on the coast at that time suddenly found themselves facing an unrelenting ocean that was gobbling up everything they knew. So, they fled.

That is why EVERY single human culture that has an ancient written history mentions the Great Flood. Every single one of them. Was it God? No, but it happened. The Bible is mainly a history, and secondarily it is a hygiene book. Why you people go batshit crazy over a book is beyond me. What is even more amazing is you, who think you are so smart, have so little education about ancient and pre history that you can't figure out what the Bible is.

Get a life.
Geez, you get butthurt after misunderstanding what and whom I'm asking, how mature of you. So I'll 'splain it to you more slowly. A lot of people here who believe in the bible say that the Flood was only regional, so my question to THEM (not asswipes like you) is why would god order that Noah get 2 odf every animal since a regional flood won't make any of them extinct.
There is a simple explanation:

The Noah flood story is a myth.

Gee, that was easy. No need to make this so hard, people.

Of course it's a myth you dolt. It is however based on factual history. As most myths are.

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