If GOP forces transgender people to use the wrong bathroom...

"If GOP forces transgender people to use the wrong bathroom..."

The GOP needs to stop trying to force people to conform, and start respecting the right of all person to individual freedom, liberty, and choice.
Maybe idiots need to stop forcing their disease on normal people.

Yes christians are annoying with their proselytizing
You are ass backwards as always. I am talking about faggots, faggot.

Here is a little tip for you, you bitter old white christian, America is moving forward your kind is finished , now you can stamp your feet, pray to your man god , whine call people names. It will change nothing. America is not going back to the 1950's
Men using womens bathrooms claiming to be transgender.

What could possibly go wrong?
"If GOP forces transgender people to use the wrong bathroom..."

The GOP needs to stop trying to force people to conform, and start respecting the right of all person to individual freedom, liberty, and choice.
Maybe idiots need to stop forcing their disease on normal people.

Yes christians are annoying with their proselytizing
You are ass backwards as always. I am talking about faggots, faggot.

Here is a little tip for you, you bitter old white christian, America is moving forward your kind is finished , now you can stamp your feet, pray to your man god , whine call people names. It will change nothing. America is not going back to the 1950's

guno an old white man claiming to be christian if you will wants to go into your granddaughters bathroom. he wants to see how she pees.

you cool with that?
"If GOP forces transgender people to use the wrong bathroom..."

The GOP needs to stop trying to force people to conform, and start respecting the right of all person to individual freedom, liberty, and choice.
Maybe idiots need to stop forcing their disease on normal people.

Yes christians are annoying with their proselytizing
You are ass backwards as always. I am talking about faggots, faggot.

Here is a little tip for you, you bitter old white christian, America is moving forward your kind is finished , now you can stamp your feet, pray to your man god , whine call people names. It will change nothing. America is not going back to the 1950's
America went to shit when retards like you started doing drugs threw God out and started kissing you boyfriends in public. Satan is laughing because he owns your sorry ass.
...Here is a little tip for you, you bitter old white christian, America is moving forward your kind is finished , now you can stamp your feet, pray to your man god , whine call people names. It will change nothing. America is not going back to the 1950's
Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Yadda, yadda, yadda... yap, yap, yap... blah, blah, endless phukking blah...

You tell 'em, Twinkle Toes...

January 20, 2017 is right around the corner...

Enjoy the setting sun of your very brief ascendancy...

Now... back in the closet, lightweight...
I can't wait to have men who think they are women in my bathroom watching me piss and shit.

What a swell idea! I mean how awesome is this.
I can't wait to have men who think they are women in my bathroom watching me piss and shit.

What a swell idea! I mean how awesome is this.
3% of the population cannot hold the other 97% of the population hostage forever...
I think we do need 3 bathrooms.

Those that identify as female.

Those that identify as male.

Those that hate.
I think we do need 3 bathrooms.

Those that identify as female.

Those that identify as male.

Those that hate.


How fitting, that it's in drag...
Why does the radical prog left feel the need to embarrass real women while catering to the need for freakazoids to troll for discrimination?
Self-mutilated cross dressing queers should only get to use the port-a-potty outside.
And here's a typical example of the ignorance, fear, and hate common to most on the right directed at transgender Americans.

What exactly did I say makes you believe I am any of those things?

I stated a fact about so-called "transgendered", that they are just cross-dressing homosexuals that undergo surgery to mutiliate their bodies. If you don't agree with that, then it is you who is ignorant.

I neither fear or hate them, I am just disgusted with them.

Nice try throwing in "Americans" at the end too, as if this topic has a damned thing to do with nationality, or that I am somehow unpatriotic because I don't support these particular "Americans".

Carry on, dipshit.
Come on. We all know how the GOP loves to force people to do things. They say it's in the name of the same God who says to take care of the poor and the sick. Besides minorities, those are the people the GOP hates most.
And the Dembulbs force everyone else to agree with their new definitions.
First marriage, now gender.
What's next?
What's left?
"If GOP forces transgender people to use the wrong bathroom..."

The GOP needs to stop trying to force people to conform, and start respecting the right of all person to individual freedom, liberty, and choice.

Why aren't the Libertarians standing up for the rights of the LBGT community?
Libertarians don't believe that the Federal Government should dictate through law that men have the right to use women's restrooms or vice versa, particularly on private property.
This is not a GOP question, much as I dislike that party. It is not something the Democrats need to rally behind, much a s I dislike that party.
This is absurdity.
It is absurd.

And just as absurd is the fact that most on the social right seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law, just as they do gay Americans, regardless what party a social conservative hostile to transgender Americans belongs to.
I find that you usually express balanced, reasonable positions.We are both probably as pro-individual choice as a person could be. At the same time, any sane person realizes certain levels of accommodation must be made for the minorities as well as for the majority. We have to accept adaptation.
Two toilets is enough.
'Transgender' is a modern concept (spell checkers still underline it in red). It is an idea, not an objective reality. To over 99% of the population, it is a completely individual way to describe oneself. There is no basis for compelling society to conform in more than the usual accordance of basic human rights and respect. Being born with a genetic makeup is just nature. We all have to put up with limitations imposed by our genetic legacy.
Perhaps socialization and education simply need to put less emphasis of superficiality and many other debates will also be resolved. In the meantime, putting '?' in the box on one's license for gender identification, or on the door of a third, fourth or fifth toilet, is a psychological rather than a social issue.
This is a man named Michael Hughes.
Why is he in a women's restroom?

Michael is protesting a series of bills across the U.S. and Canada that, if passed, would ban men like him from using men's restrooms and leave him no choice but to use the women's room.
Bizarrely, these laws have been proposed as a way to protect the privacy and safety of women.

(I know. It doesn't make sense, but hang with me.)

Michael is a transgender man, meaning that when he was born, the doctor looked at him and labeled him a girl.
As Michael can tell you, he's not a girl and he's not a woman.

Inspired by a woman from Canada, Michael has been snapping selfies in women's restrooms to show people just how out of place he looks.
Here s what it ll look like if trans people aren t allowed to use the right bathroom.
If Republican politicians get their way, this awkward circumstance will be coming near you. o_O
If she would shave the beard artificially grown, put on some makeup and a pretty dress, she wouldn't look out of place. This isn't rocket science.

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