If GOP forces transgender people to use the wrong bathroom...

Come on. We all know how the GOP loves to force people to do things. They say it's in the name of the same God who says to take care of the poor and the sick. Besides minorities, those are the people the GOP hates most.
I don't see the Democrats forcing normal men to share side by side urinals with these she-males.
Everyone has the right to choose to identify oneself as something. That is their right. There is no right to have everyone else agree with that choice. Expecting every one else to choose the same way you do is mental illness. Demanding it is totalitarian.
If a minority that has an alternative still insists on special facilities, they can pay for them. No one will notice if a person with male sexual parts uses the men's facilities, and vice-versa. There is no necessity for more.
No they don't, with the exception to identify themselves as a jackass.
The problem is that because of the transgendered person's personal choices, there is not a correct bathroom.
Yes there is. If you have a dick you go here. If you don't you go there. Simple.
And when that chic shown in the OP that looks like a dude goes into the same restroom that a 5 year old little girl just went into..........?

The little girl's father is likely to put a hurting on the transgendered person!
okay guys....i have used more mens bathrooms than i care to admit...and guess what....men dont give a flying fuck...i have entered to a full on sausage fest....and covered my eyes going for the stall....men laugh....i have had men guard the door while i go in ....i have guarded the door while another female uses the mens room...men laugh...men seem to know that here are only 2 stalls in the womens bathroom and there is always a line..given the options of pissing on myself or giving the men a laugh...i will go for the laughing men.....

now guys why the sudden upset over anyone using the mens bathroom
oooooooooo and joe makes a point....but do men really let 5 yr old girls go into public restrooms without asking a women to take them in....when my son was small....that tween age....little too old for the ladies room but too young to go alone....i always ask a man to watch him..hoping the person i ask was not a pervert....i never had a man refuse to help out...most just looked at the kid and said...come on little man....i was always thankful for their help...
This is a man named Michael Hughes.
Why is he in a women's restroom?

Michael is protesting a series of bills across the U.S. and Canada that, if passed, would ban men like him from using men's restrooms and leave him no choice but to use the women's room.
Bizarrely, these laws have been proposed as a way to protect the privacy and safety of women.

(I know. It doesn't make sense, but hang with me.)

Michael is a transgender man, meaning that when he was born, the doctor looked at him and labeled him a girl.
As Michael can tell you, he's not a girl and he's not a woman.

Inspired by a woman from Canada, Michael has been snapping selfies in women's restrooms to show people just how out of place he looks.
Here s what it ll look like if trans people aren t allowed to use the right bathroom.
If Republican politicians get their way, this awkward circumstance will be coming near you. o_O

Don't fuck with what nature gave you, and there won't be a problem.
o that is just stupid..there dd....dont fix club foots...dont fix those things...nature gave them to ya....that is just fucking stupid....
o that is just stupid..there dd....dont fix club foots...dont fix those things...nature gave them to ya....that is just fucking stupid....

Okay, I should have been clearer. My comment was only meant to be directed at something as radical as a complete sex change.
better but lets address a radical sex change....it is not something one would undergo on a whim...once the complete sex change is made...the person loses the ability to orgasm...a heavy price to pay ...wouldnt you agree....

your body is merely a vehicle is it not....something you fix when its wrong....say your nose is too big etc and so forth.....not that these procedures are on equal footing at all...but you get the drift...we do things to modify our bodies...all the time...some are medical necessities many are not...but why not change the body to suit the brain?
time and time again we have proven the brain does not alter that easily....but the body does....

women do not understand the male attachment to the dick and his buddy the balls....i always joke..that if a man wakes up with both legs missing and only one arm and hand remaining....he will reach down and squeeze his package...and sigh with relief.....one of the funniest post i have read....a boy sees his sister and becomes worried that he will loss his penis too...and the relief of each morning being able to reach down.....

now for bruce jenner....transjenner.....i love it....i dont get why he is doing this at 65...lots of pain...lots of recovery....i just dont see it going well for her, him. ...shim
We need 3 choices:


Mentally Defective People who cant look down and tell the difference between a dick and a vag.
This is a man named Michael Hughes.
Why is he in a women's restroom?

Michael is protesting a series of bills across the U.S. and Canada that, if passed, would ban men like him from using men's restrooms and leave him no choice but to use the women's room.
Bizarrely, these laws have been proposed as a way to protect the privacy and safety of women.

(I know. It doesn't make sense, but hang with me.)

Michael is a transgender man, meaning that when he was born, the doctor looked at him and labeled him a girl.
As Michael can tell you, he's not a girl and he's not a woman.

Inspired by a woman from Canada, Michael has been snapping selfies in women's restrooms to show people just how out of place he looks.
Here s what it ll look like if trans people aren t allowed to use the right bathroom.
If Republican politicians get their way, this awkward circumstance will be coming near you. o_O

Think people caring so much about who's in the same room as you while you're pissing and shitting need to travel abroad a bit and get over it.
Come on. We all know how the GOP loves to force people to do things. They say it's in the name of the same God who says to take care of the poor and the sick. Besides minorities, those are the people the GOP hates most.
You are an idiot, if you have a penis you use the men's bathroom. What does God have to do with it?
I will love it when all these people for choice in bathrooms. If your little daughter or granddaughter walks into the bathroom. Then you watch a big hairy burly guy walks in behind her. Will you still feel the same?

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