If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?

If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?

The rich presently control our security of the person in our socio economic demographic position. They control the constitution and our social contracts.

Security of the person is everyone’s number one goal in life, and the rich control ours.

I think I would rather have my security of my person be in the hands of my government, than be in the hands of some rich person. They are strange and have forgotten their duty to those who are beneath them, demographically speaking.

I believe it to be a crime for a rich country to impose poverty onto its citizens. Gandhi ji and others voiced the same notion.

Our rich owners are abusing their power and I think that using a small % of their disposable income would solve many problems, --- that they have created, --- by poisoning our collective environments.



If you think America has poverty, you should get out more.

No poverty in the U.S.

How stupid of you to think that.

You have no fucking idea what poverty is. Fat people with cars. flat screen TVs and Obamaphones are not impoverished by any standard, but yours

Only fools ignore the truth.

If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?

The rich presently control our security of the person in our socio economic demographic position. They control the constitution and our social contracts.

Security of the person is everyone’s number one goal in life, and the rich control ours.

I think I would rather have my security of my person be in the hands of my government, than be in the hands of some rich person. They are strange and have forgotten their duty to those who are beneath them, demographically speaking.

I believe it to be a crime for a rich country to impose poverty onto its citizens. Gandhi ji and others voiced the same notion.

Our rich owners are abusing their power and I think that using a small % of their disposable income would solve many problems, --- that they have created, --- by poisoning our collective environments.



If you think America has poverty, you should get out more.

No poverty in the U.S.

How stupid of you to think that.

You have no fucking idea what poverty is. Fat people with cars. flat screen TVs and Obamaphones are not impoverished by any standard, but yours

Only fools ignore the truth.



You really need to get out of your safe space snowflake. Even losers are not impoverished in the US.
If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?

The rich presently control our security of the person in our socio economic demographic position. They control the constitution and our social contracts.

Security of the person is everyone’s number one goal in life, and the rich control ours.

I think I would rather have my security of my person be in the hands of my government, than be in the hands of some rich person. They are strange and have forgotten their duty to those who are beneath them, demographically speaking.

I believe it to be a crime for a rich country to impose poverty onto its citizens. Gandhi ji and others voiced the same notion.

Our rich owners are abusing their power and I think that using a small % of their disposable income would solve many problems, --- that they have created, --- by poisoning our collective environments.



If you want something fucked up, leave it to the federal government
I think I would rather have my security of my person be in the hands of my government, than be in the hands of some rich person.

ROFLMAO! who do you think controls government?

At present, our oligarch owners.

At present and ALWAYS in the past …..

Look at any nation throughout history and you'll find there has always been a ruling elite controlling the state with the bulk of the population being controlled by it and by proxy the ruling elite, in between the state and the masses there has always been a political class that sells the bullshit to proles.

The United States is no different and never has been, it just so happens that our ruling elite are for the most part wealthy capitalists and their attendant functionaries.

.. on the bright side, at least the preponderance of our ruling elite are competent when it comes to value production and generally forgo brutalizing the common citizenry unless absolutely necessary.

Bottom line is, the "security of your person" will be in the hands of "some rich person" no matter what "plan" the dickweeds in government dream up to fool you into believing it's otherwise.
If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?

The rich presently control our security of the person in our socio economic demographic position. They control the constitution and our social contracts.

Security of the person is everyone’s number one goal in life, and the rich control ours.

I think I would rather have my security of my person be in the hands of my government, than be in the hands of some rich person. They are strange and have forgotten their duty to those who are beneath them, demographically speaking.

I believe it to be a crime for a rich country to impose poverty onto its citizens. Gandhi ji and others voiced the same notion.

Our rich owners are abusing their power and I think that using a small % of their disposable income would solve many problems, --- that they have created, --- by poisoning our collective environments.



dont you mean if they stole money from them???

the answer is no it wouldnt

No to your first and your last lacks an argument against and your stupid flat denial is worthless.

If the Government decided to control the disposable income of the 1%; the 1% would find another country to live in.

I find it funny, and somewhat pathetic that the Left really believes that high income individuals will continue living in places where they are being financially abused by the Government.

Good riddance to poor citizens.

If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?

The federal government already owns and controls 100% of our income and it alone sets the terms for which we may keep a certain percentage.

That said, we're 22 trillion dollars in debt and our dollar is worth precisely 4 cents.

In a sense I agree. Remember that the government is owned by the rich and are just there to do the bidding of the rich.


If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?

The rich presently control our security of the person in our socio economic demographic position. They control the constitution and our social contracts.

Security of the person is everyone’s number one goal in life, and the rich control ours.

I think I would rather have my security of my person be in the hands of my government, than be in the hands of some rich person. They are strange and have forgotten their duty to those who are beneath them, demographically speaking.

I believe it to be a crime for a rich country to impose poverty onto its citizens. Gandhi ji and others voiced the same notion.

Our rich owners are abusing their power and I think that using a small % of their disposable income would solve many problems, --- that they have created, --- by poisoning our collective environments.




Funny how governments that control the disposable of 100% are the world's poorest

Really. Which governments/countries do you see doing that?

Good riddance to poor citizens.

To be brutally honest it’s exactky what they deserve. When “we” (the Government) seem care more about their wellbeing than they seem to about themselves, it’s time for them to go
I think I would rather have my security of my person be in the hands of my government, than be in the hands of some rich person.

ROFLMAO! who do you think controls government?

At present, our oligarch owners.

At present and ALWAYS in the past …..

Look at any nation throughout history and you'll find there has always been a ruling elite controlling the state with the bulk of the population being controlled by it and by proxy the ruling elite, in between the state and the masses there has always been a political class that sells the bullshit to proles.

The United States is no different and never has been, it just so happens that our ruling elite are for the most part wealthy capitalists and their attendant functionaries.

.. on the bright side, at least the preponderance of our ruling elite are competent when it comes to value production and generally forgo brutalizing the common citizenry unless absolutely necessary.

Bottom line is, the "security of your person" will be in the hands of "some rich person" no matter what "plan" the dickweeds in government dream up to fool you into believing it's otherwise.

I agree.

I do not mind being owned but do think that the poverty a rich country imposes on it's citizens is quite immoral, be it lead by the rich or their political slaves.

If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?

The rich presently control our security of the person in our socio economic demographic position. They control the constitution and our social contracts.

Security of the person is everyone’s number one goal in life, and the rich control ours.

I think I would rather have my security of my person be in the hands of my government, than be in the hands of some rich person. They are strange and have forgotten their duty to those who are beneath them, demographically speaking.

I believe it to be a crime for a rich country to impose poverty onto its citizens. Gandhi ji and others voiced the same notion.

Our rich owners are abusing their power and I think that using a small % of their disposable income would solve many problems, --- that they have created, --- by poisoning our collective environments.




You would have a war OR you would have a tax free haven where all the .1% would live.

You seriously expect all the world's billionaires to just calmly, hand over their entire disposable incomes?
Good riddance to poor citizens.

To be brutally honest it’s exactky what they deserve. When “we” (the Government) seem care more about their wellbeing than they seem to about themselves, it’s time for them to go

Indeed, and they would be quickly replaced by entrepreneurs that would take the business away from those who left.

If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?

The rich presently control our security of the person in our socio economic demographic position. They control the constitution and our social contracts.

Security of the person is everyone’s number one goal in life, and the rich control ours.

I think I would rather have my security of my person be in the hands of my government, than be in the hands of some rich person. They are strange and have forgotten their duty to those who are beneath them, demographically speaking.

I believe it to be a crime for a rich country to impose poverty onto its citizens. Gandhi ji and others voiced the same notion.

Our rich owners are abusing their power and I think that using a small % of their disposable income would solve many problems, --- that they have created, --- by poisoning our collective environments.




You would have a war OR you would have a tax free haven where all the .1% would live.

You seriously expect all the world's billionaires to just calmly, hand over their entire disposable incomes?

No, but if you look at the stats, we would only need a small % of their disposable income on loan.

If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?

The rich presently control our security of the person in our socio economic demographic position. They control the constitution and our social contracts.

Security of the person is everyone’s number one goal in life, and the rich control ours.

I think I would rather have my security of my person be in the hands of my government, than be in the hands of some rich person. They are strange and have forgotten their duty to those who are beneath them, demographically speaking.

I believe it to be a crime for a rich country to impose poverty onto its citizens. Gandhi ji and others voiced the same notion.

Our rich owners are abusing their power and I think that using a small % of their disposable income would solve many problems, --- that they have created, --- by poisoning our collective environments.




You would have a war OR you would have a tax free haven where all the .1% would live.

You seriously expect all the world's billionaires to just calmly, hand over their entire disposable incomes?

No, but if you look at the stats, we would only need a small % of their disposable income on loan.


And assuming you could get this money - which you would not be able to - just exactly how much money would that be (please include a source - I am not interested in a random guess)?
If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?

The rich presently control our security of the person in our socio economic demographic position. They control the constitution and our social contracts.

Security of the person is everyone’s number one goal in life, and the rich control ours.

I think I would rather have my security of my person be in the hands of my government, than be in the hands of some rich person. They are strange and have forgotten their duty to those who are beneath them, demographically speaking.

I believe it to be a crime for a rich country to impose poverty onto its citizens. Gandhi ji and others voiced the same notion.

Our rich owners are abusing their power and I think that using a small % of their disposable income would solve many problems, --- that they have created, --- by poisoning our collective environments.



/----/ Look who isn't paying her fair share...
Gillibrand paid $29,000 in federal taxes on $214,000 income
Gillibrand paid $29,000 in federal taxes on $214,000 income
Many of us benefit by the rich having disposable income.
Someone has to build all the luxury crap they want including high end housing.
The more they spend, the more I make.
Leading me to buy more with my extra income.

Penalizing success is rooted in envy.

Recognizing that the rich imposing poverty on the population of rich nations is immoral is key.

Do you not recognize that?

/----/ "Recognizing that the rich imposing poverty on the population of rich nations is immoral is key."
Quick, tell the illegals trying to get in they are better off in Mexico.
If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?

The rich presently control our security of the person in our socio economic demographic position. They control the constitution and our social contracts.

Security of the person is everyone’s number one goal in life, and the rich control ours.

I think I would rather have my security of my person be in the hands of my government, than be in the hands of some rich person. They are strange and have forgotten their duty to those who are beneath them, demographically speaking.

I believe it to be a crime for a rich country to impose poverty onto its citizens. Gandhi ji and others voiced the same notion.

Our rich owners are abusing their power and I think that using a small % of their disposable income would solve many problems, --- that they have created, --- by poisoning our collective environments.




Funny how governments that control the disposable of 100% are the world's poorest

Really. Which governments/countries do you see doing that?


Former Communist China
Former USSR
North Korea

The more government controls, the greater the poverty
If governments controlled disposable income of the .1 %, would poverty end?

The rich presently control our security of the person in our socio economic demographic position. They control the constitution and our social contracts.

Security of the person is everyone’s number one goal in life, and the rich control ours.

I think I would rather have my security of my person be in the hands of my government, than be in the hands of some rich person. They are strange and have forgotten their duty to those who are beneath them, demographically speaking.

I believe it to be a crime for a rich country to impose poverty onto its citizens. Gandhi ji and others voiced the same notion.

Our rich owners are abusing their power and I think that using a small % of their disposable income would solve many problems, --- that they have created, --- by poisoning our collective environments.




You would have a war OR you would have a tax free haven where all the .1% would live.

You seriously expect all the world's billionaires to just calmly, hand over their entire disposable incomes?

No, but if you look at the stats, we would only need a small % of their disposable income on loan.


And assuming you could get this money - which you would not be able to - just exactly how much money would that be (please include a source - I am not interested in a random guess)?

I cannot say exactly, but just look at any graph and you will see how little is required.


Depending on what kind of minimum standard for life you would give to those on the far left of this graph, that is what would determine how little the rich on the far right would actually have to give to the poor to make that graph moral.

Many of us benefit by the rich having disposable income.
Someone has to build all the luxury crap they want including high end housing.
The more they spend, the more I make.
Leading me to buy more with my extra income.

Penalizing success is rooted in envy.

Recognizing that the rich imposing poverty on the population of rich nations is immoral is key.

Do you not recognize that?

/----/ "Recognizing that the rich imposing poverty on the population of rich nations is immoral is key."
Quick, tell the illegals trying to get in they are better off in Mexico.

I see that you fear making moral judgements.

Most mental midgets are like that.

Indeed, and they would be quickly replaced by entrepreneurs that would take the business away from those who left.

I didn’t suggest their companies would leave, just the individuals themselves.

If individual go because they can get away from paying their fair share of taxes, then their tax dodging companies and market should also be lost to the country. Better to give it to honest entrepreneurs.


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