If guns are needed for self-protection, then who was the Oregon mass killer protecting himself from?

How do you suggest we protect ourselves from PEOPLE LIKE HIM? OR someone who want's to chop our heads off?

I don't get what is so confusing about any of this.

I WANT THE PROTECTON I WANT IN MY HOME and that is my gun, not a box of can goods to throw at someone trying to invade my family. get whatever make you feel good.
There are many ways to protect your home besides a gun.

How many of them protect you from an intruder with a gun?

Saw a post online today that said, "If we don't need guns because we have police, then we don't need fire extinguishers because we have firemen." Yup, that about covers it.
it is true that most pistols are not very accurate beyond 10-20 feet.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Finally, someone honest enough to admit that pistols in the hands of the average owner are not accurate.

And when they are half asleep and scared silly they are next to useless.

Only a fool believes the NRA gun fetishist myth that "guns are needed for self protection".

you totally do not understand. In a life or death situation with a mugger, rapist, robber, etc. you are going to be within 10 feet of the perp, you don't need much accuracy at that distance. Without the gun you are dead, raped, robbed, or all three, with the gun the perp is dead and you continue living.

this is not about target practice, its about survival.

Frankly, the repeated use of firearms to stop crimes without even being fired tells us that simply having a gun is often enough to deter them. Criminals are reckless, but they're not suicidal. They don't give a damn for the victim's life, but they most certainly do give a damn about their own.

That depends. If you're talking about a robber or murderer, that is true. These mass shootings however most often end up in suicide. What the shooter is really afraid of is suffering in prison. If he were to get wounded by an armed citizen, that would be the worst possible scenario for him. The cops would come, get him in an ambulance, and the hospital would patch him up and he would stand trial and eventually imprisonment. That's what they are the most scared of.

Well, I did say "criminal", not "psycho." And I was responding to a post that specified "mugger, rapist, robber, etc."

As for a mass shooter, being killed by someone else before he ever got to shoot anyone would also be bad, since he's really looking to go out in a blaze of glory and gore, and that wouldn't cut it. If all he wanted was to be shot to death, he'd just wave his gun at a bunch of cops. But yeah, mass shooters are not criminals who will be stopped merely by someone having a gun. They actually require firing.
How do you suggest we protect ourselves from PEOPLE LIKE HIM? OR someone who want's to chop our heads off?

I don't get what is so confusing about any of this.

I WANT THE PROTECTON I WANT IN MY HOME and that is my gun, not a box of can goods to throw at someone trying to invade my family. get whatever make you feel good.
There are many ways to protect your home besides a gun.

How many of them protect you from an intruder with a gun?

Who knows, never had one.

So you're what? Just counting on the universe to keep you safe because you're so spiffy?

Yeah, you go with that.
My niece was an administrator at that school. It seems we are just about protecting gun owners, guns guns guns. Gun owners rights. I am not finding gun owners rights preempts my to exist because some whackjob can buy a friggin gun. Please.

The problem is the whackjob can get a gun even after you've taken them away from the 99.91% of the gun owners who aren't whackjobs. So, after you have disarmed the 99.91%, all you have done is make it even easier for the nutjobs and criminals to ply their trade which, logically, leads to even more death and suffering than when you started.

That's the problem with your type of solution.

Cripes, a determined whackjob can MAKE a gun. Prison inmates do it with just the stuff that's available to them. It's not really very difficult, and there's no way in the world to put the genie back in the bottle now that we have the technology acumen to make guns.
How do you suggest we protect ourselves from PEOPLE LIKE HIM? OR someone who want's to chop our heads off?

I don't get what is so confusing about any of this.

I WANT THE PROTECTON I WANT IN MY HOME and that is my gun, not a box of can goods to throw at someone trying to invade my family. get whatever make you feel good.

No one is going to invade your trailer.

Maybe you should, so you can steal his dictionary. Hell, I'll mail you one myself, if it'll give us a better quality of discussion around here.
Hammers are used for building things, but more people are killed by hammers (according to the FBI) than assault rifles. So what are those hammer-wielding muderers trying to build?

Bottom Line - even tools can be mis-used.
Let me see if if I got this straight: We need MORE guns to protect us from other people with GUNS? Fire is natural. Fire extinguishers, that's one thing, Guns are man made and so is the problem. Except for some of you NRA gun dingbats, this wouldn't be an issue, get real.
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I just don't get it. Someone help me out here. And if you quote the 2nd Amendment, please include the part with the word "Militia" in it too, which would probably be the first time in your life you would do so.

I'll help you.

God forbid you ever have to defend yourself from a mass murderer. Because a hippie headband and a tye dye T-Shirt won't stop him from blowing your brains across the back window.

So, what do you propose people do to protect themselves in lieu of firearms?

I mean, those evil Christians need to go, right?
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I just don't get it. Someone help me out here. And if you quote the 2nd Amendment, please include the part with the word "Militia" in it too, which would probably be the first time in your life you would do so.
Put your cheese away, Rufus...its moldy...
I just don't get it. Someone help me out here. And if you quote the 2nd Amendment, please include the part with the word "Militia" in it too, which would probably be the first time in your life you would do so.

I'll help you.

God forbid you ever have to defend yourself from a mass murderer. Because a hippie headband and a tye dye T-Shirt won't stop him from blowing your brains across the back window.

So, what do you propose people do to protect themselves in lieu of firearms?

I mean, those evil Christians need to go, right?
With your help, we are all screwed. Mad people with massive fire power modern guns providepre shoot up little kids in , you and the NRA are just enabling these creeps. that is a sad fact
I just don't get it. Someone help me out here. And if you quote the 2nd Amendment, please include the part with the word "Militia" in it too, which would probably be the first time in your life you would do so.

I'll help you.

God forbid you ever have to defend yourself from a mass murderer. Because a hippie headband and a tye dye T-Shirt won't stop him from blowing your brains across the back window.

So, what do you propose people do to protect themselves in lieu of firearms?

I mean, those evil Christians need to go, right?
Please. We need to defend ourselves WITH guns from bad guys WITH guns. It seems like, stupid me, we took GUNS oput of the equation to begin with, less mass murders, less crime period. But that's just me, what do I know?
I just don't get it. Someone help me out here. And if you quote the 2nd Amendment, please include the part with the word "Militia" in it too, which would probably be the first time in your life you would do so.

I'll help you.

God forbid you ever have to defend yourself from a mass murderer. Because a hippie headband and a tye dye T-Shirt won't stop him from blowing your brains across the back window.

So, what do you propose people do to protect themselves in lieu of firearms?

I mean, those evil Christians need to go, right?
With your help, we are all screwed. Mad people with massive fire power modern guns providepre shoot up little kids in , you and the NRA are just enabling these creeps. that is a sad fact
I just don't get it. Someone help me out here. And if you quote the 2nd Amendment, please include the part with the word "Militia" in it too, which would probably be the first time in your life you would do so.

I'll help you.

God forbid you ever have to defend yourself from a mass murderer. Because a hippie headband and a tye dye T-Shirt won't stop him from blowing your brains across the back window.

So, what do you propose people do to protect themselves in lieu of firearms?

I mean, those evil Christians need to go, right?
Please. We need to defend ourselves WITH guns from bad guys WITH guns. It seems like, stupid me, we took GUNS oput of the equation to begin with, less mass murders, less crime period. But that's just me, what do I know?

Obviously not much. But hey! Do you know where you can go where there are no guns? Gun free zones. The same gun free zones that mass murderers target.
Gun freezones... how are guns helping us fend off brain dead zombies WITH guns? I mean, of all the mass shootings, of all the inocent people that were gunned down, sans firearems, how is actually HAVING A GUN making anything better? HOW?
Gun freezones... how are guns helping us fend off brain dead zombies WITH guns? I mean, of all the mass shootings, of all the inocent people that were gunned down, sans firearems, how is actually HAVING A GUN making anything better? HOW?

Because these people don't want any resistance. They want to kill as many people as possible before they kill themselves. They are scared to death of being institutionalized in most cases be that a nut house or jail. They want to make sure they carry out their evil where nobody can disable them with a gun.

So they look for gun free zones. There they can kill people like fishing in a bathtub.
I just don't get it. Someone help me out here. And if you quote the 2nd Amendment, please include the part with the word "Militia" in it too, which would probably be the first time in your life you would do so.

I'll help you.

God forbid you ever have to defend yourself from a mass murderer. Because a hippie headband and a tye dye T-Shirt won't stop him from blowing your brains across the back window.

So, what do you propose people do to protect themselves in lieu of firearms?

I mean, those evil Christians need to go, right?
With your help, we are all screwed. Mad people with massive fire power modern guns providepre shoot up little kids in , you and the NRA are just enabling these creeps. that is a sad fact
I just don't get it. Someone help me out here. And if you quote the 2nd Amendment, please include the part with the word "Militia" in it too, which would probably be the first time in your life you would do so.

I'll help you.

God forbid you ever have to defend yourself from a mass murderer. Because a hippie headband and a tye dye T-Shirt won't stop him from blowing your brains across the back window.

So, what do you propose people do to protect themselves in lieu of firearms?

I mean, those evil Christians need to go, right?
Please. We need to defend ourselves WITH guns from bad guys WITH guns. It seems like, stupid me, we took GUNS oput of the equation to begin with, less mass murders, less crime period. But that's just me, what do I know?

What's with all of this senseless garbage? Was there a point to be made here?
I just don't get it. Someone help me out here. And if you quote the 2nd Amendment, please include the part with the word "Militia" in it too, which would probably be the first time in your life you would do so.

I'll help you.

God forbid you ever have to defend yourself from a mass murderer. Because a hippie headband and a tye dye T-Shirt won't stop him from blowing your brains across the back window.

So, what do you propose people do to protect themselves in lieu of firearms?

I mean, those evil Christians need to go, right?
With your help, we are all screwed. Mad people with massive fire power modern guns providepre shoot up little kids in , you and the NRA are just enabling these creeps. that is a sad fact
I just don't get it. Someone help me out here. And if you quote the 2nd Amendment, please include the part with the word "Militia" in it too, which would probably be the first time in your life you would do so.

I'll help you.

God forbid you ever have to defend yourself from a mass murderer. Because a hippie headband and a tye dye T-Shirt won't stop him from blowing your brains across the back window.

So, what do you propose people do to protect themselves in lieu of firearms?

I mean, those evil Christians need to go, right?
Please. We need to defend ourselves WITH guns from bad guys WITH guns. It seems like, stupid me, we took GUNS oput of the equation to begin with, less mass murders, less crime period. But that's just me, what do I know?

It seems like, stupid me, we took GUNS oput of the equation to begin with, less mass murders, less crime period.

Click your heels together.
I have not read this entire thread, but enough to see that there's at least one person here who, like so many who enjoin the gun debate, fail to understand the reason for the 2nd Amendment. The People were given the right to bear arms because the government was being given the right to bear arms. The 2nd Amendment is not so people can hunt or even protect their life or property. The 2nd Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights because our founders knew that an unarmed populace was a populace ripe for tyranny.
This is why the Left is constantly trying to find a way to disarm the public. Without the 2nd Amendment, America would be one bad leader away from tyranny. It frustrates Liberals to no end that our founders had the wisdom to include that short paragraph. And they used the words "shall not be infringed" for a reason. They also knew that those who would seek to disarm us would do it by "infringing" gradually which is exactly what Liberal government has done. I mean look at conceal and carry. Why should you need a special license to buy or carry a gun? It's unconstitutional! It infringes on every American to keep and BEAR, or carry, arms on their person. It doesn't say "if you have a license". And any law that in anyway hinders (infringes) on our right to own and carry concealed or not any firearm we choose.

If the Leftists want something more, then they must Amend our Constitution via an Article 5 Convention. Any law that restricts the right to own or carry a gun, concealed or not, should be repealed under the grounds that they are all unconstitutional.

So, the 2nd Amendment is about protecting ourselves from our government if it becomes what it's turning into before our eyes. And when you consider the term "infringement" that had been so carefully used, you can see how much the government has already infringed. There was a time when men, and women, would often carry a pistol on their person and kept rifles and shotguns at home. Crime was nothing like today except for among criminals. There weren't the kinds of shootings and other crimes like we see today. Sure there were gangland shootings (as there are todey), but no one shot up schools, workplaces, theaters, etc. We carried guns and respected them. The loss of character among Americans is what has brought us to this place and it will require a restoration of that character to bring America back to greatness. Trump won't be able to do it alone.

So, let's go save America.
If guns are needed for self-protection, then who was the Oregon mass killer protecting himself from?

If knives are needed to cut butter, then what butter are you cutting when you whittle?

I seriously wonder sometime how you people dress yourselves in the morning
Gun freezones... how are guns helping us fend off brain dead zombies WITH guns? I mean, of all the mass shootings, of all the inocent people that were gunned down, sans firearems, how is actually HAVING A GUN making anything better? HOW?

So you're asking how guns are protecting us in gun free zones where law abiding citizens follow the law and ... don't have ... guns.



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