If Harris somehow wins, will this mean the end of Primary voting for the Democratic Party?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
In 2016 they anointed Hillary because Bernie didn't have the donor power that the Establishment Hillary had. He was deemed "dangerous". Of course we all know the outcome and he is now largely irrelevant after he endorsed Hillary.

After her loss, the MSM and Democrat operatives kept repeating "we can't repeat this facade again, we need a competent candidate who is challenged in a Primary and wins in a democratic process. After all, we are the Democratic Party damn it!"

Now we observe history repeating itself as Harris is anointed. Not once, but twice if one is objective. First as V.P with 2% of the delegate vote in the 2020 Primary and now 0% votes in the 2024 Primary.

Clearly Dem voters are not happy. Some don't care about democracy they will obediently put on their pom poms and accept their Rulers decisions on their behalf, similar to what a pleb in China or N Korea does today. Others have become a little bit too uppity on youtube (one Asian guy in particular) and they have declared that they will punish the Dems for their tactics and name calling of Trump as Hitler etc and thus vote for Trump to spite the Dems.

Therefore, if Harris wins in 2024, will this affirm the Democrat Parties position that they know what is best for their subjects and going forward they will refer to their Chamber of donors, mainstream media, Party Seniors (Obama, Pelosi etc) and Super Delegates to produce the greatest politician possible.

Is this a fair assessment? If not, what leads you to believe that after the last two cycles of them anointed a leader that somehow they will change going forward?
Not likely but I have no problem with changing the rules where the parties get to set the rules.
Democrats set the rules for Democratic Primaries
Republicans set the rules for Republican Primaries
Democrats set the rules for Democratic Primaries
Republicans set the rules for Republican Primaries

Unfortunately though, they didn't advise the 12 million people who voted that these were going to be the "new rules" they "set". It would be akin to you being told the rules in any theatre of life and then having them changed on you mid stream.

A class action lawsuit would be interesting.
Unfortunately though, they didn't advise the 12 million people who voted that these were going to be the "new rules" they "set".

A class action lawsuit would be interesting.

12 million voters who voted in a primary with just Joe Biden on the ballot
12 million voters who voted in a primary with just Joe Biden on the ballot

Sure, but still, they did vote for Biden. Regardless of how silly voting actually was. I'm not sure even if I was the most fervent supporter of any Party that I would go out to vote for one option. That's a N Korean or Russian experience.

It still goes to the point, Biden just saying "I endorse Harris" means F all. The voters endorse by their vote. No one voted for Harris, plain and simple.

One can confound and contort the reality anyway one would like, it won't change the facts.
So then the RULES say it goes to the convention.

But you assholes don't give fuck #1 about the rules....Y'all just make the shit up as you go, and hope the courts that you've packed with fellow travelers will let you get away with it.
It will go to the convention and delegates can vote for who they want

Love watching a Conservative whine about protecting Democratic voters
So then the RULES say it goes to the convention.

But you assholes don't give fuck #1 about the rules....Y'all just make the shit up as you go, and hope the courts that you've packed with fellow travelers will let you get away with it.
You should know by now that the sheep on the left will justify anything their masters tell them to accept, for the sake of remaining in power.

They have a democracy to destroy and its only partially accomplished.

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