If Hillary Bows Out, Who Have The Dems Got?

Like it or not, Jeb Bush will beat any democrat if he chooses to run.

You're a nice fellow I usually agree with, but I think you need to take a second look at a third Bush!

If she was elected president Hillary would eat herself into an early grave. She put on an enormous amount of weight as sec of state. She's a nervous Eater and deals with stress by stuffing her face. Are we ready for a dumpy president?

The GOP thought we were ready for an obese president before Bridgegate.

And Hillary is nowhere near as overweight as that fat fuck.
Almost the entire Democrat party is waiting for Hillary to announce. Big donors are holding off donating to any other candidate because they expect she'll run.
What if she doesn't? Who is the front runner after Hillary? Who unites the Democrats and offers a prospect for a win in 2016?

Bruce Springsteen
If Hillary doesn't run, then it becomes VP Joe Biden's nomination to lose.

Perhaps it would incentivize Elizabeth Warren to run.

Bernie Sanders is thinking of running as an issue candidate to bring awareness to economic policies that are having the effect of creating drastic levels of income inequality.

Then there's Govs. Warner, Cuomo and O'Malley. I don't think he'll run in 2016, but maybe at some point beyond that, Cory Booker might run.

With Hillary out, I'd have to go with Biden. The most intriguing thing about him is that he'd be the first President since Lyndon Johnson who appears to have no filter. When they speak, it is definitely coming from the root of their own lived existence. They don't ever seem poll-tested, pre-conceived, or pre-packaged. Biden is never boring. And he's the only candidate on either side at the moment who can actually be really funny.

Biden's got the elder statesman thing down and he's folksy, which is popular with older white people. The only candidate I feel could win a big landslide victory is VP Biden, if he runs things right. He'd naturally bring back into the fold a greater percentage of older white voters than what Obama got. Add Obama's young base to that tally and Biden could potentially start running a wave across the map even making places like Missouri, South Carolina, and Georgia competitive.

America is not adverse to voting for the smiling folksy old white guy. They love that guy when they find him, and Biden is well-cast for that role.

I think if it's between him and Jeb, Biden wins. I think there's serious Bush fatigue out there still. You can tell as much from moderate people who just roll their eyes when Bush's name comes up. It's that look that says, "Oh what a dumbbell that one turned out to be".

Hillary is a more polarizing figure than Biden. Notice how Benghazi at first was a conspiracy in order to get Obama re-elected? That's what Republicans first trotted out there as being the whole point of the scandal. But now they tell us it's all really about Hillary and the whole point of the conspiracy of Benghazi has now evolved to, "Hillary was happy to let Americans die in one of the worst instances of criminality against America maybe even EVER!".

With Hillary as a candidate and then possibly President, look forward to more of that derangement syndrome Republicans have about minorities and women. With Biden I feel like a lot of Republicans are going to find it hard to make anything stick to him because no one would ever accuse Biden of being some shadowy, underhanded, typical politician. He's like this charming, grandpa-with-energy guy whose gaffs are often really funny and endear us to him because he's the first to admit that he gets carried away in the moment.

Biden/Warren would be a serious ticket to contend with. I'd vote for that.
Like it or not, Jeb Bush will beat any democrat if he chooses to run.

I think you're delusional, guy.

Do you really think that this country is ready to vote for a third Bush given what absolute fucking diasters the first two were?

When I was growing up, my parents used to joke that Democrats gave us wars and Republicans gave us recessions.

Well, Bushes give us Wars AND Recessions.
Again, the real problem you guys have is Demographics.

When George H. Bush won 40 states in 1988, he got 60% of the White Vote, 11% of the black vote and 30% of the Hispanic votes. He won states like CA and IL, which the Republicans haven not won since. He got 53% of the popular vote.

When the Weird Mormon Robot lost in 2012, he got 59% of the White vote, 6% of the black vote, and 29% of the Hispanic vote. Really, numbers about comparable to what Bush got. But he lost all the big population states except for Texas, only got 47% of the vote.


Because white folks aren't carrying as much weight as they used to. While they were 85% of the electorate in 1988, they were only 72% of the electorate in 2012. And that number will keep going down.

so the GOP has to stop with the race baiting and immigration bashing.
Almost the entire Democrat party is waiting for Hillary to announce. Big donors are holding off donating to any other candidate because they expect she'll run.
What if she doesn't? Who is the front runner after Hillary? Who unites the Democrats and offers a prospect for a win in 2016?


She has all the credentials of Hilary plus she will guarantee 99% of the black vote.
Almost the entire Democrat party is waiting for Hillary to announce. Big donors are holding off donating to any other candidate because they expect she'll run.
What if she doesn't? Who is the front runner after Hillary? Who unites the Democrats and offers a prospect for a win in 2016?

1. she hasn't entered the race yet so she can't "drop out".
2. why would she? because she upsets rightwingnutworld?

thanks for playing.
Maybe Obama will run for a third term. :D

That would scare some of you more than Hillary running even..

I already wrote how that would happen. Michelle Obama for pres, Barack for VP. She gets elected and resigns, leaving him as president.
Dictators subvert constitutions all the time.
Almost the entire Democrat party is waiting for Hillary to announce. Big donors are holding off donating to any other candidate because they expect she'll run.
What if she doesn't? Who is the front runner after Hillary? Who unites the Democrats and offers a prospect for a win in 2016?

1. she hasn't entered the race yet so she can't "drop out".
2. why would she? because she upsets rightwingnutworld?

thanks for playing.


No answer to the OP huh?
Almost the entire Democrat party is waiting for Hillary to announce. Big donors are holding off donating to any other candidate because they expect she'll run.
What if she doesn't? Who is the front runner after Hillary? Who unites the Democrats and offers a prospect for a win in 2016?

1. she hasn't entered the race yet so she can't "drop out".
2. why would she? because she upsets rightwingnutworld?

thanks for playing.


No answer to the OP huh?

the pretend rabbi didn't ask a question that would interest anyone but his rightwing high five buddies.
Maybe Obama will run for a third term. :D

That would scare some of you more than Hillary running even..

I already wrote how that would happen. Michelle Obama for pres, Barack for VP. She gets elected and resigns, leaving him as president.
Dictators subvert constitutions all the time.

Why would she resign?

Typically most black women are the heads of their households.
1. she hasn't entered the race yet so she can't "drop out".
2. why would she? because she upsets rightwingnutworld?

thanks for playing.


No answer to the OP huh?

the pretend rabbi didn't ask a question that would interest anyone but his rightwing high five buddies.


Here you are.

Just humor me: if Hilary is not the 2016 democratic nominee for prez then who do you think it would be?
Democrats screwed the pooch last time around. Prepare for a bloodbath in 2014 and 2016.

Democrats easily won the last two election

Red State/Blue State alignment hasn't changed and gives the Democrats a huge advantage

Lost in 2010.

There was no Presidential election in 2010

There is little question that Republicans have gerrymandered themselves a House until 2020, but they still lose the popular vote

Democrats have to defend all the Senate seats they won in the 2008 landslide. This may be the last chance Republicans have to take the Senate in quite a while. But their victory will be short lived as in 2016 they will be in a Presidential election cycle and must defend the seats they won in 2010

With the Red State/Blue State alignment, the Presidency may be out of reach for Republicans for the next generation
I'd like to see a liberal democrat run in the primaries just to push the corporate democrats to the left a little. Warren or Sanders would be my preference for president but the big money wouldn't back them.

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