If Hillary Bows Out, Who Have The Dems Got?

Democrats easily won the last two election

Red State/Blue State alignment hasn't changed and gives the Democrats a huge advantage

Lost in 2010.

There was no Presidential election in 2010

There is little question that Republicans have gerrymandered themselves a House until 2020, but they still lose the popular vote

Democrats have to defend all the Senate seats they won in the 2008 landslide. This may be the last chance Republicans have to take the Senate in quite a while. But their victory will be short lived as in 2016 they will be in a Presidential election cycle and must defend the seats they won in 2010

With the Red State/Blue State alignment, the Presidency may be out of reach for Republicans for the next generation

Democrats would make themselves more popular by running Donald Sterling for President with Jesse Jackson jr for VP. They have been a ship of fools, passing crap legislation that has tied up our economy for the last 5years and lying about eveyrhting they thought they could get away with. Democrats have no new ideas other than tax and spend and give the money to their cronies.
This election will be the warning that 2006 was to the GOP, but much worse. The Dems will ignore it and go on to lose ina landslide in 2016. Start saying, "President Cruz, eh".

Democrats would make themselves more popular by running Donald Sterling for President with Jesse Jackson jr for VP. They have been a ship of fools, passing crap legislation that has tied up our economy for the last 5years and lying about eveyrhting they thought they could get away with. Democrats have no new ideas other than tax and spend and give the money to their cronies.
This election will be the warning that 2006 was to the GOP, but much worse. The Dems will ignore it and go on to lose ina landslide in 2016. Start saying, "President Cruz, eh".

Actually, the better comparison would be to 1986, where the Senators who rode in on Reagan's coattails in 1980 got swept out. Same thing here.

So you got Begich who only got elected because Stevens got convicted. Or Hagen who only got elected because Liddy Dole made a bunch of stupid statements before the election.

So you guys might even retake the Senate... for about two years when all the Teabaggers who got in in 2010 get swept out in 2016 on Hillary's coattails.

You still haven't explained how you are going to fix the demographic problems of blacks and Hispanics wanting nothing to do with you.
Maybe Obama will run for a third term. :D

That would scare some of you more than Hillary running even..
He would have to ignore the Constitution.
Wait, it hasn't stopped him before! Do you really think he'd win? People are sick of his crap, you libs don't realize that most people are not that married to ideology.

Most people are married to ideology. Look on this forum. Democrat good, republican bad or vice versa. Even though there's not a whole lot of difference now between the opposing candidates any more. The big money determines who gets the air time. Corporate democrat or corporate republican.
Lost in 2010.

There was no Presidential election in 2010

There is little question that Republicans have gerrymandered themselves a House until 2020, but they still lose the popular vote

Democrats have to defend all the Senate seats they won in the 2008 landslide. This may be the last chance Republicans have to take the Senate in quite a while. But their victory will be short lived as in 2016 they will be in a Presidential election cycle and must defend the seats they won in 2010

With the Red State/Blue State alignment, the Presidency may be out of reach for Republicans for the next generation

Democrats would make themselves more popular by running Donald Sterling for President with Jesse Jackson jr for VP. They have been a ship of fools, passing crap legislation that has tied up our economy for the last 5years and lying about eveyrhting they thought they could get away with. Democrats have no new ideas other than tax and spend and give the money to their cronies.
This election will be the warning that 2006 was to the GOP, but much worse. The Dems will ignore it and go on to lose ina landslide in 2016. Start saying, "President Cruz, eh".

Right now, Republicans are acting like they have already won the Senate. At best they are 50-50 in 2014. Given their tendency for shooting themselves in the foot and the ability of Democrats to pile on once a Republican screws up, they have a long way to go

I hope Republicans win the Senate in 2014. I hope they immediately change the filibuster rules, Democrats lack the guts

A Republican win in 2014 will convince the echo chamber that people really do love them. It will set up another Democratic landslide in 2016
The Dems will find an openly Queer, Transvestite, Lesbian, Morphidite, black women to run.
If Hillary doesn't run, then it becomes VP Joe Biden's nomination to lose.

Perhaps it would incentivize Elizabeth Warren to run.

Bernie Sanders is thinking of running as an issue candidate to bring awareness to economic policies that are having the effect of creating drastic levels of income inequality.

Then there's Govs. Warner, Cuomo and O'Malley. I don't think he'll run in 2016, but maybe at some point beyond that, Cory Booker might run.

With Hillary out, I'd have to go with Biden. The most intriguing thing about him is that he'd be the first President since Lyndon Johnson who appears to have no filter. When they speak, it is definitely coming from the root of their own lived existence. They don't ever seem poll-tested, pre-conceived, or pre-packaged. Biden is never boring. And he's the only candidate on either side at the moment who can actually be really funny.

Biden's got the elder statesman thing down and he's folksy, which is popular with older white people. The only candidate I feel could win a big landslide victory is VP Biden, if he runs things right. He'd naturally bring back into the fold a greater percentage of older white voters than what Obama got. Add Obama's young base to that tally and Biden could potentially start running a wave across the map even making places like Missouri, South Carolina, and Georgia competitive.

America is not adverse to voting for the smiling folksy old white guy. They love that guy when they find him, and Biden is well-cast for that role.

I think if it's between him and Jeb, Biden wins. I think there's serious Bush fatigue out there still. You can tell as much from moderate people who just roll their eyes when Bush's name comes up. It's that look that says, "Oh what a dumbbell that one turned out to be".

Hillary is a more polarizing figure than Biden. Notice how Benghazi at first was a conspiracy in order to get Obama re-elected? That's what Republicans first trotted out there as being the whole point of the scandal. But now they tell us it's all really about Hillary and the whole point of the conspiracy of Benghazi has now evolved to, "Hillary was happy to let Americans die in one of the worst instances of criminality against America maybe even EVER!".

With Hillary as a candidate and then possibly President, look forward to more of that derangement syndrome Republicans have about minorities and women. With Biden I feel like a lot of Republicans are going to find it hard to make anything stick to him because no one would ever accuse Biden of being some shadowy, underhanded, typical politician. He's like this charming, grandpa-with-energy guy whose gaffs are often really funny and endear us to him because he's the first to admit that he gets carried away in the moment.

Biden/Warren would be a serious ticket to contend with. I'd vote for that.
Thanks for giving us an insight to how the clinically insane think. Great parody! I suppose there are some folks literally do think like that so it may not be all that funny. We have to be careful in ridiculing the handicapped, there's a fine line between humor and disparagement.

In reality, Biden has zero chances. He's too stupid, shoots his mouth off all to easily and has the weight of Obama's failed administration hanging around his neck.
What the average LIB doesn't know is there is and has been an all-out civil war going on for YEARS in the LIB party. The two sides are the 'West Coast' LIBs and the 'East Coast LIBs.
For these LIBs it's not about whether a LIB is in the Whitehouse. It's whether 'their' LIB is in the White house. Last time Bobo, the West Coast choice, won over Hilary, the East Coast choice.
I'd love to see Eliz. Warren run for POTUS with Brookley Borne as VPOTUS

Of course if they tried to do what they both seem like they believe needs be done, I expect they'd both be killed by some lone gunman with a magic bullet or something
If Hillary doesn't run, then it becomes VP Joe Biden's nomination to lose.

Perhaps it would incentivize Elizabeth Warren to run.

Bernie Sanders is thinking of running as an issue candidate to bring awareness to economic policies that are having the effect of creating drastic levels of income inequality.

Then there's Govs. Warner, Cuomo and O'Malley. I don't think he'll run in 2016, but maybe at some point beyond that, Cory Booker might run.

With Hillary out, I'd have to go with Biden. The most intriguing thing about him is that he'd be the first President since Lyndon Johnson who appears to have no filter. When they speak, it is definitely coming from the root of their own lived existence. They don't ever seem poll-tested, pre-conceived, or pre-packaged. Biden is never boring. And he's the only candidate on either side at the moment who can actually be really funny.

Biden's got the elder statesman thing down and he's folksy, which is popular with older white people. The only candidate I feel could win a big landslide victory is VP Biden, if he runs things right. He'd naturally bring back into the fold a greater percentage of older white voters than what Obama got. Add Obama's young base to that tally and Biden could potentially start running a wave across the map even making places like Missouri, South Carolina, and Georgia competitive.

America is not adverse to voting for the smiling folksy old white guy. They love that guy when they find him, and Biden is well-cast for that role.

I think if it's between him and Jeb, Biden wins. I think there's serious Bush fatigue out there still. You can tell as much from moderate people who just roll their eyes when Bush's name comes up. It's that look that says, "Oh what a dumbbell that one turned out to be".

Hillary is a more polarizing figure than Biden. Notice how Benghazi at first was a conspiracy in order to get Obama re-elected? That's what Republicans first trotted out there as being the whole point of the scandal. But now they tell us it's all really about Hillary and the whole point of the conspiracy of Benghazi has now evolved to, "Hillary was happy to let Americans die in one of the worst instances of criminality against America maybe even EVER!".

With Hillary as a candidate and then possibly President, look forward to more of that derangement syndrome Republicans have about minorities and women. With Biden I feel like a lot of Republicans are going to find it hard to make anything stick to him because no one would ever accuse Biden of being some shadowy, underhanded, typical politician. He's like this charming, grandpa-with-energy guy whose gaffs are often really funny and endear us to him because he's the first to admit that he gets carried away in the moment.

Biden/Warren would be a serious ticket to contend with. I'd vote for that.
Thanks for giving us an insight to how the clinically insane think. Great parody! I suppose there are some folks literally do think like that so it may not be all that funny. We have to be careful in ridiculing the handicapped, there's a fine line between humor and disparagement.

In reality, Biden has zero chances. He's too stupid, shoots his mouth off all to easily and has the weight of Obama's failed administration hanging around his neck.

You take the personal attacks to a new low. Are you really an asshole, or is it an affectation? If you have nothing sagacious to post, it's best to STFU.
We will see Romney on stage debating Hilary in 16.
Romney will eat Hilary's lunch. Which is healthy for Hilary. By the time 16 rolls around she will weigh in at around 250 pounds. She doesn't have far to go.
I'd love to see her standing on stage wearing one of Homer Simpson's 'Moo-Moos' with huge flower prints on it.
I'd love to see Eliz. Warren run for POTUS with Brookley Borne as VPOTUS

Of course if they tried to do what they both seem like they believe needs be done, I expect they'd both be killed by some lone gunman with a magic bullet or something
Is Warren going to live in a teepee in the Rose Garden?
Maybe Obama will run for a third term. :D

That would scare some of you more than Hillary running even..
He would have to ignore the Constitution.
Wait, it hasn't stopped him before! Do you really think he'd win? People are sick of his crap, you libs don't realize that most people are not that married to ideology.

Most people are married to ideology. Look on this forum. Democrat good, republican bad or vice versa. Even though there's not a whole lot of difference now between the opposing candidates any more. The big money determines who gets the air time. Corporate democrat or corporate republican.
Republican and Democrat are political parties, not ideologies. Conservative and liberal are ideologies. The Dems won't pass any Republican bills so reality doesn't fit your beliefs. There a lot of differences within the Republican party itself. Same with Democrats but they get marginalized by the hard core leftists from what I can tell.

Being married to an ideology isn't bad or wrong, it means you have principles. That used to be considered a good thing but we are supposed to believe the fence sitters have the moral high ground.
The question is not who, but what are they going to run on, or run from :badgrin:
We will see Romney on stage debating Hilary in 16.
Romney will eat Hilary's lunch. Which is healthy for Hilary. By the time 16 rolls around she will weigh in at around 250 pounds. She doesn't have far to go.
I'd love to see her standing on stage wearing one of Homer Simpson's 'Moo-Moos' with huge flower prints on it.


But seriously... you're not far off. She isn't aging well, couple that with her bouts of passing out, Benghazi, Bill.... I think she's pretty much done.

Enough of the Clinton's already.
We will see Romney on stage debating Hilary in 16.
Romney will eat Hilary's lunch. Which is healthy for Hilary. By the time 16 rolls around she will weigh in at around 250 pounds. She doesn't have far to go.
I'd love to see her standing on stage wearing one of Homer Simpson's 'Moo-Moos' with huge flower prints on it.

Romney received 206 Electoral Votes in 2012. What aditional states do you think he would pick up in 2016?
Democrats easily won the last two election

Red State/Blue State alignment hasn't changed and gives the Democrats a huge advantage

Lost in 2010.

There was no Presidential election in 2010

There is little question that Republicans have gerrymandered themselves a House until 2020, but they still lose the popular vote

Democrats have to defend all the Senate seats they won in the 2008 landslide. This may be the last chance Republicans have to take the Senate in quite a while. But their victory will be short lived as in 2016 they will be in a Presidential election cycle and must defend the seats they won in 2010

With the Red State/Blue State alignment, the Presidency may be out of reach for Republicans for the next generation

So 2010 means nothing?

Partisans place a great deal of faith on their Laurels, despite the fact that ever since the Roosevelt Monarcy, neither party has ruled Washington for an extended period.
Almost the entire Democrat party is waiting for Hillary to announce. Big donors are holding off donating to any other candidate because they expect she'll run.
What if she doesn't? Who is the front runner after Hillary? Who unites the Democrats and offers a prospect for a win in 2016?

Someone would emerge. My money would be on O'Malley. I think he would give Dems the best chance at holding the White House. If it's not O'Malley, then I think it will be a dark horse who comes out of nowhere, much like Obama did. I'm not buying into most other names on the list.

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