If Hillary left a baby in a hot car and it died...would "lack of intent" be the excuse???


Do you understand what treason is?
When you offer your enemies classified and top secret information effortlessly. Just because you don't want your actions recorded. That's treason and she did that, now move along.

OK you are getting close

So you have to have an intentional offer of classified information to be treason
She knowingly let it out there unsecured, so she could hide her dealings. A treasonous bitch. You do realize after this she couldn't pass a security clearance? But being part of the elite she will if elected. If me or you we would be in jail, I see you can care less.

That is the problem with Conservatives

Once again overplaying a weak hand. No, having a private server is not treason. It is not an offense worthy of a jail sentence. No, if someone else did the same thing they would not be in jail

You mean the thing she wiped with a cloth?

Really? Fucking idiot and/or liar.

Exposing a CIA agent is a felony and an act of treason

Anyways, what Bush did wasn't illegal. Just like what Hillary did wasn't legal. Was what she did right or smart? No. But neither was Bush. Where was your outrage?

And remember the US Attorney firings?

A subsequent report by the Justice Department Inspector General in October 2008 found that the process used to fire the first seven attorneys and two others dismissed around the same time was "arbitrary", "fundamentally flawed", and "raised doubts about the integrity of Department prosecution decisions". In July 2010, the Department of Justice prosecutors closed the two-year investigation without filing charges after determining that the firing was inappropriately political, but not criminal,
If Bush broke the law he should've been prosecuted. Easy as that, in fact that report that Obama won't release states that Bush committed treason. If true than he should be hung. See not that hard to hold people accountable, unless it's Hillary.
Good for you holding Bush accountable 20 years later! Next time do it at the time then you'll have credibility the next time a Democrat does something wrong. For now, we are even.
Not really I'm not the one wanting to put an incompetent and ignorant person knowingly in the Whitehouse.

Yet, Republicans are intent on nominating Trump
Anyone but Hillary.

To think Republicans had a decent chance of beating Hillary....until they insisted on Trump
When you offer your enemies classified and top secret information effortlessly. Just because you don't want your actions recorded. That's treason and she did that, now move along.

OK you are getting close

So you have to have an intentional offer of classified information to be treason
She knowingly let it out there unsecured, so she could hide her dealings. A treasonous bitch. You do realize after this she couldn't pass a security clearance? But being part of the elite she will if elected. If me or you we would be in jail, I see you can care less.

That is the problem with Conservatives

Once again overplaying a weak hand. No, having a private server is not treason. It is not an offense worthy of a jail sentence. No, if someone else did the same thing they would not be in jail

You mean the thing she wiped with a cloth?


You should really keep up with current events outside of liberal talking points....:lol:
If Bush broke the law he should've been prosecuted. Easy as that, in fact that report that Obama won't release states that Bush committed treason. If true than he should be hung. See not that hard to hold people accountable, unless it's Hillary.
Good for you holding Bush accountable 20 years later! Next time do it at the time then you'll have credibility the next time a Democrat does something wrong. For now, we are even.
Not really I'm not the one wanting to put an incompetent and ignorant person knowingly in the Whitehouse.

Yet, Republicans are intent on nominating Trump
Anyone but Hillary.

To think Republicans had a decent chance of beating Hillary....until they insisted on Trump
I voted for Carson, like I said earlier. If Hillary wasn't on the ticket more than likely I would stay at home on election day. Anyone but Hillary.
Really? Fucking idiot and/or liar.

Exposing a CIA agent is a felony and an act of treason

Anyways, what Bush did wasn't illegal. Just like what Hillary did wasn't legal. Was what she did right or smart? No. But neither was Bush. Where was your outrage?

And remember the US Attorney firings?

A subsequent report by the Justice Department Inspector General in October 2008 found that the process used to fire the first seven attorneys and two others dismissed around the same time was "arbitrary", "fundamentally flawed", and "raised doubts about the integrity of Department prosecution decisions". In July 2010, the Department of Justice prosecutors closed the two-year investigation without filing charges after determining that the firing was inappropriately political, but not criminal,
If Bush broke the law he should've been prosecuted. Easy as that, in fact that report that Obama won't release states that Bush committed treason. If true than he should be hung. See not that hard to hold people accountable, unless it's Hillary.
Good for you holding Bush accountable 20 years later! Next time do it at the time then you'll have credibility the next time a Democrat does something wrong. For now, we are even.
Not really I'm not the one wanting to put an incompetent and ignorant person knowingly in the Whitehouse.

Yet, Republicans are intent on nominating Trump
Anyone but Hillary.
We know your thinking or lack of.

But I understand where you are coming from. If Trump was running against Cruz or Kasich or Rubio I'd be defending Trump too. I feel sorry for you because it's almost impossible to defend The New Tariff in Town Trump. LOL
Good for you holding Bush accountable 20 years later! Next time do it at the time then you'll have credibility the next time a Democrat does something wrong. For now, we are even.
Not really I'm not the one wanting to put an incompetent and ignorant person knowingly in the Whitehouse.

Yet, Republicans are intent on nominating Trump
Anyone but Hillary.

To think Republicans had a decent chance of beating Hillary....until they insisted on Trump
I voted for Carson, like I said earlier. If Hillary wasn't on the ticket more than likely I would stay at home on election day. Anyone but Hillary.
So you'd be happy with socialism Bernie? Liar.
If Bush were tried for all the shit he did he'd be hung next to Saddam Hussain. But show me your outrage back when the Bush administration leaked a CIA agents name to the media because her husband was against the Iraq war and knew Bush lied us into that war.

23 Administration Officials Involved In Plame Leak

When Bushies blew a CIA cover, it was 'treason'; now, it's a mistake

The cast of administration characters with known connections to the outing of an undercover CIA agent:

Karl Rove
I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby
Condoleezza Rice
Stephen Hadley
Andrew Card
Alberto Gonzales
Mary Matalin
Ari Fleischer
Susan Ralston
Israel Hernandez
John Hannah
Scott McClellan
Dan Bartlett
Claire Buchan
Catherine Martin
Jennifer Millerwise
David Wurmser
Colin Powell
Karen Hughes
Adam Levine
Bob Joseph
Vice President Dick Cheney
President George W. Bush

Where were you conservatives back then?

What about Alberto Gonzales?

Dana Milbank - Maybe Gonzales Won't Recall His Painful Day on the Hill

after watching Gonzales suffer through four hours of painful testimony. The Oklahoman listed the cause of death as management failure and other complications of the Justice Department's firing of eight federal prosecutors.

The dismissal of U.S. Attorneys controversy was initiated by the unprecedented[1] midterm dismissal of sevenUnited States Attorneys on December 7, 2006, by the George W. Bush administration's Department of Justice. Congressional investigations focused on whether the Department of Justice and the White House were using the U.S. Attorney positions for political advantage. Allegations were that some of the attorneys were targeted for dismissal to impede investigations of Republican politicians or that some were targeted for their failure to initiate investigations that would damage Democratic politicians or hamper Democratic-leaning voters.The U.S. attorneys were replaced with interim appointees, under provisions in the 2005 USA PATRIOT Act reauthorization.

A subsequent report by the Justice Department Inspector General in October 2008 found that the process used to fire the first seven attorneys and two others dismissed around the same time was "arbitrary", "fundamentally flawed", and "raised doubts about the integrity of Department prosecution decisions". In July 2010, the Department of Justice prosecutors closed the two-year investigation without filing charges after determining that the firing was inappropriately political, but not criminal,
Lol, leaked a name that really meant nothing. Also it was a reporter that leaked the name, try again.
Really? Fucking idiot and/or liar.

Exposing a CIA agent is a felony and an act of treason

Anyways, what Bush did wasn't illegal. Just like what Hillary did wasn't legal. Was what she did right or smart? No. But neither was Bush. Where was your outrage?

And remember the US Attorney firings?

A subsequent report by the Justice Department Inspector General in October 2008 found that the process used to fire the first seven attorneys and two others dismissed around the same time was "arbitrary", "fundamentally flawed", and "raised doubts about the integrity of Department prosecution decisions". In July 2010, the Department of Justice prosecutors closed the two-year investigation without filing charges after determining that the firing was inappropriately political, but not criminal,
If Bush broke the law he should've been prosecuted. Easy as that, in fact that report that Obama won't release states that Bush committed treason. If true than he should be hung. See not that hard to hold people accountable, unless it's Hillary.
Good for you holding Bush accountable 20 years later! Next time do it at the time then you'll have credibility the next time a Democrat does something wrong. For now, we are even.
Not really I'm not the one wanting to put an incompetent and ignorant person knowingly in the Whitehouse.
really ? you've done it a couple of times before.
Lol, leaked a name that really meant nothing. Also it was a reporter that leaked the name, try again.
Really? Fucking idiot and/or liar.

Exposing a CIA agent is a felony and an act of treason

Anyways, what Bush did wasn't illegal. Just like what Hillary did wasn't legal. Was what she did right or smart? No. But neither was Bush. Where was your outrage?

And remember the US Attorney firings?

A subsequent report by the Justice Department Inspector General in October 2008 found that the process used to fire the first seven attorneys and two others dismissed around the same time was "arbitrary", "fundamentally flawed", and "raised doubts about the integrity of Department prosecution decisions". In July 2010, the Department of Justice prosecutors closed the two-year investigation without filing charges after determining that the firing was inappropriately political, but not criminal,
If Bush broke the law he should've been prosecuted. Easy as that, in fact that report that Obama won't release states that Bush committed treason. If true than he should be hung. See not that hard to hold people accountable, unless it's Hillary.
Good for you holding Bush accountable 20 years later! Next time do it at the time then you'll have credibility the next time a Democrat does something wrong. For now, we are even.
Not really I'm not the one wanting to put an incompetent and ignorant person knowingly in the Whitehouse.
really ? you've done it a couple of times before.
If he ever voted for Romney, McCain, Bush 1 or 2, Dole or if he showed up to vote in a GOP primary he sure has wanted to put an incompetent and ignorant person knowingly in the White House.
Not really I'm not the one wanting to put an incompetent and ignorant person knowingly in the Whitehouse.

Yet, Republicans are intent on nominating Trump
Anyone but Hillary.

To think Republicans had a decent chance of beating Hillary....until they insisted on Trump
I voted for Carson, like I said earlier. If Hillary wasn't on the ticket more than likely I would stay at home on election day. Anyone but Hillary.
So you'd be happy with socialism Bernie? Liar.
I wouldn't be happy, but he would be better than Hillary. She will only satisfy herself not country.
Really? Fucking idiot and/or liar.

Exposing a CIA agent is a felony and an act of treason

Anyways, what Bush did wasn't illegal. Just like what Hillary did wasn't legal. Was what she did right or smart? No. But neither was Bush. Where was your outrage?

And remember the US Attorney firings?

A subsequent report by the Justice Department Inspector General in October 2008 found that the process used to fire the first seven attorneys and two others dismissed around the same time was "arbitrary", "fundamentally flawed", and "raised doubts about the integrity of Department prosecution decisions". In July 2010, the Department of Justice prosecutors closed the two-year investigation without filing charges after determining that the firing was inappropriately political, but not criminal,
If Bush broke the law he should've been prosecuted. Easy as that, in fact that report that Obama won't release states that Bush committed treason. If true than he should be hung. See not that hard to hold people accountable, unless it's Hillary.
Good for you holding Bush accountable 20 years later! Next time do it at the time then you'll have credibility the next time a Democrat does something wrong. For now, we are even.
Not really I'm not the one wanting to put an incompetent and ignorant person knowingly in the Whitehouse.
really ? you've done it a couple of times before.
If he ever voted for Romney, McCain, Bush 1 or 2, Dole or if he showed up to vote in a GOP primary he sure has wanted to put an incompetent and ignorant person knowingly in the White House.
You can write that after voting for Obama twice?
Yet, Republicans are intent on nominating Trump
Anyone but Hillary.

To think Republicans had a decent chance of beating Hillary....until they insisted on Trump
I voted for Carson, like I said earlier. If Hillary wasn't on the ticket more than likely I would stay at home on election day. Anyone but Hillary.
So you'd be happy with socialism Bernie? Liar.
I wouldn't be happy, but he would be better than Hillary. She will only satisfy herself not country.
you described trump.
Oh bullshit a petty person would go to jail, but not Clinton. Get your head out of your ass. More than likely Putin has our classified and top secret info. You're a traitor just like Hillary.

Please point out where a "petty person" was put in prison for doing what Hillary did.

I'm sure that Putin has our info because the government systems are so backwards, probably less secure than what Hillary had.
Did you listen to comey.....he specifically said that top secret information was marked as secret when it was sent and when it was received....she lied...

Yet he didn't feel comfortable enough about that assertation to go into a court with it.
She had the private server so she could sell her office for donations to the clinton foundation....it is as simple as that...comey is a slime, he sold his soul......

Why couldn't she have done while using a public server for her public business.

Here's a more likely explanation, when you have a record of people spending hundreds of millions of dollars in public and private money to try to ruin you and your family, maybe you are a little paranoid about people being out to get you and don't want your emails out where any flunky can see them.
If Bush broke the law he should've been prosecuted. Easy as that, in fact that report that Obama won't release states that Bush committed treason. If true than he should be hung. See not that hard to hold people accountable, unless it's Hillary.
Good for you holding Bush accountable 20 years later! Next time do it at the time then you'll have credibility the next time a Democrat does something wrong. For now, we are even.
Not really I'm not the one wanting to put an incompetent and ignorant person knowingly in the Whitehouse.
really ? you've done it a couple of times before.
If he ever voted for Romney, McCain, Bush 1 or 2, Dole or if he showed up to vote in a GOP primary he sure has wanted to put an incompetent and ignorant person knowingly in the White House.
You can write that after voting for Obama twice?
Oh bullshit a petty person would go to jail, but not Clinton. Get your head out of your ass. More than likely Putin has our classified and top secret info. You're a traitor just like Hillary.

Please point out where a "petty person" was put in prison for doing what Hillary did.

I'm sure that Putin has our info because the government systems are so backwards, probably less secure than what Hillary had.
Can you say floppy disk?
It's summer. It was 110 degrees here today. We see these tragic stories every year of parents leaving babies in hot cars and they die.

In that crime....intent isn't needed either. Parents are often charged. Mere negligence.

Would Hillary skate on that one too???

Thats the rigged DC system folks. If Jane Nobody did it...she goes to jail. If Hillary does it....or Jeb or Ryan or Pelosi, just plug in a DC elitist....they skate free.

pathetic excuse for a thread. :cuckoo:
Excuse me ma'am.

Had I have done half of what she had I would be in Leavenworth Kansas doing hard labor.

Pathetic excuse for corruption.
Even more pathetic is to find it acceptable. From either party.

But that is OK with you.
If you had been investigated half as much as she had with no charges..........

but that makes the wingers unhappy.

so they still need to melt down constantly
She had the private server so she could sell her office for donations to the clinton foundation....it is as simple as that...comey is a slime, he sold his soul......

Why couldn't she have done while using a public server for her public business.

Here's a more likely explanation, when you have a record of people spending hundreds of millions of dollars in public and private money to try to ruin you and your family, maybe you are a little paranoid about people being out to get you and don't want your emails out where any flunky can see them.

It's summer. It was 110 degrees here today. We see these tragic stories every year of parents leaving babies in hot cars and they die.

In that crime....intent isn't needed either. Parents are often charged. Mere negligence.

Would Hillary skate on that one too???

Thats the rigged DC system folks. If Jane Nobody did it...she goes to jail. If Hillary does it....or Jeb or Ryan or Pelosi, just plug in a DC elitist....they skate free.

pathetic excuse for a thread. :cuckoo:
Excuse me ma'am.

Had I have done half of what she had I would be in Leavenworth Kansas doing hard labor.

Pathetic excuse for corruption.
Even more pathetic is to find it acceptable. From either party.

But that is OK with you.
If you had been investigated half as much as she had with no charges..........

but that makes the wingers unhappy.

so they still need to melt down constantly
You wingers are always unhappy.....
She had the private server so she could sell her office for donations to the clinton foundation....it is as simple as that...comey is a slime, he sold his soul......

Why couldn't she have done while using a public server for her public business.

Here's a more likely explanation, when you have a record of people spending hundreds of millions of dollars in public and private money to try to ruin you and your family, maybe you are a little paranoid about people being out to get you and don't want your emails out where any flunky can see them.


She had the private server so that she could sell her office without people being able to track the paper trail.....she learned this when she worked on Watergate.....you don't hand over the tapes....you destroy them...and you don't tell people you have them....

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