If Hobby Lobby Has Such Strong Religious Values.....

Nope not even close. The are not doing anything even close to what you post,try again.

No if you had said that the Gov,is trying to force HL to pay for abortive drug contrary to thier religious view,you would be on the right track,but you weren't so............
It's not an abortive drug.

In addition, Hobby Lobby previously covered Plan B and Ella for years before they were mandated to cover it as part of their health plan.

The ones and only the ones they object to are in fact abortive drugs. HL is willing to pay for all the other birth control drugs ,not just the ones used as abortive. Why do you ignore this published fact?
No. They are not. Plan B and Ella are not abortifacients.

That's just the facts.

& to repeat: Hobby Lobby previously covered Plan B and Ella for years before they were mandated to cover it as part of their health plan.
Then why do they sell so much merchandise from the People's Republic of (Communist) China?

The whole "One Child Per Family" uses forced abortions and all that.

The illogic of your post is that if they bought American that would be more moral. Yet people like you justify abortion just as do the Chinese. So where would HL go to buy their goods? To China where the limit on children is because of over population or to the US where abortion is just a matter of convenience?

The other aspect is that HL isn't telling people NOT to get an abortion, they are making a moral stand that HL will not pay for what they believe to be abortion pills. They will still pay for contraceptives.
It's not an abortive drug.

In addition, Hobby Lobby previously covered Plan B and Ella for years before they were mandated to cover it as part of their health plan.

The ones and only the ones they object to are in fact abortive drugs. HL is willing to pay for all the other birth control drugs ,not just the ones used as abortive. Why do you ignore this published fact?
No. They are not. Plan B and Ella are not abortifacients.

That's just the facts.

& to repeat: Hobby Lobby previously covered Plan B and Ella for years before they were mandated to cover it as part of their health plan.

Thats their position now,and that is a fact.
How is posting facts bigoted? Is that not the policy of China when it comes to family planning? Born again Christians are such frauds

It's not the "fact" that you posted about Hobby Lobby selling a lot of Chinese made products, or the "fact" about China's horrendous policies.

It is the scorn that you ONLY give to those on the right for purchasing such things that makes you a shining example of the intolerant left who believes that anyone who believes anything other than what YOU believe must be stupid, racist, hateful, and ignorant. Other than working to understand the right's point of view, you simply resort to demonizing them personally.
The ones and only the ones they object to are in fact abortive drugs. HL is willing to pay for all the other birth control drugs ,not just the ones used as abortive. Why do you ignore this published fact?
No. They are not. Plan B and Ella are not abortifacients.

That's just the facts.

& to repeat: Hobby Lobby previously covered Plan B and Ella for years before they were mandated to cover it as part of their health plan.

Thats their position now,and that is a fact.
Yes, we know - Their "commitment to the unborn" was so strong they had no clue they were providing the very same hormones for years which they assert (wrongfully) think “can cause abortions."
No. They are not. Plan B and Ella are not abortifacients.

That's just the facts.

& to repeat: Hobby Lobby previously covered Plan B and Ella for years before they were mandated to cover it as part of their health plan.

Thats their position now,and that is a fact.
Yes, we know - Their "commitment to the unborn" was so strong they had no clue they were providing the very same hormones for years which they assert (wrongfully) think “can cause abortions."

Kind of like Obama being against gay marriage before he was for it?

I guess being able to change ones mind is for progressives only, and only if ones mind changes in the proper direction.
The ones and only the ones they object to are in fact abortive drugs. HL is willing to pay for all the other birth control drugs ,not just the ones used as abortive. Why do you ignore this published fact?

Because it does not match the narrative proscribed by Salon and HuffPo. Remember, it is very painful for a liberal to realize that those who do not believe what THEY believe are not evil racist bigots.
Then why do they sell so much merchandise from the People's Republic of (Communist) China?

The whole "One Child Per Family" uses forced abortions and all that.
I'm not sure where this misconception of the One Child Policy comes from. Forced abortions are something backwoods rednecks do, and they're illegal; they aren't a part of the Chinese government's population control program. Further, the One Child Policy by now applies to only about a third of the country's population due to so many exemptions being given. For example, if you live in Hong Kong, you don't have to follow it; if you're an ethnic minority, you don't have to follow it; and most importantly, if you're an only child, you don't have to follow it. Essentially, anyone whose family did follow the policy are now exempt from it, while those coming from families with multiple children are required to only have one child themselves.

Having a second child doesn't mean the government will kick down your door and force you to abort it. While the One Child Policy was in full effect, the punishment for violating it was paying an enormous fine. It wasn't the kind of thing you could pay off on a whim, it was a long-term debt like for a car or house repayment. Some families did violate this, and took on the debt. And no, having twins, triplets, etc. didn't violate the policy; there were no repercussions for having multiple children from the same pregnancy.

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