If Hunter Biden takes the 5th, Trump is 100% vindicated, and Joe Biden needs to drop out

The entire issue of this bogus "impeachment" is whether or not Hunter Biden was a conduit to a kickback of US foreign aid to Ukraine. The Democrats and their birdbrained supporters have told us over and over and over

Hunter Biden did nothing wrong

Well, if Hunter Biden takes the 5th, that explanation shows us once again that truth and the Democrat Party are polar opposites. It demonstrates that Hunter Biden was involved in a criminal conspiracy to bilk the American taxpayer. It 100% justifies any attempt to have Hunter Biden INVESTIGATED.... and it will expose the House as a willful co-conspirator in said conspiracy to defraud the American taxpayer.

We, the American people, have watched our debt as a nation grow four fold since W took office. We have the right to know where our foreign aid really goes, and what it actually buys.

Democrats don't see things that way. Democrats are 100% for Democrats stealing from the American taxpayer.

It is nice to know we now have a President who thinks otherwise....

Republicans and Trump have told us over and over that Trump did nothing wrong.

Why has Trump refused to testify? Why has Trump refused to let Pomeo or Giuliani testify?

By your very twisted logic- clearly this means that Trump was trying to defraud the American taxpayers and the Democrates are 100% vindicated and Trump should resign.

But hell- we all know your partisan binders are such that you will just keep believing whatever the Trump propaganda machine tells you.
The entire issue of this bogus "impeachment" is whether or not Hunter Biden was a conduit to a kickback of US foreign aid to Ukraine. The Democrats and their birdbrained supporters have told us over and over and over

Hunter Biden did nothing wrong

Well, if Hunter Biden takes the 5th, that explanation shows us once again that truth and the Democrat Party are polar opposites. It demonstrates that Hunter Biden was involved in a criminal conspiracy to bilk the American taxpayer. It 100% justifies any attempt to have Hunter Biden INVESTIGATED.... and it will expose the House as a willful co-conspirator in said conspiracy to defraud the American taxpayer.

We, the American people, have watched our debt as a nation grow four fold since W took office. We have the right to know where our foreign aid really goes, and what it actually buys.

Democrats don't see things that way. Democrats are 100% for Democrats stealing from the American taxpayer.

It is nice to know we now have a President who thinks otherwise....

Republicans and Trump have told us over and over that Trump did nothing wrong.

Why has Trump refused to testify? Why has Trump refused to let Pomeo or Giuliani testify?

By your very twisted logic- clearly this means that Trump was trying to defraud the American taxpayers and the Democrates are 100% vindicated and Trump should resign.

But hell- we all know your partisan binders are such that you will just keep believing whatever the Trump propaganda machine tells you.
Thanks- breathing comes naturally to me.
if the prosecution gets Bolton as a witness, then Trump should get Hunter or Joe Biden as a witness. The Dems are TERRIFIED of that idea!
Idiot there is NO ONE exect you bat-shit crazy rightwingers that has ever said that Hunter was personally under any investigation in Ukraine.
Then he has nothing to hide.

Odd how Democrats don't use that line with themselves...
Republicans and Trump have told us over and over that Trump did nothing wrong.

Why has Trump refused to testify? Why has Trump refused to let Pomeo or Giuliani testify?

By your very twisted logic- clearly this means that Trump was trying to defraud the American taxpayers and the Democrates are 100% vindicated and Trump should resign.

But hell- we all know your partisan binders are such that you will just keep believing whatever the Trump propaganda machine tells you.
In America you don't have to prove your innocence.

Since Democrats have no evidence that a wrongdoing took place, nobody is obligated to play their partisan game.
Democrats believe the american people are solidly behind Trump, and their greatest fears are coming true!
The entire issue of this bogus "impeachment" is whether or not Hunter Biden was a conduit to a kickback of US foreign aid to Ukraine. The Democrats and their birdbrained supporters have told us over and over and over

Hunter Biden did nothing wrong

Well, if Hunter Biden takes the 5th, that explanation shows us once again that truth and the Democrat Party are polar opposites. It demonstrates that Hunter Biden was involved in a criminal conspiracy to bilk the American taxpayer. It 100% justifies any attempt to have Hunter Biden INVESTIGATED.... and it will expose the House as a willful co-conspirator in said conspiracy to defraud the American taxpayer.

We, the American people, have watched our debt as a nation grow four fold since W took office. We have the right to know where our foreign aid really goes, and what it actually buys.

Democrats don't see things that way. Democrats are 100% for Democrats stealing from the American taxpayer.

It is nice to know we now have a President who thinks otherwise....

Hunter Biden did nothing illegal. That’s already been proven years ago.

There is no vindication for Trump. Even if the Bidens we’re guilty, what Trump did was illegal, and impeachable.
Keep spreading the lies. Eventually it doesn’t matter if true. Even Barr couldn’t find anything investigating Obama, Hillary, fbi, Steele dossier...none of it turned out to be true.

Um, those investigations are all ongoing, which helps to explain the "rush" to "impeach" Trump for trying to find out where our US foreign aid to Ukraine actually went.... into Hunter Biden's pocket....
They don’t have the proof? They never did and never will.

doesn’t matter to fake news republicans. Look how they’re still pointing fingers at Biden. Doesn’t matter there’s nothing there
if the prosecution gets Bolton as a witness, then Trump should get Hunter or Joe Biden as a witness. The Dems are TERRIFIED of that idea!

No they aren't, because the BIDENS DID NOTHING ILLEGAL.

The reason Dems don't want the Biden's to testify is that the Biden's have nothing to do with the charges against Donald Trump. Even if the Bidens had done something illegal, it was illegal for Trump to both ask for the investigations or to withhold the military aid.

The issue isn't whether or not Bidens were dirty, the issue is that if they were, there is a process to be following in asking for investigations, and the "ask" comes from the Department of Justice, not the President of the United States. And withholding military aid to a foreign country that has been aproved by Congress, is illegal. Period.

Trump has no legal authority to withhold military aid, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, once the aid has been approved and all conditions are met, which is this case, the Pentagon had issued a clearance certificate on the corruption issue in April.
Doesn’t matter there’s nothing there

That's the DNC talking point every left wing parrot keeps parroting....

If "there's nothing there" then Hunter Biden has no reason not to testify....

A plea of the 5th outs the DNC talking point as a total lie.... nothing new, most of 'em are lies.

A plea of the 5th justifies....

Doesn’t matter there’s nothing there

That's the DNC talking point every left wing parrot keeps parroting....

If "there's nothing there" then Hunter Biden has no reason not to testify....

A plea of the 5th outs the DNC talking point as a total lie.... nothing new, most of 'em are lies.

A plea of the 5th justifies....

And Trump has no reason not to testify.

The fact is, we shouldn't even entertain the idea that Hunter has to testify. Testify for what?
Trump has no legal authority to withhold military aid, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES


Trump is President, and if the President feels the US is being RIPPED OFF via kickbacks to connected LEECHES like Hunter Biden, he absolutely is justified in INVESTIGATING that.

We, the American people, have a right to know where our foreign aid goes. The last batch of aid clearly went into Hunter Biden's pocket.

Democrats love that. Democrats would just assume steal every penny of Federal spending.

And when someone wants to INVESTIGATE Democrat stealing, the Democrats go BATSHIT....
The fact is, we shouldn't even entertain the idea that Hunter has to testify. Testify for what?

Stealing from the American taxpayer is what Democrats do. Their response is "what?" That's what we do!!! We STEAL!!! And FUCK YOU if you want to do anything about it....
Trump has no legal authority to withhold military aid, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES


Trump is President, and if the President feels the US is being RIPPED OFF via kickbacks to connected LEECHES like Hunter Biden, he absolutely is justified in INVESTIGATING that.

We, the American people, have a right to know where our foreign aid goes. The last batch of aid clearly went into Hunter Biden's pocket.

Democrats love that. Democrats would just assume steal every penny of Federal spending.

And when someone wants to INVESTIGATE Democrat stealing, the Democrats go BATSHIT....

Everything you posted is a lie.

The President is not a king or a dictator. He has no power of the purse. That lies with Congress. Specifically, there is a law that says that the President cannot withhold foreign aid for ANY reason, once Congress and the Senate have approved it and all conditions have been met.

There are already several threads of note about this law being broken, but like a true Trump cultist you lie and lie and lie.

Hunter Biden received no money from the foreign aid. He worked for a gas company. You better get your lies straight before posting again.
Trump has no legal authority to withhold military aid, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES


Trump is President, and if the President feels the US is being RIPPED OFF via kickbacks to connected LEECHES like Hunter Biden, he absolutely is justified in INVESTIGATING that.

We, the American people, have a right to know where our foreign aid goes. The last batch of aid clearly went into Hunter Biden's pocket.

Democrats love that. Democrats would just assume steal every penny of Federal spending.

And when someone wants to INVESTIGATE Democrat stealing, the Democrats go BATSHIT....
And if the next president feels like you need to be investigated because they don’t like you, would that be okay with you also ?
The entire issue of this bogus "impeachment" is whether or not Hunter Biden was a conduit to a kickback of US foreign aid to Ukraine. The Democrats and their birdbrained supporters have told us over and over and over

Hunter Biden did nothing wrong

Well, if Hunter Biden takes the 5th, that explanation shows us once again that truth and the Democrat Party are polar opposites. It demonstrates that Hunter Biden was involved in a criminal conspiracy to bilk the American taxpayer. It 100% justifies any attempt to have Hunter Biden INVESTIGATED.... and it will expose the House as a willful co-conspirator in said conspiracy to defraud the American taxpayer.

We, the American people, have watched our debt as a nation grow four fold since W took office. We have the right to know where our foreign aid really goes, and what it actually buys.

Democrats don't see things that way. Democrats are 100% for Democrats stealing from the American taxpayer.

It is nice to know we now have a President who thinks otherwise....

Trump is in fact guilty of abuse of power and contempt of Congress.

The Senate phase of impeachment process is similar to a sentencing hearing – to determine if removal from office is warranted given Trump's crimes.

But regardless the outcome in the Senate, Trump is forever impeached, forever guilty of abuse of power and contempt of Congress
/---/ And forever exonerated.
Hunter Biden received no money from the foreign aid.

You post that as if you are 100% certain, but in reality you cannot explain what "value" Hunter provided to Burisma by

1. never showing up to "work"
2. having no expertise in the field
3. not speaking the language

Joe Biden is already saying he won't testify. Why? What does he have to hide? Y'all have said the Bidens did nothing wrong. If they did nothing wrong, there should be no problem for Joe to testify - ditto Hunter.

We also now have this


"“Everything I tried to tell the press last March is now coming out, and more. I will now start to reveal the evidence directly to you, the People,” the former New York mayor tweeted. “The Biden Family Enterprise made millions by selling public office. Then when Joe was Obama’s Point Man, they ALL made millions.”"

and that's what LaDairis has said all along.

Once the

"Hunter Biden did nothing wrong"

stuff is outed as total bullshit, not only will Trump be 100% exonerated, but the entire impeachment issue will be exposed for what it really is

Democrats STEAL
Democrats LIE

Bravo to President Trump for going after it. Enough STEALING. We have observed our national debt grow 4 fold since W got elected. Those who STOLE need to FACE THE MUSIC....
Hunter Biden received no money from the foreign aid.

You post that as if you are 100% certain, but in reality you cannot explain what "value" Hunter provided to Burisma by

1. never showing up to "work"
2. having no expertise in the field
3. not speaking the language

Joe Biden is already saying he won't testify. Why? What does he have to hide? Y'all have said the Bidens did nothing wrong. If they did nothing wrong, there should be no problem for Joe to testify - ditto Hunter.

We also now have this


"“Everything I tried to tell the press last March is now coming out, and more. I will now start to reveal the evidence directly to you, the People,” the former New York mayor tweeted. “The Biden Family Enterprise made millions by selling public office. Then when Joe was Obama’s Point Man, they ALL made millions.”"

and that's what LaDairis has said all along.

Once the

"Hunter Biden did nothing wrong"

stuff is outed as total bullshit, not only will Trump be 100% exonerated, but the entire impeachment issue will be exposed for what it really is

Democrats STEAL
Democrats LIE

Bravo to President Trump for going after it. Enough STEALING. We have observed our national debt grow 4 fold since W got elected. Those who STOLE need to FACE THE MUSIC....

Firstly, no one but you has suggested that Hunter Biden received money from the foreign aid. Not even Trump.

The allegations against the Bidens are that Joe forced the government to fire the prosecutor to end the investigation of his son. This too is a lie, because Hunter Biden was never under investigation, and the prosecutor wasn't fired because he was investigating Burisma. He was fired because he WASN'T investigating Burisma.

Yes, I do know that Hunter Biden didn't get any of the foreign aid, because the foreign aid went to the government of the Ukraine, not Burisma, in the form of equipment and supplies they needed for the war effort.

Foreign aid isn't cash that the government gives a foreign government. Foreign aid is usually weapons or equipment, or humanitarian aid, like medicines or food, send by the planeload. Most US aid is in the form of military equipment and is actually a huge subsidy to the military industrial complex. Often, the humanitarian aid ends up on the black market or is sold off the backs of the trucks by the corrupt governments these donations are sent to.

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