If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
Really? Because there have been REPEATED attempts by this admin to get rid of the tax cuts for the wealthy, but they lobby and donate so they don't.

They've BEEN asked, yet they still refuse. Got an answer for that one?

This administration had the white house and a super majority in congress. If they really wanted those tax breaks gone they didn't need one republican vote.

Thats a strawman argument. ZZZzzz Many of those people were blue dogs. The equivalent of a Lugar, Collins, or Snowe in the Repub party. Come up w/ some new material.

yea right, they sure used it fast enough to over turn other bush policies like funding for abortion and stem cell research. take of your blinders, this isn't a horse race
You know.........I was serving in the military under Clinton and Jr. Guess what? I had more money in my pocket under Clinton.

So what.

Right now Obama is raising the costs of everything.

Know why that's happening? Tax cuts for the wealth and corporations which were enacted under Jr. It also explains the gap between the rich and the poor.
You know.........I was serving in the military under Clinton and Jr. Guess what? I had more money in my pocket under Clinton.

So what.

Right now Obama is raising the costs of everything.

Are you really this stupid? As far as the price of gasoline at the pump the reason is that the refineries is getting U S and Canadian crude at the inflated price of 108 dollars a barrel and selling it as if it cost 131 dollars a barrel which is the price of North Atlantic Crude oil taken North of the British Isles. The refineries are making record profits under this scam. It has nothing to do with Obama. You sir are a liar and an idiot. As long as morons like you have their say we will NEVER get to the truth and do something about it. It is liars and idiots like you that help perpetuate this thievery. Thanks asshole! Keep deflecting to Obama..that's what the thieves are counting on.
Interestingly enough Huggy, the price of the specualtion on oil and gas done by the Wall St. investors actually costs 38 cents/gal of gas in extra costs to the consumer.
You know.........I was serving in the military under Clinton and Jr. Guess what? I had more money in my pocket under Clinton.

So what.

Right now Obama is raising the costs of everything.

Are you really this stupid? As far as the price of gasoline at the pump the reason is that the refineries is getting U S and Canadian crude at the inflated price of 108 dollars a barrel and selling it as if it cost 131 dollars a barrel which is the price of North Atlantic Crude oil taken North of the British Isles. The refineries are making record profits under this scam. It has nothing to do with Obama. You sir are a liar and an idiot. As long as morons like you have their say we will NEVER get to the truth and do something about it. It is liars and idiots like you that help perpetuate this thievery. Thanks asshole! Keep deflecting to Obama..that's what the thieves are counting on.

Now to be fair when it happened 3 years ago the libs were screaming it was oli man bush and his cabal getting rich. and, that's also when slapnutz obama jumped on the campaign trail saying it was the speculators driving up the pricing and the bush administration was doing nothing about it. bit if elected he would change all that :eusa_whistle:
You know.........I was serving in the military under Clinton and Jr. Guess what? I had more money in my pocket under Clinton.

So what.

Right now Obama is raising the costs of everything.

Are you really this stupid? As far as the price of gasoline at the pump the reason is that the refineries is getting U S and Canadian crude at the inflated price of 108 dollars a barrel and selling it as if it cost 131 dollars a barrel which is the price of North Atlantic Crude oil taken North of the British Isles. The refineries are making record profits under this scam. It has nothing to do with Obama. You sir are a liar and an idiot. As long as morons like you have their say we will NEVER get to the truth and do something about it. It is liars and idiots like you that help perpetuate this thievery. Thanks asshole! Keep deflecting to Obama..that's what the thieves are counting on.

So you claim Obama has nothing to do with scupper-lip?

You sir are a liar.
Interestingly enough Huggy, the price of the specualtion on oil and gas done by the Wall St. investors actually costs 38 cents/gal of gas in extra costs to the consumer.

The wealthy
Wall street investors

Must be tough having no mind of your own and unable to do nothing more than regurgitate what you hear from you idol....
Really? Because there have been REPEATED attempts by this admin to get rid of the tax cuts for the wealthy, but they lobby and donate so they don't.

They've BEEN asked, yet they still refuse. Got an answer for that one?

This administration had the white house and a super majority in congress. If they really wanted those tax breaks gone they didn't need one republican vote.

Thats a strawman argument. ZZZzzz Many of those people were blue dogs. The equivalent of a Lugar, Collins, or Snowe in the Repub party. Come up w/ some new material.

How many of those blue dogs voted no to obama all the time?
obama's been so edgy lately because he knows somebody's dug up something bad from his past, and he knows it's coming
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You know.........I was serving in the military under Clinton and Jr. Guess what? I had more money in my pocket under Clinton.

I went from being an employee under Clinton to a multipole business owner under Bush.
My sister the liberal went from a salary of 50K renting a 2 bedroom apartment for she and her two daughters under clinton to earning over 100K and owning a home under Bush.

Semmes to be the PERSON and not the President who dictates how well one does.

The economy was also booming, and the rich were getting richer as well under Clinton. And, if you know anything about the government, it takes a while to get things turned around (either for better or worse). Clinton left us with a surplus which Jr. blew on the Iraq war by leaving it off the budget. We started to operate in a deficit around 2004/2005, and by the time Jr. left, the economy tanked.

what are you five ?? you still believe this shit ?
The conspiracy theory that Trump is an Obama plant is starting to make more and more sense. I truly am starting to believe that Trump is just wagging the conservatives...and they are buying it if you look at the polls. Silly, silly conservatives. :lol:

of course that's it.:eusa_whistle:
I would believe you're an obama plant easier than your conspericy
Grown and fed on bullshit.

Hmmmm, an opinion on a conspiracy theory from a birther. ROFLMAO :lol:
Yay!! Trump.

Yay!! Palin.
Trump/Palin 2012: "You're Fired"/"I Quit"


Obama worshipers wet dream of a 2012 republican ticket right there.

way... way.... better than the half assed half asleep "wet blanket" party of diminishing dillweed diminutive dimocrat dominion... duh
funny obama quit the senate and telling the truth at about the same time...

remember tim russert from NBC ??

MR. RUSSERT: When we talked back in November of ‘04, after your election, I said, “There’s been enormous speculation about your political future. Will you serve your full six-year term as a United States senator from Illinois?” Obama: “Absolutely.”

SEN. OBAMA: I will serve out my full six-year term. You know, Tim, if you get asked enough, sooner or later you get weary and you start looking for new ways of saying things, but my thinking has not changed.

SEN OBAMA: (angrily) "tim, let me finish my answers next time we sit down for an interview... OK ?? "

L O L (i added this part)...

thanks alcoholic, for reminding us of what a fuckin liar he's been since his opportunist beginning, raping the political landscape with his misguided aspiration of social grandeur, and corrupt associations. one termer here. i'm just workin on some ideas for my first feature length movie about his ridiculous rise to fame and power.. any suggestions for titles ? "when they bombed pearl harbor where i waz born"... how about "Obama Smuggs".. a trainride from the land of lincoln to washington.

All the president’s funny money
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2011

Ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching. President Obama’s perpetual campaign cash-o-matic machine kicks into high gear again this week as the celebrity-in-chief heads to Hollywood for several high-priced fundraisers. But while the Democrats’ 2012 re-election team stuffs its hands into every liberal deep pocket in sight, questions about the Obama 2008 campaign finance operation still fester.

Last week, the laggard watchdogs at the Federal Election Commission announced an audit of the Obama 2008 campaign committee — which raised a record-setting $750 million. White House flacks are downplaying the probe as a “routine review.”

But there’s nothing routine about the nearly $3 million Obama has spent on legal expenses to address federal campaign finance irregularities and inquiries. Roll Call reports that Obama’s campaign legal fees have exceeded all other House and presidential campaign committees, including members of Congress under ethics investigations.

There’s nothing routine about the whopping $6 million that Team Obama has refunded to individual donors since Obama took office.

And there’s nothing routine about the 26 warning letters to Obama for America totaling “more than 1,500 pages of questions and data that outlined compliance concerns — including the longest one ever sent to a presidential candidate,” according to Roll Call.

Among the Obama 2008 campaign committee’s shadiest transactions that have gone unpunished:

– Foreign funny money. Federal election law bans foreign nationals from contributing to American candidates. But during 2008, the Obama campaign was forced to return an illegal foreign donation worth $31,100 made by two brothers in the Gaza Strip, and even mainstream news outlets reported that candidate Obama’s money-handlers had routinely failed to verify citizenship by checking donors’ passports. As the Associated Press reported at the time: “One donor, Tom Sanderson of Canada, made clear his $500 contribution came from a foreign source. He included a note that said, ‘I am not an American citizen!’ Obama’s campaign took the money anyway…”

Another illegal foreign donor, Australian Richard Watters, contributed $1,000, “entering a fake U.S. passport number — a random jumble of numbers and letters” onto the Obama donation website. “He said he also checked a box stating that he was an American living overseas, ‘because I could see it wasn’t going anywhere if I didn’t do that.’”

Obama raked in at least $2 million in overseas donations.

i (washamericom) wrote about this months ago, no coverage by the obama news channels.

can you believe the nerve of this asshole pointing his finger at the republicans... what a pathological meatpipe!! impeach obama now...

how about "57 states... and i wasn't born in any of them" it's the working title for now
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The conspiracy theory that Trump is an Obama plant is starting to make more and more sense. I truly am starting to believe that Trump is just wagging the conservatives...and they are buying it if you look at the polls. Silly, silly conservatives. :lol:

of course that's it.:eusa_whistle:
I would believe you're an obama plant easier than your conspericy
Grown and fed on bullshit.

Hmmmm, an opinion on a conspiracy theory from a birther. ROFLMAO :lol:

Birther? oh well, thanks for the compliment. and thanks for your conspiracy on Trump being a obama plant. Only a obama drone would come up with that idea.
i'm an EARer together we make.... nothing.
the latest leading scientific polls at the top of this page have trump way out in front +/- 57%... did you see ??
your guy's winning, they love him.... they really love him !!

"i'm not voting for someone who was so easily tricked by a canadian" someone on this board last week
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i'm an EARer together we make.... nothing.
the latest leading scientific polls at the top of this page have trump way out in front +/- 57%... did you see ??
your guy's winning, they love him.... they really love him !!

"i'm not voting for someone who was so easily tricked by a canadian" someone on this board last week

Do you see this thing in my hand?

Look closely.

Do you see it?

HA! It's gone!

Just like the birth certificate!
i'm an EARer together we make.... nothing.
the latest leading scientific polls at the top of this page have trump way out in front +/- 57%... did you see ??
your guy's winning, they love him.... they really love him !!

"i'm not voting for someone who was so easily tricked by a canadian" someone on this board last week

Do you see this thing in my hand?

Look closely. no thanks....

Do you see it?

HA! It's gone!

Just like the birth certificate!

were you in the pool ?? you're disgusting, even for a canadian.
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