If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
*** “No one in the field excites me right now”: Conservative writer David Frum makes a similar point, describing the type of Republican voter who would find Trump appealing. “What you want is a candidate who will take the fight to Obama. Really fight him. Mitt Romney? He’s no fighter. He’s a CEO, and you’ve had it with CEOs. Mike Huckabee? Seems like a nice guy, but if you want a sermon, you’ll go to church. Now this guy Donald Trump, he’s kind of a blowhard. But he hates Obama just as much as you do. You don’t take the birth certificate thing seriously, but if it annoys the liberals, what the hell.” (By the way, the latest New York Times/CBS poll finds that 47% of Republican voters believe, incorrectly, that Obama was born in an another country.) Another component fueling Trump right now: a lack of enthusiasm for the entire GOP field right now. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) summed it up in an interview with the AP: "I'll tell you, right now: No one in the field excites me right now."

First Read - 2012: What Donald Trump says about the GOP

At first I thought the base of the GOP was dumb enough to put Caribou Barbie on the ticket for 2012. Are they now seriously going to vote for the Donald?
if i'm reading his son's interview correctly, he's running. young donald is giving the vibe that donald trump is running for president. "not on my watch" and "he will" instead of he would... something in the tense and inflection.
this could change the face of american politics. he could run against the billion dollar incumbant by himself, no one else could.

I dunno. I mean if I had to choose between trump and obama I would choose trump.

If I had to choose between trump and Hermain Cain I would choose Cain


If I had to choose between Obama and a rock, I'd choose the rock.

Not only would the rock win, it would do a better job. (It wouldn't start another stupid war.)
Yes of course people are fed up with the way our financial crisis has dragged on. Only a partisan hack would blame the economy on Obama. On one hand they, the hacks, did everything possible to stonewall any effort by the government to do anything about it and on the other side of their mouths they complain. When Obama got elected the leadership of the Christian Fundamentalist right wing of the republican party swore to make Obama fail. They have done everything to try to achieve that goal..the country be damned. Bush did nothing to promote jobs. Bush did nothing to prevent the coming financial disaster. Clinton before him was fortunate to have a dot com and housing market bubble to ride on in what "appeared" as prosperity which was almost entirely based on speculation. Reality came home to roost during the end days of Bush's reign and Obama got handed a very large steaming sack of flaming shit as he entered the white house. Trillions were not counted on the books by Bush. There was no choice in the presidential election what with Palin being offered by the GOP as a heartbeat from the oval office having been pared up with the aged and high strung McCain. That was unthinkable. So even though I had voted republican my whole life I too was faced with the lesser of the evils and for my money Obama was the ONLY rational choice.

As far as my personal trauma with the economy..I have been hurt by it as well as many. My progress on invention prototyping has been put on hold because of the lack of money in the community to "experiment" on new ideas. I have had to cut back substantially in my own life and miss some of the "extras" I had become accustomed to. Even with these "hardships" I have not lost sight on who and what ACTUALLY caused this condition and no matter how much short sighted donkeys bray into the wind.. I have confidence that Obama is doing OK steering this ship in as good a direction as possible. He has not created any disasters as the previous three administrations did and although the progress is slow..it is steady. That is good enough for me considering the alternatives. I do miss traveling to Hawaii and Mexico and look forward to a better economy.

only a partisan hack will defend obama and the democrats and turn around and blame Bush. When someone takes my money and says their plan will work and it does not pan out the way they said it will do, who in the hell do you blame?

The people that actually created the problem. I am hardly a democrat partisan hack. I am a realist that almost always voted republican. My votes have not served me well as I did vote for Bush.

Go ahead on and ignore that the flight of jobs that REALLY sustained the economy before Clinton and Bush were eroded away from our middle class.

Go ahead and ignore the fact the my republican party has been in the hands of ideologue fuckwits for four decades. You go ahead on and keep voting for and supporting hollow "TV personalities" as your leadership. If you want to know what is "tiring"...it is that.

As long as people like you keep supporting the "Palins" and the "Trumps" our party is DOA and so is our countries chances of sound republican leadership.

The person who says this
I am hardly a democrat partisan hack. I am a realist that almost always voted republican.

and then turns around and says this

Go ahead on and ignore that the flight of jobs that REALLY sustained the economy before Clinton and Bush were eroded away from our middle class.

Go ahead and ignore the fact the my republican party has been in the hands of ideologue fuckwits for four decades. You go ahead on and keep voting for and supporting hollow "TV personalities" as your leadership. If you want to know what is "tiring"...it is that.

Is nothing but a lying democrat politcal hack. To say you're a realist and admitt you continue to vote for what you thought was failure are eiother lying or a political hack
*** “No one in the field excites me right now”: Conservative writer David Frum makes a similar point, describing the type of Republican voter who would find Trump appealing. “What you want is a candidate who will take the fight to Obama. Really fight him. Mitt Romney? He’s no fighter. He’s a CEO, and you’ve had it with CEOs. Mike Huckabee? Seems like a nice guy, but if you want a sermon, you’ll go to church. Now this guy Donald Trump, he’s kind of a blowhard. But he hates Obama just as much as you do. You don’t take the birth certificate thing seriously, but if it annoys the liberals, what the hell.” (By the way, the latest New York Times/CBS poll finds that 47% of Republican voters believe, incorrectly, that Obama was born in an another country.) Another component fueling Trump right now: a lack of enthusiasm for the entire GOP field right now. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) summed it up in an interview with the AP: "I'll tell you, right now: No one in the field excites me right now."

First Read - 2012: What Donald Trump says about the GOP

At first I thought the base of the GOP was dumb enough to put Caribou Barbie on the ticket for 2012. Are they now seriously going to vote for the Donald?

No. They just trust him more then Obama.
Quick question Dud Fizzle..........what exactly is it that would make you trust Trump more than Obama?

Because Donald the Chump is into greed perhaps?
Quick question Dud Fizzle..........what exactly is it that would make you trust Trump more than Obama?

Because Donald the Chump is into greed perhaps?


Becuase with Trump, we will know what we get. The news media will disect him with a scapel.

With Obama? The more we tried to find out about him the more the media referred to us racists.
Quick question Dud Fizzle..........what exactly is it that would make you trust Trump more than Obama?

Because Donald the Chump is into greed perhaps?

Read my signature for my answer numb-nuts

Really? Because there have been REPEATED attempts by this admin to get rid of the tax cuts for the wealthy, but they lobby and donate so they don't.

They've BEEN asked, yet they still refuse. Got an answer for that one?
Quick question Dud Fizzle..........what exactly is it that would make you trust Trump more than Obama?

Because Donald the Chump is into greed perhaps?

Read my signature for my answer numb-nuts

Really? Because there have been REPEATED attempts by this admin to get rid of the tax cuts for the wealthy, but they lobby and donate so they don't.

They've BEEN asked, yet they still refuse. Got an answer for that one?


But Obama is the moron that claims they have never been asked and they would love to give more in taxes.

Thus why he is not to be trusted. He is either a liar or an idiot.
Quick question Dud Fizzle..........what exactly is it that would make you trust Trump more than Obama?

Because Donald the Chump is into greed perhaps?

Read my signature for my answer numb-nuts

Really? Because there have been REPEATED attempts by this admin to get rid of the tax cuts for the wealthy, but they lobby and donate so they don't.

They've BEEN asked, yet they still refuse. Got an answer for that one?

They had a chance last year and passed on it.

Maybe Obama wanted to use it.

You know, instead of having the courage to show everyone how great it would turn out if we screwed the rich he chose to make it an issue for his campaign.
You know.........I was serving in the military under Clinton and Jr. Guess what? I had more money in my pocket under Clinton.
You know.........I was serving in the military under Clinton and Jr. Guess what? I had more money in my pocket under Clinton.

I went from being an employee under Clinton to a multipole business owner under Bush.
My sister the liberal went from a salary of 50K renting a 2 bedroom apartment for she and her two daughters under clinton to earning over 100K and owning a home under Bush.

Semmes to be the PERSON and not the President who dictates how well one does.
Quick question Dud Fizzle..........what exactly is it that would make you trust Trump more than Obama?

Because Donald the Chump is into greed perhaps?

Read my signature for my answer numb-nuts

Really? Because there have been REPEATED attempts by this admin to get rid of the tax cuts for the wealthy, but they lobby and donate so they don't.

They've BEEN asked, yet they still refuse. Got an answer for that one?

This administration had the white house and a super majority in congress. If they really wanted those tax breaks gone they didn't need one republican vote.
You know.........I was serving in the military under Clinton and Jr. Guess what? I had more money in my pocket under Clinton.

I went from being an employee under Clinton to a multipole business owner under Bush.
My sister the liberal went from a salary of 50K renting a 2 bedroom apartment for she and her two daughters under clinton to earning over 100K and owning a home under Bush.

Semmes to be the PERSON and not the President who dictates how well one does.

The economy was also booming, and the rich were getting richer as well under Clinton. And, if you know anything about the government, it takes a while to get things turned around (either for better or worse). Clinton left us with a surplus which Jr. blew on the Iraq war by leaving it off the budget. We started to operate in a deficit around 2004/2005, and by the time Jr. left, the economy tanked.

Try again retard.
You know.........I was serving in the military under Clinton and Jr. Guess what? I had more money in my pocket under Clinton.

I went from being an employee under Clinton to a multipole business owner under Bush.
My sister the liberal went from a salary of 50K renting a 2 bedroom apartment for she and her two daughters under clinton to earning over 100K and owning a home under Bush.

Semmes to be the PERSON and not the President who dictates how well one does.

The economy was also booming, and the rich were getting richer as well under Clinton. And, if you know anything about the government, it takes a while to get things turned around (either for better or worse). Clinton left us with a surplus which Jr. blew on the Iraq war by leaving it off the budget. We started to operate in a deficit around 2004/2005, and by the time Jr. left, the economy tanked.

Try again retard.

The rich are getting richer now. in fact the gap between the rich and the poor is at it's greatest point right now.
Read my signature for my answer numb-nuts

Really? Because there have been REPEATED attempts by this admin to get rid of the tax cuts for the wealthy, but they lobby and donate so they don't.

They've BEEN asked, yet they still refuse. Got an answer for that one?

This administration had the white house and a super majority in congress. If they really wanted those tax breaks gone they didn't need one republican vote.

Thats a strawman argument. ZZZzzz Many of those people were blue dogs. The equivalent of a Lugar, Collins, or Snowe in the Repub party. Come up w/ some new material.
You know.........I was serving in the military under Clinton and Jr. Guess what? I had more money in my pocket under Clinton.

I went from being an employee under Clinton to a multipole business owner under Bush.
My sister the liberal went from a salary of 50K renting a 2 bedroom apartment for she and her two daughters under clinton to earning over 100K and owning a home under Bush.

Semmes to be the PERSON and not the President who dictates how well one does.

The economy was also booming, and the rich were getting richer as well under Clinton. And, if you know anything about the government, it takes a while to get things turned around (either for better or worse). Clinton left us with a surplus which Jr. blew on the Iraq war by leaving it off the budget. We started to operate in a deficit around 2004/2005, and by the time Jr. left, the economy tanked.

Try again retard.

Try doing a refi or try buying investment property now.

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