If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
I just wanted to see where these two stand in everyone's minds.

So are you asking who is the lesser then, or greater of, two weevils?

Oh, I don't think it's a weave. It's real and yes, it's spectacular. Er, I mean quite a spectacle.

It will be a disaster for America if Donald Trump runs for President. Trump has many admirable qualities he is brilliant at identifying business opportunities and turning them into successes and he is an outstanding negotiator and salesman; he isn't a quitter he is a real competitor. But he has many drawbacks as a presidential candidate that collectively void him as a candidate!

First, Trump is an egomaniac what the hell is wrong with the guy that he has to put his name on almost every business he owns, he has this Trump building and that Trump building and this Trump Golf course and that Trump Golf course, he hurts these businesses by adding his name to them if you ask me. A significant number of Americans really dislike Trump because of this self-promoting egotism of his, this attribute of his really would hurt him as a presidential candidate and president because it would act as an impediment to getting people to support him. Further, Trump has the same problem that Sarah Palin has in that he takes really wacky positions on significant issues, for instance, his position that he doesn't think President Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen; Donald only wackos publicly make such representations, whether it is true or not such a position is not provable its a none issue the Secretary of whatever who is in charge of birth certificates in Hawaii personally attested to the fact that the records prove he was born in Hawaii; the records of two newspapers reported his birth around his date of birth - it shows extreme bad judgment on Trumps part he would take such a position what kind of decisions does this indicate a President Trump would make? Another wacko Trump comment is he said the U.S. should take over the Iraqi oil fields; Donald how could you make such a bad statement that dishonors the mission of the U.S. armed forces in Iraq over the past eight years, thousands of Americans in uniform gave their lives thousands more carry wounds that cause real hardship because they were fighting for a noble cause to give the Iraqi people their natural rights to govern themselves and as a people to have full sovereignty over their country it is shameful beyond words that you would sully the U.S. mission in Iraq with such immoral remarks!

Running for President to a significant degree is a competition on the air waves and candidate Trump would get a woopin that would go down in history. First, he has had businesses that have been in bankruptcy several times -is this the type of business agenda the White House should be be promoting. Trump has been sued many times and is currently being sued and I believe it is by ordinary people that gave deposits on condominiums and the condominiums were never built and they lost their deposits; Trump probably did not do anything here unlawful or unjust but these whole matters don't reflect the character of a person the American people want to be President where the "best of the best" professional developer walks away from a development largely unscathed and ordinary people end up taking a severe financial hit - the campaign commercials would butcher Trump's reputation over this matter.

Trump has established a track record as a flip flopper first he thinks the wealthy should incur a big tax assessment to help pay down the crisis level national debt and now he wants to sign a no tax pledge. He says rightfully that he would be for smart and fair tariffs to protect and bring back U.S. manufacturing jobs that make sense economically to have in this country and then he is making extreme efforts to court the tea party movement that thinks "idealistic" free trade is the answer even though countless governments throughout the world have and are providing truly large assistance to certain manufacturing industries in their countries. America needs a president that has good policy beliefs that cares about the issues to the bottom of his or her heart and will fight for them no matter the political cost not a President that blows with the political winds which Trump would be!

The only way that America is not going to be stuck with a stereotypical liberal President which it has in President Obama that likes government bureaucracy even when it unnecessarily stifles business, that when it has to negotiate with business it gets bought off cheaply and doesn't negotiate a fair deal for the American people, that espouses policies based on stale rhetoric and ignores practical policies that will get results like the answer to jobs is new inventions when the country has come up with outstanding inventions in solar panels, etc. and countries like China do the manufacturing which is where the high number of good paying jobs are or that likes the liberal policy of appearing to fix schools by either doing away with testing, weakening the testing or doing away with negative consequences for bad testing results (that wants to create a society that does not promote good or great performance and does not reward such performance that is fully prepared to take actions that will cause America to clearly be a second rate society), the only way America is not going to be stuck with such a President is for the candidate that wins the Republican primary to be a centrist. No Paul Ryan, tea party, right wing type of candidate is going to win the general election. The American people are not going to elect someone president that will do away with Medicare, that espouses trickle down economics that wants to give big tax cuts to the wealthy and dramatically cut government benefits that help the middle class, Republicans have lost their minds if they think their going to win the White House with this agenda. The relevance here to a Donald Trump presidential campaign is that Trump appeals to the moderate, independents in the Republican party his common sense advocacy, his anti-Washington attitude is just what their looking for and so he will pull off a lot of these voters in Republican primary elections which would be a real tragedy because as alluded to Trump is unelectable and these centrist voters voting for Trump could provide needed and hopefully enough votes for a good centrist Republican primary candidate to win the Republican nomination (now only if there was such a good centrist candidate). In any event, for these reasons good Republicans and good Americans should be opposing a Trump presidential run!
I can see it now..."The United States of Trump" from sea to shining sea.
I can see it now..."The United States of Trump" from sea to shining sea.

I wouldn't worry about that to much, if he became to much of a dictator he would unite conservatives and liberals with one cause in mind. Not a very wise choice on his part.
It will be a disaster for America if Donald Trump runs for President. Trump has many admirable qualities he is brilliant at identifying business opportunities and turning them into successes and he is an outstanding negotiator and salesman; he isn't a quitter he is a real competitor. But he has many drawbacks as a presidential candidate that collectively void him as a candidate!

First, Trump is an egomaniac what the hell is wrong with the guy that he has to put his name on almost every business he owns, he has this Trump building and that Trump building and this Trump Golf course and that Trump Golf course, he hurts these businesses by adding his name to them if you ask me. A significant number of Americans really dislike Trump because of this self-promoting egotism of his, this attribute of his really would hurt him as a presidential candidate and president because it would act as an impediment to getting people to support him. Further, Trump has the same problem that Sarah Palin has in that he takes really wacky positions on significant issues, for instance, his position that he doesn't think President Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen; Donald only wackos publicly make such representations, whether it is true or not such a position is not provable its a none issue the Secretary of whatever who is in charge of birth certificates in Hawaii personally attested to the fact that the records prove he was born in Hawaii; the records of two newspapers reported his birth around his date of birth - it shows extreme bad judgment on Trumps part he would take such a position what kind of decisions does this indicate a President Trump would make? Another wacko Trump comment is he said the U.S. should take over the Iraqi oil fields; Donald how could you make such a bad statement that dishonors the mission of the U.S. armed forces in Iraq over the past eight years, thousands of Americans in uniform gave their lives thousands more carry wounds that cause real hardship because they were fighting for a noble cause to give the Iraqi people their natural rights to govern themselves and as a people to have full sovereignty over their country it is shameful beyond words that you would sully the U.S. mission in Iraq with such immoral remarks!

Running for President to a significant degree is a competition on the air waves and candidate Trump would get a woopin that would go down in history. First, he has had businesses that have been in bankruptcy several times -is this the type of business agenda the White House should be be promoting. Trump has been sued many times and is currently being sued and I believe it is by ordinary people that gave deposits on condominiums and the condominiums were never built and they lost their deposits; Trump probably did not do anything here unlawful or unjust but these whole matters don't reflect the character of a person the American people want to be President where the "best of the best" professional developer walks away from a development largely unscathed and ordinary people end up taking a severe financial hit - the campaign commercials would butcher Trump's reputation over this matter.

Trump has established a track record as a flip flopper first he thinks the wealthy should incur a big tax assessment to help pay down the crisis level national debt and now he wants to sign a no tax pledge. He says rightfully that he would be for smart and fair tariffs to protect and bring back U.S. manufacturing jobs that make sense economically to have in this country and then he is making extreme efforts to court the tea party movement that thinks "idealistic" free trade is the answer even though countless governments throughout the world have and are providing truly large assistance to certain manufacturing industries in their countries. America needs a president that has good policy beliefs that cares about the issues to the bottom of his or her heart and will fight for them no matter the political cost not a President that blows with the political winds which Trump would be!

The only way that America is not going to be stuck with a stereotypical liberal President which it has in President Obama that likes government bureaucracy even when it unnecessarily stifles business, that when it has to negotiate with business it gets bought off cheaply and doesn't negotiate a fair deal for the American people, that espouses policies based on stale rhetoric and ignores practical policies that will get results like the answer to jobs is new inventions when the country has come up with outstanding inventions in solar panels, etc. and countries like China do the manufacturing which is where the high number of good paying jobs are or that likes the liberal policy of appearing to fix schools by either doing away with testing, weakening the testing or doing away with negative consequences for bad testing results (that wants to create a society that does not promote good or great performance and does not reward such performance that is fully prepared to take actions that will cause America to clearly be a second rate society), the only way America is not going to be stuck with such a President is for the candidate that wins the Republican primary to be a centrist. No Paul Ryan, tea party, right wing type of candidate is going to win the general election. The American people are not going to elect someone president that will do away with Medicare, that espouses trickle down economics that wants to give big tax cuts to the wealthy and dramatically cut government benefits that help the middle class, Republicans have lost their minds if they think their going to win the White House with this agenda. The relevance here to a Donald Trump presidential campaign is that Trump appeals to the moderate, independents in the Republican party his common sense advocacy, his anti-Washington attitude is just what their looking for and so he will pull off a lot of these voters in Republican primary elections which would be a real tragedy because as alluded to Trump is unelectable and these centrist voters voting for Trump could provide needed and hopefully enough votes for a good centrist Republican primary candidate to win the Republican nomination (now only if there was such a good centrist candidate). In any event, for these reasons good Republicans and good Americans should be opposing a Trump presidential run!

are you sure you aren't confusing obama with Trump?
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Trump would surround himself with people who have real world experience and are the best at what they do unlike Barry who surrounds himself with those that can't do in the real world so they hide in tenured positions at colleges teaching what they've read in books.
It will be a disaster for America if Donald Trump runs for President. Trump has many admirable qualities he is brilliant at identifying business opportunities and turning them into successes and he is an outstanding negotiator and salesman; he isn't a quitter he is a real competitor. But he has many drawbacks as a presidential candidate that collectively void him as a candidate!

First, Trump is an egomaniac what the hell is wrong with the guy that he has to put his name on almost every business he owns, he has this Trump building and that Trump building and this Trump Golf course and that Trump Golf course, he hurts these businesses by adding his name to them if you ask me. A significant number of Americans really dislike Trump because of this self-promoting egotism of his, this attribute of his really would hurt him as a presidential candidate and president because it would act as an impediment to getting people to support him. Further, Trump has the same problem that Sarah Palin has in that he takes really wacky positions on significant issues, for instance, his position that he doesn't think President Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen; Donald only wackos publicly make such representations, whether it is true or not such a position is not provable its a none issue the Secretary of whatever who is in charge of birth certificates in Hawaii personally attested to the fact that the records prove he was born in Hawaii; the records of two newspapers reported his birth around his date of birth - it shows extreme bad judgment on Trumps part he would take such a position what kind of decisions does this indicate a President Trump would make? Another wacko Trump comment is he said the U.S. should take over the Iraqi oil fields; Donald how could you make such a bad statement that dishonors the mission of the U.S. armed forces in Iraq over the past eight years, thousands of Americans in uniform gave their lives thousands more carry wounds that cause real hardship because they were fighting for a noble cause to give the Iraqi people their natural rights to govern themselves and as a people to have full sovereignty over their country it is shameful beyond words that you would sully the U.S. mission in Iraq with such immoral remarks!

Running for President to a significant degree is a competition on the air waves and candidate Trump would get a woopin that would go down in history. First, he has had businesses that have been in bankruptcy several times -is this the type of business agenda the White House should be be promoting. Trump has been sued many times and is currently being sued and I believe it is by ordinary people that gave deposits on condominiums and the condominiums were never built and they lost their deposits; Trump probably did not do anything here unlawful or unjust but these whole matters don't reflect the character of a person the American people want to be President where the "best of the best" professional developer walks away from a development largely unscathed and ordinary people end up taking a severe financial hit - the campaign commercials would butcher Trump's reputation over this matter.

Trump has established a track record as a flip flopper first he thinks the wealthy should incur a big tax assessment to help pay down the crisis level national debt and now he wants to sign a no tax pledge. He says rightfully that he would be for smart and fair tariffs to protect and bring back U.S. manufacturing jobs that make sense economically to have in this country and then he is making extreme efforts to court the tea party movement that thinks "idealistic" free trade is the answer even though countless governments throughout the world have and are providing truly large assistance to certain manufacturing industries in their countries. America needs a president that has good policy beliefs that cares about the issues to the bottom of his or her heart and will fight for them no matter the political cost not a President that blows with the political winds which Trump would be!

The only way that America is not going to be stuck with a stereotypical liberal President which it has in President Obama that likes government bureaucracy even when it unnecessarily stifles business, that when it has to negotiate with business it gets bought off cheaply and doesn't negotiate a fair deal for the American people, that espouses policies based on stale rhetoric and ignores practical policies that will get results like the answer to jobs is new inventions when the country has come up with outstanding inventions in solar panels, etc. and countries like China do the manufacturing which is where the high number of good paying jobs are or that likes the liberal policy of appearing to fix schools by either doing away with testing, weakening the testing or doing away with negative consequences for bad testing results (that wants to create a society that does not promote good or great performance and does not reward such performance that is fully prepared to take actions that will cause America to clearly be a second rate society), the only way America is not going to be stuck with such a President is for the candidate that wins the Republican primary to be a centrist. No Paul Ryan, tea party, right wing type of candidate is going to win the general election. The American people are not going to elect someone president that will do away with Medicare, that espouses trickle down economics that wants to give big tax cuts to the wealthy and dramatically cut government benefits that help the middle class, Republicans have lost their minds if they think their going to win the White House with this agenda. The relevance here to a Donald Trump presidential campaign is that Trump appeals to the moderate, independents in the Republican party his common sense advocacy, his anti-Washington attitude is just what their looking for and so he will pull off a lot of these voters in Republican primary elections which would be a real tragedy because as alluded to Trump is unelectable and these centrist voters voting for Trump could provide needed and hopefully enough votes for a good centrist Republican primary candidate to win the Republican nomination (now only if there was such a good centrist candidate). In any event, for these reasons good Republicans and good Americans should be opposing a Trump presidential run!


I figure what have we got to lose.

We've already seen what happens when you elect an anti-business candidate. What will happen if you elect a pro-business candidate?

Well I do know what both the Dems and the Repugs think:

'Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY!!!!'
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I can see it now..."The United States of Trump" from sea to shining sea.

WTF? "From sea to shining sea?" That's our motto! A Mare Usque Ad Mare! And that bastard wants to steal it!

Fuck off Trump!
We are doing the same thing with Trump as we did with Obama in 2007. Getting all excited about something we know nothing about. We have no idea how Trump really feels about the issues and his ratings are up? Get real, people!
It's not that we don't see though Trump. It's that we see he pisses off the left and that's candy coated chocolate love to us.

TD$ is going to be fun fun fun!

How old are you?

Seriously. I'm guessing a lot older than your maturity level.

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