If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
All these threads about Trump and him sending investigators to Hawaii to uncover some truth. Well, he did it. He has proof! He said he is Obama's worst nightmare and here is the proof he was looking for.

Can someone help me out here.

We're all still looking for proof that the Hussein was born in Hawaii.

Have to agree with you, no one, not even Trump, has found proof yet. :lol:

I am pretty sure he provided a BC when he ran for President.............. otherwise, wait for it......................He couldn't have ran.:eek:
I know it is a shocker.

Plus there is the birth announcements, and the fact that there is no fucking way a pregnant woman would travel to Africa to have her child.
If democrats were still sane instead of infatuated with socialism, Trump would make a good democrat candidate. He used to be an abortion supporter and he is a pop-star

still is as far as I know

And he is on record being for universal health care.


Earlier this year New York real estate mogul and reality show host Donald Trump appeared at the annual Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) conference and delivered a enthusiastically received speech that checked off all the standard Republican boxes. Along with stating that America's reputation would be redeemed if he were president ("If I run and if I win, this country will be respected again."), Trump declared he is a Republican: And an anti-taxes, anti-gun control, pro-life and anti-'ObamaCare' Republican.
On Health Care: Now a sworn enemy of President Obama's health care reform (“My plan now is to number one get rid of Obamacare,” he recently stated), Trump in the aforementioned text offered an even more ambitious, and likely costly, plan than Obama: Universal health care inspired by Canada: "We must have universal healthcare. Our objective [should be] to make reforms for the moment and, longer term, to find an equivalent of the single-payer plan that is affordable, well-administered, and provides freedom of choice."

Trump Vs. Trump - Washington DC RNC | Examiner.com

Try again........Google is your friend.
If democrats were still sane instead of infatuated with socialism, Trump would make a good democrat candidate. He used to be an abortion supporter and he is a pop-star

Last time I checked it was republicans who liked the actors and former reporters. Just sayin!
If democrats were still sane instead of infatuated with socialism, Trump would make a good democrat candidate. He used to be an abortion supporter and he is a pop-star

still is as far as I know

And he is on record being for universal health care.


Earlier this year New York real estate mogul and reality show host Donald Trump appeared at the annual Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) conference and delivered a enthusiastically received speech that checked off all the standard Republican boxes. Along with stating that America's reputation would be redeemed if he were president ("If I run and if I win, this country will be respected again."), Trump declared he is a Republican: And an anti-taxes, anti-gun control, pro-life and anti-'ObamaCare' Republican.

Trump Vs. Trump - Washington DC RNC | Examiner.com

Try again........Google is your friend.

google says Donald Trump for president: How will his 2012 campaign explain his 2000 campaign? - By David Weigel - Slate Magazine
Donald Trump: We Need A Health Care System Like What Canada Has
Donald Trump from his Book said:
"We must have universal healthcare," wrote Trump. "I'm a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses."
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One problem I have with Trump, is all his kids look like they are constipated. I really want to send them some fiber or something. I like Ivanka, and the one son who is on the Apprentice, but they still look like they need to take a crap. The blonde one who isn't on so much, really needs to take one. :D
Trump would like to see it and he refuses to let him...so Trump is forced to get it onhis own.

First of all, since when is Trump so special that just because he wants something, he gets it? What right does Trump have to force anyone to show him their birth certificate?

Second, if Trump wants to see Obama's birth certificate all he has to do is look. Obama has already released it. He released it years ago.

then why are we still waiting ??

State of Hawaii - Office of Information Practices
see if you can figure out what the statute of limitations is for foia for the real one, which we know exists because you told us it did.

First of all, since when is Trump so special that just because he wants something, he gets it? What right does Trump have to force anyone to show him their birth certificate?

he speaks for many more than you may know.
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One problem I have with Trump, is all his kids look like they are constipated. I really want to send them some fiber or something. I like Ivanka, and the one son who is on the Apprentice, but they still look like they need to take a crap. The blonde one who isn't on so much, really needs to take one. :D

are you trying to tell us something ?
Bottom line is that the Republicans are just going threw the motions. They are beginning to realize that nobody is going to beat Obama, so they will concentrate on Congress. It's a bit like 96 when the Republicans ran Dole. He had zero chance. The Republican candidates that might actually have a chance don't want to run because they all think they'll have a much better shot in 2016 with no incumbent running.

he may not be on some ballots, unless he's shows his birth certificate.
Why is it so damn funny watching the left attempt to attack Trump as they did with Palin and Bachman the only people that see Trump as anything more than a self serving tool who won't carry any of the vote nor will he receive the Nomination is the Left seriously this is funny stuff.

The election is 18 months away the field hasn't even been chosen yet and the left is spewing all of its hate on to someone who won't be part of the process.


It isn't hate, it's just a learning experience. How 27% of republicans can be sucked in by a guy who 10 years ago pretty much was a complete opposite of what he claims to be today.

The truth is, if you put REPULICAN in front of a skunk they would follow it saying how sweet it is, while trying not to let anyone see them holding their nose.


:clap2: :clap2:
Bottom line is that the Republicans are just going threw the motions. They are beginning to realize that nobody is going to beat Obama, so they will concentrate on Congress. It's a bit like 96 when the Republicans ran Dole. He had zero chance. The Republican candidates that might actually have a chance don't want to run because they all think they'll have a much better shot in 2016 with no incumbent running.

he may not be on some ballots, unless he's shows his birth certificate.


You just keep on believin dat...Otay?


It isn't hate, it's just a learning experience. How 27% of republicans can be sucked in by a guy who 10 years ago pretty much was a complete opposite of what he claims to be today.

hat yu plied dis mat dubama ??

i'm betting on the freedom of information act, or abject mayhem, nothing like riots in the streets to dissuade a "transparent" candidate.

i've noticed lately that the annointed one starts his answers with "i'll be honest with you..."
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I just wanted to see where these two stand in everyone's minds.
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I don't trust Obama any further than I can throw him. If he told me the sky was blue, I would have to look out the window just to be sure.

The Donald doesn't do any thing to "inspire" me to think of him as a legitimate political candidate. I think he has just grown to enjoy the attention being lavished upon him. He has said a couple of things that I think make sense - such as cutting off all foreign aid to Afghanstan (sp?) until they hand over Bin Laudin to us and don't let China push us around so much but other than that, I think he is just a flash in the pan. His rants about Obama's birth certificate garner him a lot of attention but others have cried and demanded to see it too so it's really nothing new. I don't "distrust" Trump but I don't "trust" him either. I wish you would have put a "neither" in your poll. That's where I would vote.
I don't trust either of them. Though if I have to rate which I trust more, I trust Trump more. Slightly, but more.

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