If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
donald trump has several greeks inside of him?

sounds like one of the more reasonable theories around here.

I never received a notice in the newspapers when I was born.

Neither did most people.

Yet there are these convenient newspaper notices about Obamas birth in Honolulu in 1961.

In this age of ID theft - how hard is it to make up one of those???????????????

You have a point. How do we know Dubya's wasn't forged?

If it was then the dems claims of him stealing the presidency would actually be legit :)

And since Dubya was POTUS prior to Obama, shouldn't the OP focus on proving Dubya's legitimacy first?
Why is it so damn funny watching the left attempt to attack Trump as they did with Palin and Bachman the only people that see Trump as anything more than a self serving tool who won't carry any of the vote nor will he receive the Nomination is the Left seriously this is funny stuff.

The election is 18 months away the field hasn't even been chosen yet and the left is spewing all of its hate on to someone who won't be part of the process.


The moment he said he was birther, I started tuning whatever else he said out.
As for Bachman, we like to remind everyone who republicans vote for. The fact she keeps getting elected, reflects poorly on the republican party and the tea party.

What would you do or say if it was found out that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii?

How can you ignore the fact that no birth certificate was ever produced?

I guess you're like the million other sheep that believes every word out of your messiah's mouth.

Perhaps one day you'll learn to think for yourself, but I won't hold my breath.
Bottom line is that the Republicans are just going threw the motions. They are beginning to realize that nobody is going to beat Obama, so they will concentrate on Congress. It's a bit like 96 when the Republicans ran Dole. He had zero chance. The Republican candidates that might actually have a chance don't want to run because they all think they'll have a much better shot in 2016 with no incumbent running.
If democrats were still sane instead of infatuated with socialism, Trump would make a good democrat candidate. He used to be an abortion supporter and he is a pop-star
Its amazing to see a group of people who are all-too-happy to JUST be "making the other side upset"

Shows you just where their head is at in the grand scheme of things.

AKA...these people are not serious.
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If democrats were still sane instead of infatuated with socialism, Trump would make a good democrat candidate. He used to be an abortion supporter and he is a pop-star

still is as far as I know

And he is on record being for universal health care.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Trump is the Best Troll EVAH in Meat Space.

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Its amazing to see a group of people who are all-to-happy to JUST be "making the other side upset"

Shows you just where their head is at in the grand scheme of things.

AKA...these people are not serious.

That is one of the larger problems in our political system today.

The politicans in both parties have us, the people, divided and fighting amoungst ourselves in such petty terms. We go out of our way just to "make the other side upset" when we should be going out of our way to understand the other side and work together to fix our system that is doomed in its current state.
The title says it all. I think he is a gift horse that republicans should be examining much more closely then they appear to be.

I don't think he is a good choice for our next president

I dont think he would beat obama

I think he does make conservatives who support him appear silly.

What do you think?

He and Glenn Beck Jerk Off to all of this Attention together @ the Trump Plaza... :thup:


He's a MEAT SPACE TROLL, I tell ya!
It's one of my all time favorite cartoons. I'm saving a copy in my albums here. Feel free to use it.
Why is it so damn funny watching the left attempt to attack Trump as they did with Palin and Bachman the only people that see Trump as anything more than a self serving tool who won't carry any of the vote nor will he receive the Nomination is the Left seriously this is funny stuff.

The election is 18 months away the field hasn't even been chosen yet and the left is spewing all of its hate on to someone who won't be part of the process.


The moment he said he was birther, I started tuning whatever else he said out.
As for Bachman, we like to remind everyone who republicans vote for. The fact she keeps getting elected, reflects poorly on the republican party and the tea party.

What would you do or say if it was found out that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii?

How can you ignore the fact that no birth certificate was ever produced?

I guess you're like the million other sheep that believes every word out of your messiah's mouth.

Perhaps one day you'll learn to think for yourself, but I won't hold my breath.

No, I am logical and know a pregnant woman would fly to Africa to have her child. I also know that there have been many people who have investigated him, and still haven't found shit.
Like I told someone else today, anyone who believes the birther crap is a complete moron. LOL
Trump doesn't piss me off, I think he is fucking hilarious, and personally I thought he was smarter.
Why is it so damn funny watching the left attempt to attack Trump as they did with Palin and Bachman the only people that see Trump as anything more than a self serving tool who won't carry any of the vote nor will he receive the Nomination is the Left seriously this is funny stuff.

The election is 18 months away the field hasn't even been chosen yet and the left is spewing all of its hate on to someone who won't be part of the process.


It isn't hate, it's just a learning experience. How 27% of republicans can be sucked in by a guy who 10 years ago pretty much was a complete opposite of what he claims to be today.

The truth is, if you put REPULICAN in front of a skunk they would follow it saying how sweet it is, while trying not to let anyone see them holding their nose.
All these threads about Trump and him sending investigators to Hawaii to uncover some truth. Well, he did it. He has proof! He said he is Obama's worst nightmare and here is the proof he was looking for.

Can someone help me out here.

We're all still looking for proof that the Hussein was born in Hawaii.

Have to agree with you, no one, not even Trump, has found proof yet. :lol:

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