If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
Donald Trump is 100% pro-life. Except when it comes to the basis of Roe v. Wade which made abortion legal in the United States. That he agrees with, 100%.

In an interview with MSNBC's Savannah Guthrie, Trump was asked if he believes there's a right to privacy in the Constitution.

The question is an important one in the abortion debate. Pro-lifers say there absolutely is not a Constitutional right to privacy, which means Roe is a travesty and abortion should once again be permitted to be outlawed in the states that choose to do so. Pro-choicers strenuously disagree, stating that the right to privacy is guaranteed and is extended to a woman's choice to have an abortion or not, the central basis of Roe.

Trump apparently thinks he can split the difference, and appeared to have no understanding of the connection between the view of a right to privacy and the abortion debate.

"I guess there is, I guess there is," Trump said when Guthrie asked if there's a Constitutional right to privacy. "And why, just out of curiosity, why do you ask that question?"

Guthrie informed him of the connection to abortion, but Trump seemed surprised that the two went together.

Cenk called Trump a classic carnival barker. I'd say that description is about right. What's astounding is how far off of the cliff the base of the Republican Party has fallen that Trump is actually leading in the polls of their potential presidential primary candidates right now.

Crooks and Liars » Donald Trump Proves He's Clueless on Roe v Wade and the Right to Privacy
Trump is Al Sharpton of the Republican Party – provocateur and clown, unserious. I think he’s going to harm the party if he runs for the same reason Sharpton harmed the Democrats. I can now see all the mail coming in – address it to me, not to Bret. He is not responsibility — which means in the debate he will be up there I think he will run, not just a trial run. He’ll be up in the debate, and like Sharpton he will monopolize discussion and draw it away on issues that are irrelevant like Obama’s birth and that can only hurt the party.”

And Krauthammer added that Trump has a “vulgar” view on what reigns supreme in such a contest.

“It’s all name recognition,” Krauthammer said. “And he’s is a celebrity, on television and a guy who talks about winners and losers. The vulgarity of it is offensive. He talked today about comparing himself with Mitt Romney. ‘I have a bigger net worth.’ That’s what you expect from, somebody who wants to promote himself in business and make a name. That is not what you want from a presidential candidate

Read more: Krauthammer | Donald Trump | Al Sharpton | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
I resent the equating Al Sharpton w/ that A$$ Klown Trump.

Apples and shoes.
1. Chris Matthews: Why aren’t conservatives smart enough to see through Trump?
Chris Matthews: Why aren’t conservatives smart enough to see through Trump? « Hot Air

2. “In New York City last week to give a standing-room-only lecture about his forthcoming intellectual biography, “Reading Obama: Dreams, Hopes, and the American Political Tradition,” Mr. Kloppenberg explained that he sees Mr. Obama as a kind of philosopher president, a rare breed that can be found only a handful of times in American history. “There’s John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Quincy Adams, then Abraham Lincoln and in the 20th century just Woodrow Wilson,” he said.” James T. Kloppenberg Discusses His

3. When asked in a GQ interview why Obama seems so aloof, Joe Biden states “I think what it is, is he's so brilliant. He is an intellectual.” Lisa DePaulo Interviews Vice President Joe Biden: Politics: GQ

4. Valerie Jarrett explains “I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is…He knows how perceptive he is. …He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.” David Remnick, “The Bridge,” p. 274.

5. “Reagan was all about America…Obama is “We are above that now.” We’re not just parochial. We stand for something- I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above- above the world, he’s sort of God…” Newsweek’s Evan Thomas on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” June 5, 2009.

....PRINCETON, NJ -- President Obama's job approval rating fell to 47% for the week ending April 11, the lowest of his administration so far by one percentage point.
Obama Weekly Approval at 47%, Lowest Yet by One Point
no matter how popular he is with the rank-and-file.

Lets get real.

Wholethingis a publicty stunt by the Donald.

As far as 3rd Party. fergetabout it.

Best 3rd party canddates have ever done is be a spoiler a la George Wallace and that guy from Texas with the big ears in 1992 Ross Perot
Why is it so damn funny watching the left attempt to attack Trump as they did with Palin and Bachman the only people that see Trump as anything more than a self serving tool who won't carry any of the vote nor will he receive the Nomination is the Left seriously this is funny stuff.

The election is 18 months away the field hasn't even been chosen yet and the left is spewing all of its hate on to someone who won't be part of the process.

no matter how popular he is with the rank-and-file.

Lets get real.

Wholethingis a publicty stunt by the Donald.

As far as 3rd Party. fergetabout it.

Best 3rd party canddates have ever done is be a spoiler a la George Wallace and that guy from Texas with the big ears in 1992 Ross Perot

Christ don't tell the idiots on the Left that they've got all their hateful rhetoric all bullet pointed be a damn shame for them to lose focus now.
Why is it so damn funny watching the left attempt to attack Trump as they did with Palin and Bachman the only people that see Trump as anything more than a self serving tool who won't carry any of the vote nor will he receive the Nomination is the Left seriously this is funny stuff.

The election is 18 months away the field hasn't even been chosen yet and the left is spewing all of its hate on to someone who won't be part of the process.


The moment he said he was birther, I started tuning whatever else he said out.
As for Bachman, we like to remind everyone who republicans vote for. The fact she keeps getting elected, reflects poorly on the republican party and the tea party.
that a candidate for president of the United States provide irrefutable slam-dunk proof of American citizenship ie a long -form Birth Certificate- before being on the ballot???
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that a candidate for president of the United States provide irrefutable slam-dunk proof of American citizenship ie a long -form Birth Certificate- before being on the ballot???

Holy cow man next you'll be asking for voter ID and we all know the response to that request
Question: Who certifies that a long-form birth certificate is accurate?

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