If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
Actually the thought of Biden finishing out President Obama's term is not that repugnant to me. He may be a buffoon, but he is no idiot and he does have experience that the President lacks, he has personal ethics that the President may or may not share, and I believe that he loves his country and would not intentionally do anything to harm America or anybody in it.

As for the probable GOP nominee, that person may not have yet surfaced. I'm thinking that perhaps some relative 'unknown' will emerge and catch the imagination of the people much as Bill Clinton did in 2001.

However, Jesse Ventura is convinced that Sarah Palin will be the next president and will be elected in 2012. :)

Forgive me Fox if I put little faith in the former Gov. of Minn. who's main claim to fame now is going to the Test Site at Area 51 and looking for Aliens on TV. While I do agree that perhaps the nominee for the GOP may not have surfaced yet, I remain hopeful that the person is not among the current crop of candidates. On the other side of the coin however, the President is going to have a little competition if any in my opinion in his primary bid.
I think the Ayers story was irrelevant.
I think the Media reported it briefly, then treated it as irrelevant.

IMO, they, in this case, did right. Why would I use the case of Ayers to agree with anyone that Obama wasn't "vetted?" I won't.

If you make a deal over one irrelevant issue with one canddiate and then let alone an irrelevant issue with the opposing candidate, you may be properly vetting the candidates, but not fairly reporting on the candidates.

Ayers was not a big deal...and treated as such by the media
Wright was not a big deal...and treated as such by the media
Keating 5 was not a big deal...yet treated as headlines
McCains divorce was not a big deal....but dug into with negative assumptions (no facts) reported

THAT is what dictates election results.
okay, i'm stting here looking a two birth certificates, both are mine. one is from the a month and a half from i was born, the other is a copy i got in 1993 because i thought tha "original" was lost.
obviously, both are copies and they appear identical. although there is nothing in the constitution about the president providing a birth certificate, there are laws about the president lying or trying to cover up.
the document of live birth provide by the campain, is either a copy or a new instrument.
if the name is different on the two documents that implies a change, that makes it a legal matter since the president is an elected employee.
it doesn't make sense for a self proclaimed transparant president to not want us to see everything. if we can dig up dead peaple to solve a legal mystery, than why can't we open the vault in hawaii, to see if the docs match exactly, or where they are different. this will require the justice depart to act, then the courts to render a decision on whether or not the president was eligible to run in 2008.
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so... two things:

first there is the appearance of inpropriety, because the president would have just shown it, if there was no problem.

why would the president put up with all of the controversy, more importantly why would he allow his own flock defend him so avidly/ardently ??

they're just questions, no racial undertones here. if he were any other color, i would ask the same questions, because no one should be given special preference because of their race, religion or political bent.

im·pro·pri·e·ty/ˌimprəˈprī-itē/Noun: A failure to observe standards or show due honesty or modesty; improper language, behavior, or character.
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Actually the thought of Biden finishing out President Obama's term is not that repugnant to me. He may be a buffoon, but he is no idiot and he does have experience that the President lacks, he has personal ethics that the President may or may not share, and I believe that he loves his country and would not intentionally do anything to harm America or anybody in it.

As for the probable GOP nominee, that person may not have yet surfaced. I'm thinking that perhaps some relative 'unknown' will emerge and catch the imagination of the people much as Bill Clinton did in 2001.

However, Jesse Ventura is convinced that Sarah Palin will be the next president and will be elected in 2012. :)

I view Palin as a shiny object that keeps the kitties in the media busy playing while decent potential candidates can build their strategies. I believe the phrase 'useful idiot' sums her up best.

I view her as a valuble spark, that ignited the conservative base when the only thing the GOP offered was McCain.
I think the Ayers story was irrelevant.
I think the Media reported it briefly, then treated it as irrelevant.

IMO, they, in this case, did right. Why would I use the case of Ayers to agree with anyone that Obama wasn't "vetted?" I won't.

Caribou Barbie mentioned it at every opportunity on the campaign trail & it was reported. The voters didn't care. Maybe because Bush II poisoned the well so thoroughly w/ all of his & Cheney's shenanigans that no thinking voter was going to vote for McSame.
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I think the Ayers story was irrelevant.
I think the Media reported it briefly, then treated it as irrelevant.

IMO, they, in this case, did right. Why would I use the case of Ayers to agree with anyone that Obama wasn't "vetted?" I won't.

the aryers story is not irrelevant it shows the character of a person with who that have associated themselves with.
Polls which do not have 'None of the above' as a choice, are kind of worthless polls.
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In politics, Trump IS a buffoon. This birfer nonsense is the height of buffoonery.

I think it is unfair to call Palin a buffoon. No matter what one might think of her, how she became governor is impressive. Having said that, she is a lightweight.

The Left's reaction isn't one of fear. It's one of bemusement. "This is the best you've got? Are you kidding?" Now she has fallen by the wayside, at least for the moment. Trump will too, eventually.

The reason why the Right claims the Left is fearful is because telling oneself that is a coping mechanism. One doesn't like to be mocked or laughed at. It lowers self-esteem. So people convince themselves that the mockery is due to fear. "They fear us" conveys q sense of self respect, strength, pride and self-esteem. So people convince themselves that the mockery is really a sign of respect. In fact it's just the opposite.
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I would burn that article and never use that source again. Trump is worth at least 2 billion.

But hey. You're only off by 1.8 billion dollars. I guess that's kind of close. :eusa_whistle:
You got proof? No? Then sit down and STFU.

How about you sitting down and shut the fuck up
April 2011: "If and when Donald Trump announces his decision to run for the office of the presidency, he will be filing financial disclosure statements that will show his net worth is in excess of $7 billion with more than $250 million of cash, and very little debt. He is very, very liquid, said a source with knowledge of Trump's financial holdings" -- Politico
NationalJournal.com - A History of Donald Trump's Net Worth Publicity (1988-2011) - Friday, April 22, 2011
Where are they getting their info, Rebecca? Has The Donald showed them his tax returns?

In politics, Trump IS a buffoon. This birfer nonsense is the height of buffoonery.

I think it is unfair to call Palin a buffoon. No matter what one might think of her, how she became governor is impressive. Having said that, she is a lightweight.

The Left's reaction isn't one of fear. It's one of bemusement. "This is the best you've got? Are you kidding?" Now she has fallen by the wayside, at least for the moment. Trump will too, eventually.

The reason why the Right claims the Left is fearful is because telling oneself that is a coping mechanism. One doesn't like to be mocked or laughed at. It lowers self-esteem. So people convince themselves that the mockery is due to fear. "They fear us" conveys q sense of self respect, strength, pride and self-esteem. So people convince themselves that the mockery is really a sign of respect. In fact it's just the opposite.

And what does the democrats have to offer? another 4 more years of Bush and carter, with the massive mistake called obama?

I thinks thats why obama is hiding his birth certificate,
Carter is his mother and Bush Jr. is his father.
Toro you got the hiccups.lol

As for the Birth Certificate thing, I don't see how you can say it is the height of buffoonery, when a large MAJORITY of people have questions about it.

Trump is repeating what a lot of people are asking, where the hell is the ORGINAL COPY.

I have a copy of my Hawaii birth certificate and it looks NOTHING like the Obama's.

In politics, Trump IS a buffoon. This birfer nonsense is the height of buffoonery.

I think it is unfair to call Palin a buffoon. No matter what one might think of her, how she became governor is impressive. Having said that, she is a lightweight.

The Left's reaction isn't one of fear. It's one of bemusement. "This is the best you've got? Are you kidding?" Now she has fallen by the wayside, at least for the moment. Trump will too, eventually.

The reason why the Right claims the Left is fearful is because telling oneself that is a coping mechanism. One doesn't like to be mocked or laughed at. It lowers self-esteem. So people convince themselves that the mockery is due to fear. "They fear us" conveys q sense of self respect, strength, pride and self-esteem. So people convince themselves that the mockery is really a sign of respect. In fact it's just the opposite.

Do you really think it is 'bemusement'? If so, why isn't more of the left making fun and joking about these people causing such bemusement? Why do they instead so quickly and immediately flock to the threads to post again and again and again the most derogatory adjectives and/or anything they can find that ridicules or demeans or degrades or demonizes the subject?
Toro you got the hiccups.lol

As for the Birth Certificate thing, I don't see how you can say it is the height of buffoonery, when a large MAJORITY of people have questions about it.

Trump is repeating what a lot of people are asking, where the hell is the ORGINAL COPY.

I have a copy of my Hawaii birth certificate and it looks NOTHING like the Obama's.

You know, that avitar is, like, awesome.

Cotton out of the ears.
Why would anyone step forward yet? Look at the disgraceful behavior of our media towards any potential candidate. Our political system has become one of 'soap opera' scandal, innuendo and total bullshit. What decent individual would put their family through that shit?
Look at the disgraceful behaviour of your own side, on Hate Radio, FOX, and boards like USMB.
Why would anyone step forward yet? Look at the disgraceful behavior of our media towards any potential candidate. Our political system has become one of 'soap opera' scandal, innuendo and total bullshit. What decent individual would put their family through that shit?
Look at the disgraceful behaviour of your own side, on Hate Radio, FOX, and boards like USMB.

LOL, disgraceful. you evidently weren't here when BUSH WAS PRESIDENT.
spare us the sermons on civility and grace.:lol:

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