If In Californica, Dont Drink or Swim in the Water


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LcQLxT49ZP0]Fukushima radiation hits San Francisco (Dec 2013) - YouTube[/ame]

The Fukushima disaster that our EPA, the Japanese government and other professional liars say is totally safe, is now irradiating the West Coast.

The video showing the kids playing in that radioactive ocean water is true horror film, courtesy of the lying US government and its Japanese co-conspirators.
Nah man it's probably a liberal conspiracy. Science is stupid. Ignore that shit

What does this have to do with POLITICS?

Sheesh, cant there be ANY DISCUSSION OF ANYTHING without politics being dragged into it?


Kids are swimming in radioactive oceans and all you can think of is, the liberals did it! or 'The conservatives will blame the liberals for it!'

Dude, wake up, BOTH PARTIES want to drink your fucking blood and roast your children in ovens and eat their beating hearts.

Nah man it's probably a liberal conspiracy. Science is stupid. Ignore that shit

What does this have to do with POLITICS?

Sheesh, cant there be ANY DISCUSSION OF ANYTHING without politics being dragged into it?


Kids are swimming in radioactive oceans and all you can think of is, the liberals did it! or 'The conservatives will blame the liberals for it!'

Dude, wake up, BOTH PARTIES want to drink your fucking blood and roast your children in ovens and eat their beating hearts.


When it's time to rise up send me a PM. I'll have my guns ready.
Nah man it's probably a liberal conspiracy. Science is stupid. Ignore that shit

What does this have to do with POLITICS?

Sheesh, cant there be ANY DISCUSSION OF ANYTHING without politics being dragged into it?


Kids are swimming in radioactive oceans and all you can think of is, the liberals did it! or 'The conservatives will blame the liberals for it!'

Dude, wake up, BOTH PARTIES want to drink your fucking blood and roast your children in ovens and eat their beating hearts.


When it's time to rise up send me a PM. I'll have my guns ready.

What, you're gonna shoot the damned ocean?

This is bizarre

Half Moon Bay Beach Radiation Not From Fukushima, Officials Say - Around Town - Half Moon Bay, CA Patch

Sythe’s Inspector device is featured in the video, which led some to believe that radioactive material from the Fukushima Daiichi reactor meltdown in Japan was now hitting the West Coast. Sythe also specializes in radiation detection and public safety. He was so concerned about the video that he asked his friend Steve Weiss, an electrical engineer from the Coastside, to mail some Half Moon Bay sand to his Sebastopol home to “personally test a sample of sand from the beach, and I am convinced there is no link to Fukushima,” he said.

He found that the radioactive areas of the beach seem to be associated with dark sand below the high tide level.

“The levels detected are about five to 10 times what you would normally expect to find on a beach," he said. "But if the sand were contaminated by radiation from Fukushima it would show Cesium-137 a product of nuclear fission which is reported to be the major health concern in Fukushima."

What Sythe found on Surfer's Beach was not this. He got radium and thorium, which are naturally occurring radioactive elements, he said. The radiation level is elevated, but roughly equivalent to some granite counter top material from Brazil. He documented his findings in a blog post on the Geiger Counter Bulletin here.

Whether this material is naturally occurring at this beach or not remains a question, said Sythe. “There are reports that a pipeline was once at this location and oil pipelines can collect heavy radioactive minerals.”

He believes the beach is safe but would err on the side of caution with young children and babies "to make sure they don't inhale or eat the sand," said Sythe, who describes himself as conservative when it comes to dealing with controversial issues regarding radiation health and safety and prefers a more "precautionary approach," he said.

It's safe, but it's NOT safe, lol.

And get this.....

Experts say beach radiation unrelated to Fukushima - Half Moon Bay Review : News

The 2011 Fukushima Daiichi reactor meltdown in Japan is not the cause of abnormally high radiation levels discovered recently along Surfer's Beach, according to an analysis by independent experts. But exactly why a swath of the local coastline is showing about 14 times the baseline radiation level remains a curious mystery

Just think....when California glows in the dark they can turn off all the lights and shut down those nasty polluting power plants! Well, except for ones needed for the computers they use to flood the internet with partisan propaganda blog drivel.
As someone who is fond of food, I can't help but think what impact this will have on the fish that is caught off the Pacific Ocean.

Well, the fish might like it....if people stop eating them from off the Kaliphornica coastline.
As someone who is fond of food, I can't help but think what impact this will have on the fish that is caught off the Pacific Ocean.

Well, the fish might like it....if people stop eating them from off the Kaliphornica coastline.
Looks like this is a real hazard, especially if it could infect the fish that we eat.

It looks like this is natural radiation from some kind of Thorium deposit.

Makes me wonder if...

1) that might not be a huge resource, and
2) what other beaches in this country might not be soaking in nuclear radiation?
This is bizarre

Half Moon Bay Beach Radiation Not From Fukushima, Officials Say - Around Town - Half Moon Bay, CA Patch

Sythe’s Inspector device is featured in the video, which led some to believe that radioactive material from the Fukushima Daiichi reactor meltdown in Japan was now hitting the West Coast. Sythe also specializes in radiation detection and public safety. He was so concerned about the video that he asked his friend Steve Weiss, an electrical engineer from the Coastside, to mail some Half Moon Bay sand to his Sebastopol home to “personally test a sample of sand from the beach, and I am convinced there is no link to Fukushima,” he said.

He found that the radioactive areas of the beach seem to be associated with dark sand below the high tide level.

“The levels detected are about five to 10 times what you would normally expect to find on a beach," he said. "But if the sand were contaminated by radiation from Fukushima it would show Cesium-137 a product of nuclear fission which is reported to be the major health concern in Fukushima."

What Sythe found on Surfer's Beach was not this. He got radium and thorium, which are naturally occurring radioactive elements, he said. The radiation level is elevated, but roughly equivalent to some granite counter top material from Brazil. He documented his findings in a blog post on the Geiger Counter Bulletin here.

Whether this material is naturally occurring at this beach or not remains a question, said Sythe. “There are reports that a pipeline was once at this location and oil pipelines can collect heavy radioactive minerals.”

He believes the beach is safe but would err on the side of caution with young children and babies "to make sure they don't inhale or eat the sand," said Sythe, who describes himself as conservative when it comes to dealing with controversial issues regarding radiation health and safety and prefers a more "precautionary approach," he said.

It's safe, but it's NOT safe, lol.

And get this.....

Experts say beach radiation unrelated to Fukushima - Half Moon Bay Review : News

The 2011 Fukushima Daiichi reactor meltdown in Japan is not the cause of abnormally high radiation levels discovered recently along Surfer's Beach, according to an analysis by independent experts. But exactly why a swath of the local coastline is showing about 14 times the baseline radiation level remains a curious mystery


1st: The graph shown did not relate the levels of radiation above background, it just showed a big red scary blob with no quantifiable numbers.

2nd, 14 times above background normal is again not really an indication of levels of danger. Everything around us gives off some levels of radiation, its a question of how much. 14 times normal background may still be safe, one just doesnt know without the dosage information.
14 times normal is just what it is - 14Xnormal level.

if you want to find out at what level radiation exposure becomes harmful - you might want to refresh your memories of physics ;)
14 times normal is just what it is - 14Xnormal level.

if you want to find out at what level radiation exposure becomes harmful - you might want to refresh your memories of physics ;)

Lets say that radiation is an orange. And it takes 100 oranges being thrown at you to cause damage, and 1000 oranges thrown at you to kill you. Normally at any given time 1 orange is thrown at you. Now all of a sudden you get 14 thrown at you, but you can handle it.

One can say you faced 14 times the normal number of oranges, but it doesnt matter because you need 100 thrown at you to be an cause for concern.

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