If In Californica, Dont Drink or Swim in the Water

14 times normal is just what it is - 14Xnormal level.

if you want to find out at what level radiation exposure becomes harmful - you might want to refresh your memories of physics ;)

Lets say that radiation is an orange. And it takes 100 oranges being thrown at you to cause damage, and 1000 oranges thrown at you to kill you. Normally at any given time 1 orange is thrown at you. Now all of a sudden you get 14 thrown at you, but you can handle it.

One can say you faced 14 times the normal number of oranges, but it doesnt matter because you need 100 thrown at you to be an cause for concern.

radiation is not an orange.

radiation is not a single entity - it varies.
It has different sources and we are being irradiated constantly from different sources.

In order to make a claim that something is harmful - one has to compare that exact amount to the amount of what we are experiencing, let's say, while watching TV.

Or laying on a beach. Or flying from NYC to LA.

The figure "14 times more than normal" is useless - 14 times more than normal of WHAT? which units? what exposure?

and nuclear power is still the most clean, ecological and least harmful to the environment ( including humans) than ANYTHING else. It is not the cheapest, but it is the cleanest.
Fukushima radiation hits San Francisco (Dec 2013) - YouTube

The Fukushima disaster that our EPA, the Japanese government and other professional liars say is totally safe, is now irradiating the West Coast.


This worries me because it's probably in the pacific food supply. Not just ocean but it has to be getting sucked up into the clouds and in rain that hits our land grown food too.
14 times normal is just what it is - 14Xnormal level.

if you want to find out at what level radiation exposure becomes harmful - you might want to refresh your memories of physics ;)

Lets say that radiation is an orange. And it takes 100 oranges being thrown at you to cause damage, and 1000 oranges thrown at you to kill you. Normally at any given time 1 orange is thrown at you. Now all of a sudden you get 14 thrown at you, but you can handle it.

One can say you faced 14 times the normal number of oranges, but it doesnt matter because you need 100 thrown at you to be an cause for concern.

radiation is not an orange.

radiation is not a single entity - it varies.
It has different sources and we are being irradiated constantly from different sources.

In order to make a claim that something is harmful - one has to compare that exact amount to the amount of what we are experiencing, let's say, while watching TV.

Or laying on a beach. Or flying from NYC to LA.

The figure "14 times more than normal" is useless - 14 times more than normal of WHAT? which units? what exposure?

and nuclear power is still the most clean, ecological and least harmful to the environment ( including humans) than ANYTHING else. It is not the cheapest, but it is the cleanest.

We agree, I was just trying to simplfy it for the masses.
This is bizarre

Half Moon Bay Beach Radiation Not From Fukushima, Officials Say - Around Town - Half Moon Bay, CA Patch

Sythe’s Inspector device is featured in the video, which led some to believe that radioactive material from the Fukushima Daiichi reactor meltdown in Japan was now hitting the West Coast. Sythe also specializes in radiation detection and public safety. He was so concerned about the video that he asked his friend Steve Weiss, an electrical engineer from the Coastside, to mail some Half Moon Bay sand to his Sebastopol home to “personally test a sample of sand from the beach, and I am convinced there is no link to Fukushima,” he said.

He found that the radioactive areas of the beach seem to be associated with dark sand below the high tide level.

“The levels detected are about five to 10 times what you would normally expect to find on a beach," he said. "But if the sand were contaminated by radiation from Fukushima it would show Cesium-137 a product of nuclear fission which is reported to be the major health concern in Fukushima."

What Sythe found on Surfer's Beach was not this. He got radium and thorium, which are naturally occurring radioactive elements, he said. The radiation level is elevated, but roughly equivalent to some granite counter top material from Brazil. He documented his findings in a blog post on the Geiger Counter Bulletin here.

Whether this material is naturally occurring at this beach or not remains a question, said Sythe. “There are reports that a pipeline was once at this location and oil pipelines can collect heavy radioactive minerals.”

He believes the beach is safe but would err on the side of caution with young children and babies "to make sure they don't inhale or eat the sand," said Sythe, who describes himself as conservative when it comes to dealing with controversial issues regarding radiation health and safety and prefers a more "precautionary approach," he said.

It's safe, but it's NOT safe, lol.

And get this.....

Experts say beach radiation unrelated to Fukushima - Half Moon Bay Review : News

The 2011 Fukushima Daiichi reactor meltdown in Japan is not the cause of abnormally high radiation levels discovered recently along Surfer's Beach, according to an analysis by independent experts. But exactly why a swath of the local coastline is showing about 14 times the baseline radiation level remains a curious mystery


1st: The graph shown did not relate the levels of radiation above background, it just showed a big red scary blob with no quantifiable numbers..

That was a map of the Pacific ocean, dude. The orange was the radioactive water heading to California.

1st: The graph shown did not relate the levels of radiation above background, it just showed a big red scary blob with no quantifiable numbers..

That was a map of the Pacific ocean, dude. The orange was the radioactive water heading to California.

How radioactive? how much above baseline? What are the isotopes?

its a scare graph without any real information.
As someone who is fond of food, I can't help but think what impact this will have on the fish that is caught off the Pacific Ocean.

Fortunately, those egghead scientists are way ahead of ya.


Answer: Nothing. Jack shit. Because there no longer is any significant contamination anywhere in the Pacific.

And caesium doesn't bioaccumulate much, to about a max of 200 times seawater content in top predators. 200 times jack is ... lemme see, carry the zero ... still jack.
1st: The graph shown did not relate the levels of radiation above background, it just showed a big red scary blob with no quantifiable numbers..

That was a map of the Pacific ocean, dude. The orange was the radioactive water heading to California.

How radioactive? how much above baseline? What are the isotopes?

its a scare graph without any real information.

The map is taken from a foreign source, I believe, but I found more details here:

ah, mephistophelis.: Fukushima Nuclear Pollution Impact On China, US Coasts(FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD)


The colorations show changes in the concentration of radioactive elements in the ocean, with white being normal and escalating up to the red.

As to your claim that these are merely scare graphics, I think the AGW proponents will tell you that scientists just don't do that, lol.

At least now you realize it I not a graph.
That guy's readings are well below the safe level of radiation readings which would be anywhere from 250 to 750 m. Anything over 750 then we should start to worry about it.
What he is picking up is natural radiation and we all are exposed to it almost anywhere you live.
Natural levels are 50 to 85.
That guy's readings are well below the safe level of radiation readings which would be anywhere from 250 to 750 m. Anything over 750 then we should start to worry about it.
What he is picking up is natural radiation and we all are exposed to it almost anywhere you live.
Natural levels are 50 to 85.

Not sure you can say certain levels are safe when the duration exposed to those levels of radiation are a key component of dosimetry.
That guy's readings are well below the safe level of radiation readings which would be anywhere from 250 to 750 m. Anything over 750 then we should start to worry about it.
What he is picking up is natural radiation and we all are exposed to it almost anywhere you live.
Natural levels are 50 to 85.

Not sure you can say certain levels are safe when the duration exposed to those levels of radiation are a key component of dosimetry.

Everyone on Earth is exposed to radiation everyday from levels of 50 to 85.
Either from the ground or terrestrial or even from each human being (yes, even humans emit small amounts of radiation).

Everyday Exposure
Regardless of what you do on a typical day, go to school, work, or stay home, in each case you are being exposed to radiation. Whether you know it or not you are being exposed to radioactivity everyday of your life.
That guy's readings are well below the safe level of radiation readings which would be anywhere from 250 to 750 m. Anything over 750 then we should start to worry about it.
What he is picking up is natural radiation and we all are exposed to it almost anywhere you live.
Natural levels are 50 to 85.

Not sure you can say certain levels are safe when the duration exposed to those levels of radiation are a key component of dosimetry.

Everyone on Earth is exposed to radiation everyday from levels of 50 to 85.
Either from the ground or terrestrial or even from each human being (yes, even humans emit small amounts of radiation).

Everyday Exposure
Regardless of what you do on a typical day, go to school, work, or stay home, in each case you are being exposed to radiation. Whether you know it or not you are being exposed to radioactivity everyday of your life.

But again the exposure is only one factor as the time exposed is part of the computation.

Also what kind of radiation it is makes a big difference, since alpha radiation is more dangerous than photon radiation.

A handy chart:


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