If Islam is peaceful

for those who do not know-----carrying weapons is----sorta a HOLY OBLIGATION
for muslims-------
Every mosque I know of welcomes and encourages visitors. Our mosque will even schedule visits for large groups and provide a tour guide. ...... :cool:
- Principles of Fiqh » Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings » Acts of Worship » Prayer » Rulings on Mosques.
2192: Non-Muslims entering the mosque
But the filthy Kuffar can't go to Mecca, eh?
And look at the reason for allowing the filthy infidels into mosques:

What is the ruling on non-Muslims entering the mosque?

Praise be to Allaah.

It is forbidden for Muslims to allow any kaafir to enter al-Masjid al-Haraam [in Makkah] and the sacred areas [al-Haram] around it, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O you who believe! Verily, the Mushrikûn (polytheists) are Najasun (impure). So let them not come near Al-Masjid Al-Harâm (at Makkah) after this year” [al-Tawbah 9:28].

With regard to other mosques, some fuqaha’ said that it is permissible because there is nothing to indicate that it is not allowed; others said that it is not permissible, by analogy with al-Masjid al-Haraam.

The correct view is that it is permissible if it serves the interests of sharee’ah or meet a valid need, such as a person hearing something that may invite him to enter Islam, or because he needs to drink water in the mosque, or the like. This is because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) tied up (his prisoner) Thamaamah ibn Athaal al-Hanafi in the mosque before he became Muslim, and the delegations of Thaqeef and the Christians of Najraan stayed in the mosque before they became Muslim. There were many benefits offered by doing this: they could hear the speeches and sermons of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), see people praying and reciting Qur’aan, and other benefits that are gained by those who visit the mosque. (From Fatawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 6/276).

If some kuffaar ask to enter the mosque so that they can see how Muslims pray, so long as they have nothing with them that could make the mosque dirty, and there are no women among them who are dressed in a provocative fashion, or any other reason not to let them in, then there is nothing wrong with allowing them to enter and sit behind the Muslims so they can see how they pray. If we fear that there is someone who may rebuke them (for not praying etc.) without realizing that they are not Muslim, we should point this out to them.

And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
Non-Muslims entering the mosque - islamqa.info
That prohibition only applies to the mosque in Mecca. ... :cool:
Thank you for stating what I already stated. What about the rest?
mosques basements are good for hiding weapons of war and the minarets will eventually be good for tossing gays to their deaths or as some muslims say trying to teach gays to fly ehh Sunni .
for those who do not know-----carrying weapons is----sorta a HOLY OBLIGATION
for muslims-------
Weapons and peace.

tilly-----the WELL DRESSED MUSLIM man----in the shariah pit of my husband's birth-----does not leave his house -------to pick up the newspaper----UNARMED. He goes with a giant dagger in his waistband and a machine gun over his shoulder and even an array of handgrenades hanging from his waist sash. -----and a pistol----to
complete the armamentarium for casual dress. --------these customs of dress did
have an effect on the nervous systems of non muslims who were not allowed ---by
law----to carry any weapon at all-----nevah-----no where............
for those who do not know-----carrying weapons is----sorta a HOLY OBLIGATION
for muslims-------

This is gonna be the usual degree of hilarious but here goes anyway ----

..... link?

FTR I've known and worked with dozens if not hundreds of Muslims. I have yet to see a single one that was armed.

Maybe it's like Jerry Lee Lewis sang --- "whole lotta apostasyin' goin' on"... :dunno:
Every mosque I know of welcomes and encourages visitors.

Our mosque will even schedule visits for large groups and provide a tour guide. ...... :cool:

What will you and your mosque do if ISIS gets the idol? There is a fair chance they may be able to invade Saudi Arabia and "liberate" the idol from their position in Yemen. How will you know where to bow, if Allah is moved from the Kaaba?

Will the precarious situation for the idol cause a crisis in faith for you? Will Allah defend his idol from from ISIS, or allow himself to be taken? And what of Iran? They lust after the idol you worship as well?

This is getting messy.
This is gonna be the usual degree of hilarious but here goes anyway ----

..... link?

FTR I've known and worked with dozens if not hundreds of Muslims. I have yet to see a single one that was armed.

Maybe it's like Jerry Lee Lewis sang --- "whole lotta apostasyin' goin' on"... :dunno:

I thought you claimed to be a devil worshipper? Muslims don't take kindly to Wiccans, and unlike Christians, actually kill witches like you. (Which is why you hate Christians and love Muslims!)

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