If it is your body & your choice why the he'll do I have to pay for the next 18 years?

You want complete control over the entire situation (pregnancy, life & death) then you should foot the entire bill.

You knew ahead of time, if you got her pregnant, then you would be responsible for the next 18 years and HOPEFULLY for the rest of YOUR CHILD'S life.

If you didn't want her to have the only ''say'' in her pregnancy within her body, then as has been said many times, you should have used protection, to protect yourself from being in this predicament.

BEFORE abortion was legal, if you got a girl pregnant, you married her or guaranteed, paid child support... now you have a 10% plus chance that she may choose not to have her and your baby. Count yourself lucky I suppose, her and the baby to be, not so much...
Does the first paragraph apply to the mothers as well or do they get a pass if they kill the child?

And I like how almost every single lib in this thread makes it personal. My wife & kids are not so lucky eh? What ever happened to family is out of bounds? Yet almost ALL OF YOU LEFTIES have gone there
So...you were trolling....because you brought your personal situation into this. This thread was all a trap?

Then I would recommend everyone pull out of this thread since it looks to be Grannie setting a trap to report people for talking about the very thing he brought to this discussion.

Ugh. I hate getting reported for stupid crap. Thank God I didn't post in this thread frequently enough to fall for it.

That's really low, baiting people like that.

If that was your intention, get a life Gramps.
By the way, there is no reason to ,make shit up. You hate getting reported for stupid shit? Really? Since the mods don't tell you when you're reported it's obvious that you are full of shit.
I am one of the rudest assholes on this site. I curse in most of my posts & I insult just about everyone yet I rarely get modded. If you are getting modded for "stupid shit" you must really be hated.

Glad I'm not you
You want complete control over the entire situation (pregnancy, life & death) then you should foot the entire bill.

You knew ahead of time, if you got her pregnant, then you would be responsible for the next 18 years and HOPEFULLY for the rest of YOUR CHILD'S life.

If you didn't want her to have the only ''say'' in her pregnancy within her body, then as has been said many times, you should have used protection, to protect yourself from being in this predicament.

BEFORE abortion was legal, if you got a girl pregnant, you married her or guaranteed, paid child support... now you have a 10% plus chance that she may choose not to have her and your baby. Count yourself lucky I suppose, her and the baby to be, not so much...
Does the first paragraph apply to the mothers as well or do they get a pass if they kill the child?

And I like how almost every single lib in this thread makes it personal. My wife & kids are not so lucky eh? What ever happened to family is out of bounds? Yet almost ALL OF YOU LEFTIES have gone there
So...you were trolling....because you brought your personal situation into this. This thread was all a trap?

Then I would recommend everyone pull out of this thread since it looks to be Grannie setting a trap to report people for talking about the very thing he brought to this discussion.

Ugh. I hate getting reported for stupid crap. Thank God I didn't post in this thread frequently enough to fall for it.

That's really low, baiting people like that.

If that was your intention, get a life Gramps.
By the way, there is no reason to ,make shit up. You hate getting reported for stupid shit? Really? Since the mods don't tell you when you're reported it's obvious that you are full of shit.
I am one of the rudest assholes on this site. I curse in most of my posts & I insult just about everyone yet I rarely get modded. If you are getting modded for "stupid shit" you must really be hated.

Glad I'm not you

I only said I hate it. I never said how often.

I've only been told I was reported once haha. Someone mentioned how they taught their children to do something stupid, I said I felt bad for them, and they were like 'No negative family talk. Reporting you!"

It was pretty stupid.

Now as far as this thread goes, I was only insulting you if it was your intention to bait people. No need to go crazy.

(But just thought I should point out: if this thread is any indication, I wouldn't assume you were the most popular grampa on the block...)
You knew ahead of time, if you got her pregnant, then you would be responsible for the next 18 years and HOPEFULLY for the rest of YOUR CHILD'S life.

If you didn't want her to have the only ''say'' in her pregnancy within her body, then as has been said many times, you should have used protection, to protect yourself from being in this predicament.

BEFORE abortion was legal, if you got a girl pregnant, you married her or guaranteed, paid child support... now you have a 10% plus chance that she may choose not to have her and your baby. Count yourself lucky I suppose, her and the baby to be, not so much...
Does the first paragraph apply to the mothers as well or do they get a pass if they kill the child?

And I like how almost every single lib in this thread makes it personal. My wife & kids are not so lucky eh? What ever happened to family is out of bounds? Yet almost ALL OF YOU LEFTIES have gone there
So...you were trolling....because you brought your personal situation into this. This thread was all a trap?

Then I would recommend everyone pull out of this thread since it looks to be Grannie setting a trap to report people for talking about the very thing he brought to this discussion.

Ugh. I hate getting reported for stupid crap. Thank God I didn't post in this thread frequently enough to fall for it.

That's really low, baiting people like that.

If that was your intention, get a life Gramps.
By the way, there is no reason to ,make shit up. You hate getting reported for stupid shit? Really? Since the mods don't tell you when you're reported it's obvious that you are full of shit.
I am one of the rudest assholes on this site. I curse in most of my posts & I insult just about everyone yet I rarely get modded. If you are getting modded for "stupid shit" you must really be hated.

Glad I'm not you

I only said I hate it. I never said how often.

I've only been told I was reported once haha. Someone mentioned how they taught their children to do something stupid, I said I felt bad for them, and they were like 'No negative family talk. Reporting you!"

It was pretty stupid.

Now as far as this thread goes, I was only insulting you if it was your intention to bait people. No need to go crazy.

(But just thought I should point out: if this thread is any indication, I wouldn't assume you were the most popular grampa on the block...)
I am the bomb bro. Dontcha know?
You knew ahead of time, if you got her pregnant, then you would be responsible for the next 18 years and HOPEFULLY for the rest of YOUR CHILD'S life.

If you didn't want her to have the only ''say'' in her pregnancy within her body, then as has been said many times, you should have used protection, to protect yourself from being in this predicament.

BEFORE abortion was legal, if you got a girl pregnant, you married her or guaranteed, paid child support... now you have a 10% plus chance that she may choose not to have her and your baby. Count yourself lucky I suppose, her and the baby to be, not so much...
Does the first paragraph apply to the mothers as well or do they get a pass if they kill the child?

And I like how almost every single lib in this thread makes it personal. My wife & kids are not so lucky eh? What ever happened to family is out of bounds? Yet almost ALL OF YOU LEFTIES have gone there
So...you were trolling....because you brought your personal situation into this. This thread was all a trap?

Then I would recommend everyone pull out of this thread since it looks to be Grannie setting a trap to report people for talking about the very thing he brought to this discussion.

Ugh. I hate getting reported for stupid crap. Thank God I didn't post in this thread frequently enough to fall for it.

That's really low, baiting people like that.

If that was your intention, get a life Gramps.
By the way, there is no reason to ,make shit up. You hate getting reported for stupid shit? Really? Since the mods don't tell you when you're reported it's obvious that you are full of shit.
I am one of the rudest assholes on this site. I curse in most of my posts & I insult just about everyone yet I rarely get modded. If you are getting modded for "stupid shit" you must really be hated.

Glad I'm not you

I only said I hate it. I never said how often.

I've only been told I was reported once haha. Someone mentioned how they taught their children to do something stupid, I said I felt bad for them, and they were like 'No negative family talk. Reporting you!"

It was pretty stupid.

Now as far as this thread goes, I was only insulting you if it was your intention to bait people. No need to go crazy.

(But just thought I should point out: if this thread is any indication, I wouldn't assume you were the most popular grampa on the block...)
So you were full of shit....

Explains why your insignia says you're a "senior member" despite joining TWO WEEKS AGO....
I have no clue WHY it says that :laugh:

It just started saying that. I'm not a 'full' member (gold, and what not) so I didn't even think I could change that little section.

I dunno why you're angry though..
Your first post is 100% wrong.

You don't get my point.

Let's try again shall we?

Just like a woman, a man should have the ability to walk away from a child prior to birth. Period.
The woman can & does this for ANY reason she wants by killing the child. I'm simply suggesting that prior to birth if the man doesn't want the child he too should be able to exercise that same decision by signing his rights away as a father. It has nothing to do with the decision the woman makes.

What's good for the goose and all that shit. Equal treatment under the law.

equal treatment under WHAT law??
Your first post is 100% wrong.

You don't get my point.

Let's try again shall we?

Just like a woman, a man should have the ability to walk away from a child prior to birth. Period.
The woman can & does this for ANY reason she wants by killing the child. I'm simply suggesting that prior to birth if the man doesn't want the child he too should be able to exercise that same decision by signing his rights away as a father. It has nothing to do with the decision the woman makes.

What's good for the goose and all that shit. Equal treatment under the law.

equal treatment under WHAT law??
I'm done dear. Ya`ll wore me out.
Seriously, can someone tell me why my thing say 'senior member'?

(I don't consider this off topic or derailing, since the OP brought it up)
Your first post is 100% wrong.

You don't get my point.

Let's try again shall we?

Just like a woman, a man should have the ability to walk away from a child prior to birth. Period.
The woman can & does this for ANY reason she wants by killing the child. I'm simply suggesting that prior to birth if the man doesn't want the child he too should be able to exercise that same decision by signing his rights away as a father. It has nothing to do with the decision the woman makes.

What's good for the goose and all that shit. Equal treatment under the law.

equal treatment under WHAT law??
I'm done dear. Ya`ll wore me out.

k.. just trying to make you think...
Your first post is 100% wrong.

You don't get my point.

Let's try again shall we?

Just like a woman, a man should have the ability to walk away from a child prior to birth. Period.
The woman can & does this for ANY reason she wants by killing the child. I'm simply suggesting that prior to birth if the man doesn't want the child he too should be able to exercise that same decision by signing his rights away as a father. It has nothing to do with the decision the woman makes.

What's good for the goose and all that shit. Equal treatment under the law.

equal treatment under WHAT law??
I'm done dear. Ya`ll wore me out.

k.. just trying to make you think...
Trying to watch the Royals game. We're down 1 and I have no time for this sillyness.....*tips drink*
Dunno how but I fucked up a pot roast tonight lol. Probably from fielding the responses in this thread...

Got stuck with broccoli and carrots for dinner..... I'm afraid you or bodecea are gonna have to take responsibility for it cause you know, I'm a conservative and as you all keep reminding me it is not anyone's fault, it is a community responsibility
I get your point. You don't get mine. Neither you nor I have shredded anything. If we had the discussion would have ended.

I get your point. You believe that financial responsibility should be based on a man's ability to control a woman's body. If he can't force her to bear a child she doesn't want or force her to abort a child he doesn't want, he shouldn't have to pay.

You're simply wrong, with your entire argument based on a series of nested fallacies.

First, your basis of a man's obligation is a fallacy. You've posited that the basis is his choice. When in reality, its the existence of his child. If the child exists, his obligation exists. His consent in the birth of child is irrelevant. It has no bearing nor effect on his obligation.

Simply destroying your entire argument. Completely and utterly. But lets kick a dead horse, shall we?

Second, both the man and the woman have the same control over their own bodies. A man can choose not to carry a child to term in his body. And so can a woman. You're insisting that unless a man has control over a WOMAN'S body, he doesn't have freedom or choice. That's nonsense. He has freedom and choice over his own actions and the use of his own body.

'Freedom' isn't the authority to control someone else.
That bastardizes the very meaning of the word 'freedom'. If a man wants to choose if he will carry a child to term in his own body, he should get pregnant. But at no point does he get to make that choice for anyone else.

Killing your argument again.
Your first post is 100% wrong.

You don't get my point.

Let's try again shall we?

Just like a woman, a man should have the ability to walk away from a child prior to birth. Period.
The woman can & does this for ANY reason she wants by killing the child. I'm simply suggesting that prior to birth if the man doesn't want the child he too should be able to exercise that same decision by signing his rights away as a father. It has nothing to do with the decision the woman makes.

What's good for the goose and all that shit. Equal treatment under the law.

I would agree with that the moment a man ends up pregnant- then he can decide what to do with his body.

That would be equal treatment.

Until then- men and women control their own bodies- and when a baby is born- then they both have responsibility for the baby.
I have destroyed that argument with one simple point.

If a woman can walk away from an unwanted pregnancy then a man should have an equal right to do so.

You can not argue that point. You simply cant. You fuckers are always screaming about equal rights yet on this issue you falter. That is hypocrisy plain & simple

You are an idiot.

A foul mouthed, whiney, infantile idiot.

You lash out like a 12 year old boy on a playground at anyone who disagrees with you.

You just don't want men to be responsible for their actions and refuse to listen or acknowledge anything other than your sense of victimhood.

If you have a child- it is your responsiblity to take care of it.

You want complete control over the entire situation (pregnancy, life & death) then you should foot the entire bill.

You knew ahead of time, if you got her pregnant, then you would be responsible for the next 18 years and HOPEFULLY for the rest of YOUR CHILD'S life.

If you didn't want her to have the only ''say'' in her pregnancy within her body, then as has been said many times, you should have used protection, to protect yourself from being in this predicament.

BEFORE abortion was legal, if you got a girl pregnant, you married her or guaranteed, paid child support... now you have a 10% plus chance that she may choose not to have her and your baby. Count yourself lucky I suppose, her and the baby to be, not so much...
Does the first paragraph apply to the mothers as well or do they get a pass if they kill the child?

And I like how almost every single lib in this thread makes it personal. My wife & kids are not so lucky eh? What ever happened to family is out of bounds? Yet almost ALL OF YOU LEFTIES have gone there

You were the one who brought your wife and children into the thread- and then you whine about how we mention them after you introduced them?

How pathetic.

Why can a woman KILL the baby but the man is FORCED to abide by whatever decision she makes.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating fathers to drop out of their child's life. I am advocating that the responsible parties have equally say so in the outcomes of their own futures.

And my children are fully grown so leave the personal bullshit out of the thread.

Because it is not the man's body that has to carry the child. They both have a financial stake, but only she has to physically put herself at risk. The man gets no say in this because it is not his person that is on the line. If a man ever gets pregnant, then he gets a say.
So ever even consider the kids right to live??

No. I don't. No one has the right to the use of the body of another without their consent, no matter what the need. If anyone does, then everyone does.
Horseshit. Infants aren't *squatters* or parasites. They are human beings created at least in part by the one that carries them. Once they're created, the manner of their creation doesn't matter, it's our responsibility to protect them. Get over it, death cultist.

Not up to you. Its up to the woman involved and no one else. If you don't like it, then don't have an abortion. But you have no more right to determine how a woman's body is to be used than I have over how your body is to be used.

Then a woman should have no right to force a man to pay for a kid she want's to keep, and he doesn't. With great power comes great responsibility.
You want complete control over the entire situation (pregnancy, life & death) then you should foot the entire bill.

You knew ahead of time, if you got her pregnant, then you would be responsible for the next 18 years and HOPEFULLY for the rest of YOUR CHILD'S life.

If you didn't want her to have the only ''say'' in her pregnancy within her body, then as has been said many times, you should have used protection, to protect yourself from being in this predicament.

BEFORE abortion was legal, if you got a girl pregnant, you married her or guaranteed, paid child support... now you have a 10% plus chance that she may choose not to have her and your baby. Count yourself lucky I suppose, her and the baby to be, not so much...
Does the first paragraph apply to the mothers as well or do they get a pass if they kill the child?

And I like how almost every single lib in this thread makes it personal. My wife & kids are not so lucky eh? What ever happened to family is out of bounds? Yet almost ALL OF YOU LEFTIES have gone there

You were the one who brought your wife and children into the thread- and then you whine about how we mention them after you introduced them?

How pathetic.
Mentioning my family is not the same as using them as a weapon. Idiot
I get your point. You don't get mine. Neither you nor I have shredded anything. If we had the discussion would have ended.

I get your point. You believe that financial responsibility should be based on a man's ability to control a woman's body. If he can't force her to bear a child she doesn't want or force her to abort a child he doesn't want, he shouldn't have to pay.

You're simply wrong, with your entire argument based on a series of nested fallacies.

First, your basis of a man's obligation is a fallacy. You've posited that the basis is his choice. When in reality, its the existence of his child. If the child exists, his obligation exists. His consent in the birth of child is irrelevant. It has no bearing nor effect on his obligation.

Simply destroying your entire argument. Completely and utterly. But lets kick a dead horse, shall we?

Second, both the man and the woman have the same control over their own bodies. A man can choose not to carry a child to term in his body. And so can a woman. You're insisting that unless a man has control over a WOMAN'S body, he doesn't have freedom or choice. That's nonsense. He has freedom and choice over his own actions and the use of his own body.

'Freedom' isn't the authority to control someone else.
That bastardizes the very meaning of the word 'freedom'. If a man wants to choose if he will carry a child to term in his own body, he should get pregnant. But at no point does he get to make that choice for anyone else.

Killing your argument again.
Your first post is 100% wrong.

You don't get my point.

Let's try again shall we?

Just like a woman, a man should have the ability to walk away from a child prior to birth. Period.
The woman can & does this for ANY reason she wants by killing the child. I'm simply suggesting that prior to birth if the man doesn't want the child he too should be able to exercise that same decision by signing his rights away as a father. It has nothing to do with the decision the woman makes.

What's good for the goose and all that shit. Equal treatment under the law.

I would agree with that the moment a man ends up pregnant- then he can decide what to do with his body.

That would be equal treatment.

Until then- men and women control their own bodies- and when a baby is born- then they both have responsibility for the baby.
I have destroyed that argument with one simple point.

If a woman can walk away from an unwanted pregnancy then a man should have an equal right to do so.

You can not argue that point. You simply cant. You fuckers are always screaming about equal rights yet on this issue you falter. That is hypocrisy plain & simple

You are an idiot.

A foul mouthed, whiney, infantile idiot.

You lash out like a 12 year old boy on a playground at anyone who disagrees with you.

You just don't want men to be responsible for their actions and refuse to listen or acknowledge anything other than your sense of victimhood.

If you have a child- it is your responsiblity to take care of it.

That's Mr Foulmouth to you. ...
..... fucktard

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