If It Looks Like Open Carry, And Sounds Like Open Carry--Then Chinese Sanctions Are On!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Elsewhere barely noted, from the Republican perspective in New Jersey--having thrown everyone off the beach--then enlisting of the Chinese sanctions against North Korea may have thrown the White House into its own version of a "Presidential" mode. China appears to have conceded the North Korean peril near its shores. The White House had offered its bombastic support for the perception. So with a violent clash reported over the weekend, then an "All sides share the blame equally," approach may have been thought an "Even-handed," response, having created a workable international relations outcome.

Small problem is that the U. S. in fact can likely shoot back immediately--even if North Korea claims it is shooting 20 miles off-shore of anything. It is not clear that North Korea can target anything far away with any accuracy. Possibly China had to explain that to North Korea. Any launch would be a de facto, and a de jure: Act of War. China, too, would suffer.

So comparing, over the weekend, there is a Nazi-era Torchlight Parade of a good-sized crowd. The crowd is doing open-carry, and in various stages of battle dress. Violation of Civil Rights appears more intended, then any expression of artistic opinion of Civil War statuary. The outbreaks happen. The White House goes into even-handed mode, as though all parties were in the same frame of mind, and equally in play with various devices.

The Trump Approval Rating has tanked almost immediately, when at least it should have stabilized.
Trump approval falls to lowest level ever in Gallup poll

In a manner of speaking, "If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck: Then the Chinese, too: Bring out the soy sauce and rice cakes, right away!" The White House seems to need to know this(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great White Yellow Hair In Washington: Needs crash course in identification of Assault Weaponry, while there is time!)

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