If it wasn't for liberals this country would have no civil rights


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
And be a theocracy ran by rightwing evangelic shitheads who would tell where and when to stick your penis for your own good. I wonder how many rightwing shitheads listen to their "Christian" preachers and politicians when they tell when and where to stick their penises and into what holes or is it a case of do as I say and not as I do?
An Rick Santorum would be your president with a Evangelical version of sharia as the US constitution.
Article, I await your proclamation of this troll thread.


I'm not trolling, you rightwingers support evangelical fucktards who want to tell me where to stick my dick and tell me I cannot have protected sex because I am violating God's law on procreation.
Republicans pushed Civil Rights early on. Democrats did everything they could to prevent it. Once JFK won that perception changed. Abe Lincoln started it and if you can pull up the votes on civil rights acts you'll discover that the Democrat Party was mostly against it in the beginning.

Btw, the KKK was and still is church-going rightwingers, and Democrats.
Republicans pushed Civil Rights early on. Democrats did everything they could to prevent it. Once JFK won that perception changed. Abe Lincoln started it and if you can pull up the votes on civil rights acts you'll discover that the Democrat Party was mostly against it in the beginning.

Btw, the KKK was and still is church-going rightwingers, and Democrats.

Republicans want to roll back Civil Rights, look at those fucktards Rand and Ron Paul, modern Republicans are not the Republicans of Lincoln you dumbfuck.

Why are you rightwingers so obsessed about where people stick their dicks at?
Most KKK and neo-Nazi shithead scum support Republicans like Ron Paul, not Democrats.
Republicans pushed Civil Rights early on. Democrats did everything they could to prevent it.

You may have observed that the OP spoke of "liberals," not "Democrats." On this issue, before the 1960s, the Republicans were more liberal than the Democrats. The thread title remains accurate.
Can any rightwinger name any recent piece of Civil Rights legistlation pushed by Repugs?
Article, I await your proclamation of this troll thread.


I'm not trolling, you rightwingers support evangelical fucktards who want to tell me where to stick my dick and tell me I cannot have protected sex because I am violating God's law on procreation.

Well, if you can find your dick why don't you put a rubber on it. Next, see if you can get anyone to have sex with you. You might have to pay them. Buying a hot car might help. Lot's of bling might work too. Perhaps a roofy or two.

Wear a rubber. We wouldn't want you having kids and subjecting them to your special brand of bigotry.

No offense.
And be a theocracy ran by rightwing evangelic shitheads who would tell where and when to stick your penis for your own good. I wonder how many rightwing shitheads listen to their "Christian" preachers and politicians when they tell when and where to stick their penises and into what holes or is it a case of do as I say and not as I do?

I don't know if thats necessarily true, I have had Libtertarians on this board tell me that the Civil Rights act was a joke and not necessary, and Blacks should stop whining.
Actually, this country has always had civil rights, as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. The problem is that progressives in both parties have eroded those rights over the past century and then some, it is they who are continually trying to diminish your rights.

It is true however, that the religious right has been trying for a long time to impose their values on the rest of us, mostly by not funding things like abortions with taxpayer dollars. Not sure if that's the same as saying you can't do something, only that the rest of us don't have to pay for some of your choices.
Most KKK and neo-Nazi shithead scum support Republicans like Ron Paul, not Democrats.

Most of the KKK lives in the South. Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, traditionally Democrats.

Ron Paul is not a Republican.
If Santorum had his way anal sex would be a felony crime punished by prison and or a fine, the same for blow jobs, if a woman wants to voluntarily suck me off in my own house why should it be a crime?If I want to have protected sex with condoms and if my girl wants to use birth control so as not to have babies that would be our choice, repugs shouldn't choose for us.
Most KKK and neo-Nazi shithead scum support Republicans like Ron Paul, not Democrats.

Most of the KKK lives in the South. Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, traditionally Democrats.

Ron Paul is not a Republican.

Most Republicans are now in the South and the KKK supports Ron Paul, a Republican and David Duke.
Actually, this country has always had civil rights, as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

It's always had liberals, too, and that's the reason we have a Bill of Rights.

The problem is that progressives in both parties have eroded those rights over the past century and then some, it is they who are continually trying to diminish your rights.

Horseshit. Progressives (=liberals) have strengthened the BoR, applying it to the states as well as the federal government, and extending the concept of rights to encompass not just white men but also nonwhites and women, and also gay people, etc. The only "rights" that progressives have "eroded" are rights that don't exist, like the right to get phenomenally rich without limit while most people are denied opportunities, or the right to pollute the environment, or the right to profiteer off wars. Or, at one time, the right to own slaves.

It is true however, that the religious right has been trying for a long time to impose their values on the rest of us, mostly by not funding things like abortions with taxpayer dollars. Not sure if that's the same as saying you can't do something, only that the rest of us don't have to pay for some of your choices.

The religious right pursues these methods because they are denied the ability to do what they would actually like to do: forbid all religious dissent and all behavior they consider immoral by force of law. We know this because of what they have done in the past, before they lost the culture war.
The essence of liberal thought has made this country a country of freedoms, Repugs want to turn it into a theocracy.
If Santorum had his way anal sex would be a felony crime punished by prison and or a fine, the same for blow jobs, if a woman wants to voluntarily suck me off in my own house why should it be a crime?If I want to have protected sex with condoms and if my girl wants to use birth control so as not to have babies that would be our choice, repugs shouldn't choose for us.

Santorum wants to outlaw blow jobs? you are joking right?

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