If It's About the Latest Crooked Hillary Mocking Religious and Ethnic Groups -- Put it HERE !!!!


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
So far Crooked Hillary has directly mocked and or insulted as proven in Wikileaks revelations:

1. The Donald supporters
2. Latinos
3. Catholics
4. Bernie supporters
5. African Americans
6. Northerners who are not super rich
7. Southerners

As The Donald said, Crooked Hillary is full of hate and unfit for a job as dog catcher!
So far Crooked Hillary has directly mocked and or insulted as proven in Wikileaks revelations:

1. The Donald supporters
2. Latinos
3. Catholics
4. Bernie supporters
5. African Americans
6. Northerners who are not super rich
7. Southerners

As The Donald said, Crooked Hillary is full of hate and unfit for a job as dog catcher!

Means nothing. Just ask the MSM and any LWNJ. They stay focused on Trump.

Hillary is likely to be POTUS. Thanks to a dishonest lying media.

Imagine what the MSM and libs would do if Trump did this?

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