If It's About the Latest Trump Groping Accusations -- Put it HERE !!!!

Just a cabinet position. Hillary has stated that she will put Bill in charge of her economic policies. That makes it open season on Bill especially since he is on the campaign trail bashing Trump. Suck it up.
Nope, Bill Clinton is still not running for president. Any season is open season on anyone; but pointing a finger at Bill as though it exonerates Crazy Donald fails miserably.

We'll see how well he does after the video of his raping a thirteen year old little girl on that pedophile island of his sex fiend buddy's comes out and goes viral.
There is no such video. As it stands, the only one among them accused of raping a 13 year old is Crazy Donald.

Are you one of the hackers that goes by the handle of "Anominous"?
Who's "Anominous?"
The woman on the plane that claimed he molested her has just been busted big time Vig has the story up in current events.

The man she complained about "doing nothing" has come forward and said that bottom line the old lying bitch was the one coming on to Trump.


The NYT biggie just fell to pieces.
How so? You simply sling shit and pretend you are even handed. You're a leftist, and like all leftist have no use for facts or truth. You simply sling more shit if the last batch didn't have the desired effect.
Ice, are you entirely crazy? HOW SO?
Trump is the one slinging shit, and I'll take his word for how he behaves; he admitted it.
Really? So quote us where he said he was governed by his pecker.

Hillary called half his supporters unredeemable and deplorable, that's much worse. If Trump had said it the left would be having convulsions. You people are a joke.
Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

That's definitely being led by the pecker. Are you such a boy scout that you don't understand men who behave this way?

Libs act shocked by jokes, they also made 50 shades of grey a best seller

You can't make this shit up.
It's bragging, not joking. Don't let him fool you.

I listened to the tape. It was obviously joking.

Get out of the damn house and get a life
BOOM! Natasha Stoynoff's (people magazine) story of sexual assault by Donald Trump cooraborated.
As more women stand up to this sexual predator you will find their stories unassailable. Here is corroboration on one. His power, money and fame will no longer keep these survivors silent.

Toronto journalist backs up sex assault allegations levelled against Trump

McLaughlin was Stoynoff's journalism professor, and told CBC's The Current that Stoynoff used to call him for professional advice. He said Stoynoff called him shortly after the alleged incident, and told him how Trump "had come onto her very strongly, very aggressively, and that it could have been much worse if someone who worked for him had not come into the room and interrupted them."

"She was really rattled, as you can understand," said McLaughlin. "She didn't know what to do, she was very conflicted, she was angry, she was really confused about how to deal with this."

After discussing the situation together, McLaughlin said, Stoynoff decided it would be best if she kept the incident to herself.

"It was going to be a he said, she said," McLaughlin said. "And we were talking about one of the most influential people in North America at the time. He was just flying high with The Apprentice, he was aggressive, he was litigious."

Stoynoff ultimately decided to avoid any future assignments involving Trump, which McLaughlin believed was the right decision

No question that Donald Trump is a fucking monster.
BOOM! Natasha Stoynoff's (people magazine) story of sexual assault by Donald Trump cooraborated.
As more women stand up to this sexual predator you will find their stories unassailable. Here is corroboration on one. His power, money and fame will no longer keep these survivors silent.

Toronto journalist backs up sex assault allegations levelled against Trump

McLaughlin was Stoynoff's journalism professor, and told CBC's The Current that Stoynoff used to call him for professional advice. He said Stoynoff called him shortly after the alleged incident, and told him how Trump "had come onto her very strongly, very aggressively, and that it could have been much worse if someone who worked for him had not come into the room and interrupted them."

"She was really rattled, as you can understand," said McLaughlin. "She didn't know what to do, she was very conflicted, she was angry, she was really confused about how to deal with this."

After discussing the situation together, McLaughlin said, Stoynoff decided it would be best if she kept the incident to herself.

"It was going to be a he said, she said," McLaughlin said. "And we were talking about one of the most influential people in North America at the time. He was just flying high with The Apprentice, he was aggressive, he was litigious."

Stoynoff ultimately decided to avoid any future assignments involving Trump, which McLaughlin believed was the right decision

No question that Donald Trump is a fucking monster.
By whom?....Please.
You clintonites are sop shit scared the Queen Bee is going to lose this election that you have found yourselves resorting to dirty tricks, falsehood, innuendo and out right LIES in order to FIX the election.....
I can only imagine if the election itself does not go your way, how busy the courts will be in November.
Your side will be screeching like school girls because in your mind Clinton is a shoo in...In fact she should not even have to campaign.....And like in any election you lefties never get fewer votes. Your instant knee jerk reaction is that you were cheated.
Well.,,,,,,You know you cannot win fair and square.
Trump Tower ( 5th and 56th) is nearly 40 blocks south of the address above. About 3 miles.
Your point?

Well, moron, its a small fucking island...If you can't see the stupidity of someone stating that Leeds' address and the Clinton Foundation's address are "close".....then I can;t help you.....
Trump said what he said. His comments about the acceptance of sexual assault are recorded on both audio and video recordings.
Trump supporters have been hammering away at Hillary for standing up for her husband and questioning the credibility or her accusers 20 years ago. Now, since Trump has been heard on recordings and video promoting and accepting sexual assault and adultery they are doing the same thing they falsely accused Hillary of doing. Any wonder the pollsters are giving Hilary a 91% of winning the election?
..and yet you guys love and admire Bill Clinton. Why not Trump too?
I hope there will be some consequences for these false accusations. I wonder how much the Clintons paid for them...

Anyway, they won't have time to top Bill's accusations.
Well it was illegal to publish the partial tax returns. And libel laws are in effect and have to be. If media lies and/or publishes a false story without being able to prove "absence of malice" they deserve to be sued.
Parts of the rightwing media have no verification standards. Michael Savage routinely suggested Obama was a Muslim double agent working directly with terrorists to destroy America, but offered zero proof. Your side has called Bill Clinton a serial rapist for 30 years, yet no legal finding of rape exists. And now you have the audacity to call for standards of proof and verification? Are you fucking kidding me?

Trump is getting swallowed by the toxic stew of sexual allegations that your side has given voice to since the 90s.

I've been waiting for you to be swallowed by your own toxins. Perhaps with Trump, karma has finally arrived.
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