If It's About the Latest Trump Groping Accusations -- Put it HERE !!!!

Trump said for all the world that he did this kind of crap and that adds serious credibility to these women. Admit it Republicans...Your guy is a fucking sexual monster.
what does that make bill clinton in your eyes ?

it makes 40 years worth of kissing for both teams, sex thunderdome is petering out.
speaking of petering out, have you seen that obama video ? heh.
Of course, within your savage world a women deserves to be assaulted and raped. They're second class citizens within your mind.
Cathy Heller
Her account: Heller, now 63, told The Guardian that the first and only time she interacted with Trump, “he grabbed her, went for a kiss, and grew angry with her as she twisted away.” This was all while Heller was having Mother’s Day brunch at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, with her husband, in-laws and children. She alleges that Trump said, “Oh, come on,” when she protested and held her still while he kissed her on the side of the month, before walking away. A relative who was seated at the table that day confirmed to The Guardian that Trump was “very forceful” and got “in her face.”
Summer Zervos
Her account: Zervos, a contestant on season five of “The Apprentice” (and a self-described Republican) said in a press conference with attorney Gloria Allred that Trump assaulted her on several occasions. She said the first time, she met with Trump in his office and he kissed her on the mouth, which Zervos rationalized as simply a strange greeting. On a separate occasion, she met with Trump at the Beverly Hills Hotel to discuss business opportunities, but instead, Trump grabbed her while she sat next to him and began kissing her and touching her breasts, she said in her statement. Trump later walked her into the bedroom, she told reporters, and “began thrusting his genitals.” The two did go on to have dinner and discuss real estate, according to Zervos. When asked why she chose to come forward now, Zervos said: “I want to be able to sleep when I’m 70.”

Trump’s response: Nothing yet.

When we found out: October 14, 2016

When she says it happens: 2007

The most damning witness against Donald Trump as a serial sexual predator are not the women coming forth to tell their sordid experience with the Sleaze In Chief. The best witness against Trump is Donald J. Trump.

Trump admitted on video that he loves to sexually assault women. Trump is on audio tape bragging about how he uses his power as owner of the Miss Teen USA pageant to go into the female dressing rooms and in his words "do an inspection" while teenage girls are naked. Just 10 years ago when Trump was 60, he said I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” It was Trump on video telling 10 year old girls that he would be dating them in 10 years.

In 2006 on the Howard Stern show Howard said Donald seriously, you know all about sexual predators and things like that…. You are one!” Donald's answer- I guess I am.

Trump's own words corroborates the accusations the women are making. In court a confession is the highest form of incriminating evidence.

With his words Trump has convicted himself.
The most damning witness against Donald Trump as a serial sexual predator are not the women coming forth to tell their sordid experience with the Sleaze In Chief. The best witness against Trump is Donald J. Trump.

Trump admitted on video that he loves to sexually assault women. Trump is on audio tape bragging about how he uses his power as owner of the Miss Teen USA pageant to go into the female dressing rooms and in his words "do an inspection" while teenage girls are naked. Just 10 years ago when Trump was 60, he said I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” It was Trump on video telling 10 year old girls that he would be dating them in 10 years.

In 2006 on the Howard Stern show Howard said Donald seriously, you know all about sexual predators and things like that…. You are one!” Donald's answer- I guess I am.

Trump's own words corroborates the accusations the women are making. In court a confession is the highest form of incriminating evidence.

With his words Trump has convicted himself.
.Your guy is a fucking sexual monster

This from someone who was telling us all the stuff about Bill was

"none of your business"
"just about sex"
"a vast right wing conspiracy"


even AFTER Bill had to settle with Paula Jones for a million bucks.

If anything, these obviously bogus accusations against Trump clearly show the world what unreal hypocrites the Hillary supporters are...
I hope there is no truth in this...
But It is on the internet so????
I hope this isn't #10

Trump and Ivanka photoshop.jpg

Trump grab them by pussy.jpg
Dixon’s claims were roundly rejected by Carrie Prejean Boller, Miss California in 2009.

“To paint Mr. Trump as someone who would purposely walk into a women’s dressing room and ask women to come impress him is the most disgusting accusation so far,” she said.
Herman Cain's accusers were

1. all Jewish
2. all with long records of suing men for this and that and getting rich by settling out of court

Jewish women account for 3-5% of the US female population and 95% of the sexharass damages $$$$$
Trump said for all the world that he did this kind of crap and that adds serious credibility to these women. Admit it Republicans...Your guy is a fucking sexual monster.

As compared to the Rapist in chief and his Enabler?


You seem to have a strange sense of morality Matthew.

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